“Mr. Yalin, you are really smart, that’s it, it’s just that after arriving in Earth, you forgot to store food and thought you were going to die. Fortunately, the kind cat told me that there are many kind people here. Sure enough, everyone gave me food very kindly. It really helped me a lot.” Alice folded her hands and looked at Li Yalin in admiration.

“Just call me Yalin, my friends call me that.” Li Yalin said with a smile, but this made Ichka on the side completely crazy.

“I said Yalin, did you wake up? She is a cosmic person, a cosmic person! Heaven knows whether it will invade Earth or a cosmic person who engages in a who body experiment! How can you follow this normally? What is she talking about?”

“I said Ichka, did you watch too many movies? Who said that all people in the universe are brutal? Although what you said is good, Kay Catian is not evil The race, they should be here to forge friendly relations.” Li Yalin said with a smile and waved his hand.

“Yalin is right, we are here to make friends, but Yalin, how do you know that I am Kay catian? Have you ever met Kay catian?” After speaking, Alice still has a look of confusion. He looked at Li Yalin and asked, not only Alice, but Ichka was confused, what is going on?

“hehe, this is my own secret. Of course, this is the first time I have seen Kay Catian. I have only heard about it before. It’s not as good as seeing. “Li Yalin said mysteriously, which made Ichka’s curiosity about Li Yalin’s even more extreme.

“Since this is the case, can I ask Yalin for one thing?” At this point, Alice looked at Li Yalin’s eyes with a look of expectation.

“Do you want to use me as a springboard to contact Earth?” Li Yalin slightly smiled, this is one of the Side Quests. Take in these catians. Of course, Li Yalin also treats these little cats. It’s very good.

“That’s it, I hope I can learn about the culture on Earth, and I’m here to play by the way, so if I can…” Then, Alice’s face showed a look of sorry, after all. Will add a lot of trouble to Li Yalin.

“It’s okay, if Alice doesn’t mind.” Li Yalin naturally agreed to Alice’s request. Kay catian, I really don’t know what surprises you all will bring me.

“Really? Really very good!” Alice yelled and cheered, but Ichka on the side looked quite speechless. Whether Alice is a cosmic person or not, it’s so simple Is it too sloppy to take in a young girl? But she didn’t want to think that when she was taken in, it was also very simple.

Fifth Elder’s worship service soon ended. Then Li Yalin took Alice and Ichka to his huge manor. After all, this is Li Yalin’s home. Alice has been amazed by this gorgeous building more than once. Although the technology is much higher than the development of Earth, such a luxurious manor is still very luxurious for Kay Catian.

“Is this Yalin’s home? It’s incredible. Even the mansion of the Supreme Chief of Kay Catian is not so beautiful. It’s really amazing. Can I really live here? ?” Alice asked in surprise.

“Of course there is no problem. If you like it, treat this as your home.” Li Yalin smiled and replied.

“Thank you so much Yalin!” With that, Alice threw himself into Li Yalin’s body with excitement, but in this way, Ichka on the side stopped doing it and removed Alice from Li Yalin’s body dragged down, not to mention, and couldn’t help but stared at Li Yalin fiercely, which made Li Yalin wrong!

“Himari and Kuesu are not here now, and I want to watch you for them!” Ichka’s words are very high-sounding, but the sourness in her words can’t be hidden from Li Yalin, but Li Yalin was not too embarrassed to say it, forget it, and treat it as if he didn’t hear it.

After arranging the residences of Alice and Ichka, Li Yalin found a relatively secret place in the manor. The manor is very large, so there are a lot of maids and steward deacons, even Li Yalin returned to many people in Jiahe’s family, but the maid responsible for the daily work of the entire manor is still indispensable. Although there are not many people left, there are still ten people, so Li Yalin explained to them , Without his own order, it is not allowed to approach here.

Because Li Yalin is going to set up a remote Teleportation Magic Array here, connecting Okinawa to Iri Valley, Noihara and even the Northern Sea Road.

Speaking of the Northern Sea Road, one must think of the Snow Girl Xiaodong. For this natural but very enthusiastic Snow Girl, Li Yalin really has a headache. A month ago, he was in Li Yalin. While enjoying campus life, although a cold wind blew by, waves of Snowflake floated down outside of Tongling Academy. This surprised everyone, but Li Yalin felt a familiar Yoki. Snow Girl Xiaodong!

This girl actually came to Iri Valley to find herself. This was something Li Yalin could not expect. But when she turned her head and said, she was very moved, so Li Yalin had to agree. Xiaodong will often go to Snow Mountain to see her and start a Teleportation array connected to Snow Mountain Hotel, which makes Xiaodong leave contentedly.

Although Iri Valley’s summer can be regarded as hot, Xiaodong often ignores the heat and comes to Li Yalin. As for Li Yalin’s upcoming trip to Okinawa, Xiaodong has naturally heard about it, so she is entangled in it. I have been with Li Yalin for a long time. Li Yalin must start a teleportation formation between Okinawa and the Northern Sea Road. Xiaodong can’t go to see Li Yalin often. After all, Okinawa is a hell for Xiaodong, but Li Yalin can often go to Northern. Sea said, this is also the main reason Xiaodong entangled Li Yalin’s.

After starting the Teleportation array, Li Yalin did not return to Iri Valley, nor did Himari and the others come to Okinawa. I will wait for everyone to finish the work. After all, Alice is next to him, and I guess Some are going to be busy.

By the way, it’s better to tell Manami first about coming to Okinawa. Otherwise, this girl will definitely torture herself again. She took out her mobile phone and dialed Kinjou Manami. Just after saying his location, Li Yalin heard a loud call from the opposite side of the phone, followed by a series of crackle sounds. This Manami is really energetic and bustling.

While waiting for Manami, Li Yalin sat in the living room idly and turned on the TV. At this time, the TV was showing news about the existence of cosmic people. According to the news, recently the world All countries have received a set of messages from outer space, and the content of the messages is surprisingly consistent, all of which are’I’m here to play with you! ‘

“Yalin, you are finally back!” Before Li Yalin could finish reading the news, Manami had rushed from her home to Li Yalin’s manor, and the distance was not very far anyway. After seeing Li Yalin , Manami was so excited that he almost rushed to Li Yalin’s body, but at this moment, Manami saw the existence of Ichka and Alice. They were not in the living room just now, but they heard the news on TV. The two girls came to the living room together.

“Who are they?” Manami curled his lips, and the girl with the hat aside, what does the other girl in tights and cosplay mean? Could it be that Li Yalin’s tastes heavier?

“Introduce, this is Alice and Ichka, they are all my friends.” Li Yalin smiled and introduced the girls to each other, but after the introduction, Manami used his hand With her chin squeezed, she looked at Alice with a questioning face, especially seeing her cat ears, tail, and the pair of peaches that could almost break out of her clothes. The look was full of shock, and it was no longer useful. Words are expressing.

“You guy, the taste is getting more and more unique, so I found a foreign girl COSPLAY.” Finally, Manami looked at Li Yalin contemptuously, and his sour tone was almost able to pickle sauerkraut.

“I said Manami, you misunderstood…” Then, Li Yalin revealed Alice’s identity, but Manami didn’t believe it until Alice asked Manami to touch her ear. After having the tail, Manami finally believed this fact in shock.

“Really a cosmic person?” Manami’s mouth grew wide and his face looked incredulous.

“authentic, but about Alice’s identity, Manami you still need to keep it secret, but it won’t be long. Kay catian will have direct contact with Earth soon, and there is a little Manami you have to I know.” At this point, Li Yalin’s expression became serious.

“What?” Manami looked at Li Yalin in confusion.

“I know Manami you want to join the CIA, but now the U.S. has come into contact with Kay Catian’s rival, the De Chia, so if you continue to play for the CIA, then I am bound to stand on our opposite side. I will help Kay catian. This is my Quest, so I hope you can understand Manami and make your choice by the way.”

“What? Have those dog people come to Earth?” Before Manami could speak, Alice had stood up in surprise. The appearance of Dejixia dog people made her a little not knowing what to do, she had never heard of this news before. .

“According to my information, it is indeed true.” Li Yalin nodded, all signs indicate that the secret mastermind that promotes the United States are the people of Dekixia. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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