“What’s going on?” Li Yalin startled, the main ship was actually attacked. Could it be that the Primitive Gamma Insects have long been hidden outside the 82FD galaxy, ready to catch a turtle in a jar? However, Li Yalin calmed down quickly. The opponent didn’t understand the situation of his fleet. In this battle, it was unknown who was in the bag.

“The opponent has a very advanced battleship stealth system. Our radar failed to detect the opponent’s specific location. Just now, Battleship One suffered two rounds of shelling from the opponent, and lost 8% of it. Energy Shield is not a big problem at all.” Zhenya informed the information uploaded from Battlestar One.

“Counter-Attack on all ships! Find out those primitive Gamma Insects that are hidden! We don’t have the battleship information that the other party can invisible. This thing must be obtained! Especially this invisibility principle!” Li Yalin’s horse issued an attack order.

“Don’t worry, Yalin, just leave it to me here. I can handle it. You will take the lead and search for the 82FD galaxy again. Don’t let a fish that escaped the net. We This time, we will destroy all the Primitive Gamma Insect fleets in one fell swoop!” Chifuyu’s silhouette is shown on the virtual video. At this time, we can’t mess around. Chifuyu on the mothership side can handle it.

“Well, Chifuyu sister, everything is up to you! Attention to all personnel! Search the entire galaxy carefully. For some planets that may hide the insect race, allow the main gun to destroy the target!” Li Yalin nodded, anyway, the 82FD galaxy is nothing more than a scrapped galaxy, simply without any living things.

To be honest, at first Li Yalin was going to directly explode the entire galaxy, but this would have too much influence, so everyone did not agree, but randomly exploded some small planets and moons. There is no problem at all.

The special ships of the vanguard are scattered in all directions. These special ships are the main force of the blasting planet. Only these ships are equipped with powerful destructive main guns. As for the cruisers, they have become The main force to search for the enemy, the corvette floats all around on the universal aircraft, and all the fighters on the aircraft carrier are dispatched to patrol the entire galaxy in turn.

Just when Li Yalin was conducting a full-scale search, the main force of the fleet led by Chifuyu had already collided head-on with the fleet of Primitive Gamma Insect. Obviously, these Primitive Gamma Insect didn’t expect the enemy to be so powerful. Obviously there are not many battleships. Maybe they can influence some small space wars, but in the face of real space wars, such a large number of battleships simply can’t be shot. .

But now, the battle strength shown by these battleships is amazing. The attack power of various main guns is quite huge. You must know that although there is no energy shield on the battleship of Primitive Gamma Insect, the battleship’s The hardness is amazing. Ordinary beam cannons simply cannot cause any damage to it. But with this hardness, a warship of Primitive Gamma Insect’s battleship was directly blown into a big hole. This is Primitive. Gamma Insect is the first time encountering so many galaxies in the universe.

In Primitive Gamma Insect’s view, the most terrifying thing about Chifuyu’s fleet is not the attack, but the scary defense! The two attacks of Battlestar I just now were the full strength attack of the Battleship of the Insect General. In the fleet of Primitive Gamma Insect currently present, the strongest battleship is the Insect General, but it is the strongest. The battleship did not cause any damage to the mothership at all. It was just a ripple. The strongest battleship was like this. The remaining 3rd class battleship and attack power on February 1st Can’t put it on the table.

Just this horrible attack and defense has already made the heart of the commander in the Primitive Gamma Insect battleship tremble. After fighting for so many years, it is the first time to encounter such a strange opponent. How would you know that our genius scientist Shino Nozuki has installed the Absolute Defense system on every battleship. As long as the energy is not exhausted, the hull will not be damaged forever.

In the hearts of Primitive Gamma Insect, they have never retreated once, because in their hearts, they are invincible and invincible! Therefore, in the battleship of Primitive Gamma Insect, countless insect fighters have been dispatched to battle. They are preparing to use the flexibility of the fighters for landing operations. Now this is their only choice.

At the same time, the commander of Primitive Gamma Insect understood that it’s not time to hide and tuck. The Low-Level insect races hidden in the entire galaxy came out, all moved. Towards the direction of the main force of the fleet galloped away, even ignoring the vanguard forces still searching within the galaxy.

“What’s the matter?” Li Yalin was taken aback, but he quickly understood that these insect races are moving towards one direction, and that direction is where the main force of his fleet lies. Li Yalin Ma gave an order: Stop the search and attack these Low-Level insects with all their strength. Be sure to delay the time so that Chifuyu and the others can deal with the enemy more easily.

“All the mecha army will be ejected for me! Must intercept all these insects here! Cecilia, Qi, Lalaura and Xia Lu, you lead your troops and transfer the curve to Primitive Gamma Insect’s rear is harassing and attacking. If necessary, allow you to attack the enemy’s battleship in close combat!” After getting this order, Laura and the others were so excited that they finally had this opportunity, must After fighting a beautiful battle, ISMecha has undergone a special transformation, but in fact, the most capable of displaying IS is close combat. If the battle is too long, the power of IS will be much worse than those of MS and VF fighters. , After all, some weapons that are too powerful are really not suitable for loading on the IS body.

Using the Space Jump device, the special ship where the four troops are located quickly jumped to the rear of the Primitive Gamma Insect. Although the opponent also has defenses here, the number of defenses is relatively not so dense. , And a special ship can’t attract too much attention from the other party. Now the attention of the commander of Primitive Gamma Insect has been completely focused on two Battlestars and a Katia mothership. In mind, as long as the three large motherships are eliminated, the remaining battleships will all be loose sand, which is much easier to deal with.

“Good luck this time, sisters, come with me!” Lalaura was the first to rush out of the ship in excitement, and the huge cannon on the rear arm opened ISMecha in the universe. The first battle among them.

“Laura, don’t charge so fast!” After Xia Lu exhorted in the communication channel, she led her scout troops to accelerate the charge, and quickly passed the enemy fleet’s launch. The beams that came after another, the battleship moved towards Primitive Gamma Insect straight towards the past.

“Jelucci pay attention! Keep an eye on the insect race fighters next to the scouts, don’t let Charlotte and the others get distracted!” Cecilia quickly moved towards her sniper unit and ordered Going down, the actions of the scout troops are now quite dangerous, so everyone must work hard to cover them.

“Paladin troops pay attention! The first team opens the blessing aiming halo! The second team opens the focus halo! The third team opens the fanatic halo!” At the same time, Qi also issued a halo command to his team members, these halo Basically, they were opened for the sniper forces and the Amazon forces, in order to improve everyone’s shooting accuracy and attack intensity, and after the halo was turned on, the Paladin forces also picked up their own beam sniper rifles and started their own attack.

Now that the guiding force IS that everyone is driving has been adjusted and improved for such a long time, the expansion of IS is already amazing, and there are naturally many weapons that can be equipped. In this way, everyone’s battle method Full of various changes, the division into various units is just to better highlight their respective advantages.

Now let’s talk about Xia Lu’s scout troops. At this time Xia Lu has brought Xundaizi and the others close to the battleship of Primitive Gamma Insect, facing these heights reaching several hundred meters or even For a battleship of several kilometers, what Xia Lu and the others can do is to secretly destroy the core of these battleships, destroy the power facilities of the battleship, and steal the information of these Primitive Gamma Insects by the way.

Xia Lu had heard Li Yalin’s order before, and knew that Li Yalin was very concerned about these materials, so Xia Lu was the first to rush into the interior of the enemy ship.

“Inform all the team members, everyone must be careful and cautious. The enemy’s battleship is not safe. Evacuate immediately after winning!” After Xia Lu gave the order, he used Wyvern to enter it on the teleport. Within a battleship of the warlord level, Xia Lu has already obtained the basic battleship information of the Primitive Gamma Insect from Li Yalin. She naturally knows that among these battleships, only warships of the warlord level have the most. value.

After entering the battleship, Xia Lu began further exploration work. First, she needed to invade the battleship’s network, but this needed to find the Primitive Gamma Insect computer.

Although the computer used by Primitive Gamma Insect is quite awkward, Shino no Shu has already completed the deciphering work. Now Xia Lu only needs to transfer the IS data to the computer of Primitive Gamma Insect. Among them, the work of hacking into the network will be carried out automatically, which really has to be said that Shinonosuke does have foresight.

Along the way, although Xia Lu encountered many Primitive Gamma Insect soldiers, under the strong firepower of IS, these bad luck guys were all beaten into sieves.

Just when Xia Lu and their sneak attack Primitive Gamma Insect fleet began to steal data, the interception work on Li Yalin’s side was also underway, and countless beams and missiles exploded in the universe. Then, there were bursts of gorgeous Rei’s sparks. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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