Chapter 543: A small tea cup from Britain

No, Li Yalin looked at the maid in front of him in surprise, and then carefully looked at the entire coffee shop. It was a coincidence. It turns out that the coffee shop where he and Rinko are located is the coffee shop where the coffee cup is stunned. Lizlet L. Charles has a very good black tea brewing skill.

“This guest, do you have any questions?” Looking at Li Yalin’s surprised gaze, Lizlet felt a little uncomfortable. Have I ever seen the boy with glasses in front of me?

“No, nothing, please help us find a quieter place, thank you.” Li Yalin shook the head, I can’t say I have seen you in anime.

“Good guest, please come with me.” Lizlet made a please gesture and took Li Yalin and Rinko to a position near the window in the coffee shop, but just walked there. At this seat, Li Yalin discovered an acquaintance in his memory. Why did he meet him today?

“Oh, are two young couples dating here? It’s good to be young.” It’s not someone else who speaks, it’s Li Yalin and Rinko’s classmates and the chairperson of the class. Shimamura Yuu, of course, nine out of ten students in the class just call her chairperson. As for her name, everyone has long forgotten.

“Just…what are you kidding about…a date…” After listening to this rational beauty with short purple hair and rimless glasses, Rinko’s face was already flushed. Even the words are stuttering and unclear.

“Morning Chairman, come here to drink coffee by yourself?” Li Yalin doesn’t care about this. The little joking language doesn’t penetrate Li Yalin’s face at all, so he He just pulled out the chair casually, let Rinko sit down, then turned back and sat down opposite Rinko, and then asked Shimamura Yuu with a smile.

“Li-kun, you are still so indifferent. You don’t look like a teenager at all now, you are like a master monk.” Looking at Li Yalin thoughtfully With a gentle gesture, Shimamura Yuu showed a glimpse of admiration, but then she couldn’t help but sigh while looking at Li Yalin’s neither water nor fire can approach.

Li Yalin was like this when he was in school. Forever is so indifferent, as if nothing can make him difficult or interesting to him, but even so, Li Yalin’s mature, gentle and considerate are recognized by all girls in the class. There are even many girls in the class who secretly love Li Yalin.

“Chairman, are you alone?” Li Yalin did not answer the chairman’s question, but Rinko on the side had already moved towards Shimamura Yuu. As a good friend of Shimamura Yuu, Rinko is I care about each other very much.

“Of course not. The teacher asked me today to talk about problems in the class.” Shimamura Yuu smiled and replied, and at this moment, a tall Onee- The san-type beauty walked in, with her golden long hair curled up, and a pair of glasses on her face that looked very knowledgeable.

“Oh? Isn’t this Jiuzaki-kun and Li-san? Are you out for a date today?” After seeing Li Yalin and Rinko for the first time, Onee-san beautiful teacher turned out to be like Shimamura Yuu’s same tune said with a smile.

“It turned out to be Sae chan.” After meeting his head teacher Kisaragi Sae, Rinko kindly called out his nickname.

“Call me teacher!” For Rinko’s nickname, Kisaragi Sae’s forehead appeared a few tic-tac-toe characters, and then Kisaragi Sae stepped forward with a thump, making Rinko cover his head and dare not dare. Speak.

“I heard that teacher, teacher, you are going to discuss with the chairperson today about things in the class, did we bother you? If this is the case, we can change positions.” For Kisaragi Sae this Onee-san beautiful teacher’s teasing, Li Yalin simply didn’t take seriously. The relationship between himself and the teacher and the chairperson is not close, so Li Yalin is not prepared to have too much contact with them. After all, this is a very complicated world with monsters and so on. These ordinary persons are still not necessary. It’s better to stay by your side, of course, except for Rinko, a childhood friend who has a deep relationship with him.

“It’s okay. Actually, what I discussed with our chairperson is about exchange students in our class. When the next semester starts, we will send a dozen exchange students to Okinawa from our school. There are three places in the school. We have three places in the class, but who is going to be sent? This has yet to be further discussed.” Kisaragi Sae shook the head, opened the chair and sat on it, then smiled and said to Li Yalin.

“Okinawa? I am familiar there.” Li Yalin said after thinking for a while, but there will be exchange students after the beginning of the next semester? This is the first time I have heard of this.

“Oh? Li-san, are you familiar with Okinawa? If this is the case, then it is really good, because I want to go to Okinawa to be an exchange teacher for a while, so I am still worried about that. Since this is the case, Li-san, you should join the exchange team this time.” After hearing Li Yalin’s words, Kisaragi Sae immediately smiled and clapped his hands.

“I said teacher, do you want to ask my opinion too?” Looking at the happy Onee-san teacher in front of him, Li Yalin couldn’t help showing a wry smile. What is this Exchange students, do you really have time to study?

“Well, Li-san, please think about it. Although it is an exchange student, the time is relatively long, so basically few students are willing to go to Okinawa. If you can, just be Do the teacher a favor!” Kisaragi Sae’s expression was a little disappointed, but she still put her hands together and moved towards Li Yalin and made a begging gesture.

“Well, teacher, I will think about it, but even if I don’t go, you don’t have to worry about the teacher in Okinawa. I have a house in Okinawa. If the teacher doesn’t have a place to stay, You can go there and I will arrange for someone to pick up the teacher.” Li Yalin smiled and said nodded.

“Is this good? Will it be troublesome?” Hearing what Li Yalin said, Onee-san beautiful teacher was a little hesitant, living in his student’s house? Isn’t it a shame to say this?

“It’s okay, the house is empty anyway.” Li Yalin is right. He does have a house in Okinawa, but this house is not an ordinary house. It is a large villa, which is considered one of the best mansions in Okinawa. If Kisaragi Sae went alone, he would be surprised.

“The teacher…the black tea is ready.” Just when a few people were talking, Lizlet had already brought up the brewed black tea. This is the black tea that Kisaragi Sae must order every time he comes. Without Kisaragi Sae’s instructions, Lizlet was very familiar with the preparations.

“It smells very good, the maid Young Lady, please give us two cups of this black tea.” It is indeed the black tea made by Fusang Shen from the teacup. The taste is indeed very good. Not bad, so Li Yalin said to Lizlet with a smile on his face.

“My name is Lizlet. Please call me Liz. Please advise me.” Seeing that Li Yalin is a friend of Kisaragi Sae’s, Lizlet also said to Li Yalin with a bright smile.

“My name is Li Yalin, and this is Kuzaki Rinko. If you can, Liz, you can call me Yalin.” Li Yalin also introduced Liz with a smile.

“Okay Mr. Yalin, please wait a moment, the black tea will be ready for you soon.” After all, Liz, the teacup monster, left with a happy face. It seems that she is really I like making black tea very much.

In a short while, the fragrant black tea was brought to Li Yalin and Rinko, and he took a sip of the black tea in front of him. Li Yalin was very amazed and nodded. It was indeed the best drink he had ever drunk. Black tea.

“Yalin is delicious.” Holding the teacup in front of him, Rinko said to Li Yalin in amazement. It seems that she was drinking this kind of black tea for the first time.

“Indeed, Liz’s craftsmanship is very good, and it has a special British flavor. I wonder if Liz have you been to Britain?” Taste the black tea in your hand, Li Yalin means He took a long look at Liz, and then said with a smile.

“This…how did I have been to Britain, I have always grown up in Japan.” Liz looked a little flustered, and the smile on the corner of his mouth also appeared stiff.

“That’s a shame. The British black tea is very good, and the cup is world-famous. What do you think of Liz Young Lady?” Li Yalin’s smiled even more, but Liz’s body It was a little trembling.

“Yalin, what are you talking about?” Rinko couldn’t understand Li Yalin’s words, so she asked Li Yalin with a puzzled look on her face.

“It’s nothing, by the way, Liz Young Lady. Although there is no certain type of person here, it does not mean that they will not appear in the future. This is my phone. If something unexpected happens, come here. Contact me, such a delicious black tea, I really want to drink it for the rest of my life.” Waved his hand, and then Li Yalin left his phone number to Liz. This is Li Yalin’s truth, Liz’s black tea has something to make. People have endless aftertastes, so Li Yalin moved sincerely and wanted to sign a contract with Liz, even for this delicious black tea.

“Mr. Yalin…” Liz was a little puzzled. Originally thought Li Yalin was here to catch his monster Hunter, but now it seems that the other party is not hostile to him, especially the other party and himself The words said, the meaning of this certain type of person is very obvious, but why does this boy who just met have to say these things to himself?

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