On the surface, Liz simply cannot see the depth of Li Yalin’s. There is neither the smell of monsters nor the smell of ghosts. It is just an ordinary ordinary person, but ordinary persons will tell themselves this. What? Who is the boy in front of you?

While Liz was still thinking about it, Li Yalin had already put the money on the table and pulled Rinko out of the coffee shop’s door, only looking at each other in blank dismay The Onee-san teacher and the chairperson of Li Yalin didn’t understand the meaning of what Li Yalin said just now.

“What’s the matter Yalin? Why didn’t I understand what you said just now?” Walking on the road of Yirigu Commercial Street, Rinko kept staring at Li Yalin, and wanted to understand the reason very much. .

“Do you really want to know? If you know it, it might make you step into a world that forever would not dare to imagine within the realm, and you might forever will not lead an ordinary life. “Li Yalin’s mouth showed a slight smile. Rinko will always know about the monsters and ghosts. It’s just a matter of sooner or later, so even if you tell Rinko in advance, it doesn’t matter at all.

“Yalin, are you sure you are not cracking a joke with me?” Seeing that Li Yalin’s face doesn’t mean cracking a joke at all, Rinko is a bit confused and won’t lead a normal life? Is this a multiple choice question? But do you really have a choice? If you don’t know it today, you will definitely get further and further away from Yalin in the future.

“Of course, Rinko, you have to think about it carefully. It’s not too late for me to tell you when you understand it.” Li Yalin nodded, it depends on Rinko’s own choice at this time.

“Is there anything to consider? You tell me right away, what the hell is going on!” At this moment, Rinko suddenly felt that if he really didn’t know anything. , Then maybe I can’t enter Li Yalin’s world forever. When I think of this, Rinko’s heart feels like being torn apart, so Rinko yells to Li Yalin hysterically.

“Don’t get excited about Rinko, let’s go home now, I will tell you everything.” Now that Rinko has made a choice, Li Yalin will naturally tell the truth, but on main street It’s not going to work. There are so many people here. It’s definitely not a place to talk about these things. Let’s go home first and talk about it.

After taking Rinko home, Rinko sitting in the living room kept staring at Li Yalin, wondering what Li Yalin would say. Li Yalin just smiled slightly and handed it to Rinko. A can of juice, he opened a can of drink and took a sip, and then slowly said everything.

“Rinko, have you heard of monsters?” Li Yalin first moved towards Rinko and asked such a question.

“Youkai? You mean monsters like Werewolf and Vampire?” Rinko asked, wondering, why did you ask this question all of a sudden?

“Almost, but Japan’s current Werewolf and Vampire are not many, the main ones are Japan’s native monsters, such as the three legendary Japan’s three monsters, Jiudun Boy, Tamamo no Mae, and I believe you have heard of monsters like Emperor Chongde?” Nodded, Li Yalin continued.

“Of course I have heard of it, but this is just a legend.” Rinko’s expression was puzzled.

“Actually, what I want to say is that these legendary monsters are not just made up, they are true and true.” Li Yalin’s words made Rinko completely stunned. , But after a while, Rinko stepped forward and touched Li Yalin’s forehead, as if to confirm whether Li Yalin had a fever.

“I don’t have a fever! What I said is true!” Li Yalin pushed Rinko onto the sofa angrily and funny. What kind of reaction was this?

“Yalin, are you awake? Are you sure you are still asleep?” Rinko asked uneasyly, dare to say that what Li Yalin said just now was regarded as not awake by Rinko. That’s nonsense.

“Okay Rinko, don’t bother me, listen to me and finish it!” Li Yalin shook the head helplessly, and then began to tell the whole story.

“I didn’t talk nonsense just now. Youkai exist. Therefore, in order to protect the homeland and kill the monsters, eleven families like exorcists were established in the Heian era. This is the legendary ghost. Slashing! After a period of development, another family joined the Devil Slashing in the Muromachi era, and then the current Twelve Devil Slashing Families were formed!” After talking about the monsters, Li Yalin put the Devil Slashing into another family. Existence speaks out.

“However, after years of fighting, the monsters were beheaded to death, and the Twelve Demon Slashing Families also began to decline, and most of the families were wiped out in the long river of history. , The remaining Ghost Slashers are also incognito, and no longer appear in front of the world.”

“Then Yalin, you mean, you are also one of those incognito Ghost Slashers. ?” Rinko’s reaction was very quick. Before Li Yalin could finish speaking, Rinko had already said the answer.

“That’s correct, but not complete, Rinko, you know I was adopted, and the parents who adopted me are members of the Tianhe family, one of the 12 Demon Slashing Families, my My grandfather is also the contemporary Family Head of the Tianhe family. It’s just that my parents took me out of the Tianhe family and settled here because they didn’t want to lead the life of killing monsters. Then I met Rinko you, but didn’t. What’s expecting is that my parents died because of a car accident.” At this point, Li Yalin’s felt a trace of sadness in his heart.

“Yalin…” Rinko understood that Li Yalin was thinking of his parents who had passed away again. He wanted to come forward to comfort him, but he didn’t know where to start, but at this time, Li Yalin had already completely changed his mind. It’s sorted out.

“Although I was the adopted son of the Tianhe family, grandfather inherited the stunts of the Tianhe family to me, so I can also perform the stunts of the Tianhe family. One more thing, Rinko, you know that I am Chinese, I also know some Spell from China on February 1st. I can tell you monsters easily.” Li Yalin smiled and said to Rinko.

“Then Yalin, do you mean that Lizlet Young Lady is a monster?” Rinko cried out in surprise. This made Rinko a little bit unbelievable. She is such a beautiful girl, how could it be? Where’s the monster?

“If I didn’t guess wrong, Liz should be a mourning god. Although she has not been investigated specifically, she seems to be a kind monster, so I would say that. .” Li Yalin half true half false continued.

“It’s incredible, but if you follow Yalin, don’t you have to live a life of killing monsters in the future?” Rinko murmured, but then Rinko shouted again. Cried.

“Nothing, I just believe in the principle of if others didn’t offend me i will not offend others. For those kind monsters who live and work in peace and contentment, I am very willing to make friends with them , For example, like Liz, but if the evil monster commiting any imaginable misdeed, or Yoma in my hands, I will definitely kill it on the spot.” Li Yalin replied nonchalantly.

“Why? Yalin Why did you tell me this today?” Rinko is not stupid. Li Yalin said this to himself today. Is it implying something?

“Of course, in the next time, a lot of weird things will happen, since Rinko you are by my side, it is inevitable that we will encounter weird things, in order to avoid when the There was an accident when time comes, and I still have to give you some small shots.” Li Yalin showed as it should be by rights.

“Follow Yalin by your side…” Rinko’s face was a little excited. Today Yalin told his secret, which made Rinko very happy. This is only two of them. Know the little secret.

After talking to Rinko about the Yokai and Demon Slasher, the relationship between Li Yalin and Rinko seems to be closer. Regarding Li Yalin’s power, Rinko is very curious and has been entangled. With Li Yalin, she had to perform Li Yalin to open her eyes. Rinko couldn’t help her. Li Yalin could only call out a Fireball casually, which made Rinko look like a little child. Is to jump.

In the early morning of 2nd day, Li Yalin, who was still lying in bed, was called by Rinko. Although sleep is no longer necessary for Li Yalin, Li Yalin’s perennial habit is still Like to sleep at night.

“I said Rinko, don’t you usually care about me in the morning? Why did you come to me today?” Li Yalin complained a little. Checking the time, it was only half past six in the morning. , By the way, school starts at eight o’clock, right? Does it need to get up so early?

“hee hee, starting today, I want to wake you up everyday all!” Rinko said to Li Yalin with a smile on his face.

“Get up quickly! Breakfast is ready for you.” At this time, Rinko is like a good wife and mother. After Li Yalin has changed his clothes, Rinko is already on the table. It was full for breakfast, fried eggs, sausages and toast, and finally a glass of fresh milk.

“Yes, Rinko, you will definitely be a good wife in the future.” After taking a mouthful of toast and drinking milk, Li Yalin smiled and gave Rinko a thumbs up, which made Rinko’s face There was a hint of blushing that couldn’t help.

“Wife or something…” At this time, Rinko has entered the fantasy of each minding their own business. In a small apartment, Rinko, wearing a house wife’s clothes, is welcoming those who have just returned from get off work. Li Yalin.

“Welcome back, dear, do you want to eat first or take a bath first?” Thinking of this, Rinko’s face is already boiling, and even steam is coming out. But Li Yalin on the side was surprised. What did Rinko think of? Why is this expression? (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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