“Really! We can win!” All the maids present cheered. These maids couldn’t distinguish the ranks of these Vampires. They just saw Vampire falling into the sea, so they instinctively thought that using ordinary ‘S ammunition can kill these Vampires. Although Li Yalin understands the mystery, he did not say it. Timely boosting morale is also very important.

After one hit, the Androla was full of firepower. Not to mention the countless tongues of fire pouring out, and all the short-range air-to-air missiles were ejected, even the Harpoon missiles. They were all launched, and a burst of brilliant sparks burst out instantly above the entire sea level.

Speaking of Androla’s firepower, it is indeed very fierce, but these ordinary shells alone cannot inflict real damage on Duke and the Marquis-level Vampire, even the earl-level Vampire. It was only four that were killed. Although the rest looked a little miserable, there was no substantial damage.

Even so, after the smoke from various bomb explosions dissipated, Androla shot down a lot of Vampires, at least there were not that many giant bats flying in the sky.

“very good!” The maids cheered again. It seems that everyone is very satisfied with the results of this battle.

“Don’t be happy too early, now is the hardest time!” Li Yalin said in a deep voice. At this time, the mouths of a bunch of bats headed by the two Vampire Duke have all gathered With the dazzling scarlet light, it looks like it is preparing to launch a long-range attack on the Androla. Leaving aside the Low-Rank Vampire, just the attacks of the two Duke-level Vampires are enough to sink the cruise ship.

“Why?” Everyone looked at this scene in surprise, just after the opponent’s blood-colored energy ball reached the critical point, countless energy bombs moved towards the Androla hiding the sky and covering the earth After seeing this, Antonia had already plunged into Alice’s arms and couldn’t imagine what would happen afterwards.

“What?” A surprising thing happened. Just as the energy bomb approached the Androlla, a golden energy shield suddenly appeared on the Androlla. It turned out that Li Yalin It actually used the largest range of the Holy Protection Wall, which covered the entire cruise ship. You must know that this is a giant cruise ship with a length of close to 400 meters. The energy required to defend the entire cruise ship is not a little bit, fortunately Li Yalin’s The strength has a breakthrough, otherwise it will be very laborious.

“Then girls, continue our attack!” Li Yalin gave an order, and the maids present immediately cheered and continued to enter the fighting state, and all kinds of shells were fired without money. Going out, at the same time, Li Yalin also walked out of the control station. With the protection of the Holy Protection Wall, Androlla is safe for the time being, so Li Yalin felt it was time to kill the two Vampire Duke.

“Yalin, what are you going to do?” After two rounds of shelling, Manami had already seen the impropriety of the two golden bats. Li Yalin thought that so many missiles could not kill the opponent. Are you going to fight alone? This is simply crazy.

“Of course I am going to move my body.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, and the silhouette suddenly disappeared in the control room. When everyone turned around, they found that Li Yalin had appeared above the sea level.

“Hello, it’s really a big show. I don’t know why you are here?” At this time, Li Yalin has called out his Asura and played with the Asura long knife in his hand. , Li Yalin’s tone is full of playfulness.

“Who are you?” Two golden bats incarnation became two European males in evening dresses, one of them was looking suspiciously at Li Yalin. This killing was full and full of meaning It was the first time he saw the armor of science fiction.

“Aiyaya, what if this is the case?” Li Yalin smiled and switched the full-covered state to the regular state. When his appearance appeared in the opponent’s eyes, Li Yalin could clearly Seeing, a killing intent flashed in the eyes of both Vampire Duke.

“Are you Li Yalin? That famous Demon Slayer?” Vampire Duke’s tone was a little questioning. Although Li Yalin in front of him was one of their targets, it was obvious that the armor did not In the information given to them, then what is going on? He decided to understand all of this first.

“That’s good, can you talk about your purpose now?” Li Yalin’s expression remained unchanged, but a slight light flashed in his eyes. Obviously, these guys were aiming at themselves Coming.

“Since you are Li Yalin, then even if we have found the righteous master, eat me first!” One of the Vampire Duke is going to try Li Yalin first, after all, Li Yalin is not easy to mess with , Coupled with wearing this strange armor, he had to be more cautious.

It really is Vampire. The nails are really long. On the scarlet nails, bursts of red light appeared, and a claw-shaped beam of energy gushed out of the opponent’s hand, directly moved towards Li Yalin attacked.

“That’s it?” With a wave of the long knife in Li Yalin’s hand, he completely shattered the opponent’s attack. Let me talk about the Asura Blade in Li Yalin’s hand. This is Li Yalin’s order to cooperate with Asura. Specially made new weapon, which adds the changeable element of DITE, so Asura Blade can be changed into three forms at will, namely knife type, long spear type and sniper rifle type.

Asura Blade is only the lowest-level state, so apart from the powerful attack power, there are no other special attributes, but even so, it is completely enough.

Looking at Li Yalin casually breaking his own offense, that Vampire Duke’s eyeballs are almost glaring out, even if he did not use his full strength, but this scene before him is not this too ridiculous ?

“Since you are finished attacking, then it’s my turn, right?” Li Yalin slightly smiled, the back of Asura’s rear arm ejected numerous beams of floating cannons, at least more than that. More than fifty, the floating cannon shot out countless rays of death, intertwined in the sky into a black net of death. Although it looks gorgeous, it is a one way straight to hell for the Vampires. Tickets.

“You guy!” Seeing that his men were killed and injured, the two Vampire Duke had some fly into a rage out of humiliation, and rushed towards Li Yalin with a roar and moved straight towards Li Yalin. At the same time, The two guys also took out their own weapons, the same four-finger wide swords, and they wielded with great air.

“This impossible!” The desperate scene of the two Vampires appeared. The broad sword slashed in front of Li Yalin’s, and was completely blocked by an invisible wall, except for a ripple. In addition, simply did not produce any effect, but only Li Yalin himself knew that the energy on Asura had dropped by nearly a thousand figures. If it was just an ordinary IS, the blow of these two Vampires had already defeated the IS. Absolute Defense.

“There is nothing impossible, then, tell me what you know!” With that, Li Yalin has grabbed two Duke’s necks with his robotic arm, and the tremendous force makes The two Vampires could barely breathe, they could only struggle back and forth in the air.

Controlling lived two Vampire Duke, as for the remaining Vampires have all been killed under Li Yalin’s floating cannon, although a dozen floating cannons were lost, this is simply can for Li Yalin ‘t be considered loss.

See if there is no fish that escaped the net anymore. Li Yalin grabbed two Vampire Duke and returned to the Androlla. Just when Li Yalin returned to the ship, the entire Androlla There was a huge cheer from above. In the eyes of the beautiful maids, Li Yalin was their hero!

“Let’s see who is behind the scenes this time. Of course, even if you don’t say it, I know it’s the U.S. guys. But in order to show democracy, I decided to Let you explain it in detail.” After sealing all the energy of the two Vampire Duke, Li Yalin asked the two guys on the ground with disdain.

“Are the Americans here to attack me?” Antonia muttered looking thoughtful in a low voice.

“It’s not you, but me and Alice. It seems that the emergence of Catian has already given the U.S. a sense of crisis, and the Dekisias behind the U.S. will not sit back and watch the establishment of diplomatic relations between Catian and Earth. Yes, so this time we are the one who is causing you.” Li Yalin shook the head.

“I don’t think this is a nuisance. You are my big brother. Alice is the object of my admiration. For you, even if I am an enemy of the United States, I will not hesitate.” Unexpectedly , Antonia actually said such a thing.

“Yes, Young Master Yalin, every maid we present will be willing to sacrifice for Young Master Yalin!” Maya on the side also moved towards Li Yalin very seriously.

“In that case, I am really sorry.” Li Yalin touched his nose, but he was not ready to let others sacrifice for himself, especially these lovely girls.

“Let’s talk about it, the purpose of your visit this time.” After a while, Li Yalin finally turned his attention back to the two Vampire Duke.

“Since you all know, what else do we have to say, we were commissioned by DIA, and the purpose is to kill Li Yalin, the demon slasher of the Tianhe family, and Alien who came to Earth !” One of the Vampire Duke replied dejectedly, what did he ask so much after he knew it?

“Is it really DIA? Do these arrogant guys think they can act wilfully by colluding with the dog people?” Li Yalin frowns pondered then said.

“So how did your Vampire clan connect with the United States? Isn’t your regular activity area in Europe?” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (qidian) .com) Voting referral votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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