Finally, the official war between the Cosmos Force and the Primitive Gamma Insect has begun. The war was fought extremely tragically at first. There is no wisdom but the endless attacking insect race has dealt a very heavy blow to the Cosmos Force, even if it is strength. The super strong Orsonia troops also suffered heavy losses, and some relatively weak coalition troops have been completely wiped out.

“It’s no good to go on like this. Meet force with force is not a good way. If this goes on, it is estimated that even Kaitia will be on the battlefield.” On the Kaitia mothership, looking at Ou The tactical report from the Ersonians, Li Yalin’s tone was very heavy.

Since Katia’s home planet is too far away from the central battlefield, Katia did not participate in this battle. Of course, Katia is really not a battle race. If you are on the battlefield. Apart from the role of cannon fodder, there is no other better use. After all, many races stronger than Kaitia have completely perished.

“In any case, this war Kay Catian will not stay out of the way, and the loss of the Joint Space Force will not benefit us at all. Therefore, the mother planet is now studying the next countermeasures. I hope a good solution can be found.” Captain Kuuna said the message from Katia’s home planet.

“To be honest, if I can, I really don’t want you catians to participate in this war. You are really not suitable for war.” Li Yalin shook his head, and then began to think again.

“We will not be afraid of war! This is to protect our homeland! We are ready to sacrifice at any time!” Lieutenant Captain Melmay stood up and said with a serious face Although she is very young, she has really made up her mind.

“snort! I hate this damn war!” Before Li Yalin could speak, Alice in the corner was full of resentment whispered. To say that Alice is really depressed now, obviously her first time The estrus period has come, and unlike most Kay catians, I actually found someone to experience for the first time. However, after the war broke out, the Kaiti mothership ordered the unification to stop in order to prevent the cat ladies from affecting their minds and work due to the estrus period. A cat girl in estrus, how can this make Alice accept it?

“Okay, Alice, although this cycle has passed, isn’t there another cycle?” Chaika on the side patted Alice on the shoulder, and moved towards Li Yalin wink with a playful look. .

“How could this be the same, my first estrus period.” Alice continued to hide in the corner and circled, and stopped speaking.

“Okay, let’s get back to the subject. If Katia is to send troops this time, it is estimated that our mothership will be the first to bear the brunt. After all, we are the closest to the battlefield, and the combat equipment on the mothership is also It is complete, so I have conveyed the preparations in this regard, but when it comes to the battlefield, I still need to ask Yalin for your care. After all, when it comes to real battles, we have never experienced it.” Kuuna bit her lip. , Some responsibilities cannot be avoided by themselves.

“So, rest assured Kuuna, I will do my best to protect everyone.” Li Yalin was a little surprised, but it is right to think about it. The solar system is not far away from the main battlefield, although it sounds like a need How many light-years you can use the space distortion Teleportation device or Space Jump device to quickly go to the battlefield. Although it still takes some time, this time is not calculated in years or months after all.

“But then, don’t the Orsonians still have any clues? Why haven’t we found the shadow of the Primitive Gamma Insect fleet yet? Didn’t we see it once in the solar system last time? Now disappeared without a trace?” Chifuyu looked at the report and information from Orthonia, his frowning brows never let go.

“There is no news at all, it seems to have disappeared out of thin air, but this is impossible. They must be hidden in an unknown corner of the galaxy. This is undoubtedly a needle in a haystack.” Ship doctor Dreyer Shook the head, Orsonians are not omnipotent, otherwise, they would not lose so much in this battle.

“There is news from the mother star!” As everyone discussed, the cat ladies in the communication class suddenly heard a message from Katia’s mother star. After opening the communication information, Katie The decision made by the Subsidiary made everyone present a big startled.

“What does this mean? Is it cracking a joke?” After reading the news, Li Yalin immediately patted the table and stood up. This kind of command! It’s like treating these cat ladies as goods! Does Katia want to stay out of the matter so much?

It turned out that the Kaitia’s intention was to send the entire Kaitia mothership plus all the personnel in the mothership to Li Yalin, as Li Yalin’s private force, and Kaiti The Asian side will also dispatch more than 20 medium-sized battleships, which are also under the management of Li Yalin, but on the other hand, Li Yalin must shoulder the responsibility of winning the war. Since then, Kaitia will stay out of the matter and no longer participate. This war has been approved by the Orsonians.

In other words, no matter whether the war is won or not, Katia will not make any more moves. After all, they think this war is too far away from them, and they can’t see or touch. The Kaitia fleet is exhausted, and after the war, no matter how many Kaitians are left, they will belong to Li Yalin and will no longer have any relationship with Kaitia.

This is what makes Li Yalin most angry. Now the entire Katia mothership has become a pawn. It is indeed a very sensible tactic to lose the car and protect the commander, but Katia mother Don’t the senior officials of Xing know that his lips are dead and his teeth are cold?

“Don’t be angry Yalin, I understand the thoughts of the command, then from now on, we have to obey your command, sir!” After that, Kuuna got up and moved towards Li Yalin and paid a military salute. Alice, Melmei, Chaika, and Dr. Dreyer all stood up and saluted, and recognized Li Yalin as the supreme officer. Since this brief moment, the supreme command of the Katia mothership has been transferred to Li Yalin’s hands.

“Is this really okay? Are you so willing? And it should be said that now you have nothing to do with Katia’s home planet!” Li Yalin smiled bitterly at the cat ladies in front of you , Is this really good?

“Don’t worry Yalin, if it were you, we would be very happy!” Chaika’s playful moved towards Li Yalin cast a wink.

“Yes, by the way, Yalin, it will be my estrus period in a while. Before, I have been using hypnosis to suppress the estrus period. Now that you are the supreme commander, you are Shouldn’t you also shoulder the responsibility and help me?” Nodded, the ship doctor Dreyer agreed, and then asked Li Yalin with a smile.

“How can it be! My estrus period has been forcibly stopped! I want Yalin to help me resolve the estrus period!” Alice quit as soon as she heard it, and her estrus period also needs to be resolved!

“hehe, with Yalin’s words, estrus or something, you don’t need to suppress it anymore.” Chaika laughed playfully, even the captain Kuuna on the side was nodded, only The deputy captain Melmei, who has not yet experienced the estrus period, lowered his head with a blushing face, and did not dare to see Li Yalin.

“It looks like I have been in a big trouble.” Li Yalin looked at Chifuyu beside him with a wry smile.

“It’s all your fault, solve it yourself.” Chifuyu panting with rage will not go to see Li Yalin, the crew of the entire Katia mothership is more than 3,000 people. Coupled with the upcoming 20 medium-sized battleships, then Li Yalin’s Kay catian will reach an astonishing 4,000 number. Is it possible that Li Yalin has to solve the estrus of so many cat girls?

Anyway, Li Yalin can be considered a battle strength of neither too big nor too small. Two days later, twenty medium-sized battleships arrived in the solar system. The reception work went very smoothly. The newcomers The cat ladies have also been incorporated into the battle ranks, with more than four thousand people, and now Li Yalin’s has really more and more people.

In the next waiting time, Li Yalin completed the remaining contract work. First of all, the one hundred and thirty-two maidens of the Komosen family, the battle strength of these maidens themselves. Not bad, after the contract, a battle strength can be formed even more.

Next is Antonia’s maid team. I don’t know what Mayer did to these maids. Anyway, the maid team Li Yalin has contracted more than two thousand people. You must know that these are all combat maids who are good at all kinds of battles. As long as you teach them a little bit of the operation methods of various battleships or Mecha, they can quickly get started, and their role is indispensable in space warfare.

There are a total of 813 people of Dejisia bitches. After Chifuyu’s investigation, they found that they are indeed a very good fighting race. After communicating with Janss, these bitches finally They also signed a Subordinate God contract with Li Yalin.

Of course, the Lunu who Li Yalin cares most has also become Li Yalin’s bag. After contracting the bitch, Lunu immediately became Li Yalin’s exclusive chief of staff. Various battle plans Li Yalin can be safely handed over to her, and Liunu did not disappoint Li Yalin. Only the battle plan against Primitive Gamma Insect was conceived of more than five plans, and each plan was very impressive. It fits the actual situation and has a decisive help to the battle situation.

As for these Katia cat ladies, Li Yalin has not yet entered into a contract. After all, there are too many people on the one hand. On the other hand, Li Yalin needs to give them some more time. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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