Leaving the noisy Junggi siblings, Li Yalin returned home and started preparing for Okinawa. After all, there is still a lot to prepare, especially the Teleportation Magic Array that can be connected to Noihara and his home, Li Yalin But must be ready.

“His Majesty Young Master, are you really the only one to accompany Ichka to Okinawa? I’ll go with you!” As Li Yalin was about to leave, Himari still did not give up Said to Li Yalin.

Originally, everyone was scheduled to go to Okinawa together, but because of something happened temporarily, Chairman Yuu’s parents did not allow Yuu to leave home for the entire summer vacation, so the trip to Okinawa was The announcement was delayed, but Li Yalin promised Ichka’s thing to be done, so Li Yalin decided to leave with Ichka alone.

Li Yalin’s decision instantly aroused dissatisfaction among all the girls present, but Li Yalin has already made up his mind. You must know that Kuesu, Rinko and Lan Hua are now under the guidance of sisters of Gowsen For the training of strength improvement, the girls like Himari and Shizuku must calm down to absorb Yoki in the demon power stone, so that their strength can grow rapidly.

According to Li Yalin’s research, it is found that the growth rate of Himari and the others in absorbing demon power stones is not inferior to the way of hacking and slashing opponents and upgrading. The only drawback is that they must calm down and absorb them. Compared to ruthless killing, this is already the best practice method, and even Li Yalin is very tempted.

Speaking of absorbing demon power stones, then I have to mention Tamamo no Mae. This little loli can’t restore the appearance of Onee-san now. The demon power absorbed is more and more, Tamamo no Mae’s strength has been rapidly improved, but the corresponding drawbacks have also appeared one by one, the most important one, that is, due to the unprecedented expansion of Yoki, Tamamo no Mae has no way to control the flattery of Onee-san. As long as she becomes the Onee-san form, she will immediately and unconsciously confuse the people around her. After her strength soars, even Himari and the others will be greatly affected. Therefore, Li Yalin immediately forbids the transformation of Tamamo no Mae, which makes her feel Very depressed.

“Okay, Himari, haven’t I already said that. You will practice quietly for a while. When school starts soon, we will contact you again. I will wait for you in Okinawa.” Touch After touching Himari’s cat ears, Li Yalin chuckled and soothed.

“But…” Himari wanted to say something, but she finally held back and did not say anything.

“I understand, Your Highness Young Master, please be careful. I will work hard in Noihara’s practice and strive to return to Young Master as soon as possible.”

I will comfort everyone. After that, Li Yalin brought Ichka to Okinawa with a teleport. The first thing to do was to pay homage to Ichka’s friends. Looking at the tombstones he made for his friends, Ichka couldn’t help it. I cried aloud, even with Li Yalin’s mood is not very good, but as a man Li Yalin naturally can not be too emotional, after a good life comfort Ichka, it can be regarded as Ichka’s heart a lot better. .

Leaving the cemetery of Ichka’s friends, Li Yalin took Ichka to the home of the Jiahe family, but after arriving at the home of the Jiahe family, Li Yalin found out that none of the Elders of Jiahe’s house actually existed. At home, after careful inquiries, I learned that today is the death day of Fifth Elder, and everyone went to the Jiahe family cemetery to worship.

Since it is the death day of Fifth Elder, Li Yalin, the Family Head of the Tianhe family, naturally has to go and worship. In any case, Jiahe’s family is always attached to the Tianhe family. Something is necessary. Things still need to be done.

“His Royal Highness, when did he appear in Okinawa?” The ceremony of the Jiahe family is very simple. It is more like a festival than a festival. Everyone is there at this time. Sing and dance, eat and eat he he, but this can be regarded as the customs of the Jiahe clan. Just when Li Yalin came to the cemetery, the three Elders of the Jiahe clan panicked and came to Li Yalin’s. Li Yalin’s The sudden visit made them very pleasantly surprised.

Anyway, for the Jiahe family, Li Yalin is like a Yes, Master. The Master actually came to participate in the worship of the servants. This is naturally the most noble for the Great Elders. The courtesy.

“I arrived this morning and came over after doing some private affairs. I decided to live in Okinawa for a while, so I will ask three Elders for advice.” Li Yalin smiled and replied .

“I dare not dare, please do not hesitate to tell me what your Highness Yalin has. Our Jiahe clan will definitely do their best to help your Highness Yalin.” The three Elder mothers-in-law said repeatedly.

“So…” Li Yalin just wanted to say something, but at this moment, a red silhouette suddenly flashed in Li Yalin’s eyes, with a pure and pleasant face, an orange-yellow long I don’t know if it’s leather or plastic. The most important thing is that the cat ears on the long hair and the tail behind him make Li Yalin feel strangely familiar.

“Yalin she…” Obviously, Ichka also saw the cat ears on the girl’s head, so she was very surprised and pointed at the other person and almost yelled.

As a cat immortal, Ichka can easily identify other people, monsters or Divine Immortal. The cat-eared girl in front of her is a very ordinary human girl no matter how she looks, but What is surprising is that those cat ears and tails are not fake, but really exist in each other’s body. At this time, Ichka was completely puzzled.

“Don’t panic, it’s interesting. Cover your ears and tail properly. Don’t expose your identity in front of the other party for the time being. I’ll check it out first.” I patted the hat on Ichka’s head , Li Yalin decided to get in touch with each other first. Is the story of Mao Er Niang finally starting? It seems that it’s really time to come by myself.

“Yo, yo, Young Lady, would you like to have a drink?” Just as Li Yalin was about to step forward, a middle dressed in a red Hawaiian shirt and light green Bermuda pants The -aged man was the first to strike up a conversation with Alice. Looking at the other party’s short red hair, big sunglasses and dark skin, Li Yalin was pretty sure that this guy was the Miyagi Yuichi, a rather mysterious man.

“Okay, thank you.” The innocent girl with cat ears took up the paper cup in her hand, and the golden-yellow liquor was poured into the paper cup along the beer can, but it was in the cat ear When the girl wanted to drink it all, the paper cup was stopped by a hand that appeared suddenly.

“Abducting underage girls to drink, isn’t this okay?” Taking a squint at Miyagi Yuichi, Li Yalin took the paper cup in his hand and handed the cat’s ear girl a can of drink as make up.

“It turned out to be Young Master Yalin. I’m really sorry to let you see my ugliness.” As long as it comes from the Jiahe clan, the first thing to remember is the appearance of Tianhe’s Young Master. The same is true for Yuichi Miyagi who is not a member of the Kawa family, especially the role of this guy is not small.

Just now, Miyagi Yuichi was really drunk, otherwise he wouldn’t pass wine to the cat-eared girl, but just after seeing Li Yalin, Miyagi Yuichi was all drunk. For him, Li Yalin is a super big BOSS, especially he has also heard of Li Yalin beheading the Jiu Tun boy and subduing Tamamo no Mae’s glorious deeds. For Li Yalin, he must always maintain a kind of respectful deeds. status.

“Hello, can I sit here?” Li Yalin waved his hand casually. Li Yalin didn’t care too much about Miyagi Yuichi, but went straight to this beautiful woman with less cat ears. Said hello with a smile.

“Of course, please sit down. The people here are so kind, and the drinks you gave me are also very good.” The beautiful woman with less cat ears smiles very brightly, even this sunset No glory can match it.

“As long as you like it, my name is Li Yalin, and she is my friend, called Ichka.” Pulling Ichka, sitting beside a beautiful woman with cat ears, Li Yalin First, I introduced myself.

“Hello, my name is Alice, please give me some advice.” Sure enough, this is catian eris. She stood up very seriously, moved towards Li Yalin and Ichka bowed slightly to give a salute.

“Hello Alice, please forgive me to speak bluntly, your ears and tail?” Li Yalin said cautiously, but Alice didn’t care at all. And tell it all.

“You said this, of course, I am a cosmic person.” Alice really didn’t have any scheming at all, and directly said something that made Ichka almost fall down, cosmic person. ? Although Ichka likes all kinds of anime and manga very much, he likes the anime of the universe even more, but suddenly a girl with cat ears and tail just like herself stood in front of her and said that she is a universe People, how can Ichka accept this.

“so that’s how it is, then Alice, regarding the fact that you are a cosmic person, please don’t say anything for the time being, otherwise, it will cause you a lot of trouble.” Jean Yiqi What made Ka shouted even more incredible was that Li Yalin didn’t even look surprised at all, just nodded indifferently, and then made his own suggestion.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?”Alice tilted her head in doubt.

“In fact, it’s not. If you are alone, you can’t deal with the evil forces of this World if you are alone. After all, you should know that every race will have evil. If there are good people, there will be bad people. For Alien visitors like you, I really don’t know how those evil guys will deal with you.” Li Yalin very said in deadly earnest.

“Of course, if your planet starts to formally establish diplomatic relations with Earth, then you can just and honourable appear, but I have never heard of rumors in this regard. Are you sent here? Earth’s advance army? Are you investigating Earth’s intelligence?” (To be continued, if you want to know what’s going on, please visit www.qidian.com, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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