“Is that so? Okay, thanks, what? Are you also in Okinawa? Well, I’ll wait for you!” Hung up the phone, Li Yalin put out a long breath, originally with an attitude of giving it a try , Didn’t expect Aoi actually knew where Chaika was going.

It turns out that Chaika’s arrest was carried out in cooperation with the Immigration Bureau. Although Aoi did not participate, she saw relevant information from the Bureau’s Operations Section. She originally wanted Contacting Li Yalin, didn’t expect Li Yalin to contact herself first, and Kwai was also ready to take this opportunity to leave the administration, so she decided to help Li Yalin to rescue Chaika together.

With a helper, Li Yalin, it was naturally easier. Soon, Kwai drove the Hummer that Li Yalin gave her to Li Yalin’s home. When I saw Li Yalin’s manor for the first time, Kwai was naturally I was surprised, but now is not the time to be surprised. After taking Manami, Alice and Ichka into the car, the Li Yalin entire group moved towards the destination and rushed away.

Kadena Air Force Base is the largest military base in the Far East. According to intelligence, Chaika was caught in this base. Although I don’t know where it was placed, it’s definitely It’s right that you won’t escape this range.

“It’s better to sneak in secretly.” Parked the car on the side of the road not far from Kadena Air Force Base, and everyone began to discuss a rescue plan. Li Yalin advocated directly rushing in. There was a lot of trouble, but Ichka on the side put forward different opinions.

“Let’s enter? The security of this base is very strict. Can only a few of us and these little robots really sneak into it?” Kwai expressed doubts.

“Of course you can.” Ichka took out several amulets confidently with a triumphant expression on his face.

“Invisibility amulet?” Li Yalin saw the role of these amulets at a glance. No wonder Ichka is so confident. With the invisibility amulet, unless the opponent has the ability to counter reconnaissance, otherwise it is I won’t find everyone.

“Is this? The legendary Lingzi use?” Looking at Ichka’s amulet, Alice’s face showed a dazed but puzzled look, although the existence of Lingzi has been confirmed, But few of the races in the universe can use this thing. Basically, they are dominated by technology. There are even many races who don’t believe in Lingzi. Didn’t expect someone to use Lingzi on this planet.

The so-called lingzi is actually the same as the Magic Elements floating in the air, but the name is different. Maybe the universe of this World has not developed any Magic Civilization, so the lingzi is used to fight. Race is still very rare.

“hehe.” Ichka smiled without answering, and with a wave of his hand, the talisman flew in front of everyone. After a trance, everyone disappeared into the air. , But everyone understands in their hearts that everyone’s body shape is just being covered up, not really disappearing.

“Does the Magic Elements of Light Element use the refraction effect of light to form invisibility? It seems that this amulet also incorporates some scientific theories.” The moment the invisible amulet was cast on Li Yalin, Li Yalin understood the structural principle of the amulet. Unlike Nymph’s, which is completely invisible, this amulet is only invisible to light. Once there is a bit of heavy rain or something, everyone will immediately return to their original state.

“It’s worthy of being the strongest Ghost Slasher, really amazing!” Ichka said with a thumbs up and hee hee with a smile on his face.

“Okay, it’s not the time for cracking a joke, everyone should be careful after entering the base. Ichka, you and Alice are a group, Aoi you and Manami are a group, and the little helper Robots are a group by yourself , I act alone and use this to communicate. Once there is news, I will notify each other immediately.” Li Yalin took out several small communicators, and after throwing them to everyone, they disappeared without a trace.

“This guy is really impatient. I haven’t said how to use this thing yet!” Manami dissatisfied with playing with the communicator in his hand. It looks like a watch and can be worn in his hand, but there is only one. Button, what kind of communicator is this?

“Please choose the person to call!” Just after Manami pressed this button, something surprised everyone happened. A faint white light appeared on the watch-type communicator, and then In this white light, the names of Li Yalin, Futaba Aoi, Ichka and Alice are arranged in order. What is this? Holographic projection skill?

Manami was very curious and chose Li Yalin. After a few seconds, Li Yalin’s image appeared on the watch.

“What’s the matter? I found a clue? It won’t be so fast?” Manami asked Li Yalin a series of questions in a daze.

“No…I just want to try this communicator. Is there any problem.” Manami stammered somewhat replied.

“Well, that’s okay, it should be okay now? Turn it off first, I will enter the database soon.” After speaking, Li Yalin closed the call, knowing Li Yalin’s image disappeared, and Manami reacted.

“Yalin is amazing. Didn’t expect Earth to master such advanced skills.” Just after Manami’s call, Alice immediately clapped her hands and exclaimed, but it made everyone’s expressions. Stiffened even more.

“Alice, didn’t you give this communicator to Yalin’s?” Kwai asked very puzzled.

“Of course not. This is the first time I have seen this kind of communicator.” Shook the head, and Alice played with the communicator in her hand with a little curiosity.

“Forget it, Yalin, this guy, forever hides countless secrets. Time does not and the others, everyone should act immediately.” Ichka shook the head, Li Yalin is like a Like a mystery, people forever can’t see his true face clearly. This way, it can arouse the curiosity of a woman very much. If you want to find out about him, the more it is, the more people are trapped in it and unable to extricate themselves. .

“Well, I will contact you as soon as I find it!” After all, everyone split up and started a large-scale search of the entire base, but wanted to reach 20 million in this area. It is simply impossible to find people in a large base of square meters without using a little trick.

Li Yalin’s original plan was to invade the Kadena base’s database and see if we could investigate some information, but the base’s database was only some, some not, important There was no information at all, so Li Yalin was upset and completely let go of his Divine Sense, covering the entire Kadena base.

On the surface, there is no silhouette of Chaika in the base, but only after Li Yalin plunged Divine Sense underneath, he discovered that there was a place of charm and beauty under the base. After this discovery, Li Yalin immediately notified all the girls and asked them to gather together in the F hanger in the base.

“You found the goal so soon?” Manami looked at Li Yalin in amazement. When Li Yalin said that Chaika was under the hangar, everyone’s eyes were a little weird, Li How did Yalin know?

“So now, everyone must be ready for battle. In this basement, in addition to the large-scale soldiers, there are also a lot of Yoma guards there. Everyone must be careful and cautious. “

“Yoma?” The first time I heard this name, Alice’s eyes were full of questions, what is Yoma?

“This is a long story. I will explain it to you later. Now let’s enter the elevator in the hangar. The security near the hangar is very tight. Nearly two hundred soldiers are stationed here, everyone must be careful!” Yoma, this thing, is really not easy to explain for a while, it is still important to save people.

However, Li Yalin doesn’t know why the Western Yoma appears in the Kadena base. Is it because the collusion between the U.S. and Western Monster Realm has reached this level? Or is there any hidden secret in it?

While thinking about it, Li Yalin entire group has reached the elevator in the hangar. With the help of the invisible talisman, the whole process went smoothly, but when they came closer, everyone found that they had entered the elevator. A special password is required, but this time makes Manami and the others trouble.

“If there is no password, wouldn’t it be impossible to enter? Wait! Ichka, your body…” At this moment, the invisibility amulet given by Ichka reached its limit. At first, it was not a particularly good talisman. It was not easy to be able to support it for such a long time, but if this happened, everyone would soon be exposed.

Seeing this, Li Yalin immediately opened his personal laboratory. Several virtual screens appeared in front of Li Yalin’s. After Li Yalin’s crackle beat, the elevator in front of him was amazing. Untied, in this way, Manami and their mouths opened up again.

“Yalin, this is…” Everyone looked at Li Yalin’s personal mobile laboratory with an incredulous expression.

“Explain later, hurry in now!” After that, Li Yalin took a few girls and a group of little robots into the elevator, but at the same time, the whole Kashou All the alarm bells in the Nai base rang.

“che, is it exposed? Then do it quickly.” Li Yalin curled his lips, and a handful of M16A2 appeared in Li Yalin’s hands like magic, as did Manami and Aoi. Three assault rifles were aimed at the opening of the elevator. Once an accident occurred, it would immediately enter a state of exchange of fire.

Soon, the elevator reached the lowest level of the underground. Just as the door of the elevator opened, with Li Yalin’s “fire!”, the gunshots of the three shot out. The merciless fire snake. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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