“What’s the matter with Elder Brother Yalin? What happened?” As soon as Li Yalin walked out of the classroom, Xiaochun chased him up from behind. After all, she lived in Li Yalin’s house, and she knew some things well. See Li Yalin was so anxious that Xiaochun thought there was a major event.

“It’s okay Xiaochun, but my companions are ready, I’m going to pick them up now, and when they come to this World, I will give you a good introduction.” Look at Xiaochun’s concerned eyes Li Yalin patted her little head. Although this little girl is usually unearthly, she really cared and admired Li Yalin.

“It turned out to be like this, then Elder Brother Yalin, go quickly, don’t make your companions wait in a hurry.” Listening to Li Yalin’s words, Xiaochun is very nodded, Li Yalin slightly Smiled, flashing away and disappearing in place, this made Xiaochun stunned. The first time I saw Li Yalin cast the legendary Spell, it was really amazing.

“Jungmu-san, what are you doing? Even though Yalin Senior has left, our training will continue!” At this moment, the voice of his orchestra companion came from the classroom.

“Oh, I get it!” Xiaochun replied complied, and took another look at the place where Li Yalin had disappeared before turning around and entering the classroom.

“Long time no see Sister Chifuyu, are you all okay?” When I arrived in the Evolved Space, the Saint Angel team was integrated, and I waited for Li Yalin’s order to enter the cat I was in the ear dungeon, and seeing Chifuyu Orimura, the first thing Li Yalin did was to step forward and hug Chifuyu into his arms, really miss Chifuyu sister.

“You guy, don’t look at the time and occasion!” Chifuyu’s face was flushed, and moved towards Li Yalin’s with a hand knife on his head. Although he didn’t use his strength, Li Yalin still showed it pretentiously. Contorts one’s face in agony, which made Xia Lu on the side very distressed, and quickly stepped forward to help Li Yalin massage the area hit by Chifuyu.

“I’ve been in Charlotte, this guy is just pretending, I simply didn’t have any strength.” Chifuyu gave Li Yalin a white glance, and only hadn’t seen him for a month, how come he became so loving Acted? Could it be that the personality of the new Quest fusion is at work? Chifuyu squinted his eyes and stared at Li Yalin, which made Li Yalin shiver uncontrollably, allowing the powerhouse of the Lord God level to shiver, showing how powerful Chifuyu is.

“Hehe, it’s nothing, long time no see everyone.” Seeing that the play was dismantled, Li Yalin straightened up like a okay person, laughed at Hehe’s moved towards, everyone said hello, see When I arrived at Li Yalin, everyone naturally huffed around, especially those who were closest to Li Yalin, Qi, Lingyin, Cecilia, and Laura. They all took the lead and asked about this New World. Various situations.

“In fact, about this New World, you can imagine that Sister Shu hasn’t invented the Earth before IS. Everything is the same.” Now that everyone has asked questions, Li Yalin naturally satisfies everyone’s curiosity and starts Introduce the world of cat ears to everyone.

“In other words, the Earth was ten years ago? It’s incredible.” Qi said with a sigh, speaking of which, she really missed the world at that time, didn’t expect yet I can go back.

“Yalin, you mean, there are many monsters in that world? Since there are monsters, should there be ghosts too?” When talking about ghosts, Cecilia couldn’t help but fight She shuddered, and she had no resistance to these Undead creatures.

“I said Cecilia, you seem to have seen the ghost in my Evolved Space. You are not afraid of those things.” Li Yalin said quite funny, but he hadn’t waited for it. Celia spoke, but Gotandaran on the side caught up.

“This is different. We know that these ghosts are just Low-Level Units, and there is no terrifying thing, but the ghosts of the world are produced after the death of real people!” As he said, Lan couldn’t help shivering.

“It’s not so exaggerated? With your current strength, it is easy and pleasant to get these ghosts, why should you be afraid?” Li Yalin showed a puzzled expression and wanted to say this The girls of Saint Angel’s team, the progress is really amazing. The entire Saint Angel team has all reached the strength of Saint Rank. Although it has ups and downs, Saint Rank is a real existence, even Chifuyu and Wudu Reaching the Supreme Low-Level level, it took only a few months to make such progress. It is horrible to be heard by others. Of course, this is also thanks to the kind sponsorship of Regios World Filth Monsters.

Because the original strength is already quite strong, Li Yalin will definitely not forget everyone’s Class Change. In fact, before Li Yalin entered dungeon, he has already carried out Class Change for everyone, and these Classes are basically The above are all prepared to assist IS combat.

Like Cecilia who is good at long-range sniping, her Class Change is Gunner, which is similar to concentrated cultivation and Coriolis sniper skills, which can also be used for long-range attacks on IS. To a very powerful role, so Cecilia is now leading a powerful sniper force, with her childhood friends maid, Lucy, as her deputy.

The frenzied warfare troops led by Lingyin are all Class Change Berserkers. Although they also have long-range attacks, basically this unit is still mainly close combat, supplemented by long-range. Yalin serves as her deputy in the IS unit Captain of the China Contract.

All of the scout troops led by Xia Lu became Assassin in Class Change. This force appears and disappear unpredictably. In addition to being good at detecting intelligence, it can also carry out a series of assassinations, especially equipment. After Daoli IS, with the help of Time Magic, this scout force is even more like a duck, with Xun Daizi of the former Vice-President of the Ministry of Information as a deputy.

Leading the Paladin troop is Li Yalin’s childhood friends’ Shino no Yu. The Holy Knight young girls with various aura skills play a pivotal role in the entire Saint Angel team and serve as Yu’s deputy. Yes, it is the Class Leader Yingyue of Li Yalin’s class. The combination of the serious and responsible Yingyue and the warrior spirit of the warrior is indeed quite appropriate.

The next step is Laura. Because I am good at mid-range and long-range fire Bombard strikes, Laura Class Change has become Amazon. Combining with the skills of Frozen Arrow, Bombard and Sacrifice Arrow, the cannon’s The power has gone to the next level, so this Valkyrie troop is the trump card of the Saint Angel team, and the entire black rabbit troop has joined it. Vice-Captain Kura Reisha has become Lalaura’s deputy, very sturdy A group of women.

The leader of the Mage troop is Tatenashi Sarashiki, the former Student President. When it comes to large-scale powerful attacks, we still rely on the girls of the Mage troop. After Class Change became Mage, Binghuo The three magics of electric power have increased the battle strength equivalent to IS, coupled with the various Magic of Orbment, so on the battlefield, if you encounter the Mage troop, make a plan to return to your hometown to get married! As for Wu Wu’s deputy, she is a conscientious girl who has been assisting Wu Wu Xu all the time.

The rest is like the Class Change of the small hairpin as the main and the auxiliary of the monarch into the True Martial unit of Martial Saint, and the Class Change of the Lan as the main and the auxiliary of Shitan becomes the light of the Priest. Really. The Swift Sword unit that was transformed into Swordman for the main and Aikawa, and even Natasha Farus, the driver of the original silver gospel, led a giant battle force that was transformed into Barbarian. The number of various units There are different, but one is indispensable. Only when we form a main body can we fight better.

I have to say here that Chifuyu Class Change has become a Knight Class. In fact, the Knight Class is not suitable for IS drivers, but Chifuyu deliberately studied for a month and used ISMecha as a mount. , Formed a set of unique combat methods, so the battle strength of the cavalry unit she led was extremely powerful.

The most important person, who served as Chifuyu’s deputy, turned out to be a fifteen-year-old girl named Orimura. The appearance of Chifuyu is exactly the same as Chifuyu Orimura. At first, after seeing the other person’s face, Li Yalin almost jumped up, what is going on?

At the beginning, when contracting with the girls of Saint Angel’s team, weaving circle showed her true appearance. Li Yalin was surprised at this. The comrades who have been fighting together for so long have always been Isn’t it appearing in front of oneself with the original appearance, what is this? And what is the relationship between the other party and his Chifuyu sister?

It turns out that this motley circle turned out to be a clone made by a horrible The Organization using Chifuyu’s genes. Although it has its own complete consciousness, at first motley circle is very hostile to Li Yalin, because She is completely a super sister control, and identified Chifuyu as her elder sister. Because she was afraid that Li Yalin would steal her elder sister, she had planned to deal with Li Yalin secretly at the school festival, but at that time , The invasion of insect began, and weaving circle had to work with everyone to resist the enemy.

After a long period of running-in, weaving circle finally accepted Li Yalin and proposed to co-own Chifuyu, an elder sister with Li Yalin. Of course, Li Yalin agreed repeatedly. So far , Li Yalin has another younger sister, although the relationship between this younger sister and herself can only be called a general.

“Different means different. You must know that we are a girl, Elder Brother Yalin, you really are.” Okay, after explaining so much, let’s get back to the subject. At this time, Lan stepped forward Li Yalin glanced at it, fearing ghosts is a girl’s nature, although some sturdy women are excluded!

Generally speaking, at this time, seeking the warm embrace of boys is the best way for girls to resist the ghosts, but for the three thousand people of the Saint Angel team, there is really something for Li Yalin Enough is enough…

“Well, when the time comes, I will protect you.” Li Yalin sighed, having said that, do you really encounter ghosts? Even Li Yalin did not encounter Undead creatures in the world of cat ears. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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