“Sorry Sarah, in order for Alice-sama and Kay catian to better integrate into Earth, this is what I must do!” Although Antonia also likes these figures very much, but in her heart What I want to do more is to help Alice and let everyone accept the existence of Kay catian. The figure selling Alice and her assistant Robot this time is also part of the plan, although this plan is just a whim of Antonia alone.

“Woo…Young Lady…” Although she was unwilling to reconcile, Sarah had no choice but to accept her little order in the face of Sattribute’s explosion of Mayer Captain and her pledge of allegiance to Young Lady.

About this matter, Li Yalin didn’t say much. After all, it was Antonia’s housework, but at a single time, Li Yalin secretly told Sarah a good The method, this method immediately makes Sarah smile, it is very simple, just spend a little money and hire some people to buy those models and hands.

Of course, Li Yalin told Sarah not to buy too much. After all, this is also Antonia’s heart. If all the figures are taken over by Sarah, it is indeed unreasonable, but look at Sarah. The look of her eyes shining, I really don’t know if she listened.

Soon, the school festival of Makishi High School officially began. In the early morning of this day, everyone got up early and came to the school, prepared everything in order, and waited for the school to open its doors.

“I said Yalin, can haunted houses really attract customers? Are we doing something too real?” Looking at Ghost Qi’s gloomy classroom door, Yuu couldn’t help but shudder, if It’s not that she participated in these productions herself, she would almost think that this is a real ghost kiln, and it has nothing to do with the classroom of this school.

“Yeah Yalin, are you sure these people who visit the school will challenge their guts?” Rinko’s expression is also very unnatural. As a girl, there are few who are not afraid of ghosts. Although she is now living with the monsters, Himari and Shizuku are both charming girls, how can they be connected with such a terrifying place.

“It should be.” Touched his nose, Li Yalin didn’t know how to answer. It would be better if it was a boy, but if it was a girl…it would definitely be a detour.

“What is supposed to be there?” All the girls gave Li Yalin a blank look. What kind of answer is this?

Unexpectedly, just after the start of the school festival, the haunted house opened by Li Yalin’s class turned out to be extremely popular, and there was a long line at the door of the haunted house, the last place One of them has already ranked more than 30 numbers, and even this team blocked the normal operation of the next class.

But Li Yalin doesn’t know all of this, because he has been dragged onto a temporary stage in the playground by Xiaochun. Today is an open-air performance. Xiaochun’s class intends to use this Attracting popularity, I hope to get more voting votes in the end. After the school festival is over, the Student Council will select the top three most popular entertainment projects and get the top three classes or clubs to get the school. Not to mention the excess budget, will also get the opportunity of free school travel.

“Wow, there are so many people!” Standing in the background, Xiaochun glanced at the audience in front of the stage and couldn’t help crying out in surprise. Although can’t be considered vast crowd, the crowd There are more than two hundred people in front of the stage. It is the first time that Xiaochun has encountered this kind of scene. It is naturally understandable that he is nervous.

“Hehe, it’s just a small scene, don’t be so nervous, remember, you can play normally when you are on stage, and you can treat the audience below as white radishes.” Li Yalin patted Xiaochun’s little head comforted .

“pu… Elder Brother Yalin, you are so bad, what white radish.” Xiaochun Jiao smiled and gave Li Yalin a white, but the nervous mood disappeared. With Li Yalin by his side, Xiaochun will feel at ease no matter what happens.

“Hehe, are you ready? If you are ready, let’s start!” Due to the time limit on the stage, Li Yalin and their performances are stipulated in the morning and afternoon, each performance In one and a half hours, there are other classes and clubs to use the stage in the rest of the time, so everyone should make full use of every minute and every second to attract the attention of the audience as much as possible.

Undoubtedly, a band composed of girls is quite attractive, and Li Yalin, who looks plain after wearing glasses, naturally cannot attract the attention of the audience. Passer-by B in the women’s orchestra, In the eyes of the audience, it seems that Li Yalin can only be called this way, and many people even ignore Li Yalin. Although Li Yalin’s guitar is quite the Major Perfection, most of the present are youngsters, and everyone’s attention has long been concentrated. It’s on Xiaochun who is the lead singer.

“Cheer, Xiaochun! Don’t shame the Kanto people! Yalin, you also want to cheer!” This concert can be said to be quite successful, with more and more audience gathered around, but it is here. At that time, a stern cry disrupted the harmonious scene. Following the sound, Li Yalin found that Tai San was standing in the crowd, waving his arms quickly, for fear that Li Yalin and Xiaochun would not be able to see him. Like, that embarrassing appearance is really ugly. No wonder there is a small vacuum area under the somewhat crowded stage. It turns out that Tae San is there.

The appearance of Taesan made Xiaochun’s voice tremble. Li Yalin can clearly feel that Xiaochun is already on the verge of being quite angry. Taesan and Xiaochun have been fighting each other since they were young, despite the feelings of siblings. It’s pretty good, but it’s a great fun between siblings that it’s okay to complain about each other. It is estimated that Xiaochun must be tempted to step down and repair the Thai Sanyi now. Li Yalin is quite looking forward to this.

But now the scene is a bit chaotic, and the scene must be stabilized. Xiaochun is on the verge of losing control, so it is really unrealistic to rely on her. Finally, Li Yalin frowned and sang Xiaochun at this time. The song being sung turned the original solo into a chorus. With the addition of Li Yalin’s, Xiaochun quickly recovered his state. It can even be said that with the company of Li Yalin’s, Xiaochun played one hundred and twenty points. The strength of the audience cheered all the audience.

Until now, the audience has discovered that this seemingly unsurprising teenager has such a charming voice, although at this time Li Yalin and Xiaochun sang a song sung by a woman, which can be seen in Li Yalin’s In the mouth, there is unexpectedly a different flavor, which makes people feel like they can’t stop listening. The most important thing is that there is no microphone in front of this young boy, but his voice can be clearly transmitted to everyone’s ears, which is really incredible.

In the following time, Xiaochun actually took advantage of a gap to wrap up Li Yalin, and asked him to sing the song that he had set before. For Xiaochun’s request, Li Yalin can certainly meet, just In this way, with everyone’s “encore” voice, the morning concert ended, and now the audience under the stage attracted more than 500 people.

“It’s amazing! Didn’t expect Xiaochun, you sing so well, and Yalin you guy, you never told me that you can sing and play guitar!” At this time, Tai San has come After arriving backstage, although no one is allowed to enter here, Tai San made it clear that he was Xiaochun’s big brother and Li Yalin’s friend, and a member of the Student Council put him in. As soon as he saw Li Yalin and Xiaochun, Tai San was one. His face threw over excitedly.

“Dare to say it! Old Brother, you embarrassing fool!” Before Li Yalin could speak, Xiaochun stepped forward with a hand knife and slashed directly on Tai San’s head. Xiaochun didn’t show any mercy at all, because after hitting Taisan on the head, not only Taisan squatted on the ground and covered his head, but even Xiaochun’s hands became a little red and swollen.

“Ah! Ah! It hurts! Is this what a younger sister should do? Don’t you know respect the old and cherish the young?” Tae San screamed in pain , But just after he lifts the head, he was completely stunned by the scene in front of him.

“It’s okay, Xiaochun, look at you, do you need to use a weapon to hit someone, it hurts with your own hand.” Li Yalin held Xiaochun’s small hand distressedly, a faint white light After that, the redness and swelling on Xiaochun’s hand disappeared immediately.

“I know Elder Brother Yalin, I will pay attention to it in the future.” Xiaochun blushed nodded, looking at Li Yalin’s eyes full of shyness.

“What are you two doing? What does this mean? What do you mean by using a weapon? What do you mean by knowing? And why are you holding hands?” Tai San looked at Li Yalin in disbelief And Xiaochun, is he a good friend of Li Yalin’s? Is it Xiaochun’s big brother? Why do you feel like an insignificant person now?

“Che, are you still alive? I said I should use some weapons.” With a glance, Li Yalin seemed to be very dissatisfied with Tae San’s survival.

“What does it mean to be alive? Yalin, are you really my best friend? And Xiaochun, do you have me as Old Brother in your eyes?” Tai Sanyi said with tears on his face, Tai San felt I am really very tragic.

“Who are you? Do I know you? By the way, Xiaochun, do you still have an Old Brother? Looks like you only have my big brother.” Li Yalin made an amnesia.

“Yes, I remember I only have a big brother, Elder Brother Yalin. Who is this guy? Didn’t you say that people in the background are not allowed to enter?” Xiaochun is quite cooperative about this, and After speaking, Xiaochun put his arms around Li Yalin’s arms pretendingly, and by the way looked at Taesan with a look of Passer-by B.

“You…you bastards! I remember you!” After saying that, Tai San ran away in tears, but his tragedy today has just begun. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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