Looking at Barmelin who was playing with a child’s temper, Li Yalin couldn’t help laughing out loud, but it made Barmelin some fly into a rage out of humiliation, staring at Li Yalin, no put.

“Stop making trouble, Kei-Ra Cannon on the opposite side is almost ready. If you wait like this, it will be troublesome.” Chifuyu waved his hand and all members of the Saint Angel team moved towards the evil city Aynk Si quickly flew over in the direction. Since the long-range weapon can’t cause damage to the opponent, try melee combat. If it doesn’t work, use restricted-level weapons.

The so-called restricted weapons are large-scale long-range attack weapons mounted on individual ISs. These weapons are basically used to fight against large battleships or destroy planets. Therefore, before the critical moment, Chifuyu simply won’t use this weapon.

Before entering the sky above Aynx, Saint Angel’s team was attacked fiercely by the opponent, but the power of this small beam sniper rifle is really limited. A beam of light attacks energy protection On the cover, almost a bit of energy can be knocked out. Compared with the IS, which has reached tens of thousands of energy points after the adjustment of Li Yalin and the beam, this attack is almost negligible.

“Indiscriminate attack!” After giving this order, Chifuyu drew out his dual swords, and a pair of wings on his back flashed a dazzling white radiance, and countless energy light bullets were launched. Brought a devastating attack on Aynx.

At the same time, the IS fighters also began to show their abilities, close combat and long-range attack, began to attack indiscriminately, and at this time Li Yalin and Barmelin have already come to the sky above Kei-Ra Cannon. , Ready to completely destroy this Kei-Ra Cannon.

However, Aynx will not let Li Yalin break Kei-Ra Cannon so easily. At this time, there are already three Supreme Low-Level guys in front of Li Yalin’s. The guys coming out of evil city are all crooked, even with Supreme Low-Level strength, people will know at first glance that these guys must be cannon fodder for a lifetime.

“Sister Melin, these two guys will be handed over to me, you will be responsible for that!” Li Yalin pointed at two of them, pointed at the other guy, and smiled at Barmelin. Said.

“No! I want two, my mother! Why do you have one more than me?” Barmelin yelled unconvincedly.

“Well, Sister Melin, you have to be careful, these guys are not as easy to deal with on the surface!” Li Yalin nodded, flat Barmelin’s current strength, want to kill these two guys It is also more than enough. The Supreme Low-Level experience is not much for Li Yalin, but for Barmelin, it is still a lot of experience.

Barmelin did not speak, but Li Yalin took a look and restored the Heaven’s Blade in his hand, saying it was a gun-shaped Heaven’s Blade, but the Heaven’s Blade looked like a large hand cannon. The opposite martial artist reacted, and a cannonball flashing with light purple electric lights was fired from the muzzle. The target was the two opponents just designated by Barmelin.

In the face of this sudden lightning bolt, these two guys who looked crooked and cracked suddenly didn’t react. They were the most jealous on the battlefield, but these two guys committed it. A serious mistake, so the two were directly hit by Barmelin’s lightning strikes. If the two guys were not strong enough, this blow would have killed them.

“This guy!” After finally getting through the blow, Crooked Gujia’s expression was quite stunned, staring at Barmelin speechless.

“Don’t be in a daze! She is Grendan’s one of the Twelve Heaven’s Blade Wielder’s Barmelin Swattis, the famous gun Demoness! It won’t end well if it falls into her hands!” Xiao Zaoyi recognized at a glance After Barmelin, there was a tremor in his words.

Didn’t expect Sister Melin’s name has spread to the evil city, and it can make these guys commiting any imaginable misdeed so scared. It seems that Sister Melin’s reputation is really not good, Li Yalin thought to himself.

“You two guys go die for me!” Seeing Li Yalin’s next to him, there was a flicker in his eyes, which made Barmelin fly into a rage out of humiliation, and he said in front of his younger brother His own bad words, this is enough for Barmelin to sentence these two guys to death.

As Barmelin’s voice did not fall, the shells in the muzzle of Heaven’s Blade were launched like raindrops, burst bomb strikes, disaster strikes and lightning strikes, all kinds of skills continued to evolve The two guys on the opposite side can’t even be able to do effective defense. If they don’t pay attention, they will be killed directly.

At the same time, Li Yalin is not idle. You have to know that he still has an opponent. Although Supreme’s strength has prevented him from mentioning enthusiasm, the following Kei-Ra Cannon threatens Grendan. It was very big, so Li Yalin decided to kill his opponent first, and then immediately destroyed Aynx’s Kei-Ra Cannon.

Without any hesitation, Li Yalin just suddenly appeared in front of the opponent, with a very simple knife, and the result was the expert who refines Kei on the opposite side. The action was like flowing water, and it looked the slightest. Did not use any skills, but this guy with Supreme strength was completely unable to resist, so he was easily killed.

After killing his opponent, Li Yalin immediately aimed the target at Kei-Ra Cannon on the ground, but the defense of the Kei Wall was indeed a bit troublesome. If you don’t enter the second form, , Asura couldn’t break the wall of Kei in front of him, so Li Yalin directly summoned Asura, and then took Ragnarok in his hand.

For this kind of defense that is not easy to break, Phantom Light Spear is the best choice. I saw the continuous shaking of Ragnarok in Li Yalin’s hands, forming a path of golden gun shadow, and all of them attacked. Above the defensive cover of the wall of Kei.

Along with the continuous attacks of Phantom Light Spear, the wall of Kei gradually cracked. It seems that the wall of Kei has not exceeded a certain level, because of this attack Li Yalin Didn’t use all his strength, didn’t expect originally was just a tentative attack, and actually broke the opponent’s defense completely.

Speaking of Barmelin at this time, under her continuous long-range bombing, her two opponents quickly became completely tragic, and the crooked melon armor was directly blown to pieces by the burst bomb strikes. , As for Bad Zao Yi, it was completely swallowed by the thunderbolt of lightning strikes and turned into a dark coke.

“Haha, let you dare to talk about the old lady! Younger brother, how is your place?” After finishing the work, Barmelin looked triumphantly towards Li Yalin’s, but she didn’t expect it However, Li Yalin had already killed his opponent, not to mention that even the wall of Kei was broken, leaving him to break the Kei-Ra Cannon on the ground.

“Damn! Why are you so fast?” Barmelin startedled, the legendary Kei Wall is a very powerful defensive weapon. It is said that it can withstand all the attacks of the Filth Monster below the fifth phase of the maturity. , But now, I can see that this thing is so vulnerable under Li Yalin’s. Is this thing not as strong as the legend, or is Li Yalin’s powerful beyond a certain limit?

“Not good! Sister Melin!” Just as Barmelin looked at Li Yalin in surprise, Kei-Ra Cannon on the ground suddenly turned his muzzle and aimed the target at Barmelin.

Although the charging time did not reach the standard, at this time Aynx chose to launch Kei-Ra Cannon immediately. After all, even the strongest Kei wall was broken. The goal is also obvious, that is to defeat Kei-Ra Cannon.

The arrow has to be sent on the string, but Li Yalin’s strength has exceeded everyone’s expectations, so the gang of Aynx’s bastards turned the muzzle directly and wanted to kill Barmelin. This is It was a big surprise to Li Yalin and Barmelin.

The speed of Kei-Ra Cannon is very fast. Before Barmelin could react, the light black shells were moved towards Barmelin and launched. At the crucial moment, Li Yalin It suddenly appeared in front of Barmelin.

Even if it is the fully charged Kei-Ra Cannon, the power is extremely huge. Although it cannot reach the Lord God level attack, it is at least the full strength attack of the God Rank Low-Level Expert. Li Yalin did not dare to be sloppy about this. The Holy Protection Wall and Magic Sealing were all turned on, and all the energy was gathered in front of him, ready to take the blow of Kei-Ra Cannon.

“Yalin!” Barmelin, who was behind Li Yalin, let out a mournful cry. She understood the power of Kei-Ra Cannon very well, knowing that this thing was equivalent to the explosion of several powerful nuclear bombs. The effect is usually used as the ultimate weapon. Can Li Yalin really hold up such a powerful attack?

“Relax, Sister Melin!” Li Yalin, who was resisting the Kei-Ra Cannon bomb, turned his head and smiled very relaxedly. He originally thought how powerful this cannon was, didn’t Expect only broke through the Holy Protection Wall. Only Magic Sealing blocked the cannon. If Li Yalin wants to, he can return the cannonball to Aynx, but Li Yalin Didn’t do this, Aynx does not have a reason to exist, but sometimes waste can also create a certain value.

For such a huge force, it takes a certain amount of time to absorb the obliteration, so why not let it explode directly, using the offensive of the energy bomb, Li Yalin directly The blow was thrown to the left of Aynx. After a dazzling light flashed, a huge mushroom cloud lifted into the sky. The heat wave of one after another even reached Aynx, even Li Yalin felt it. There was a burst of scorching heat.

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