The simpler Mecha is, the more difficult it is to become proficient. When Xiao Linger can drive the Major Perfection of these more common ASs, and wait for her to drive stronger MS or VF, it will be like a fish in the water. , It’s okay to play it anyway

“Elder Brother Yalin, you can also pick an AS, let’s compare the two.” At this time, there are a lot of Mecha parked on the training field, but most of them are ordinary AS series. Ye Ling seems to be obsessed with letting Li Yalin see her growth, so she is quite active, and M9’s arms waved to Li Yalin again and again.

“You can’t do it yourself, so please, Xinxin, Mengying, and Siya will all participate. Let me see where your growth has reached.” Li Yalin waved his hand first, but then I even said such a sentence.

“Yalin, you are not mistaken? These are ordinary ASs without any system. Your own strength does not have a great influence on the body. Are you confident to defeat Ye Ling and the others?” Saya on the side asked quickly, if it is equipped with powerful systems, these systems can improve the battle strength of the body according to Li Yalin’s own strength. λ-DRIVERsystem is a good example, but for ordinary AS…

“Don’t worry, it’s not just that everyone has grown. I also want everyone to take a look at my growth!” Li Yalin gave a thumbs up and equalized these four little girls. Li Yalin is still quite good. confident.

Seeing that Li Yalin insisted on this, everyone did not persuade him. After all, Li Yalin is not a reckless person. Since he did this, he must have his reason, and everyone is also very curious, Li Yalin’s AS What degree of operational strength has it reached?

“Come on, little girls, you guys get ready first.” Li Yalin casually entered an M9, but look at the other side, except that Ye Ling is driving an ordinary M9. , Zhong Mengying and Wang Siya drove the more advanced M9E, and Chu Zixin chose an M9D Hawk Falcon. These fuselages are better than the ordinary M9. It seems that these girls are really planning to do a good job. Fight against Li Yalin.

Li Yalin’s choice is very simple. It is just a GDC-B40mm rifle. In addition, there is a large single-molecule cutting knife in the waist equipment. Since it is not actual combat, all the equipment in the rifle is It’s a paint bomb.

Soon, after the sound of the beginning of the battle, the four girls on the opposite side spread out to find cover, and the sniper rifle in Zhong Mengying’s hand was aimed at Li Yalin’s body. Before the start, Zhong Mengying has already chosen her position, so her actions can be said to be the fastest.

After a gunshot, a huge blue smoke was produced where Li Yalin was located. This was produced after the paint bomb exploded. Did he hit it? Just when Zhong Mengying was a little excited, the M9 driven by Li Yalin had disappeared in place.

“Oops!” Wang Siya’s exclamation came from the communicator. It turned out that Li Yalin’s M9 appeared in front of Wang Siya. What kind of speed is this? Can M9 really reach this limit?

“Don’t panic!” Chu Zixin was extremely calm, because the battlefield was not large and the distance between everyone was not very far. Soon the GDC-B rifle in Chu Zixin’s hand was aimed at Li Yalin After several shots, Li Yalin not only missed the shots, but also hit Wang Siya’s left arm. The alarm sounded on the M9E system. The left arm was completely damaged and could not be used anymore.

“Sorry, Siya.” Chu Zixin said guiltily. He didn’t expect to make this Low-Level mistake.

“Don’t be distracted! If you don’t shoot, I’m probably out of the game. Be careful! Yalin’s target is you!” Wang Siya’s eager voice came from the communicator, waiting for Chu Zixin to react. At that time, Li Yalin’s M9 was already standing in front of her.

“There is no time for you to be stunned on the battlefield!” At the same time as Li Yalin’s voice came from the communicator, M9 raised the knife and fell, and directly cut off one of the eagle’s arms. This is Li Yalin show As for the result of mercy, if it were really on the battlefield, Chu Zixin would have been divided into two already.

“Don’t underestimate us! Elder Brother Yalin!” In an instant, two M1108 anti-tank daggers moved towards Li Yalin’s direction were thrown over, and Li Yalin raised a single-molecule cutter to defend. At that time, two fragmentation grenades moved towards Li Yalin and threw them at the same time.

The power of this thing is not small. If it is a live ammunition, the explosive power produced will instantly engulf the M9, but Li Yalin drove the M9 and jumped directly to the ground about forty. In the mid-air about a meter away, while the single molecule cutter was put away, the GDC-B rifle in his hand instantly fired. Five bullets completely hit the falcon’s facial sensor. There were two legs and the only remaining arm in the chest cabin. Announcing Chu Zixin’s exit.

“Really!” Chu Zixin in the cockpit angrily took off his combat helmet. It turned out to be the first one to be eliminated. What a shame! Little Lin’zi didn’t have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex at all! How do I deal with him when I see no one! Okay! At this time, Chu Zixin’s Demoness character was revealed again. I really don’t know how she became a young lady and an unearthly queen.

The exit of Chu Zixin’s does not mean the end of the battle. Li Yalin in mid-air simply has no obstacles to avoid and block, so the three Ye Ling women think this is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Good opportunity, target locked! Fire! Two rifles and one sniper rifle spit out countless tongues of fire, and dozens of paint rounds all moved towards M9’s body covered the past.

“Success…impossible!” Zhong Mengying felt that he would definitely be able to hit Li Yalin completely this time, but her cheers were not over yet, and a scene that surprised her happened.

I saw that the body of the M9 driven by Li Yalin sank, and the body that was still climbing up slightly fell down instantly, and the speed of the fall was very fast, but the moment the body was about to approach the ground, the M9 A burst of hot air was ejected from the power radiator, which directly buffered the force of landing from the ground, and made the M9 steadily stop on the ground.

“The cooperation was good, but that’s it.” Before Li Yalin’s words fell, the M9 rushed forward, and an elbow knocked Wang Siya’s M9E directly to the ground, spraying into the rifle in his left hand. Spit out countless tongues of fire, directly smashing Zhong Mengying’s body.

At this time, Wang Siya desperately tried to stand up, but Li Yalin took the M9E’s arm first, and while pulling it up, he fell over his shoulder and fell M9E again. Ground, with a gunshot, a puddle of red paint appeared on the hatch of the M9E, and Wang Siya exited the field.

“So little Linger, now only you and me are left!” Everything happened in a flash. In the eyes of the girls off the court, that is, the confrontation of several rounds, Li Yalin used M9 Destroyed three more High-Level fuselages, fast! quasi! ruthless! These three words can describe Li Yalin’s performance this time vividly and thoroughly. No wonder Li Yalin is so confident.

“snort! I won’t lose to Elder Brother Yalin!” Ye Ling’s M9 pulled the trigger continuously, intending to use the advantage of long-range firepower to hit Li Yalin, but the M9 driven by Li Yalin was too fast , A few flexible dodges, Ye Ling’s bullets all fell through.

“Blindly hitting is not the purpose. This human-shaped M9 is not a mobile turret, and the hands and feet are not used to look good.” Li Yalin instructed Ye Ling while at the same time. He waved off the rifle in Ye Ling’s hand, but then he did not attack, but stood directly in front of Ye Ling’s, moved towards Ye Ling and hooked.

“Come on, let me see your melee combat ability.” In fact, Li Yalin’s battle against four girls this time focuses on teaching. After all, training alone cannot improve too much strength, only Let them really come into contact with actual combat, so that they can understand more.

“Well, Elder Brother Yalin, be careful!” Ye Ling shook his fist, the steps under her feet swayed from side to side, several illusory shadows flashed by, and M9 strode irregularly moved towards Li Yalin

“Not bad.” A glimmer of appreciation flashed in Li Yalin’s eyes. During the battle, you must not let the enemy know your depth. If the enemy really sees through, it will really be you. It’s time for Ye Ling’s death, so although Ye Ling’s movements seem to float back and forth without any rules, she has actually made a series of fake movements to confuse Li Yalin.

Of course, this kind of low-level fake action will not let Li Yalin be fooled. When the body of the M9 moved, Li Yalin appeared in front of Ye Ling’s. Although he was surprised, Ye Ling’s M9 Still reluctantly moved towards Li Yalin and threw a punch.

“The strength is not in place, but forget it. Generally speaking, it is satisfactory. Let’s practice here today.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, raising his hand to block Ye Ling’s fist, then M9 raised his hand With a twist, he buckled Ye Ling’s M9 back on the ground.

“The battle is over!” After releasing Ye Ling’s M9, Li Yalin opened the cockpit door and jumped directly from the cockpit to the ground.

“Instructor, you don’t know how to have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex! People’s head is almost dizzy!” Now Wang Siya’s head is still a little dizzy, just now Li Yalin’s An over-the-shoulder fall turned her into a mess.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, this is not for you to have the most intuitive experience.” Li Yalin’s said with a smile with a stiff mouth.

“You’re pretty good, but I was almost split in half. The appearance of Yalin’s just frightened me.” Chu Zixin patted his chest with lingering fear, as if he was greatly affected. It was shocked, but when she looked towards Li Yalin’s, she rolled her eyes. Li Yalin was wondering why Chu Zixin always treats herself differently?

“Well, I’m wrong, but I want to explain to you that with your current strength, it’s still far from the standard. I think you also know the troops that signed a contract with me. Let me tell you the truth. Pulling out any one of these troops will be stronger than what I have just shown!” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( ) I vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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