“No! I won’t go! At this critical moment, how can I leave?” Antonia stubbornly looked at Mayer, and refused to move a step, which caused Mayer a headache. In front of Antonia, Mayer turned his attention to Li Yalin for help. After all, here, Li Yalin is Antonia’s big brother in name, and if Alice and Ichka are there, it should be able to do the same. Something useful.

“cough cough, if that’s the case, can you let me try it?” Ignoring Mayer’s gaze for help, Li Yalin lightly coughed walked to the console, in everyone’s surprised gaze , Li Yalin’s opened several virtual screens in front of him, and Li Yalin’s fingers began to dance quickly like playing a piano.

“Report, the control station has lost its control!” one of the maids shouted, lose one’s head out of fear.

“The weapon system was forcibly intervened!” At the same time, there was an exclamation sound. In less than five seconds, Li Yalin received the entire Androla operation system and used his own The personal laboratory system turned on the radar search, and soon, the trace of the other party appeared on the screen, but this was not the radar, but the actual appearance of the other party.

“Black Hawk MH-60K, a helicopter belonging to the United States, has dispatched six helicopters at once. Do you think we are vegetarian?” Mayer gritted his teeth and immediately recognized the other party’s. true colors.

“Anyway, the opponent is too far away. The weapons on the Androlla cannot attack the opponent, and can only do a preliminary defense!” The controlling machine gun knocked out the opponent. After the missile came, Li Yalin’s brows were already frowned. Although the Androlla had a four-shot harpoon missile launcher on the equipment, it was unable to give the opponent a favorable counterattack. This is the first time this kind of battle has been fought. It’s depressing enough.

“It’s time to teach them a little lesson.” After speaking, Li Yalin walked off the control platform, and each minding their own business walked out of the control room.

“Teach them a lesson? How to give it?” Everyone present looked at each other in blank dismay. I don’t know what Li Yalin wanted to do. Manami and Kwai glanced at each other and hurriedly followed Above, Alice and Ichka naturally follow closely from behind. Later, Antonia, Mayer, Sarah and other maids also followed Li Yalin to the bridge, wanting to see what Li Yalin is going to do. what.

Although there are a lot of audiences, Li Yalin did not intend to stop his performance. As soon as he raised his hand, the full-covered ISAsura instantly wrapped Li Yalin in it, and everyone was shocked. In his eyes, the long-range attack missile behind Asura fired and locked the opponent’s six Black Hawks. A dozen missiles were launched with a long trajectory. It was on the radar screen next to Asura, and everyone could see clearly. Then, the appearance of those Black Hawk helicopters being shot down.

After confirming that there were no more enemies, Li Yalin was able to take Asura back, but just after he turned around, he discovered how strangely everybody looked at him. look? Especially Manami, why are you trying to eat people?

“I said you are all right?” Asura was exposed this time, and it was also Li Yalin’s intention. After all, the battle is about to begin, and his weapon equipment and troops will also appear one by one at that time. To avoid scaring everyone when the time comes, Li Yalin thinks it’s better to expose his own strength by little by little, but now it seems that everyone’s performance is too exaggerated, right?

“You guy, how many things are hiding from us?” Manami gnashing teeth took a step forward, staring at Li Yalin, and asked word by word, last time at the Mi Army base At the time, Manami was perfunctory by Li Yalin. Now, I really don’t want to be perfunctory anymore.

“I don’t have much to hide from you.” Li Yalin spread his hands and made an innocent expression.

“Ara, Yalin, the equipment you just used seems to be advanced. Is it really a weapon produced by Earth?” Alice is experienced and knowledgeable, and she quickly sees the extraordinary features of Asura.

“Of course, this is a weapon equipment developed by one of my elder sisters. Of course, my Asura was made by myself.” This is the truth. Originally, IS was Shinyuki. Li Yalin did not lie about the development of the bundle.

“Wow! Earth is really amazing, not only the use of spiritual power is so perfect, even the power of technology is also very powerful!” Alice said with admiration,

< p>“Fortunately, in this world, there are a lot of incredible things.” Li Yalin half true half false slapped Haha.

“en? Are there any guests coming again?” At this moment, Li Yalin’s brows suddenly frowned. Is this breath from European Vampires? It should be, and only they can exude this disgusting breath.

“What’s the matter?” Seeing Li Yalin’s brows frowned, everyone asked with concern.

“Nothing, be prepared to meet the enemy, this time we have a lot of guests.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, since it’s here, don’t go back, just enjoy it.

Amid all the puzzled eyes, Li Yalin entire group returned to the control room again, but at this time the maid in charge of the control radar suddenly discovered that the entire radar system was completely paralyzed and completely lost. effect.

“Due to strong interference, the radar is completely shielded!” This radar is not the same as before. It was impossible to find the opponent’s location before, and now it is completely useless.

“It doesn’t matter, the new radar system has been loaded, and it will enter the monitoring state immediately!” At this time, Li Yalin has become the commander-in-chief of the entire control room. In this way, Mayer and Sarah seem to have nothing to do. Yes, but Mayer was so happy. Li Yalin was willing to help himself and the others, which shows that he recognized Antonia’s identity. After all, if Li Yalin doesn’t recognize Antonia, his strength is totally okay. I took Alice and the others away very freely, which was the most gratifying point for Mayer.

With Li Yalin’s satellite positioning system, the radar in the control room finally works again, but it seems that the radar is still malfunctioning. Why are there densely packed small spots on the screen?

“Come!” Just as the maid in charge of the radar was puzzled, the entire sky was suddenly covered by dark clouds, and the originally clear sky exuded bursts of blood red. The sound of countless flapping wings makes people feel heart palpitations. What is this? There is a shuddering feeling in everyone’s heart.

“This voice…is a bat! Could it be that the other party is Vampire?” It was indeed experienced and knowledgeable. From the outside voice and this strange situation, Mayer guessed the uninvited guest who came this time.

“That’s right. It seems that the U.S. guys are ready to fight with us to the end. Even the Vampire troops are sent out. Let me see. Two Duke and thirteen Marquis, fifty-six earls, countless Viscount Barons, don’t you have a Low-Rank Vampire below Baron? It seems that it’s really lost money.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, but what he said made everyone present. His face changed a lot.

Although I don’t know how the titles of these Vampires are calculated, just relying on the number Li Yalin said now is enough to make people lose confidence. After all, the opposite is the legendary Vampire. All kinds of movies and anime are almost broken, but in any case, the power of Vampire is unquestionable. How can it be fought by manpower alone.

“Is this a loss of confidence? It’s just a bunch of little bats that scared you like this?” Li Yalin immediately scolded them loudly as they looked at the pale-faced maids. Just hear the name of the other party. If you really fight head-on, wouldn’t it be a food gift!

“If the opponent is a human, then of course it’s okay, but the opponent is the legendary Vampire! How could it be a little bat?” Antonia said weakly, her face at this moment. It’s also very ugly, after all, it’s just a little loli of 30-40 years old, how can it be calm.

“Young Master Yalin is right! We have to calm down, even if the other party is Vampire! What if the other party is Vampire! You guys pull yourself together! All of you are in a state of battle!” Shi seemed to have eased up, although Maya was a little startled when at first heard Vampire’s name, but just as Li Yalin’s words were just finished, Maya had completely recovered.

“But…” Antonia wanted to say something, but Li Yalin tapped a finger on her lips, and then touched Antonia’s hair comfortably .

“Don’t worry, I am here, everything is no problem.” Li Yalin’s words almost warmed Antonia’s whole heart, which Antonia had never felt before .

‘What is going on here? ‘Antonia blushed and folded her hands together, looking at Li Yalin in front of her with some not knowing what to do.

At this time, Li Yalin did not pay attention to Antonia’s reaction anymore, because the opposite Vampire unit had already appeared in everyone’s field of vision, with countless huge bats flapping their wings and moving quickly. The towards Androla swooped down, especially the two huge golden bats that were the most conspicuous, which made people feel chills at first glance, which was really scary.

“Fire!” At Li Yalin’s order, the cannons above Androla fired collectively, and countless tongues of fire spurted out, and the target was the Vampire unit on the opposite side.

To say that the strength of Vampire is indeed good, but the Vampires below the earl do not have the ability to fully defend against machine guns, so under these countless tongues, there will soon be a lot of Vampire bats. Planted into the sea. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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