“True, the task of commanding the fleet is up to you. I’ll go out and have fun with these guys.” Looking at the densely packed insect race troops on the virtual screen, Li Yalin turned to Jin Ye and ordered After a sound, he got off the command platform of the bridge and moved towards the hangar.

“Wait for Yalin, is it okay for me to command alone?” Zhenye stopped Li Yalin with some disbelief, and suddenly asked Zhenye to command a small fleet by herself, but she never Never had an experience.

“You must have confidence in yourself, but I trust you unreservedly.” Li Yalin moved towards Zhen Ye with a bunch of thumbs.

“Then…well, I will work hard.” Zhenye glasses girl’s small face turned red. After some sorry look at Li Yalin, she devoted all her energy to the control station. Under the command of Li Yalin, since Li Yalin trusted him so much, Zhenye decided that he must do his best to show his best side in front of Li Yalin’s.

Li Yalin was satisfied with nodded, and then came to the hangar inside the ship. There were not many High-Level MSs parked here, so Li Yalin only chose one Aegis Gundam as his dedicated machine.

Aegis Gundam is a variable MS for high-speed assault. This body can be converted into two forms of MS and MA at any time. When transformed into the form of MA fighter, Aegis Gundam’s ability is not inferior to VF fighter. Any of the series.

After all, this Aegis Gundam is already equipped with all the technological essence of Li Yalin, so the appearance of this machine is still slightly different from the ordinary Aegis Gundam.

The combination of GN solar furnace, λ-Driver and Absolute Defense, these sky-defying weapon systems, created this monster-level Aegis Gundam. After attacking from the launch pad, Li Yalin immediately deformed It became a mobile suit, and the two GN beam rifles in his hand kept harvesting the lives of distant insects.

“Is there no fighting intent at all? Just blindly obeying orders?” Li Yalin found that no matter how many attacks he made, except for the attacked insect, he would be counter-attacked. In addition, the other insects simply ignored his existence, and only knew that they moved towards the direction of the main fleet and galloped away.

Li Yalin had a conclusion in his mind. Indeed, as the Orsonia said, as long as the Primitive Gamma Insect that is commanding these Low-Level insects is eliminated, then these guys are completely scattered and don’t know any battle plan. How can they withstand the joint space forces? Only rely on quantity to make up? Don’t crack a joke. Just now, Li Yalin even had their insect nests.

“Since there is no fighting intent, then I can play happily.” Li Yalin’s mouth showed a small smile, and quickly transformed the body into an MA fighter mode. The GN solar furnace is full of power. Open, the maximum speed moved towards the insect swarm.

Before the insect race approached, Li Yalin launched all the space annihilation missiles currently carried on the Aegis Gundam. In order to achieve a large-scale killing effect, all the missiles carried by Li Yalin before leaving the ship It is a powerful missile, and it is also a special kind of material. After dozens of missiles hit the target, countless black red space black holes are quickly diffused. However, all the insects that are touched by these black holes fall into the black hole. The end of complete annihilation.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yalin’s body has rushed into the insect swarm. Although it cannot be described as densely packed, these insects are relatively close to each other, so Li After Yalin transformed the body into MS mode, two GNgiant swords appeared in the hands of Aegis Gundam.

These two giant swords with a length of more than 20 meters can be said to be real ultimate weapons. They are waved in the hands of Aegis Gundam. These insects are dead and dead, except for the occasional Supreme. Insects at the level of Saint Rank can resist for a while. Insects below Saint Rank have no power at all. Of course, if you encounter an insect at the God Rank level, then Li Yalin can really fight.

To say what you really want, although Li Yalin eliminated only a Low-Rank insect nest, even this kind of insect nest has a certain chance of producing a God Rank high-level insect nest. Level insect, this kind of insect itself has already developed a certain amount of wisdom. Therefore, even the Primitive Gamma Insect needs special means to control insects above this level. Now, a body length is about 80 meters, but its strength is The insect that reached the God Rank High-Level appeared on the virtual screen in the cockpit of Li Yalin.

“It’s really a big luck.” Li Yalin muttered softly. Insects of this kind and above are the most annoying, because they have become quite cunning, and they have begun to know whether to meet force with Not to mention force, it will even use circuitous tactics. If you let this big guy go to sneak attack the main fleet, it will definitely make Chifuyu a headache.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Yalin decided to kill this guy first, which can be considered as the removal of a scourge. News came from the communicator that the fleet suppression of Primitive Gamma Insect has been suppressed. Initially effective, Xia Lu and their rear sneak attack also achieved quite good results, so the next step is to carry out the finishing work, so as long as Li Yalin solves the big guy in front of him, this battle has basically been announced. It’s over.

Without any hesitation, the GNgiant sword in Aegis Gundam’s hand swung quickly, and moved towards the God Rank insect on the opposite side with a violent swipe, but this God Rank insect is not easy to provoke, the body A kind of light purple Energy Shield appeared on it, which was able to withstand Li Yalin’s attack.

Li Yalin was slightly surprised. This is the first time I have seen an insect that can use Energy Shield for defense. Is it a new variety or a mutated product? Li Yalin was puzzled, but he didn’t stop under his hand. The GN Vulcan cannons hidden on both sides of his arm fired at the same time. He didn’t believe that the Energy Shield could not be broken! After all, unfolding this thing should consume a lot of energy within the body of the other party.

The shells of the Vulcan Cannon hit the Energy Shield and caused countless energy explosions. However, this God Rank insect did not wait to die, but immediately performed Counter-Attack, with countless purple energy beams moved. towards Li Yalin was launched in an instant, with great power, so Li Yalin immediately drove the body to circumvent, but the other party’s attack was too intensive. There were still a lot of energy beams hitting the Aegis Gundam and taking Absolute Defense away. A lot of energy of the system.

For this, Li Yalin thinks it’s better to do it quickly. The Spiritual Power is launched quickly, which inspires the λ-Driversystem. The GNgiant sword shines with a light blue light, and then Li Yalin expands again. Trans-Amsystem, because the body’s synchronization rate is constant at 1,000%, this system Li Yalin can be turned on at any time. The fiery-red body wielded the red and blue GNgiant sword, and slashed at the enemy. On top of the strongest Energy Shield.

In just that moment, this energy shield that can even withstand small space annihilation bombs was shattered. Li Yalin took advantage of the situation without any hindrance, and went all the way unimpeded, directly removing this God Rank insect divided into two.

To say that these Low-Level insects, apart from the strong physical energy, do not have any special abilities. The defensive cover Li Yalin saw today is considered to be one. Given the ability of the split-regenerating Mature Filth Monster that was fought in Regios World, it is estimated that this battle will be much more difficult.

After killing this strongest insect, Li Yalin has no interest in the remaining small insects, so I just leave it to his troops to clean up. At this moment, Li Yalin has already received it. Here comes the news of the main fleet victory.

Quickly rushing to the main fleet, Li Yalin directly drove the Aegis Gundam into the Battlestar I. Although the distance is relatively long, there is a small short-distance Space Teleportation device on the Aegis Gundam. , You can perform a small-scale Space Jump, but this Space Jump is only limited to one light-year, and if the Teleportation distance is too large, it will cause damage to the body. If the jump distance is more than one light-year, then this Aegis Even if Gundam is equipped with countless defense systems, it can’t escape the end of being completely torn apart by space energy.

“Chifuyu sister, are you all okay?” After jumping off the Aegis Gundam, Li Yalin went straight to the bridge’s command podium. As soon as they met, he asked with concern. Li Yalin was satisfied nodded with a smile after seeing the smiles of Cecilia and Laura.

“Yalin, look, I’ve done something this time!” Before Chifuyu could speak, Xia Lu on the side came to Li Yalin’s side immediately, moving towards Li Yalin with a look of excitement and said, that was red. His face is so cute.

“Really? Let me hear what my Xia Lu has done?” Li Yalin scratched Xia Lu’s pretty nose.

“hee hee, Yalin, I got all the information you want.” As for Li Yalin’s intimate movements and tone, Xia Lu’s heart was full of joy, and she held Li Yalin’s hand smiled.

“Oh? Really? This is really very good! Now you can complete the other party’s information! Xia Lu will give you a lot of credit!” Li Yalin was very happy when he heard it. I didn’t expect that I only said it once before the war, and Xia Lu remembered it, and she also took actual actions directly.

Li Yalin’s praise made Xia Lu very happy, but the girls on the side were envious. Why didn’t they get the information by themselves? I knew I would lead the scouts by myself! In that case, you can also get praise from Li Yalin’s.

“Okay, put the words of praise aside for the time being. Although Primitive Gamma Insect’s fleet has been wiped out, there are still remaining insects here. Don’t relax and start annihilating all the insects! One! Don’t stay!” At this time, Chifuyu, who was standing on the podium, gave a loud order. Although Chifuyu’s face did not have a trace of expression, there was a trace of tremor in his tone. It was obvious that Chifuyu was jealous. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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