“What should I do? Do you want to comfort me?” Li Yalin and Xiaochun looked at each other, and couldn’t help but pffft laughed out. Seeing Tai San’s appearance is really tragic, do you want to comfort me? ?

“Forget it, Old Brother’s recovery ability is very strong. In this regard, he is simply an unkillable Xiaoqiang. By the way, Elder Brother Yalin, let’s go to see the haunted house in your class or the video agency. Where’s the movie? To be honest, I’m looking forward to it.” Shaking his head, Xiaochun knew nothing more about himself, the Old Brother, and this shock was nothing to him.

“Well, let’s go to our class and have a look. I don’t know how many guests we can receive today. Maybe there are only one or two poor people.” Li Yalin said negatively. In this haunted house, Li Yalin has given no hope.

“No way? There are so many people?” Just after coming to the class, Li Yalin couldn’t believe his eyes, this long line of people, and most of them came Lovers, are the haunted houses so popular now? Li Yalin’s was puzzled.

“Yalin, are you back? Did the concert go well? It’s a pity that we didn’t make it there. You saw it. It’s really busy here.” Seeing the arrival of Li Yalin and Xiaochun, Aoi, who was in charge of maintaining order in the corridor, ran over immediately.

“Of course it went well, Aoi Senpai. Don’t you know, Elder Brother Yalin was singing on stage. It’s really nice. I even think that Elder Brother Yalin will be the lead singer in the afternoon concert. Better.” Xiaochun’s face is full of excitement, but Li Yalin is a soft hand knife, letting himself be the lead singer? Forget it, what bad idea is this?

“Give me your lead in peace and quiet! By the way, Kwai, do you know what’s going on?” Then, Li Yalin pointed to the long human dragon in front of him. There should be some reasons for this.

“Actually, I don’t quite understand it, but I heard from Manami that it should be that kind of stinky boy in order to take advantage of the girl, so he brought the girl to our haunted house, because the set up scenes are really It’s too realistic, so many girls will scream and rush into the arms of boys after entering the haunted house, so…” Aoi didn’t say the next thing, but Li Yalin listened to it perfectly clear. They were all adultery, didn’t ‘t expect this haunted house still has this effect.

“It looks scary. Is this the legendary haunted house? Can this little brother take me in with me? If I were alone, I would be very scared.” At this moment, a charming voice sounded behind Li Yalin, a familiar aura, which had already opened a trace of memory in Li Yalin’s memory fragments.

“Yoma! You dare to show up here to seduce Young Master!” Before Li Yalin turned around, Himari’s voice rang. Then, Muramasa in Himari’s hands was unsheathed, and he watched It’s about to fight with the people behind Li Yalin.

“Himari stop! This is my friend.” While drinking Himari, Li Yalin slowly turned around, and what appeared in front of Li Yalin was a Onee-san-type beauty, beautifully beautiful His appearance, elegant and poised temperament, just standing in place, has attracted the attention of everyone present, especially the male child.

“Long time no see, my Her Majesty the Princess.” Li Yalin’s complexion is a little stiff, this face is exactly the same as the adoptive mother of this World in the memory. It should be said that this is her adoptive mother Reprinted, Li Yalin has known her since she was a child. Although she didn’t have a lot of contact with her, she always spoiled herself. Li Yalin only knew that her name was Ye Mo Ji. As the name suggests, it is literally the monsters of the night. Her Majesty the Princess.

“It’s really long time no see Yalin, I really miss you!” A fragrant wind blew, and the night devil had already plunged into Li Yalin’s arms, which broke the people present. The spectacles everywhere, what is going on?

“I said Her Majesty the Princess, your reaction isn’t this too ridiculous? There are so many people watching.” Li Yalin looked at the girls around him in embarrassment and waited. There must be another explanation in a while.

“Don’t pay attention to other people’s eyes, did Little Yalin miss me? We haven’t seen each other for a long time.” While holding Li Yalin’s face, Daredevil smiled and looked at it carefully. Li Yalin’s look, but when he saw the big and obtrusive glasses on Li Yalin’s face, Daredevil’s brows wrinkled slightly.

“How come it’s been a long time, didn’t you just meet last year? Besides, Her Majesty the Princess, aren’t you in Kanto? Why are you coming to Okinawa?” Li Yalin hurriedly looked around and talked about other things. Going down, I really don’t know what else this Her Majesty the Princess will say.

“Little Yalin is really indifferent. It’s because of my ten thousand li that I rushed here to tell you an important news. I’m so sad, I’ll go back.” Ye Mo Ji revealed. With an aggrieved face, while talking, he turned around and prepared to leave. The performance of this scene is really very similar, at least waiting for the boys in the team to treat Li Yalin to glare at.

“Stop acting. Tell me about the purpose of your coming this time. Did you hear any wind?” Li Yalin sighed, this woman, like her nemesis, through childhood What is the reason for the fact that the government is dead by itself? Is it because of the look similar to your adoptive mother? Or is it because of the faintly discernable ambiguity between the two?

“snort! Guys who don’t understand have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex, didn’t have the sincerity to ask. I’m very angry now!” He told Li Yalin with a very obvious expression, and now he was very angry, so hurry up and coax me, otherwise, I won’t tell you anything.

“Well, my Her Majesty the Princess, stop playing, I am very busy today, if you don’t say anything, then I have to go.” Li Yalin showed a helpless expression, to After taking a look here, I will go to the video agency to help in a while. The First Stage movie has already started. It seems that I can’t catch up. But when the second movie is shown, I have to go, although Li Yalin I don’t think this movie is so good, maybe because I am a protagonist, I always feel that I can play better, so this is not a perfect work.

“What a stingy guy! Forget it, let’s go to a quieter place, there are too many people here.” Daredevil smiled, with a similar attitude towards Li Yalin He was dissatisfied, but at this moment, Rinko on the side suddenly screamed.

“Auntie?” Obviously, Rinko regarded Daredevil as Li Yalin’s adoptive mother. After all, the two look so alike. Everyone knows that Li Yalin’s adoptive mother died in a car accident several years ago. , So Rinko’s degree of surprise at this time can be imagined.

“Let’s talk about it in another place.” Taking Rinko’s little hand, he took a few girls to the corner of the stairs with Daredevil. It’s very quiet, no one will be disturbed. As for Over the haunted house, leave it to my classmates to deal with it.

“Introduce you, this is Daredevil, I always call her Her Majesty the Princess, and don’t get me wrong, Rinko, although she looks very similar to my mother, but It has nothing to do with the mother.” Let me introduce each other first, especially the look in Rinko’s eyes, it’s really like seeing a ghost.

“So now, Her Majesty the Princess, can you tell me what the major event actually happened, and you have to go to Okinawa yourself?” After the brief introduction, Li Yalin asked Daredevil .

“Since Yalin, you asked sincerely, then I will tell you compassionately. Two days ago, my subordinates received a message that some monsters in Japan and Western The Yomas of Yomas are united, and their target is you. Rumors say that Yoma’s coalition forces will carry out the largest retaliatory action. As for what action it is, that’s not what I know.” After the Daredevil said, He stared at Li Yalin, wanting to see how the boy in front of him would react.

“Some monsters in Japan? It’s really interesting. Is there anyone who can be a monster from The Organization Japan? If I’m not mistaken, it should be Emperor Chongde? I know this guy is not dead yet. , Yoma Allied Forces? Really a name for laughter! Okay, I’m waiting for them to arrive, it’s getting more and more interesting.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, these monsters Li Yalin really didn’t care about it, and they didn’t look like it. Ordinary person, these stinking Yoki guys, Li Yalin, can feel it from a long distance, want to avenge themselves? Li Yalin wanted to see what the other party could do.

“So confident? You know that these Yoma coalition forces are not ordinary little monsters, do you really have a way to deal with them?” Daredevil looked at Li Yalin narrowly, despite the strength of Yoma coalition forces. She is very strong, but she is not easy to provoke, so she really wants to see Li Yalin’s current expression, didn’t expect that the other party is really not the little boy sheltered under her wings by herself, but He has grown into a real man.

“Don’t worry about this, I will definitely let them come back and forth.” The fierce light in Li Yalin’s eyes flashed away. The reminder of the immortal Mo Ji is not useless, Li Yalin I really didn’t care about the monster forces in Japan before. After all, they are all scattered and not worthy of Li Yalin’s attention. But now that it seems, it’s better to pay attention to it, especially in the past few days. They shouldn’t be allowed to destroy this time. The school festival.

“Well, since you have said so, then I will wait and see. By the way, little Yalin, it’s the first time I have encountered such an interesting festival. Walk around with me. Okay?” As he said, Daredevil still held Li Yalin’s arm, and Li Yalin was very speechless with the appearance of a shy little woman. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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