“Yalin! There is news from the Orsonians and they have finally discovered the hiding place of the Primitive Gamma Insect fleet! The 82FD galaxy in the AC182 nebula is very cleverly hidden, if it weren’t for an Orson If the Yaren’s battleship crash-landed there, I’m afraid we’ve got nothing at all!” On this day, when Li Yalin was training the maid’s Mecha operation, Chaika suddenly sent a video call request. After allowing the call, Chaika’s An expression of nervousness and excitement was immediately revealed in front of Li Yalin’s. For this day, everyone really waited for a long time.

“Very good! Unite the fleet! It’s finally time for us to make a move!” Li Yalin clenched his fists excitedly, and finally it’s time to show off his skills. Look at the insects who are still going Where to escape!

Li Yalin’s tone barely fell, the sirens sounded through the entire fleet, and everyone immediately put down everything in their hands and quickly entered a state of combat alert.

The AC182 nebula is not close to the solar system. Even if the Space Jump skill is used, it will take three days to arrive. Fortunately, the Orsonians have brought Li Yalin accurate cosmic space coordinates. This has saved Li Yalin a lot of wrongdoing.

During these three days, all departments were operating normally. There were three pre-war meetings. It was finally determined that the Saint Angel team, as the main force in this battle, should carry the most An important burden, but as a reserve force, the bitch Quest is not small. For this reason, Li Yalin has prepared more than 800 state-of-the-art mobile suits to ensure the safety of these bitches.

After Shininosuke’s dedicated research, the deciphering work of GN particles is officially over, and the real GN solar furnace has been developed. Although the production of such a real solar furnace is expensive, Li Yalin has Not at all distressed. After the large-scale production, the battle strength of the army has obviously been significantly improved. In any case, any Mecha driven by these girls under Li Yalin must ride on the GN solar stove, and must equip various state-of-the-art equipment. system, so as to ensure the safety of the driver to the utmost extent.

As for the GN-T pseudo-solar furnace, Li Yalin has also been put into mass production. The manufacture of this solar furnace is very simple and does not cost much, but the only drawback is that the particles produced are paired Human body is harmful, so this MS equipped with a GN-T pseudo solar furnace, Li Yalin is handed over to a smart robot to drive. Although the synchronization rate is very low, it is also stronger than those using battery energy packs or nuclear fission reactors. Too much.

Of course, all the High-Level MSs produced in the past have been modified and equipped with a new system, but some Low-Level Mechas are really not necessary for modification, so these ordinary mecha army , Has basically become synonymous with cannon fodder.

As for the cat ladies of Katia, all of them have become auxiliary personnel in this battle. Their responsibility is to drive the battleship and command the battlefield. Although the division of labor is different, in order to fight this battle well, everyone They are very conscientious and responsible, and do their best to do their own job.

“The vanguard enters the 82DF galaxy, and the radar scan is beginning…the enemy insect nest is found, but no enemy fleet is found!” The voice of the Raban cat lady came from the command platform. This battle Li Yalin is responsible for taking the lead. After all, it is the first battle. Even if you don’t need to lead the way, Li Yalin still needs to stand at the forefront of the battlefield. He is the spiritual pillar of everyone. As long as he is there, the morale of the girls It can be infinitely improved.

“Continue with the reconnaissance work, and be sure to find out where the enemy fleet is!” Chifuyu Ma gave the next order. Next to her is the Captain of the Katia Mothership Kuuna, Kuuna’s experience of space warfare Quite rich, at least she is an orthodox captain who graduated from a major, and there are many things that require her opinion, so Li Yalin rationed Kuuna to Chifuyu as his deputy.

“Did you hear Yalin? Be careful, these insects are very cunning!” After the call was connected to Li Yalin’s, Chifuyu anxiously warned, at this time it is the least careless, I don’t know what At that time, the opponent will suddenly appear, and this has been clearly set in front of everyone in the Orsonian’s battle data.

“Understood, you can rest assured Chifuyu sister.” Li Yalin nodded. At this time, what appeared in front of Li Yalin was a huge brown and yellow insect nest, whose area was almost comparable to some small planets. , The insect nest is full of disgusting mucus. After a while from time to time, a Low-Level insect will be produced. Although it is only some Low-Level insects whose strength is around Fourth to Fifth Rank, they can’t hold the number. Huge, it can be described in hundreds of millions.

“Are you giving an attack order?” Li Yalin’s deputy captain Jinya asked. After calculation, if the battleship of the vanguard is fully fired, it should be possible to destroy this huge insect nest in one fell swoop.

“The charging of all battleship main guns begins!” After thinking for a moment, Li Yalin immediately issued an attack command. This kind of insect nest threat is really too great, especially the opponent’s production speed, almost New insects appear every moment. Although I don’t know where the energy for this stuff comes from, it’s clear that this insect nest must be the most important arsenal of Primitive Gamma Insect.

“The GN particle destruction cannon is recharged!”

“The cationic city destruction cannon is recharged!”

“The space destruction cannon is recharged!”

“The Macross cannon is recharged!”

In a short time, all the main guns on the battleship were fully charged. With the order of Li Yalin’s, countless huge beams Moved towards the insect nest on the opposite side was launched. In just an instant, a huge and splendid explosion broke out in the universe. The powerful energy impact even caused the battleship energy shields of the leading troops to lose a lot of each. Energy, it can be seen that the power of several cannons is indeed quite huge. Anyway, Li Yalin thinks he can’t make such a powerful blow, but if the strength reaches the level of Chuangshen, it should be about the same.

“The target is being confirmed…completely destroy the target! However, the remaining troops of the opponent have discovered the existence of the fleet and are now moving towards the ship!” The data detected by the radar squad was presented in front of Li Yalin’s Although the huge energy explosion wiped out more than 80% of the insects, the insects that were farther away from the explosion center or were slightly stronger still survived by chance. For the pioneers who attacked themselves without authorization, these insects would naturally not be let go. , All moved towards the direction of the fleet like headless flies.

“The battleship is fully fired, cools the main gun system, and is ready to enter the charging state again! The remote sniper MS force pops up! The fighter force enters the launch pad!” Li Yalin issued various orders in an instant, Smart Robot All the MS units piloted have entered the ready state, only waiting for the opponent to enter the effective combat range.

“Cecilia! Your sniper troops are also ready. Laura’s Amazon troops are ready to enter combat at any time, and the Saint Knight Units of Ji are ready to assist. When the enemy gets closer, they will turn around. It’s time for yours!”

“Wait Yalin, what about my scouts?” Li Yalin’s tactical arrangement does not involve the scouts led by Xia Lu. Li Yalin is a total. With these four troops in the battle, Cecilia and the others are all useful, but how can their scout troops be incapable of moving? Xia Lu must ask about this, after all, this is a great opportunity to show her strength in front of her sweetheart!

“Don’t worry about Xia Lu, when you attack, this is our first battle in the universe. Must fight perfectly. We must know that the fleet of Primitive Gamma Insect is hidden in us. Nearby, when the time comes, surprise the Quest of those fleets, but they will all be handed over to you.” Li Yalin smiled and comforted.

“so that’s how it is, Hehe, Yalin, just wait for a good show.” Hearing what Li Yalin said, Xia Lu’s face showed a bright smile, as long as it can help Li Yalin , Xia Lu was satisfied.

At this time, all the firepower on the battleship is turned on. All kinds of beam cannons, Vulcan cannons, and cannons are all on. Numerous long-range and medium-range missiles are pouring out without money. The flower exploded in the middle, and the shooting of various long-range sniper mobile suits was extremely accurate. Almost every shot could kill a Low-Level insect, but it would be a little laborious if it encountered a higher-strength insect.

“Fighter forces pop up!” Finally, an insect entered the War Zone. Seeing this, Li Yalin immediately dispatched all the space fighters, including the Universe King, Morbis Type Zero heavy fighter, and various series of MA and All the VF fighters were dispatched, and the warfare in the universe finally began.

Although Li Yalin’s cosmic fighters are just over a thousand, there are not many remaining insects on the other side. After the two sides approached each other, there was a fierce collision. To be honest, Li Yalin’s side The advantage of is too obvious. The defense Energy Shield on the body can withstand at least hundreds of beam attacks from the opponent’s insect. Basically, it can be done with just one shot to deal with these insects. Therefore, there is simply no Cecily. The opportunity for them to take action, these remaining insects were directly dealt with by the fighter unit.

“How did it happen? These insects are too fragile, right? There is even no breakthrough in the blockade of fighters?” Lalaura said very depressed, originally thinking that she would have a chance to show her progress. , Didn’t expect turned out to be happy for nothing.

“Don’t be careless, our enemies have not been wiped out yet.” Qi’s eyes never left the radar screen. She knew in her heart that this battle had just begun.

“Qi is right, don’t be careless, the radar team has stepped up the investigation, I believe the results will appear soon!” Li Yalin’s voice came from the virtual screen, but these insects Where did you go?

“The main ship is attacked! The main ship is attacked! Found the fleet of Primitive Gamma Insect!” At this moment, such a message came from the communicator. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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