“Monster Realm is alarmed? Who has such power? Can the monsters gang up and attack? Kay catian is not a ghost swordsman. It shouldn’t be an obstacle to the monsters? Especially Kay The catian’s appearance is even more inclined to monsters.” Li Yalin frowns thought for a while, but there was no eyebrow at all.

“This is also our strange place, but since Yalin you are so familiar with these Alien visitors, then our Demon Slayer Twelve Clan will definitely do our best to help you, and the investigation will be handed over to We are well, the last time the Jiu Tun boy incident has caused us enough shame, this time we will definitely not be ashamed!” Feibai said with a serious face, before they waited for their investigation last time. As a result, Li Yalin has resolved the entire incident. This is simply a slap in the face of all the ghosts. Although Li Yalin doesn’t mind, it doesn’t mean Feibai and the others won’t.

“Is that so? If that’s the case, I beg you, after all, is there a lot of people and power.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, he didn’t think too much, it would be best to have someone help. This way he can also relax a lot.

“Not good, elder sister! I just got the news that the main house of Tomimon Gate was attacked by a large number of monsters, and the situation is unknown now!” At this moment, Komi Sen Feiling suddenly ran to Li Yalin and Feibai’s side, gasping for breath said.

“What?” Feibai stood up incredulously, and the main house of Domimon was attacked by a monster? How is this possible?

“Don’t gossip, go and see what’s going on!” Li Yalin was anxious when he heard it. The Tuyumen’s family is in charge of all the demon slashers, and now the Tuyumen’s My family was attacked. This is undoubtedly the biggest irony. Even if Li Yalin is just a named Demon Slayer, he at least bears the name of Demon Slayer.

“What’s wrong, Your Highness, Young Master?” Li Yalin urgently recruited Himari and Kuesu. It doesn’t take too many people to go. A few powerhouses are enough, but Himari has not yet understood the situation. But with Kuesu, what happened?

“I’ll tell you in a while, let’s go right now!” After speaking, Li Yalin brought Himari, Kuesu, and the sisters There was a Space Teleportation and then left the place.

“How is this possible?” After everyone appeared at the main house of the Tomi Gate, they were all shocked by the scene before them. The original huge house was burned into a piece of scorched earth, and the ground was not yet The solidified blood tells everyone that a great battle has just happened, and the sisters of Komi Mori and Xiao Hsi who understand the strength of the Domitian family have incredible faces. Even if there is a monster attack, it depends on the strength of the Domitian family. , It’s okay to resist for a while, right? But now it seems that the Tuyumen’s clan was simply unable to fight back, and was completely resolved by the opponent.

“The opponent came very suddenly, without any defense at all. If you read it right, besides the Japanese monsters, Western Werewolf and Vampire also appeared, and this Is it? Giant Dragon? Does the Western Ocean still exist as Giant Dragon?” Li Yalin used the power of fate to replay what had happened to the Tuomimon’s family, but to Li Yalin’s surprise, he actually saw it. Giant Dragon’s exists, and there are more than one. There are three Seventh Rank High-Level and one Saint Rank High-Level Black Dragon. This is quite rare.

“Did the Golden Dragon Race also appear? This time things are really troublesome. The other party has no mercy at all. Obviously he wants to exterminate the Tuyumen family!” Feibai sighed. .

“Whether it is directed at the Tuyumen’s house or the Demon Slasher? If it’s the Tuyumen, it’s all. If it’s the Demon Sword, it would be bad!” Li Yalin frowns Said, but his voice had not fallen, Li Yalin was stunned.

Yes! If the opponent’s target is all the Ghost Slayers, then their next target will definitely be the home of the Komi Mori family. The Tianhe family is already In name only, and Noihara’s home is covered by barriers and no one can find it. The home where Sanyan Lanhua is located has been completely cut off, so there is no need to think about it. There are few families in the Yeguangyuan. Except for Xiaoxi’s detective agency, everyone else is scattered around, living an ordinary person’s life, and the detective agency is just Xiaoxi alone. In the case of the God Palace Temple family, the entire family has moved to the West. How could it be possible to have a family in Japan? Then after deliberation, the danger to the Mori family is the greatest.

“Yalin! You have to help me!” Obviously, Feibai and Feiling thought of this. At this time, the two little witches were panicked, and the terrible situation of the Tuyumen’s family was stunned. In front of everyone, even the strongest Ghost Slasher couldn’t stop the opponent, and the Komi Sen family would definitely not be able to do so, especially Fei Bai, the Family Head, was not there yet.

“Okay! Tell me the address of the Morimoto house immediately!” Seeing Feibai panicked, Li Yalin immediately nodded and agreed, how can these monsters be so arrogant, if they continue to succeed , That is really shameless.

Seeing Li Yalin’s willingness to help herself, Fei Bai immediately showed a grateful expression. Even Fei Ling, who had been looking at Li Yalin, became extremely docile at this time. This is quite rare.

Getting the address of the Morimoto family, Li Yalin immediately displayed Space Teleportation. Although there was a slight deviation, it didn’t get in the way because they were here at the right time. The monster Masa Grandiose appeared in front of the main entrance of the Komi Mori family, and he was ready to break in without a word, and there was no time for the Komi Mori family to prepare at all.

“Good guys, it’s time to come, Himari, Kuesu, the copy guys are ready to go!” As soon as he settled, Li Yalin saw a group of Werewolf smashing open the door of the various Wusen house. Countless bats are flying in the air, and the four Giant Dragons are even more eye-catching. If it weren’t for the Morimoto family to be uninhabited for several kilometers, the appearance of so many Yoma would definitely cause a big shock, even a little will not. Inferior to Alien’s appearance.

“Understood!” Himari and Kuesu were excited about the equipment and put on their own weapons and equipment. Before that, Li Yalin gave two girls a Spatial Ring so that they could store some things. Otherwise, You can’t always wear Magic Robe with a long knife and Magic Staff, right? Anyway, many Spatial Ring Li Yalin can be wholesaled, and the hidden treasure of Bright Goddess is not blown out.

Among the shocked eyes of the other three girls, Muramasa of Himari waved, a huge lightning net moved towards the Vampires in the air, and then Himari moved towards Several black round balls were thrown in the Werewolf group. As soon as the balls fell on the ground, a violent explosion exploded, killing several Werewolf instantly.

“snort! insignificant talent!” When it comes to fighting, Kuesu has never served Himari. With a wave of the Archangel rod in his hand, eighteen Skeletons holding long swords and shields lifted from the ground. After drilling out, these Skeletons moved towards the Yomas outside and hacked and killed the past. Then Kuesu’s magic flame storm was also ready. This is a very powerful skill. Once the magic flame storm comes out, even the entire enemy Fang’s Yoma team broke up.

Watching the battle between Himari and Kuesu, the most incredible thing is Feibai. After all, Himari and Kuesu have been practicing with Feibai during this period of time. Originally, Feibai thought he had already figured it out. A girl, but now it seems that she really needs to know a lot.

“What’s the matter?” As for Yoma on the offensive side, Li Yalin didn’t use Li Yalin to make a shot. Only Himari and Kuesu pinned each other at the gate of the various Mori homes, even in the sky. Giant Dragons couldn’t get past the thunder pool one step, but at this moment, a huge explosion suddenly occurred in the Komi Sen family. What happened?

“Not good, there is a traitor within the Gwusen family!” Soon, Feibai found out the situation. Among the Gwusen family, the most powerful person is Feibai as the leader. As for the men of the various maidens, they have always acted as waiters. Now they finally broke out, and they broke out very thoroughly. They were united with these Yomas, and it was really lost. The face of the Devil Slayer family.

“The annoying guy actually penetrated here!” Li Yalin waved his hand, and dozens of silhouettes suddenly appeared in front of the girls. It turned out that Li Yalin had a total of twenty summons directly from the Evolved Space. An Archangel, against these ordinary Werewolf and Vampires, the Argangel, who has reached the Seventh Rank High-Level, is completely sufficient.

Of course, the Saint Rank Giant Dragon in the sky is not something ordinary Archangels can handle, so Li Yalin also summoned two upgraded four-wing Angels. They passed through Li Yalin used Energy Points to upgrade and possesses the strength of Saint Rank High-Level. The two of them wanted to kill the Saint Rank Giant Dragon, which was more than enough.

“Xiaoya and the others?” When I saw these Angels for the first time, Kuesu was speechless. Even if he knew a lot about Li Yalin, Kuesu still felt that he knew little about Li Yalin’s. The pathetic.

“I’ll tell you in a while, let’s put down the rebellion first!” Then, Li Yalin took a group of girls into the inner courtyard of the Goshen family, where, the rebellious man We have formed a stalemate with the shrine maidens of the Komi Sen family, and no one dared to act first.

These rebels are dependent, as long as the Magic Attack outside the door breaks in, then these witches can let themselves and the others act wilfully, so they are not in a hurry , Just fully armed, besieged all the witches.

As for these witches, they are not as calm as these rebels. The situation outside the door is unknown. Now that there is a counter-insurgency, the minds of the witches have begun to shake. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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