“Hello everyone, my name is Li Yalin and I come from Tongling Academy…” In the first class at the beginning of the new semester, exchange students like Li Yalin began to introduce themselves as usual. For those from the Kanto region The exchange students, the children who have lived in Okinawa since childhood, have responded with considerable enthusiasm, especially for Himari and Kuesu. Maybe it is because they are beautiful women. In short, the boys are basically surrounded by them. , Of course, there are many girls curiously surrounding Li Yalin’s side.

Answer the girls’ questions with a smile, but Li Yalin’s thoughts have already flown home. What does Alice’s mysterious smile mean this morning? Obviously it was the most incapable of hiding words, but seeing Alice with a happy face this morning, Li Yalin asked the reason. Alice shook her head again and again without answering a word. It was abnormal.

“So… continue to introduce new students…” After the preparation bell for the second class rang, Maki Jiazhou, the teacher of Li Yalin’s class, walked into the classroom with a headache. ,New students? No wonder! Li Yalin suddenly realized that he didn’t need to investigate the situation outside. Li Yalin knew that Alice must have been to school together.

Sure enough, with Maki’s tone barely fell, she walked into the Sidao silhouette from outside the classroom. Why is it said that it is Sidao? That’s because in addition to Alice, Antonia actually brought Mayer and Sara to Muzhi High School, and seeing their standard sailor suits, Li Yalin didn’t even have the heart to complain.

Not only Li Yalin, everyone in the room looked at Alice and Antonia in a daze. In addition to the sailor suit, each of the four girls was holding a piece of toast. , So why does Alice have to learn the plots in these girls’ manga?

“So…this is the classmate Alice, Antonia Lilymoni who will start studying with everyone in the future…” Okay Maki sister, I know you must be in a very good mood now Bad, but you must hold on! Looking at the gnashing teeth’s introduction of Alice and Antonia and the others, Li Yalin couldn’t help being comforted in the heart.

It’s really a headache. There were a lot of people in this class. In the morning, Li Yalin and the group of six people are already tight. For this reason, they even got it from the logistics department. Three sets of tables and chairs, so that everyone has their own seat, but now there are four more people, how should this be arranged?

Not only that, Alien with cat ears is here! This gossip is like wings. The students in the whole school seemed to have heard the news in an instant. Everyone wants to see what Alien looks like. Fortunately, there are teachers and senior students of the Student Council. The students are suppressed, it is no problem, but after the end of the get out of class, Li Yalin’s class will always be surrounded not even one drop of water can pass through, after all, apart from Alien, this class is also famous Beauty.

“It’s finally over.” The one-day course is over. Li Yalin stretched out when he came home. It’s really uncomfortable to be stared at by so many people. When everyone knows Li Yalin After the ambiguous attitude with Alice, everyone’s eyes turned to Li Yalin’s body. The envious and jealous eyes, even if Li Yalin has gone through countless battlefields, still made him sneezes a few times, it must be someone. Cursing himself behind his back, Li Yalin dared to guarantee his fate with Divine Spark.

“That…Yalin, can I talk to you alone?” At this moment, Alice looked at Li Yalin with a trace of hesitation, and a little expectant look at Li Yalin, blushing. His cheeks even stuttered.

“Shall we talk alone? Okay, what’s the matter?” Li Yalin took Alice to a room with no one, and then Li Yalin asked, what happened to Katia? Secrets you can’t let others know?

“Actually… Yalin, you know, we Kay catian will have our first estrus every sixteenth cycle. Although if there is no target, most of us They will choose to use hypnosis or medicine to end the estrus period until they can find their lifelong partner, but if they have someone to accompany, then…” At this point, Alice was shy and couldn’t continue.

“Then Alice, what do you mean…” Hearing this, Li Yalin also started to stammer. How could Li Yalin not be able to hear it so obvious?

Regarding the estrus period of Kai catian, Li Yalin used to know something from Kaitia’s information. The difference from anime is that these Kai catians are unexpectedly steadfast, unlike those without wisdom at all. Wild beast is always controlled by affection. Think about it, after all, it is a highly evolved human, how could it be the same as the wild beast. Although the estrus period has been plagued by Kai catian, but thousands of years later, many solutions have emerged.

The first is the virtual experience device. Although this thing is really fast and effective, it is a pity that Kay catian is very resistant to using this kind of virtual thing to solve her own estrus. After all, every girl will have Own dreams are true if you hold them in your own hands. What kind of false things are.

As for hypnosis and medicine, these are basically Kay catian’s first choices. Of course, in comparison, hypnosis is a better solution, at least much stronger than medicine’s forced prohibition. This is the reason why the so-called blocking is not as good as sparse.

Although I understood this, Li Yalin didn’t expect Alice to recognize herself as the object of her first estrus. This was beyond Li Yalin’s expectation. After all, at first Alice didn’t have any In this regard, Li Yalin doesn’t even know the specific time of Alice’s estrus period. Why is the estrus period coming suddenly now?

“If you are willing to Yalin…” Alice is shy and nodded, there is still some time before her sixteen cycles, but during this time, Alice can get along with Li Yalin. Strive for a perfect end to your estrus period, at least not to let yourself leave regrets.

“This…” Li Yalin was embarrassed and didn’t know what to say, so he just said, “No problem, leave it to me!” ‘Such words? how is this possible!

“Sorry, Young Master seems to have not considered this aspect yet, Alice, it is better for you to solve it yourself.” At this moment, Himari’s voice suddenly appeared in the room, which is also One of the reasons for Li Yalin’s embarrassment was that when Alice talked about the estrus period, Himari was already hidden in the room, and the words of both of them were naturally heard by Himari.

“What? Yalin hasn’t refused yet! Yalin, do you really dislike me?” After Alice retorted Himari a bit angrily, she asked Li Yalin with tears on her face.

“Snort! Young Master’s first experience, how can I give you Alien! I am the best first experience object of Young Master!” At this time Himari has appeared and held Li Yalin’s arm, and at the same time She also looked at Alice proudly.

“I won’t admit defeat!” As he said, Alice immediately grabbed Li Yalin’s other arm, and the two little kitty began to look at each other unconvincedly, and they all looked at each other. Bulging.

“I said you two, can you give me a little bit, okay?” Li Yalin looked at Alice and Himari with a headache. He didn’t have any experience for the first time, so what are you two arguing about?


“His Royal Highness…” The little kitty all looked at Li Yalin with pitiful faces, which really made Li Yalin so angry and funny.

“Alice’s question, when the time comes, let’s talk about it, at least there is still some time.” Li Yalin shook the head, let’s procrastinate. If you have to explicitly refuse, it will inevitably hurt Alice’s heart, but if she wants to agree so readily, isn’t she a beast? Of course, now I may not even be as good as a beast, why should I complain about myself! Li Yalin’s expression is rather helpless.

“hee hee, Yalin did not refuse, then it means that I have a great chance, thank you Yalin.” After Alice triumphantly said to Himari, the pretty face moved towards Li Yalin’s cheek with red It was a kiss, and then he jumped away with joy on his face.

“His Royal Highness, Young Master…” Himari looked at Li Yalin aggrievedly, how could he let these Alien cats get ahead? It’s simply extraordinary shame and humiliation! What a shame to the cat on Earth!

“His Royal Highness Young Master’s first experience must be mine!” Looking at Li Yalin angrily, Himari’s words are full of resentment, but the expression of his will tell Li Yalin that Himari absolutely Seriously.

“As for? Come out Shizuku, after listening so much, should I charge a little interest?” After Himari also quickly left the room, Li Yalin turned his head and moved towards the room A small vase of said that as Li Yalin’s words were not over, clear water suddenly flowed out of the small vase, suspended in the air, forming the image of Shizuku.

“Indecisive…” Shizuku said blankly, looking at Li Yalin.

“It’s not that I’m indecisive, it’s these two little kitties that make me worry too much.” Li Yalin shook the head helplessly.

“Then your first experience is to give it to me?” Shizuku’s small tongue suddenly stretched out, licked the base of Li Yalin’s ear, and then immediately retracted it, what is this? Lolita’s temptation?

“I really don’t know what you are fighting for. My first experience has been given away a long time ago. Not only the first experience, but the N experience is gone.” Li Yalin simply broke the jar, this group of little Girl, what are you thinking about every day? (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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