Leave aside the economy of the United States. At this time, the Li Yalin entire group has already arrived in Tokyo by plane. Looking at the luxurious Rolls-Royce fleet outside the airport, Li Yalin couldn’t help but shook his head and smiled bitterly, bringing Antonia with him. Is it really appropriate?

This is the cause of the matter. A few days ago, Alice suddenly found Li Yalin and said that she wanted to go to Tokyo. Of course, Li Yalin had to ask why. Alice’s answer turned out to be the mothership of Katia. Those cat ladies who are in the academic research class, please ask Alice to investigate Japan’s cultural level, the relevance of information and economy, scientific skills, and mechanical skills.

But it’s better to say that. In fact, those cat ladies just want Alice to buy a lot of toys and manga to go back. I really don’t understand the cultural insights of these cat ladies. Is this also cats love to play? Is your nature at odds?

But anyway, since Alice made this request, Li Yalin naturally agreed. Manami and Kwai, as the bodyguards of the Kaitia Embassy, ​​must be followed, but the original plan Yes, there are only these four people on this trip to Tokyo. Ichka will stay with the house, and Antonia will stay with Ichka at home.

But when Antonia heard that she was going to Tokyo to buy games and toys, she immediately asked to follow suit. Then the maid team started to act quickly, and Ichka saw this too. Follow the trend together, yelling that I am bored at home alone, and I want to follow along. In this way, the original four-person tour has completely become a large tour group.

However, in addition to buying these toys and manga, Alice also has a very important Quest, which is to investigate Tokyo’s feelings about the arrival of Kay Catian, and announce her goodwill to the public by the way. Li Yalin personally said , Only this last Quest is the most reliable.

After getting off the plane, something even more outrageous appeared. Aoi and Manami actually consigned the three little helpers, Robot, given to them by Kay Catian, as an item. Of course, this is quite reasonable. Although Li Yalin wanted to say something about this, Li Yalin opened his mouth and still did not say a word.

Speaking of these three little assistant Robots, two of them belong to Aoi, and these two little assistants belong to the melee robot. One is called Jin, one is called Chiba, and the other is with The little assistant with sunglasses, black windbreaker, matchstick in his mouth, and double guns belongs to Manami. Manami named it Runfa, but Li Yalin always thinks it is better to be called Brother Ma.

After entering the car, the Li Yalin entire group went straight to Nakano Broadway. Here is the otaku Holy Land, which is comparable to Akihabara. It’s just as it enters this imperial palace called the “4-Layer House Demon Cave”. Before the mansion building, Li Yalin emphasized many things with Mayer and Sarah. First of all, he was not allowed to take guns at will! The traffic of Nakano Broadway is relatively large. Once something happens, it is easy to have trampling accidents. In order to avoid such things from happening, Li Yalin has repeatedly negotiated three chapters. It doesn’t matter to him, but if it is brought to Katia If it has a negative impact, that would be terrible.

Sure enough, Li Yalin’s advice is useful. Just after entering Broadway, a group of high school girls were attracted by the little helpers Robots, watching them pat the little helpers one by one. When she was screaming “Kawaii”, Sarah couldn’t help but want to take out the MP7 under her skirt and directly kill the eye-catching high school girls in front of her.

Of course, Sarah finally endured it, because just before she began to stir, Li Yalin gave her a fierce look, which made Sarah shiver uncontrollably and finally stopped. Her actions.

After getting rid of these high school girls, the entire group continues to move forward. Here, Li Yalin really feels heaven. Although there are a lot of anime, manga and figures that I haven’t heard of before, Li Yalin’s The soul of an otaku who had been silent for many years was immediately aroused. Before Alice could take out the list she prepared, Li Yalin had moved towards one of her optimistic storefronts and rushed in, every hand on the window. They are all very loving, um, it’s decided, I’ll buy them all back!

After paying attention, Li Yalin started a frantic raid and walked from one family to another. Finally, under the dumbfounded appearance of Manami, Aoi and the others, Li Yalin made love in the entire Nakano Broadway The merchandise was sold out in one go, and even the warehouses of various stores were not let go. And this day is also called the “Memorial Day” by many Otakus in Japan, to mourn those Otakus who have not bought homes for several weeks due to out of stock.

It is not only Otaku who have resentment, but also the staff of TA-Q-BIN, who also have stinky faces on this day. There is no other reason, just because of the huge workload, it is simply cracking a joke. Same thing, they are just the personnel responsible for mailing the goods, not the moving company! It is impossible to move the entire Nakano Broadway to Okinawa! With so many things, how many planes have to be packaged to be delivered? Just record these commodities, do not know how much time it will take.

Of course, this does not include the manager of TA-Q-BIN. Relatively speaking, he is happy to spend. With so many products, the shipping cost is already sky-high, but the price is for Li Yalin. , It was not a problem at all. Amid the repeated compliments from the manager, Li Yalin took Manami and the others out of this legendary magic cave. Of course, this place has now been completely destroyed by Li Yalin.

“Really didn’t expect, Yalin, you still have this kind of house attribute. Why did I never know?” Walking out of Nakano Broadway, Manami looked at Li Yalin’s with surprise, as if I was very surprised by Li Yalin’s extra character attribute.

“Hehe, I didn’t expect that after so many years, the soul of my house hidden in the heart would burn.” After a lot of shopping, Li Yalin finally satisfied himself. The soul of the otaku, he was quite satisfied with this.

“So what’s next? You don’t want to sweep Akihabara again, do you?” Manami casually joked, but after listening to Manami’s words, Li Yalin’s eyes lit up, yes Ah, this is a great idea!

“You guy, I’m just cracking a joke, you really plan to go!” Seeing Li Yalin’s emotional expression, Manami immediately panicked, what a joke, if you wipe out Akihabara again After doing it again, it is estimated that after returning home, there will not even be a place to stay, and the whole house will be filled with Li Yalin’s mansion.

“Just thinking about it, I haven’t lost my mind yet.” Li Yalin touched his nose sorry. I did a little too much just now. You must know that those maids are still big eyes staring at small eyes looking at yourself.

“So what’s the next itinerary? Where should I go for a stroll?” Alice showed a thoughtful look, her expression is so cute that Antonia has been ear-controlled by the cat The red heart in little loli’s eyes went straight.

“Tokyo? To be honest, although I have been here a few times, I don’t know what’s more interesting here.” Li Yalin looked around all around. Where would I go?

At this moment, Li Yalin was keenly aware that several waves of people were monitoring him. After Divine Sense probed over, they found that they were all reporters from major TV stations. The news of these guys was still It’s pretty savvy, but I’ve already found it.

Although the reporters are secretly filming the movement of the Li Yalin entire group, none of them dared to ask questions. If you want to ask why, it should be pressure from the Japanese government. After all, even if Japan has formally established diplomatic relations with Katia, it is still under pressure, especially Japan has the leader of the United States, the boss means, how dare the younger brother resist.

“Yalin, who are these people?” Obviously, Alice also found the reporters. Although they did not feel malicious, Alice still felt very uncomfortable to be photographed like this.

“TV reporters, if you want to shoot, let them do it. Anyway, the appearance of Kay catian is the general trend. If a TV station dared to broadcast our whereabouts, it would be even better. It can also enhance the image of Kay catian.” Li Yalin said with a smile very indifferent.

“Isn’t it? If I’m on TV, wouldn’t everyone see me? There’s nothing wrong with me now, right?” Manami became anxious when he heard it. , I quickly sorted out my clothes, but wearing ordinary clothes with suspenders, hot pants and a T-shirt, no matter how I sort them out, I can’t sort out any tricks, right?

“Himari’s phone? Why are you looking for me now?” At this moment, the cell phone in Li Yalin’s pocket suddenly rang, and when he took it out, it turned out to be a call from Himari.

“Your Royal Highness, Young Master, are you in Tokyo now?” Pressing the answer button, Himari’s first sentence embarrassed Li Yalin’s face. How does this girl know that she is in Tokyo? Do these reporters really dare to broadcast their whereabouts and the others?

“Young Master, are you listening? But I said Young Master, you even confuse us with the cat from Alien, which makes the sisters very angry, especially around you There are also that many girls. You have to think about how to calm everyone’s anger.” Li Yalin was speechless for a while, but Himari’s narrow voice continued to be heard from the microphone.

“I didn’t want to give you a surprise.” Li Yalin smiled helplessly and made a mistake. Didn’t expect asked the girls to catch them. Isn’t this stabbing a hornet’s nest? The jealousy of the girls is really the most terrifying thing in the world.

“Surprise? When it comes to surprises, we also want to give Young Master a surprise.” Himari’s voice sounded very happy, and he just said: “Young Master, you guys Don’t move for now, just stay where you are. When the time comes, I will give you a big surprise!” After that, he hung up the phone.

I have no responsibility to recommend Chacha’s new book “The State of Runaway in Other Worlds”, the legendary God’s perspective, brother sisters who like otaku to help click on the collection~New Book Nourishing~~~(To be continued. If you want to continue. You like this work, and you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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