Himari Surprise yourself? Li Yalin hung up the phone with some doubts. Normally, Himari and the others should be cultivating at the home of sisters of Komi Mori, how could they come to Tokyo to surprise themselves? Although wondering in his heart, Li Yalin decided to wait and see what Himari was going to do.

In less than ten minutes, a luxury convoy moved towards Li Yalin and the others in the direction where they are located. Looking at the convoy on the opposite side, Mayer and Sarah have taken out their skirts vigilantly. MP7, but at this moment, Li Yalin’s face showed a hint of helplessness, so that’s how it is, but why are they all in Tokyo?

“Stop!” Before the convoy approached, Mayer raised the MP7 in his hand, meaning I would shoot if you didn’t stop.

“Okay Maya, your own people, don’t be so vigilant.” Li Yalin waved his hand, these little girls, what the hell is happening?

“Yes, Young Master Yalin.” Seeing what Li Yalin said, Mayer was considered to have taken back the MP7 in her hand, but looking at the opposite team, she still retained a sense of vigilance. What you must do as a maid.

“His Royal Highness Young Master!” The convoy slowly stopped in front of Li Yalin and the others. As soon as the door opened, Himari could not help but rushed out and fell into Li Yalin’s arms.

“Okay, okay, I still love being so coquettish.” Li Yalin smiled and touched Himari’s head. Because he was very excited to see Li Yalin, Himari’s cat ears and tail were completely It was revealed, and when it shook, it immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

“Is this Lord Himari?” Antonia said uncertainly. She was still an ordinary girl, but when she saw Li Yalin, the cat ears and tail on her head It stretched out, this is the cat demon of Tianhe family?

“Yes, this is Himari, I told you before.” Li Yalin smiled and replied.

“Aiyaya, really didn’t expect. It’s been a long time since I saw you, Xiaoya, there are so many girls around you. It’s a blessing that makes other men envious.” Kuesu also walked out of the car door at this time, but how could he be so eccentric after listening to her? Of course, Li Yalin understands that this is the jealousy of a young beautiful woman, so Li Yalin can only respond with a wry smile for Kuesu’s irony.

“Yalin, are you okay? I heard that after Alien came to Earth, a lot of troubles have happened, are you hurt?” It’s Rinko. Li Yalin, I am afraid that Li Yalin will be harmed.

“Don’t worry Rinko, it’s just a small matter, no problem at all.” Li Yalin smiled and replied.

“The harem man…said.” Shizuku turned his head to ignore Li Yalin after only saying this. Obviously, Shizuku is also jealous, and the jealousy is not small. .

„Ah? So many maids! Yalin, don’t forget your exclusive maid!” Looking at Maya and Sarah in maid dresses, then at Antonia’s crowd The maid team, Liz’s maid soul suddenly burned, which Li Yalin did not expect.

“I said why did you come to Tokyo?” Looking at Ageha, Sasa, Gaya and Yinzi who still wanted to talk, Li Yalin interrupted everyone in time and asked questions first. , Among so many girls, it is estimated that only the lowest-ranking text and the less talkative little loli Tamamo no Mae will not speak out.

But there are really all the girls in front of me. Chairperson Yuu, Onee-san teacher Kisaragi Sae, sisters of Kakmu Sen, Lan Hua, and Xiao He are all there. I really don’t know why everyone is meeting. Together.

“hee hee, what girl likes to do, of course, is shopping and buying clothes. Since there is a big money like you, then we will naturally not let it go.” Xiao Xiao smiled and smiled. The pair Li Yalin replied.

“Oh? You are here to go shopping in Tokyo? Then how do you know where we are?” Li Yalin is even more strange. What is going on?

“In fact, we just heard about it. Recently, the hottest Alien appeared in Nakano Broadway, and someone took a photo of this Alice Young Lady. When we looked at it curiously After looking at it, I suddenly found your presence in the photo, so…” Feibai smiled, and said to Li Yalin narrowly. Didn’t expect that the normally unsmiling Miko would also Such a cracking a joke.

“It turned out to be like this.” Li Yalin showed a face of sudden realization. Although many people took pictures in Nakano Broadway, Li Yalin didn’t care too much. Now it seems that It is these photos that have betrayed me.

After getting the answer, the next thing to do is naturally to introduce everyone to each other, to say that the new friends here, that is, Alice and Antonia, although many people have not seen I’ve been to Manami, but at least Himari and Rinko know each other. As for Sarah and Maya, everyone just knows them. Anyway, these two maids didn’t identify themselves as everyone’s friends.

“Since it’s such a coincidence that everyone can get together, let’s go around Tokyo.” After meeting each other, Alice immediately smiled and put forward her own suggestions. A cat girl with freely retractable ears and tail, Alice is very curious and wants to have more contact with Himari. As for the others, Alice is also very fond of others. Otherwise, Alice would not be in front of so many people. The face is so proactive.

“Okay, I also came to Tokyo for shopping anyway. It would be best if we can all go shopping together!” Alice’s proposal got the response of all the girls. Li Yalin didn’t care, just shopping, then Go shopping.

A whole day has passed. During this day, the Li Yalin entire group almost visited the entire Tokyo city. After everyone’s excitement passed, the sky had gradually darkened. It’s also time to eat dinner and rest. Look at Antonia Little Loli, now she can’t get down on Mayer’s back. The amount of activity today is indeed too much for her.

“Then, everyone will come to my house to stay overnight. Instead of looking for a hotel to stay, the house feels warmer.” Didn’t expect Feibai turned out to be the role of the host. He was originally in the suburbs of Tokyo. There is a mansion of the Gwangwusen family, where Himari and the others do their cultivation. Although it is not the home of the Gwangwusen family, it is also one of the best mansions in the Gwangwusen family. Usually Feibai and Feiling live here. of.

“That’s good, then the trouble will be in vain.” Li Yalin nodded, since the other party has said so, Li Yalin has no reason to refuse. Besides, Li Yalin has nowhere to go. It is nothing more than to find one. It’s just a luxurious hotel. Anyway, it’s right to stay overnight in Tokyo today.

“By the way, Sister Kong, are you done with your business?” In this way, Li Yalin entire group is going to go to the various villages, but only now does Li Yalin remember that Kisaragi Sae has nothing to do. Do you want to do it? Is it done now?

“You only think of me? Hehe, it’s just some school official duties, which will be handled very quickly. This time I am a free body. I just wait for the next semester to report to Makishi High School. ”Kisaragi Sae first gave Li Yalin a blank look, then replied with a smile.

“Well, what about you Yuu? Are you willing to let people go?” Li Yalin nodded, then turned his attention to Chairman Yuu. Most of the summer vacation has passed, and the beginning of the new semester Soon, it is indeed time for everyone to come to Okinawa.

“No problem, my parents’ ideological work has been done. Anyway, it will take half a year to leave home. If you are reluctant now, then when the time comes, you will be even more reluctant.” Yuu nodded, made I made a no problem gesture.

“That’s good, since that’s the case, then I’ll announce that the Teleportation Arrays in Okinawa and Iri Valley are officially opened, and everyone can go back and forth at any time.” In this case, the Teleportation Array can be officially launched. Up.

“Really, Young Master?” Himari looked at Li Yalin with a pleasant surprise. This doesn’t mean that we can meet every day in the future? In fact, not only Himari, Rinko, and Kuesu are the same, everyone is very excited.

“Of course.” Li Yalin gave a thumbs up, and then all the women cheered.

“Okay, let’s get in the car first. If you have anything, I will say after you fly to Bai Family, I will take a good rest tonight.” It’s not a problem to stand in place for so long, there is What should I say after arriving at the destination?

Soon, the convoy moved towards the home of Gemushi, and half an hour later, the Li Yalin entire group finally arrived at the destination. This is the home of Gemushi, and it was in Okinawa with Li Yalin. The manor is almost the same, but you have to know that this is Tokyo, even if it is in the suburbs, it is an inch of money. It seems that the various villages are really rich.

The hospitality of the various villages was very enthusiastic. At dinner, everyone was also the host and the host. Just after the dinner, Feibai suddenly stopped Li Yalin and explained that he had something to say to Li Yalin. Say.

“What’s the matter with Feibai, what’s the matter?” Seeing Feibai’s serious face, Li Yalin’s was puzzled.

“Yalin, do you know that many forces want to attack Alice recently?” Feibai frowns asked Li Yalin.

“Of course I know, the DIA and the Immigration Bureau guys all want to get rid of Alice and hurry up.” Li Yalin nodded replied.

“Not only these, there was a news in Monster Realm recently. As long as you kill the Alien named Alice, you can inherit the strongest monster power. When the time comes, you will have comparable The strength of Japan’s three major monsters!” (To be continued, if you want to know what’s going on, please visit www.qidian.com, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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