“Really think about it? There is no Regret Medicine to eat. If you are by my side, you may not even be able to guarantee your own life.” After correcting Xiaodong’s shoulders, Li Yalin looked serious. Asked.

“I won’t regret it.” When shook the head, Xiaodong only gave Li Yalin this answer.

“Okay! Then follow me! Mr. Ranshu, Xiaodong, please leave it to me. As for you, you must return to the Northern Sea right now to talk to Monster Realm. I feel this It’s a bit strange. Don’t fall into the enemy’s plan to lured the tiger away from the mountain. We have enough manpower. If you have any questions, you can contact us immediately and I will be there immediately!” After Xiaodong’s promise, Li Yalin turned his head and said to Ranshu.

“Since Mr. Yalin has said so, well, I will return to the Northern Sea Road now. If Xiaodong hands you over, I will rest assured.” Ran Shu said earnestly and told everyone After bidding farewell, he returned to the Northern Sea Road from the Teleportation formation in the manor. As for Li Yalin, what he has to do now is to prepare to deal with the Yoma allied forces of Emperor Chongde.

As long as the Emperor Chongde is eliminated, the entire Earth Monster Realm will return to calm. I believe that after this battle, those Western monsters will definitely not dare to offend again.

“Then what we have to do now is to figure out how to deal with these Yoma coalition forces on Kudaka Island. Although there is no action, I don’t believe that the other party will wait for us to appear!” Li Yalin first said Out of my own ideas.

“There are no living people on the entire island. This is a good opportunity for us. We don’t need to worry about too many things, we can show our strength to our heart’s content without covering up. It’s covered up.” Kuesu showed a slight smile, but underneath this smile was endless killing and gloom.

“Don’t show such a smile, please be more cheerful!” Li Yalin cut Kuesu’s head with a hand knife. Although this little girl has changed a lot, she has a bloodthirsty personality for Yoma. Still can’t completely abandon it.

“It hurts, Xiaoya! Why hit me!” Only on Li Yalin’s side, Kuesu will reveal the personality of the youngest daughter. No one can imagine that the famous evening moon will cover his head Showing a pitiful expression.

“Okay, when is it still troublesome.” Rinko looked at Li Yalin and Kuesu helplessly. I really don’t know why they are still playing around, and at this time, the living room wall A shocking piece of news was broadcast on the TV hanging above.

“According to our reporter’s investigation, there are many vampire bats in Nancheng City. There are even reports that they saw a giant wolf over three meters tall, just like the legendary Vampire. Just like Werewolf, please connect to the scene now…” The story was broadcast on the news that Nanjo City is close to Kudaka Island. Has the Yoma coalition started landing on the main island of Okinawa?

“This is a report from the front. Now there are many legendary ghosts in Nancheng. The scene is in chaos. The whole scene…Ah! Run! What is this? Help… …” There was a noisy sound on the TV, as well as the gnawing noise of wild beasts. Obviously, neither the reporter nor the cameraman in Nancheng escaped bad luck and became the food of the monsters. .

Next, the TV did not continue to report any information about Nancheng. It is estimated that the government blocked the news. It can be seen that the situation is indeed very dangerous. There is no time for Li Yalin to consider the consequences. Go now!

“Then, now, Himari, Kuesu and Aoi, you three will go with me, and the rest will be guarded at home. This is no longer a battle that you can participate in!” Li Yalin got up and wanted to take The three girls rushed to Nancheng. As for Rinko and Rauli, they should stay here. After all, they are not suitable for fighting. The remaining girls who have not contracted with Li Yalin are not within Li Yalin’s consideration. With such a large number and strength of the Yoma army, Li Yalin decided to use it for the main purpose of cleaning up as soon as possible, so as not to cause more casualties.

“Wait! I will also go with you. Faced with the troubled Yoma, the Komi Sen family will not ignore it!” At this time, Fei Bai stood up fiercely, and behind her was Feiling, Lanhua and Xiaohe.

“I don’t think the Devil Slayer Twelve Families can stay out of this matter.” Xiaoqi said with a smile on his face.

“If you forget us, then I will have a headache.” Ageha not to be outdone stood up and said.

“Don’t underestimate me…” Shizuku’s side erupted with a bitter chill. It seems that Li Yalin is very dissatisfied that Li Yalin has forgotten her. Although his face is expressionless, he is not satisfied. Everyone can tell that Shizuku is in a pretty bad mood at this time.

“Why can you take Aoi but not me? This is really unfair!” Manami was very dissatisfied with Li Yalin carrying Aoi, but who called Aoi has been with Li Yalin? I signed a contract.

“Okay! Just be quiet! When is this, it is so noisy!” Under the condemnation of the girls everyone talking at once, Li Yalin broke out completely No matter what, you want to go to Nancheng, right? it is good! Then let you all go!

“Sister Chifuyu, send me a special ship immediately! I have an urgent need, something happened on Earth!” After opening the communication channel with Chifuyu, Li Yalin urgently tuned an Archangel The Grade 1 special equipment ship came over to protect these girls. Although the tone in his mouth was very cold, the trace of concern could not be covered in any way.

“Understood, I will send scout troops and sniper troops to set off together, pay attention to receiving work!” Chifuyu very calmly issued a series of instructions, and the Arrangel-class special ships were ready within 3 minutes. Xia Lu and Cecilia led their respective troops to complete the assembly, and the Space Jump point was opened, and the target was the sky above the manor where Li Yalin was located.

“You must keep people guarded at home, so, Liz, Gaya, and Wen you don’t want to go, otherwise you won’t know what happened when Xiaochun and Maki come back later, by the way Inform Mayer, let her take care of the guard, and I will leave some companions to take care of the safety of the home.” After all the orders were completed, Li Yalin took all the girls to land on the Archangel class called’War Angel’. On the specially equipped ship.

“Xia Lu, the scout troops and the sniper troops each leave ten people in charge of the guard at home! The next game should play well with each other!” After giving the order, Li Yalin sat down On the captain’s podium at the bridge, he began to issue various orders to the entire ship.

After everything was ready, Li Yalin gave the starting instruction. Naha City is only one step away from Nanjo City. You don’t need to use the Space Jump skill, and it won’t take long to fly directly. In less than five minutes, the Zhan Angel arrived in the sky over Nancheng.

At this time, Nancheng has become a fire sea. Although the Japan Self-Defense Force has sent a desperate Counter-Attack, and even the Kadena Air Base in the United States has sent reinforcements, it faces these ordinary people. The monsters whose ammunition almost impervious to sword and spear, Japan and the US troops completely collapsed.

In order to deal with a Werewolf, more than ten U.S. soldiers shot out the M16 magazine in their hands, and used the lives of three soldiers to deal with it with difficulty. What an unimaginable result, it makes people simply Can not accept.

Although the war chariot and the missiles on the helicopter are very powerful, but now this is in the urban area. The casualties caused by casual meetings are really too great, so we can fight. Hesitating and hesitating to say it, it also gave the opponent a very advantageous Counter-Attack space.

To deal with a helicopter, you only need to send a few earl-level Vampires. This is a great irony for the aerial combat that the U.S. Army is proud of.

“The sniper troops are dispatched! Give me every effort to kill, without leaving one!” Upon reaching the sky above Nancheng, Li Yalin issued an order to attack with all strength, and there was no need to keep his hands.

“Yes, the captain!” Cecilia moved towards Li Yalin with a solemn salute, but then playfully stuck out her tongue at Li Yalin, which made Li Yalin couldn’t help laughing. The mood is finally relaxed a lot.

“Then Xia Lu, your scouts are also ready to assassinate other High-Level monsters! But pay attention to a big Heavenly Dog wearing golden armor. Don’t fall in love with that guy. , Contact me immediately!” After giving Xia Lu a command, Li Yalin walked down the captain’s podium.

“I said little Yalin, since these are all handed over to your troops, why should we come?” At this time, the expression of Daredevil was a bit dissatisfied, but it was for Li Yalin I only came here to help, but when I got here, I found that I had nothing to do with myself. Isn’t this embarrassing?

“Sorry Her Majesty the Princess, now is not the time to play, I have more powerful enemies to deal with, these clowns don’t need to spend too much energy on us, but since you decide to come , I can also let everyone know first, this is one of the troops I have, the scout troops and sniper troops in the Saint Angel team. In the future, everyone will fight side by side together, so you can first understand their attack methods. . “Speaking, a big screen appeared in front of Li Yalin’s, which showed the fighting situation outside the Angel.

“Sisters, give me a good fight, Schoolmate Yalin is watching from above!” Cecilia yelled, taking the first shot of the battle, with great power. The beam of energy instantly pierced the heart of a Werewolf, and at the same time, as Vice-Captain’s Jie Lucie followed closely from behind, the same shot solved the Vampire and opened the prelude to this battle. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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