Seeing that Laura’s expression is so confident, Li Yalin didn’t express too many opinions, but even if Laura is taking the lead, the girls’ ideological work still needs to be done, but it will trouble Chifuyu and the others. Think about it. After all, Li Yalin understands that this aspect is indeed not his strong point.

In fact, not only Chifuyu, but even Alsheyra also came forward to help. Hearing the news that the evil city was about to attack, the girls in the team were in an uproar at first, but after the uproar, except for one Except for a small group of girls who were hesitant, the rest of the girls were looking forward to this battle very much, which Li Yalin did not expect at all.

“What the hell is going on? It’s completely different from my expected reaction?” Li Yalin asked very puzzled.

“hee hee, in fact, everyone has been mentally prepared for a long time. For this day, it is only a matter of time for us. It’s just that some of the sisters have not adjusted their mentality, but you Don’t worry, the rest is just a matter of time.” At this time, Xia Lu answered Li Yalin’s question, looking at Xia Lu’s firm eyes, it seemed that she was really ready for it.

“That’s good, now the opponent is about 100 kilometers away from us, and will soon enter our range, communicate with everyone, Saint Angel team is ready to dispatch!” Li Yalin Smiled and stroked Xia Lu’s hair, and at the same time issued a pre-war preparation order, a big battle was on the horizon.

Half an hour later, the entire Saint Angel team lifted off. The evil city Aynx on the opposite side had already appeared in everyone’s field of vision, but it was only after the opponent got close that everyone found out, this The evil city is indeed a disgusting city. It turns out that everyone can clearly see through the detection radar. Just above the outer edge, the Filth Monster and human remains are piled up in piles, forming a corpse everywhere. The outer edge of the horror.

And near the outer edge is the production base where food is grown. These guys use Filth Monster and human corpses as fertilizer to cultivate food. Isn’t this too disgusting?

Seeing this scene at the outer edge, everyone’s stomachs are a little tumbling. What is the difference between this and cannibalism? Therefore, before Li Yalin could speak, the girls from the Saint Angel team jumped up in an imposing manner, almost reaching a point where they could not be climbed. At this time, everyone’s purpose was very clear, and that was to destroy this evil city of cannibalism.

“Long-range cannon preparation!” After Chifuyu’s order, four hundred equipment headed by Laura and IS fighters of the cannon all lined up. All the cannons are ready. You must know that this is the range. The super cannon is more than fifty kilometers long, so just after Aynx has entered the attack range, the first round bombardment will begin.

“Launch!” As Chifuyu’s voice did not fall, 400 cannonballs flashed with dazzling white light, moved towards the evil city Aynx on the opposite side and bombed the past. This blow came. Suddenly, the opponent who hit was completely unprepared. After only listening to the huge explosions of hong long long, the evil city Aynx completely stopped its action. Did the first round shelling just now make Aynx lose the ability to move? Is it?

“Continue to prepare for the cannon! Launch!” After a successful blow, Chifuyu was unreasonable and immediately continued the second wave attack, but the second round cannon shell hit the front of Aynx. At that time, it was defeated by several powerful forces that suddenly appeared. There were seven people in total. If you look at their strength, they are probably from Saint Rank High-Level to Supreme Low-Level, although it is not a big deal to Li Yalin. , But in Regios, it is also comparable to the powerhouse of Heaven’s Blade.

“Don’t pay attention to them! Continue firing the cannon! At the same time the sniper is preparing and aiming for me!” Although the second wave shelling failed, Chifuyu didn’t care at all, and continued to wave his hand, Celia’s sniper force is on the scene. Their Quest is very simple, as long as they focus on sniping the seven people.

After getting the order, the sniper unit immediately dispatched, and the energy beams hiding the sky and covering the earth were launched, but due to the relatively long distance, the opponent can easily avoid the sniper beam. The Energy Shield can also be deployed to resist attacks. After all, once the strength has reached a certain level, this conventional weapon can only play a limited role.

“Crap! The other party also has Kei-Ra Cannon! Give me a focus on sniping that guy!” At this time, Li Yalin suddenly discovered that there was a strong energy fluctuation in the direction of Aynx. -Ra Cannon’s energy fluctuations are very similar, and Li Yalin immediately detected the specific location of Kei-Ra Cannon, and immediately teleported the location to everyone’s radar data.

The power of the ultimate weapon of Kei-Ra Cannon is naturally quite huge, so Chifuyu immediately decided to put all the sniper targets on Kei-Ra Cannon’s body, only after everyone’s attack reached In front of and behind Kei-Ra Cannon, it was resisted by an invisible wall. Whether it was a cannon, a sniper energy beam or a long-range guided missile, this wall could actually block it. Is this an absolute protective cover? Is it?

“It turned out to be the wall of the legendary Kei? Aynx even had this weapon?” Queen Alsheyra, who stood beside Li Yalin and looked at the battle in the distance, turned pale with fright on his face His expression is very ugly.

“Kei’s wall? Is it something very difficult to deal with?” Li Yalin asked Alsheyra puzzledly.

“The wall of Kei is similar to the distance of Kei-Ra Cannon, both of which can absorb the Qi Kei of ordinary martial artists, and form a kind of Absolute Defense barrier with the energy of Qi Kei. As long as there are people who can face Kei Enter Qi Kei into the wall of the wall, and this wall of Kei can be maintained. According to historical records, the number of this wall of Kei is very rare, but it is the strongest weapon used to defend the Filth Monster, only because of the production The method has been lost. The wall of Kei has disappeared in Regios for a long time. Didn’t expect to appear again today!” Alsheyra’s expression was full of worry, there is no way, this kind of Absolute Defense is too bad, it seems to want It would really take some time to defeat Aynx.

“Well, that’s really interesting, I’m not welcome, this thing is mine!” A smile appeared on the corner of Li Yalin’s mouth, Absolute Defense? How can there be any absolute defense? Even Ikaros’ absolute defense circle will be broken if you encounter an attack that exceeds the limit. Even more how is such a small wall of Kei.

But for Li Yalin, this thing is not completely useless. In addition to leaving it to Grendan, it can also be handed over to Shinanosuke for research, combined with other Absolute Defense Energy Shield, see if you can form a stronger defense Energy Shield.

tone barely fell, Li Yalin was ready to take a shot, and now Grendan is still some time away from Aynx, so Li Yalin called out his own ISAsura, ready to lead the Saint Angel team moved together Move towards Aynx.

“Yalin, you bastard! You want to leave me behind?” At this moment, Barmelin stepped forward and grabbed Li Yalin. At this time, Barmelin was very upset. If we are going to attack together, what is this now? Isn’t it the exhibition match of the become Saint Angel team?

“I said Sister Melin, don’t join in the excitement. If the guys on the opposite side are strong enough, you can let these newcomers practice more. Practice your hands.” Li Yalin bitterly laughed, this Sister Melin is always so aggressive.

“Barmelin, Yalin is right, you don’t want to go out this time!” Queen Alsheyra on the side also said with comfort, she already has a general understanding of the strength of the Saint Angel team. Not to mention, with the super long attack distance, huge power, and the advantage of in the sky, there is simply no Grendan’s mobile phone meeting. If this is the case, it would be better to sit back and enjoy the success, and at the same time, it can also make this team fast. Grow up.

“No! Whatever you say, you must obey it! I’ve never spoken, my mother!” Barmelin stubbornly shook the head, which made Li Yalin wonder why Barmelin Must shoot?

“Well, if you insist on Sister Melin!” Li Yalin nodded, then exchanged a pair of Seraph’s Wings and gave it to Barmelin. Although Barmelin can already fly alone, it will cost a lot of money. Kei can do it. With Seraph’s Wings, it’s different. In addition to consuming some physical effort, you can fly freely in the sky.

Equipment got on Seraph’s Wings, Barmelin fluttered his wings very happily, and soared into the air. At the beginning of flying with wings, Barmelin seemed a little rusty, but she soon became familiar with the essentials of flying. , Flying back and forth very leisurely over Grendan.

“This thing is fun, Yalin, give me one too!” Looking at Barmelin in the sky, our Queen Alsheyra’s playfulness was also inspired.

For the playful queen Your Majesty, Li Yalin silently handed her a pair of Seraph’s Wings, and after notifying Barmelin, he drove Asura to Chifuyu’s side. As for Barmelin A Kei hood was formed all over the body, followed by Li Yalin and flew out of Grendan.

“You guy dare not wait for the old lady!” When flying to Li Yalin’s side, Barmelin was already very dissatisfied. Although a Kei mask was formed, Barmelin still seemed a little uncomfortable after leaving the city. See this Li Yalin quickly displayed a Holy Protection Wall to Barmelin, which cut off the erosion of Barmelin from the outside world and made Barmelin relaxed.

“I said Sister Melin, I’m just taking a step ahead. Besides, haven’t you already followed?” (To be continued, if you want to know what’s going on, please visit www.qidian .com, more chapters, support authors, support genuine reading!)

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