“No way, the strength of these troops are so strong?” Rei looked at Li Yalin in surprise. Although he had heard of the existence of the Saint Angel team and the elven team, it seems that these troops have only trained a few It’s just a month, the girls present don’t even know the existence of training space.

“Of course, there is a chance for you to see and see.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, then surrounded by beautiful women, entered the Conference Hall of the island base, and listened to Li Yalin talk about the Quest after.

“The Alien with cat ears, dog ears and Angel wings? This World is crazy.” Asami and Miyu looked at each other in blank dismay after hearing it, it seems that this Alien is also It will only appear in anime or manga, how do they know that even the world they live in is an anime.

“These are indeed very interesting, but I am more interested in the movies shot by Younger Brother Yalin.” Shizuka shook the fullness of her G cup, and ran to Li Yalin’s with interest. In front of him, squinted and leaned over to look at Li Yalin. The large exposed skin on his chest made Li Yalin’s face instantly embarrassed. Even if there are no outsiders in this base, Shizuka-nee, you don’t have to wear it so cool, right?

“Yes, it looks interesting, let’s take it out and have a look.” Rika also hugged Li Yalin’s shoulders carefreely, and laughed quite boldly.

Shizuka and Rika’s actions aroused the interest of the girls present, so for the rest of the time, everyone was sitting in the Conference Hall, watching the videos shot by Li Yalin and the others. The film seems to have become very popular in the world of cat ears within the realm, and Director Kawasaki has also entered the ranks of the world’s top directors, but a top director who is a ladyboy uncle bald, it makes people shudder to think about it.

Actually speaking of which, Arisa and Aiko are with Li Yalin, part of the reason is because of this movie, since the movie became popular all over the world, even if it was only played in the movie A small supporting role has also been sought after by countless people. Everyday all there are countless paparazzi squatting at the door of Alisha and Aiko, hoping to tell Li Yalin these protagonist things from their mouths, which makes They are simply annoying.

The normal life was disrupted, and Alexa and Aiko moved to Li Yalin’s Manor. They didn’t need to be disturbed at all here. As a result, everyone’s feelings warmed up while getting along. The girl decides to stay on Li Yalin’s side in the end.

“It’s really interesting. It seems that Yalin, you said that you graduated from the acting class. It’s not wrong.” After the movie was screened, Yuriko moved Li Yalin and cast a wink towards Yuriko. You have hidden meaning, are you jealous?

“Yes, so many beautiful girls, Yalin, have you been fooled?” Saya also cynically said, really worthy of the two mothers and daughters, even the tone of voice is exactly the same of.

“cough cough…After a while, we will make a better one. I am not very satisfied with this film. If I think about it, it is best to shoot with everyone. Ah.” Li Yalin gave a dry cough and quickly changed the subject. After hearing Li Yalin’s slightly lame diversion, the girls collectively gave Li Yalin a blank look, and then all laughed.

“How about Mayshen, are you familiar with it here?” Nina and Shena are different from the cultivation outside. The two girls, Mayshen and Mifi, have been studying in the island base. Now they have learned from the original The level of promotion of the female operator A and B to the captain of a special ship can be imagined.

“We had a great time, everyone took good care of me and Mifi.” Every time I saw Li Yalin, Mayshen’s face would turn red, even if he signed a contract with Li Yalin In this way, although I am not good at fighting, I can at least help Yalin! With this belief in mind, Mayshen has achieved the results it is today.

“That’s good, I’ve been busy all the time, and I don’t have much time to take care of you. Thinking about it, it’s really a little ashamed and unable to show one’s face.” Li Yalin is very sorry Li Yalin said that since bringing Mayshen and the others to Earth, Li Yalin has little time to pay attention to Mayshen and the others. Looking back now, he really has not fulfilled his due responsibilities.

“Don’t say that, we are all willing to follow Schoolmate Yalin’s. As long as I can meet Schoolmate Yalin occasionally, I’m already satisfied.” This little woman, Mayshen, really doesn’t have a lot of requirements. But the more she was like this, the more Li Yalin made up her mind that she must take good care of this lovely girl.

After walking around in the island base, Li Yalin released the rewards from the last special dungeon Quest. This planet World concealment device is not big, just a diameter of about thirty A small ball of centimeters, suspended in the mid-air of the combat command room, formed an invisible transparent barrier. This barrier instantly enveloped the entire Earth, as if it had disappeared for no reason. The traces of Earth completely disappeared from the solar system. Without the permission of Li Yalin’s, no one would be able to find Earth’s trace. This is also a problem in Li Yalin’s heart.

“Master! The new Quest is on!” Just after the concealed device was turned on, Little Elf Feifei’s voice reached Yalin’s ears, and there was a new Quest? I just thought about being able to rest for a while.

I reluctantly opened the Quest panel, it turned out to be Main Quest? It seems that some are really busy.

Quest Name-Main Quest.

Quest Objective: Encircle and suppress the Primitive Gamma Insect in the universe, and completely wipe out these cosmic garbage.

Main Quest: Do everything possible to unite forces in the universe against Primitive Gamma Insect.

Side Quest: ①Controlling Universe Fedation More than 30% of the planet, form your own strong Great Influence. ② Above a certain planet in the universe, there is an infinite reincarnation planet. Break this reincarnation and open the Side Quest ③. ③The world of another galaxy has been conquered by a king, and he unites with this king to fight the attack of Primitive Gamma Insect. (Unable to open due to insufficient conditions)

Quest Limitation: None.

Quest Notification: Universe Fedation is now a piece of loose sand. Many countries have begun to declare independence. This is a golden opportunity. Seize the opportunity and the entire Universe Fedation can be in your hands!

The planet of infinite reincarnation is located in the controlled galaxy of Universe Fedation. This planet is shrouded by a special barrier. Investigate the secret files of Universe Fedation. You can get the information you want.

The king who has conquered another galaxy has a bad temper and needs to use circuitous tactics to deal with him. After Side Quest ② is completed, you can choose Teleportation to another galaxy World, the specific Quest special arrangement.

Quest Reward: level to improve First-Rank. (Li Yalin himself only)

Very good, Li Yalin can’t refuse the reward of level promotion First-Rank. Although only Li Yalin is unique, this reward is also very exciting, Li Yalin is now the strength of Lord God Low-Level, and if he raises the First-Rank, he can directly enter the rank of Chuang Shen. In this way, Li Yalin can really be said to be invincible to the entire universe.

“I originally wanted to be the oriole, didn’t expect to come forward.” Li Yalin muttered and muttered to himself as he fumbled his chin. Well, with the small ambitious of Niermea, coupled with Lunu’s staff, Shino nosuke’s technology, Chifuyu’s command, and Yuriko’s rear oversee, conquering the Universe Fedation by yourself is not as difficult as imagined.

“Master, this time Quest seems to be very difficult.” Little Elf Feifei danced on Li Yalin’s side, her small brows kept locked tightly. For the content of this Quest, she already felt a huge The pressure, the vast universe is different from a certain planet. Without knowing that a transcendent existence is hidden in a certain galaxy, she is not as optimistic as Li Yalin.

“It’s okay, as long as you are by my side, any Quest is nothing difficult, and even if I can’t complete the Quest, there is no loss for me. Creation God Rank is just a matter of time. “Li Yalin slightly smiled, stroking Feifei’s little cheek, and said very relaxedly.

“Since the Master is confident, we will work hard!” Infected by Li Yalin’s self-confidence and ease, Little Elf Feifei’s frequency of flapping her wings has increased significantly, expressing her determination.

“Hehe, now, let’s start our first Side Quest!”

But before that, Li Yalin went to Heavenly Wind Continent again for a few months The time has passed, Adria and their hunting work should be almost done.

Sure enough, after coming to Heavenly Wind Continent, good news came. Now there is no Demon Race on Heavenly Wind Continent. Peace is restored on the continent again. Saber, Saeko and Teresa and others They all returned to Li Yalin’s side, everyone gathered together and began to analyze the Main Quest that Li Yalin had just received.

“Leave aside the other two Side Quests. The first Side Quest alone will take us a long time.” There is very little information about Universe Fedation. After a series of contacts and investigations, Yuriko and the others collected a lot of federal external data, but the internal data belonging to the Universe Fedation is not something that ordinary border planets can have.

“Yuriko is right. If you want to control so many planets, it’s not enough for us people. We should use our team as the core, and then develop our own real army. But in this way, time becomes a big issue.” Chifuyu agreed with Yuriko’s opinion very much, and also expressed his opinion. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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