Faced with the powerful and precise energy beam shooting, the Yoma coalition on the opposite side suffered heavy casualties. Don’t look at the number of sniper units, but each IS has at least eight equipment. In addition to the IS of the long-range sniper cannon with individual equipment, these weaker Yoma’s were immediately scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

Cecilia’s sniper forces have done a great job, but the scouts led by Xia Lu also not to be outdone. These girls are all picking the powerhouse in Yoma for assassination, at least Only Yoma with the strength of the Marquis of Vampire would make them interested. At this time, Xia Lu was sniping a Duke-level Vampire. This guy was good. In the end Xia Lu still used her own Certain Kill Skill to get the opponent.

Ten minutes, only ten minutes later, Yomas in Nancheng City was killed almost. Although there are not many Yomas in Nancheng City, there are at least tens of thousands of people, with only a few hundred people. So many Yoma’s troops were killed, which made Feibai unbelievable. However, the super-technological weapon of Guili IS is indeed more against the sky. You must know that every IS war girl present has at least killed a small fleet. Ah’s strength.

“Well done, now all of you return home and set off for Kudaka Island!” Li Yalin’s voice of appreciation came, and the girls were all excited to high-five each other. Everyone worked so hard, not all to get Li Yalin’s approval What.

“By the way, Yalin, why did I find something is wrong?” After returning to the Angel, Xia Lu frowns said to Li Yalin.

“Why is something wrong?” Li Yalin asked with great interest. He didn’t appear on the battlefield in person. There were some things that even Li Yalin could not understand. What did Xia Lu find?

“Yomas in Nancheng, weak, weak and strong, the gap between them is very large, and those weak Yoma seem to have no consciousness of their own. They only know that they are simply killing and attacking. This is very It’s strange.” Xia Lu said how she felt.

Of course, what Xia Lu said is weak. For the US and Japan’s armies, they are still very strong. At least they have to spend several times their strength to suppress it. As for Xia Lu The powerhouse of the United States has destroyed many war chariots and helicopters that are unknown to the United States and Japan. The number of soldiers killed is even more unacceptable for these two countries.

“If this is the case, I think I can give you an explanation.” Before Li Yalin could speak, the Daredevil on the side spoke first.

“Oh? Her Majesty the Princess, what do you know?” Li Yalin asked curiously.

“Of course, before I came, I had an information that Werewolf and Vampire appeared in Japan that can infect humans. The difference is that this kind of infection can cause a large number of human mutations and make ordinary person Werewolf and Vampire, who became Low-Rank, do not know how they acquired this ability, but now it seems that they really cannot be underestimated, and the infection ability is indeed powerful.” Daredevil said the information she knew.

“so that’s how it is, viral infection or genetic mutation? Anyway, there must be a shadow of science and technology, maybe it has something to do with those Dekixia dog people.” Li Yalin looking thoughtful Said.

“If this is the case, we must obtain definite evidence. With the evidence, those dog people will be punished the most severely. After all, they made genetic virus weapons without authorization and instigated such a huge slaughter. Action, Orsonians will never sit idly by!” At this time, Alice said with a serious face, the incident is already very serious, it is simply internal trouble and outside aggression.

“Let’s talk about this later, what we have to do now is to see if there is a way to get rid of this virus!” After speaking, Li Yalin flashed and disappeared in place, waiting for him to reappear. At the time, he already had a Werewolf and a Vampire in his hand, both of the lowest-level ones. They were handed over to Super Military Factory to study and see if a solution could be found.

“It is a pity that the viruses of Master, Werewolf and Vampire have completely destroyed the human genes of these people. Even if an antidote to relieve the virus is developed, it can only kill the virus. When the time comes, they are infected. People who are walking corpse will only become walking corpse. There is no second solution except to relieve them.” Soon, Super Military Factory completed the research work. Feifei’s tone was a little frustrated. There was really no solution this time.

“Is there no way? Then give them a complete liberation!” Li Yalin was heartbroken. Now is not the time to pay attention to kindness. Once the virus spreads, it will easily spread to the whole world. In the world, when the time comes Primitive Gamma Insect’s troops have not attacked, Earth is already in a mess. In order to avoid disaster, Li Yalin decisively issued a killing order.

“The charge of the cation bomber of the Battle Angel begins! Target Kudaka Island!”

“What? Yalin, are you going to destroy Kudaka Island?” Manami was surprised, really only Can this be done?

“Sorry Manami, in order to prevent the virus from spreading further, I can only choose to do this, but don’t worry, the cationic cannon has limited its power and will not sink the island!” Li Yalin’s The tone was a bit heavy, and if the gun was fired, there was really no room for recovery.

“Don’t hesitate, you did the right thing, this is the only choice now!” The Daredevil saw Li Yalin’s unbearable heart, and quickly stepped forward to be comfortable. At this time, must cast aside his kindness. , Otherwise the consequences will be more serious.

“Don’t worry, Her Majesty the Princess, I understand.” Li Yalin nodded, this is not the first time this happened. Li Yalin also made this choice during the Civil War in Milley Kingdom. , And it was Li Yalin’s own hands.

“The charge of the cation city destroyer is complete!” A mechanical electronic sound was emitted from the captain’s controlling platform.

“Launch!” As Li Yalin’s voice did not fall, a huge beam of light was emitted in an instant, and the target was Kudaka Island under the Angel. In an instant, Kudaka Island was completely scorched. This is the result of the power of Li Yalin controlling. Now it is only 30% charged. If it is adjusted to 50%, Kudaka Island will become history.

“The cationic city-breaking cannon was launched successfully. During scanning…the energy fluctuations are found. Do you continue firing?” There are energy fluctuations? Li Yalin quickly and carefully explored the entire Kudaka Island. Didn’t expect someone to survive under the attack of the cationic cannon.

“The Emperor Chongde!” At this time, Li Yalin was surprised to find that the energy aura on Kudaka Island is not just one, but Li Yalin found a familiar aura in it, that is, he has seen it before. The great Heavenly Dog who passed by, the Emperor Chongde.

“Landing Kudakashima! I want to kill this guy myself!” Li Yalin has no other thoughts now, he just wants to kill the culprit behind all these tragedies, so he hasn’t waited for a fight. The Angel landed successfully, and Li Yalin had teleported to the outside of the ship and came to the front of Emperor Chongde.

“You are really fateful, and you haven’t died under this kind of attack.” There were four people in front of Li Yalin at this time. Supreme High-Level’s Supreme High-Level Chongde will not say anything. , The remaining three guys are all Supreme Low-Level strengths, Prince Vampire, Werewolf leader, and a Western Giant Dragon over fifty meters in length. At this time, these four guys are quite embarrassed and seem to resist The cationic cannon’s attack still suffered a lot.

“It’s you again?” The corner of Emperor Chongde’s eyes shrank. The battleship above didn’t expect was connected with the Tianhe family’s demon slasher. So what should I do now? Is it to fight or flee? In order to resist that huge beam, he has consumed a lot of strength. Even if there are three comrades left beside him, are he and the others really opponents of the other party?

“That’s right, it’s me! Don’t run this time, just tell me here!” Li Yalin’s mouth showed a sneer, and a white long sword appeared in his hand. , Aware of the terrifying energy aura above the long sword, the fellows like Emperor Chongde couldn’t help taking a step back. What kind of weapon is this?

“Snort! Do you think you can stop the four of us alone?” Emperor Chongde coldly snorted, in his heart, there should be no problem if he wants to run now.

“Do you think that you have more people? I’ve never been afraid of others!” Li Yalin’s voice did not fall, and the sky above the Emperor Chongde and their all around appeared out of thin air by hundreds Taiwan IS, countless gunpoints were aimed at these four monsters, as long as they changed a little, these IS fighters would let them know what is called heavy firepower coverage.

“Damn! You shit!” Seeing this situation, the Werewolf leader of Supreme Low-Level couldn’t help shouting, so many people surrounded themselves, and everyone was not someone who is easy to deal with, how can we fight this battle?

“I’m silly?” Li Yalin almost laughed. Was that Werewolf’s head caught by the door panel?

“There is a kind of you and me duel!” The Werewolf leader said unconvincingly. If he said he still had a glimmer of survival, then it must be on the boy opposite, obviously he It is an important figure. As long as you capture him in battle, you can escape today, when the time comes back to Europe to regroup, and then come back to embrace this arrow’s vengeance.

The Werewolf leader’s Spring and Autumn Dreams are very good. Even the Emperor Chongde, who is a companion, shows a look of contempt. The other party does not have such an advantage. Will he play duel with you? Do you think anyone is as stupid as you?

“Okay, I’ll give you a chance! But I won’t be duel with you, you can go with four of you, as long as you can beat me, I can guarantee your safety, but the only chance is this time. “Didn’t expect Li Yalin actually agreed. This made the Emperor Chongde couldn’t help but be moved. If he was just alone, he would have done his best, and if he didn’t try, he would definitely regret it. of! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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