“We are the secret The Organization Beautiful-Contact! That Alien!” One of the middle-aged man with a black hood, about fifty years old, said as he raised his gun and moved towards the direction of Li Yalin and Alice Come.

“Ah? Yes!” Seeing the other party called herself, Alice immediately replied involuntarily.

“For the sake of the development of all mankind, we refuse to contact your race! Leave this planet for me immediately!” At this point, the middle-aged man’s voice has been tinged with the slightest excitement.

“For the development of all mankind?” Li Yalin pffft burst out laughing when he heard the other party’s righteous words. Are these guys too believe oneself infallible, right? Still define yourself as something like Savior?

“The boy over there, if you don’t want to die, just leave here!” Li Yalin’s laugh made everyone present frowned, but the middle-aged man still made a sound Persuaded, after all, Li Yalin is an outsider in his eyes, and he does not want to involve Li Yalin in it.

“It’s really laughing at me. The so-called Beautiful-Contact is a beautiful contact. It sounds nice, it’s a secret The Organization. If you don’t sound it, it’s a group of mob that’s all. It’s just you. Ugly salted fish and rotten bird eggs, what power does it have to represent the entire world? A group of idiots who only care about fantasy all day long.” Li Yalin laughed wildly. Why do these guys who believe oneself infallible feel so good about themselves? Li Yalin almost burst into laughter.

“Oh? Is that so? Then they are the so-called unofficial illegal The Organization? So I don’t have to listen to their opinions.” I don’t know if Alice is natural or loves herself too much. Even now, she is still asking Li Yalin seriously.

“You guy…” Everyone present was red-faced, and they wanted to refute but couldn’t speak up.

“In short, it’s the first contact with Earth. It’s definitely not a COSPLAY cat like you!” The middle-aged man looks like flying into a rage out of humiliation, raising his hand. MAC-10 wanted to shoot, but at this moment, a clear gunfire sounded, and the MAC-10 in the middle-aged man’s hand was knocked to the ground by a bullet.

“My gun does not have eyes. If you are still going to threaten me, I don’t mind wasting a few more bullets.” I don’t know when, Li Yalin’s hand has already appeared a P226, Seeing all the guys around who were staring at him in a daze, Li Yalin played a gun with disdain.

“Asshole!” Li Yalin’s disdain to annoy the other party. Just when these guys wanted to shoot, Li Yalin pulled the trigger in his hand continuously, as if he had long eyes, Li Every bullet of Yalin’s can accurately hit the opponent’s gun, preventing the opponent from continuing to attack. Seeing this magic-like Spear Skill, the gang of’beautiful contacts’, all of them were once again stunned.

“Give you ten seconds, quickly disappear before my eyes, otherwise, there are good-looking ones for you, as for the detailed discussion of other issues, let the Jiazhou Zhenji teacher come to me, It’s a long time no see, teacher.” With that, Li Yalin also moved towards Maki Sei Jiazhou who was sitting in the driver’s seat of the van and greeted him.

It turns out that Maki Jiazhou is also one of the members of the secret The Organization’s, which belongs to the beautiful contact. You must know that Maki Jiazhou controls these Alien creatures, especially those who possess beyond human imagination. The shape of a human being, or an Alien life like a spiritual lifeform or a silicon creature wearing an ecological acceleration device.

This time the implementation of Quest, Maki Jiazhou is also one of the main leaders, but what she did not expect is that she will meet her acquaintances here, and may become My own student, when the Department of Jiazhou Zhenji startedled, he immediately hid in the car. I hope Li Yalin can not pay attention to herself. But to her disappointment, Li Yalin recognized her first. Breath.

As for the identity of Jiazhou Maki, the other personnel of The Organization’s don’t know much about it. After all, we are not usually together, they just rely on the Internet to connect. Now it seems that this young man seems to be with himself The members of The Organization’s are acquaintances.

“Retreat!” Seeing that the action did not succeed, the middle-aged man made a decisive decision to retreat. After all, the gunshots had already alarmed the nearby residents. If you continue to stay here, you will wait for arrest. At this time Fleeing is the best is better.

A complicated look at Li Yalin who was smiling, Jiazhou Maki stepped on the accelerator of the car heartily, and the beautiful contact tragedy retreated, but the matter is far from over, the mantis stalks the cicada, and the oriole at the back did not fly away.

“Hajimemashite, I’ve heard of your name a long time ago, and I saw it today, and the name is not in vain.” At this time, Li Yalin took Alice to a blue retro sports car, inside the car In the car is a blonde beauty wearing a sleeveless hot shirt, ultra-short jeans and a wide cowboy hat. A beauty mole on the corner of her mouth makes her more SEX. This is Manami’s friend, a JACK belonging to the American CIA. , The full name is very long, called Jean Nisi-Ya Rick Tezi-Carlotinas-Carinat, these all are Manami told Li Yalin’s.

“Hello boy, didn’t expect you really have a hand, no wonder Manami looks at you differently, even I am about to be fascinated by you.” Touched his golden With long hair, JACK opened the car door quite naturally and walked out without being embarrassed by Li Yalin.

“It’s just an insignificant talent. I’m afraid I won’t be able to get into the eyes of Jean Nis Young Lady. I don’t know what Jean Nis Young Lady is doing this time?” Li Yalin said without a smile. Although this JACK is a good friend of Manami, who knows what she thinks, Li Yalin will not have a heart-to-heart with her before seeing this person clearly.

“Hehe, just call me JACK. Speaking of the name Li Yalin, I think the entire world will be known to everyone known to everyone. After all, what happened a while ago was really too It’s too shocking.” JACK smiled and stroked Li Yalin’s chest, but his clear eyes told Li Yalin that the Jack in front of him was not an annoying character.

“JACK, you are the same as Manami. Just call me Yalin. This time I will say straight to the point. The wishful thinking of the United States will not be achieved, and the current DIA has For the supporters behind the scenes, your CIA is just being used as a tool. I hope you can make plans. It is not a good thing to be an enemy of me.” Li Yalin slightly smiled and did not say anything to JACK Some not, the intrigue game Li Yalin is tired of playing.

“DIA?” JCAK’s frowned, although the order to arrest this cat-eared universe man was issued by the base, how did it have anything to do with DIA? Looking at the appearance of the boy in front of you, it doesn’t look like cracking a joke. Is there any reason for this?

“I will say it all, I hope you can do it yourself, JACK, you are a good friend of Manami, I don’t want us to stand on the opposite side in the future.” After speaking, Li Yalin took Alice and turned away. .

“Is it the opposite? Actually, in your eyes, I simply don’t have this qualification…” JCAK murmured.

“Yalin is right. If you can, JACK you can choose to stand by.” I don’t know when, Manami actually appeared beside JACK, and Manami looked calm. , It looks like it will be seen from the beginning to the end.

“Forget it, I’m just a pawn anyway, Li Yalin? What a funny man, let’s go Manami, go eat ice cream with me!” After speaking, JACK pulled Manami up. His own sports car left the place.

“Yalin, you are really amazing. When the secret The Organization came out, I didn’t know what to do.” The screen turned to Li Yalin and Alice. At this time, Alice was admiring. Looking at Li Yalin, his face was full of excitement.

“No, you did very well just now.” Thinking back to Alice’s serious appearance, Li Yalin couldn’t help but want to laugh.

“Yes! I am Alice! What?” At this moment, a rays of light shot out from the bell on Alice’s chest, one with red inverted triangular eyes, slightly black With a trace of short golden hair and a lollipop in her mouth, the cat girl appeared in the air. From the other party’s mouth, she learned that a little kitty from Katia had been kidnapped.

“What’s the matter with Dr. Dreyer? Why did the director get to the ground? Why haven’t I heard of it?” Alice said in surprise, having heard no news before.

“In fact, this is the case. The message you sent back Alice is too tempting. In the end, Chaika couldn’t help but rushed to find you secretly, but Chaika arrived here. On the occasion of Mr. Yalin’s manor, an unknown The Organization stunned Chaika and kidnapped her away.” Dr. Dreyer said gravely, which everyone did not expect.

“Then what should we do now?” Alice is anxious not knowing what to do. Katia has not formally established diplomatic relations with Earth. If this happens, I don’t know what Chaika will encounter. trouble.

“Leave this to me. Anyway, this Chaika Young Lady was also kidnapped on Earth, so it is incumbent to rescue this Chaika Young Lady, as an Earthling. !” Li Yalin looked very angry at this time. These guys dare to catch people near their own home. As the saying goes, it depends on the Master when hitting a dog. No matter what kind of power the other party is, Li Yalin decided to give them some color. .

“If that’s the case, then trouble Mr. Yalin.” Dr. Dreyer looked very excited. It couldn’t be better to get Earthling’s help. From this, Dreyer The popularity of Li Yalin’s has risen extremely.

“Thank you Yalin so much!” Not only is Dreyer, Alice has already yelled and threw himself into Li Yalin’s arms. Li Yalin has been there since we first met until now. Help yourself, how can Alice not be moved. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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