Although Li Yalin is preparing to shoot a movie again, but the time is short and the others. It’s September 1st in a blink of an eye. This day is the school’s opening ceremony, which symbolizes the beginning of a new semester, and Li Yalin The entire group will also start the second half of the year at the Municipal Makishi High School in Naha City.

All the procedures are handled by Onee-san teacher Kisaragi Sae. This will save Li Yalin a lot of trouble, and Aoi’s admission procedures are also in Zhenji. It went smoothly under the one-handed operation.

“Yo, Elder Brother Yalin, I really trouble you, and you have to come and pick me up.” Just the day before the school opening ceremony, Li Yalin’s friend Taizo’s younger sister Xiaochun arrived in Naha by plane. In the city, Tai San had called Li Yalin before and told Li Yalin must take care of Xiaochun. Of course, Li Yalin promised that Xiaochun is a pretty good girl, like a younger sister to Li Yalin.

“Hehe, this is not our Xiaochun’s style. Haven’t seen him for more than a month. Has Xiaochun gone to the bridal training class?” Li Yalin laughed at the somewhat restrained Xiaochun. , It seems that I came to an unfamiliar environment, even the lively and cheerful Xiaochun is a little uncomfortable.

“I hate it, Elder Brother Yalin, you will make fun of me, wow! Elder Brother Yalin, is this car yours?” Just after seeing the sports car behind Li Yalin, Xiaochun suddenly got older With a cry, he looked up and down at the sports car with a novel look.

This time Li Yalin came to pick up Xiaochun from the airport alone. The car he drove was the latest sports car specially prepared for him by Mayer. Li Yalin didn’t know what brand it was. Knowing that it is a world-limited purely handmade version, it has been sold at sky-high prices in Europe, and this is the only one in Japan. The streamlined silver body is full of futuristic metal pull styles. Li Yalin attracts as soon as it opens. To tell the truth, Li Yalin regretted driving this car. It was really uncomfortable to be looked at by everyone with such weird eyes.

“Get in the car, go back to my house first, and take it to school later. If you don’t like the dormitory of the school, you can live in my house in the future.” Li Yalin helped Xiaochun open the car door.

“Elder Brother Yalin… can you really sit?” Seeing that the car door was opened by Li Yalin, Xiaochun hesitated instead. The price of such a luxurious sports car is definitely not cheap, he is so ordinary. Are girls really qualified to sit on it?

“What silly thing to say? You silly girl!” With that, Li Yalin pushed Xiaochun into the car, closed the door, and drove towards Li Yalin’s home.

Along the way, Xiaochun seemed very cautious. Fortunately, there was Li Yalin’s active atmosphere, so the road was not so embarrassing. During the conversation with Xiaochun, Li Yalin also learned about some of the Taisan and school classmates. The status quo, didn’t expect Taisan’s labor and mouth department has really been established. Although the school has not issued any official documents, until now, Taisan has pulled up a team of more than 20 people. This is in the whole It is relatively rare in school clubs.

“Elder Brother Yalin…” After arriving at the destination and looking at the gorgeous manor, Xiaochun hesitated again. Although he was mentally prepared to see this luxurious sports car, he saw this This kind of beautiful manor is like the castle where Princess lives. Xiaochun really can’t believe it is true. Is this really a residence?

“Allah, where is the usually lively Xiaochun? Normal heart is fine.” After patted Xiaochun’s head, Li Yalin threw the car key to his maid and entered the room Later, after seeing the image of Alice, Xiaochun was naturally stunned again. Xiaochun felt as if she had used up all the surprises of her life today. It was incredible.

With the activities of Alice and Rinko, Xiaochun quickly integrated into the big family, but on the 2nd day, the day of the opening ceremony, when everyone was preparing to go to school together, Alice His expression suddenly dimmed.

“What’s the matter, Alice, are you feeling unwell?” Kwai found out that there was something wrong with Alice, and quickly stepped forward and asked with concern.

“No…It’s just that everyone has gone to school together. It feels a bit lonely, but don’t worry, everyone, I will take good care of the house.” Alice barely showed a smile and sent everyone out the door.

“Let Alice also come to school in a while, otherwise, she would be too lonely.” On the way to Makishi High School, Li Yalin said his thoughts after a moment of contemplation .

“That’s right, Alice’s expression is indeed very unbearable.” Manami agreed. Although there are Shizuku and Ichka with Alice at home, everyone understands that. Alice still likes to wrap around Li Yalin’s side the most. Without Li Yalin’s, Alice would not have a trace of enthusiasm, especially in the past few days.

“Sae chan!” Just when I was approaching Makizhi High School, a somewhat familiar female voice suddenly came from a distance. Is it an acquaintance of Sister Kong? Li Yalin looked forward with some curiosity, she was indeed an acquaintance, and this person Li Yalin also knew him, and the teacher in charge of teaching art classes-Akuzu Yuko, didn’t expect that she also came to Makishi High School as an exchange teacher.

“Yu, Yuko, when did he appear? Why didn’t you notify me? I thought you didn’t come, and I couldn’t call your phone.” Kisaragi Sae and Akuzu Yuko are very familiar with each other. The best drinker, the teacher of Yuko Akuzu has a very weak sense of existence. If you don’t concentrate one’s mind, even if she is standing next to you, you may not be able to find her presence. This is a very amazing thing. Because of her talent, the students called her Xiaoyouzi especially and kindly, and she was very satisfied with this title.

“hee hee, isn’t this a surprise for Sae chan, how about it? I heard that you came to Okinawa very early? You live at Schoolmate Yalin’s? It’s amazing.” Akuzu Yuko had a face Looking at Kisaragi Sae narrowly, and turning his head to move towards Li Yalin and blinking his eyes, this is very incredible. Normally this little Yuko is unsmiling and rarely shows other expressions. Why did he immediately after arriving in Okinawa? Let go?

“You guy, do you want to be beaten?” Onee-san teacher Kisaragi Sae’s sharp spit knife immediately fell on Yuko’s head, and at the same time, a trace of her face appeared Blushing, her relationship with Li Yalin’s is indeed good, and even recently there are some signs of sublimation, which makes this mature Onee-san teacher can’t help being shy, having an ambiguity with her students, and she is really a qualified one. Of educators?

“It hurts Sae chan, didn’t I think about it for you! The conditions of Schoolmate Yalin’s are very good, the study is good, the character is good, I admire Sae chan you very much.” Yuko said with a sad expression on the part hit by the hand knife, but what she said made Li Yalin sorry, is she really that good?

“If you are envious, you can grab it! By the way, Yalin, don’t you mind having one more person in the house?” With a glance at Yuko, Kisaragi Sae turned his gaze to Li Yalin’s body.

“Sister Sister, what do you mean? Okay, no problem at all.” In an instant, Li Yalin understood what the other party was thinking. Kisaragi Sae knew that Akuzu Yuko was unaccompanied in Okinawa, everyone. If you live together, you can also take care of each other. The words just now are just an excuse, so Li Yalin naturally agreed.

“Sae chan, are you serious?” Akuzu Yuko looked at Kisaragi Sae and Li Yalin in surprise. The development of things was beyond her expectation. Isn’t this too fast? Soon Xiaoyouzi didn’t react at all.

“What did you say?” Kisaragi Sae smiled and blinked without speaking, and led a group of students into the campus of Makishi High School. As for Rinko who knew Xiaoyouzi The girls and Yuu also blinked their eyes narrowly moved towards her, and then followed the large group cheerfully.

“What’s the matter…” Akuzu Yuko sighed helplessly. The teacher lives in the student’s house, especially when he and Li Yalin are not so close yet. Forget it, since the other party has agreed, No matter how worried I am, it’s just asking for trouble. It’s not bad to be able to follow Sae chan, at least she is in front of him.

Today is the opening ceremony of Makishi High School. At the opening ceremony, the principal of the school also introduced Li Yalin, exchange students from the Kanto region, to everyone. After a round of applause, the opening ceremony ended. .

After the opening ceremony, Li Yalin, the exchange students, were divided into classes. Coincidentally, Li Yalin, Aoi, Himari, Rinko, Kuesu and Yuu were all divided into one class, that is Manami’s class, there are six more people at once, isn’t it really crowded?

“Kuesu, this is your ghost, isn’t it?” Feeling a wave of Spell fluctuations, Li Yalin immediately understood that it was Kuesu’s trick in secret, and he wanted to hide it from himself. It was still far away.

“Hee hee, in this case, Xiaoya, you are also very happy, right.” Kuesu, who obviously doesn’t have to go to school, went to such an ordinary high school with Li Yalin this time. People are more surprised, but seeing Kuesu’s annoying appearance, Li Yalin can only show a helpless wry smile.

After finishing all the trivial matters in high school, everyone finally ended today’s itinerary. After all, today is just the opening ceremony. If the school officially starts, we will have to wait until next Monday.

“This is Schoolmate Yalin’s house?” As everyone expected, Akuzu Yuko, who followed the Li Yalin entire group to Li Yalin’s house, let out a burst of exclamation.

“Of course, be prepared, you will be more surprised next.” Kisaragi Sae smiled and looked at Yuko, with a playful expression on his face.

„Ah? Alien!!!” Sure enough, after seeing Alice, another scream rang… (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (qidian. com) Voting referral votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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