“Don’t talk nonsense that many, all get ready! Ready to go!” Looking at Li Yalin who was surrounded by the girls, Chifuyu stepped forward and waved his hand. As expected of Chifuyu sister, tone barely fell, the girls immediately dispersed and stood in line according to their respective troops.

“So now, everyone, let’s go!” moved towards Chifuyu gave a thumbs up, and Li Yalin took everyone to the Battlestar parked near Earth. So many girls suddenly appeared on Earth. It takes a lot of effort for Li Yalin to arrange it. Let’s put them on their mothership. Three thousand people are scattered on the two Battlestars. Unless there is a need, the Saint Angel team It’s Li Yalin’s trump card, so he won’t be sent out easily.

“Sorry, Chifuyu, I can’t take you to Earth for the time being, but it’s only temporary now. After you get familiar with the operations of space warfare and battleship Mecha, I will take you all together. Relax.” Originally, Li Yalin wanted to bring Chifuyu and the others back to their manor for everyone to meet, but Li Yalin suddenly remembered that although everyone’s combat capability has improved very quickly, nothing about space warfare is still there. I’m very familiar with it. It’s better to let everyone familiarize themselves with all kinds of related knowledge while there is still time. Otherwise, it will be really late to learn when the war begins.

“Understand, leave everything to me, I will let everyone familiar with all the battle methods in the fastest time!” Chifuyu understands Li Yalin’s idea, nodded, and the Saint Angel team is working overtime Training is about to start again.

After arranging all the girls of the Saint Angel team, Li Yalin used Evolved Space to return to Earth. In other words, this function is really convenient. As long as it is not separated in different Worlds, it is even in the universe. Among them, Teleportation can also be done at any time.

“Elder Brother Yalin, how about your comrades? Have you received them all?” Li Yalin just returned home, Xiaochun stepped forward and asked impatiently, thinking that Li Yalin would send his own All the companions have been brought back, but now only Li Yalin is back.

“They have already come, but they are not on Earth, but I have placed them in my Battlestar. They need system to learn about space warfare, which will cost a little Time.” Li Yalin patted Xiaochun’s head lightly.

“So it’s like this.” Xiaochun knows nodded, but the girls on the side heard the conversation between Li Yalin and Xiaochun, and they were all attracted by the content of the conversation. The arrival of the Angel team.

“What’s the matter?” Everyone asked enthusiastically. Li Yalin answered that this is a one by one, a team of three thousand people? This is not a small number, is it Li Yalin’s Subordinate God? Li Yalin didn’t say this clearly, but everyone’s careful thinking began to liven up.

In the next few days, life will remain the same as before. After the countdown to the school festival, the school was completely closed and everyone began to decorate their classrooms. As for Li Yalin’s class, it’s still true. The decoration is decent, and it has a realistic and terrifying feeling. The air conditioners placed in the four corners make people feel the gusts of wind when entering the class, the flickering lights, and the blood stains on the walls, all preparations are made. After that, even the girls who made these items felt quite terrifying.

After all, Li Yalin asked Director Kawasaki about the production method of the set. Don’t look at the personality of the director of the shemale, but there is really a lot of information. He explained to Li Yalin very carefully and used the least amount of money. , Arranged the best match, it can be said that Director Kawasaki contributed to the establishment of the haunted house.

“It’s really good, but then again, wouldn’t it be better if we use a virtual projection device? We don’t have to waste so much effort,” Manami looked at Ghost Qi’s sassy classroom. While admiring, he asked Li Yalin with a look of wonder.

“Don’t look at me like that, what the academy has sacrificed is an atmosphere, everything is solved by technological means, then what’s the point? Everyone works together and produces their own labor results together. Only in this way can the friendship between the students be promoted.” Shaking his head, Li Yalin expressed his own point of view. The school festival, everyone is happy to have fun together. If you use a virtual projection device, isn’t it turning the cart before the horse? at first Li Yalin still disagrees with this haunted house, but as time goes by, working hard with everyone, happy and happy, Li Yalin is more and more concerned, otherwise, he would not specifically look for the set. Director Kawasaki once.

“You are always reasonable. The school festival is about to begin tomorrow. Should we do a good job of protection in all aspects? I heard that many agents have already sneaked into Okinawa, and the target should be Alice Come on, after all, Alice is now the target of public criticism.” Manami’s concerns are not unreasonable. Jiahe’s family has already passed on the information, and the information is similar to what Manami said, mainly for these entry agents.

“It’s time to get ready. Malicious countries cannot be ruled out, especially the U.S. and some European countries! Let Mayer and Sarah handle this. They are experts in this area. “Li Yalin nodded agreed. The situation on Earth is still very delicate. Although Li Yalin’s eyes are on the universe, but on this big day of the Academy Festival, Li Yalin will not let the other party mess up anyway!

“Should we take action?” Aoi looked at Li Yalin. Since following Li Yalin, she hasn’t experienced any major actions for a long time, and her bones are really rusty.

“Forget it, everyone should enjoy this rare school festival. You can’t be spoiled by those guys.” Li Yalin didn’t agree. The school festival is obviously a kind of enjoyment. If there are too many concerns, it will be boring.

Receiving Li Yalin’s order, Mayer and Sarah immediately dispatched a maid team to clean up the entire Makishi High School. Some agents who had been placed near the school early were discovered by one by one and sent back to the country. Various security measures have also been tried to achieve the best. After all, in addition to Li Yalin, Antonia, the Young Lady, is also going to participate in the school festival!

“I said Antonia, just turn you into a Kay catian. Now you are really crazy about cat ears.” Looking at Antonia’s preparations. Alice also has the figure of the little assistant Robot. Li Yalin’s face twitched uncontrollably. I heard that to make these figures, it cost a figure that ordinary people would not dare to imagine, and hired a world-renowned prototype designer to create. Every figure is carefully crafted, and no one has the same shape.

“Okay! Okay! But is it really possible to do this kind of thing?” Antonia’s expression was full of excitement, why didn’t I expect it? If she also has real cat ears and tail, then… soon, Antonia entered her fantasy world.

“Young Master Yalin, please stop saying this misleading Young Lady, how can Earthling become an Alien!” Mayer glared at Li Yalin, knowing that Young Lady likes cat ears, why Can you still say such things to lure Young Lady? But then again, Maya’s look is quite charming. After removing the scars on her face, Maya’s changes are really great, but she hasn’t noticed that’s all.

“And Young Lady, please be rational. If you like cat ears, don’t you still have Alice, Himari, and Ichka?” Then, Maya started to behave again. Antonia preached, but how did Li Yalin always feel that Mayer regards Alice and the others as zoo animals for Antonia to watch?

Under Mayer’s stern preaching, Antonia completely put aside this crazy plan, which made Li Yalin look pretty blushed with shame, he was nothing but nothing. serious, didn’t expect Andonia really took it seriously.

“If it doesn’t change, it’s true.” Although Mayer simply won’t say anything to refute any of Antonia’s decisions unless necessary, but it’s important to become Alien, and it’s also It is related to the honor of the entire Murfinos family, so Mayer’s face is really ugly. The first time I saw Mayer’s look like this, Antonia naturally didn’t dare to insist anymore.

“Okay, this is just a joke. Even if we are willing, Katia may not agree to it, but Antonia, do you really want to sell these figures? Look at Sarah, she is really about to cry.” Li Yalin waved his hand and quickly changed the topic, but looked at the deputy maid Sarah, she was looking pitifully at this moment Antonia seemed to have suffered some great grievances.

“What’s wrong with Sarah?” Antonia was very puzzled. Her deputy maid never seemed to show such an expression, right?

“Young Lady! Are these cute figures really going to be sold?” As she said, Sarah began to stir again, wanting to hold all these delicate figures in her arms In her arms, just before she could do anything, Mayer on the side kicked her to the ground and stepped on Sarah with that slender leg.

“This is Young Lady’s order! You just have to choose to execute it, this kind of question is not something you should say!” Maya reprimanded loudly.

“But…but it’s really cute…” Sarah’s eyes flushed, as if her beloved child had been taken away, she was very unwilling. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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