“Time should not be a problem. There is no time limit for these Quests, but we should pay attention to steadily and steadily. We must walk steadily every step. As for the second Side Quest, it should also be included in our search scope. I I just want to go deep into the Universe Fedation and find the location of the second Side Quest simply nothing difficult.” Li Yalin thought for a moment and said.

“That’s right, so next, is how to penetrate into this Universe Fedation, now everyone look at the information!” Yuriko nodded, and then press a button, the Conference Hall virtual screen unfolded , A small virtual image of the universe appeared in front of everyone.

“Then what everyone sees now is the full picture of Universe Fedation. Basically, the entire Universe Fedation is now divided into Two Great Influences, one is the Republic of Medici, and the other is the constitutional monarchy. In the Kamiga Empire, these two countries can be said to be the most powerful in the entire federation.” After speaking, Yuriko pointed to the left and right halos on the virtual screen.

“Wait, a republic and a constitutional monarchy country? How can these two unrelated systems establish a Universe Fedation?” Li Yalin was surprised to interrupt Yuriko’s words, he did not Participated in the survey of Universe Fedation, so he did not know some information very clearly.

“Let me explain this. According to the data, there was an almost Destruction Universe war that broke out in the universe tens of thousands of years ago, because it is no longer possible to start and end. Through textual research, it is certain that these two countries survived the cosmic war of the year. Because there are still some prehistoric technologies, these two countries can reach the present level!

War After it was over, the two countries were already dilapidated. As a last resort, they joined forces to create the current Universe Fedation. However, the two countries are not particularly friendly to each other, especially now that they have almost become divided, although there is no War broke out, but small-scale conflicts have continued. Until now the invasion of Primitive Gamma Insect, the two countries face and disagree and unite again.” Yuriko’s account is very detailed, these all are superficial information, so It can be easily investigated.

“so that’s how it is, then the next step is much simpler. I believe that as long as one of these two countries is controlled, then the first Side Quest is basically completed.” Li Yalin Nodded, things started to become clearer.

“That’s right, what we need to do now is to enter the Universe Fedation, get close to the core figures of these two countries and replace them, and finally achieve the effect of controlling the entire federation.” Saya fumbled her chin. He looked at the image on the virtual screen and said.

“Would you like to give it a try?” At this moment, Pokky, who had not spoken, suddenly glanced at Betty on the side and said something like this.

“Compared! Who is afraid of who!” The sparks that belonged to the natural enemies splashed in the eyes of the two Goddess. Li Yalin and the others did not understand what they were going to try. Betty has already agreed with full confidence. Is this a kind of heart between the opponents?

“What are you better than?” Li Yalin stared at Betty and Pokky blankly. What the hell is happening again for these two Great Gods?

“Of course, I can control these two countries first, what else!” Pokky gave Li Yalin a white look, saying as it should be by rights, but seeing this, Li Yalin has a headache. With these two Great Gods, Universe Fedation won’t be demolished by them, right?

“But this is also a good idea. We can send some pioneer troops to enter the Universe Fedation as spies. Fortunately, this Universe Fedation is composed of human planets and nations. There is no problem with our secret infiltration. , But only Betty and Pokky can’t do this, so we have to determine who will eventually enter!” Chifuyu said after pondering for a moment.

“It is indeed a good idea, but as a candidate for the vanguard…” Yuriko turned his gaze to the girls present. It was obvious that after hearing this Quest, all the girls It burned, and everyone wanted to show off their skills very much. Even Mayshen, who had always been an attribute of the weak girl, had a glimmer of desire in his eyes.

“Let’s do it, drawing lots decide who will go! Let me, Pokky, and Betty each lead a squad and dive into the Universe Fedation together! However, there should not be too many squad personnel. Each squad has five people. That’s enough.” Li Yalin made the final decision.

“Add me one, make up four squads, two squads in each country, and have a care for each other.” Chifuyu glanced at Li Yalin, and then continued.

“Alright, let’s start drawing lots now!” Li Yalin nodded, Chifuyu’s consideration is still very comprehensive, and Yuriko and others oversee behind, Li Yalin is also very relieved.

The final drawing lots result is set. Naturally, some people are happy and some are worried. The four lucky girls with Li Yalin are Xia Lu, Saber, Flora and Himari. Himari is naturally happy. Holding Li Yalin and not letting go, as for Xia Lu, Saber and Flora, although they didn’t cheer loudly because of their reservedness, anyone could see the joy that flashed in their eyes.

“What a lucky guy!” Kuesu curled his lips quite dissatisfied. It didn’t matter if he hadn’t been selected to Li Yalin’s team, he didn’t even get in the lead troops. This is absolutely for Kuesu It’s a huge shame.

“Well, now that the preparations are complete, then we will leave now!” If we wait until the insect is attacking, then it will be a very passive thing for Li Yalin. Time is tight. The sooner you go, the better.

Soon, all the preparations were done. As for Li Yalin’s parents and grandfather’s integration with Divine Spark, Li Yalin left it to Adria to handle it. Anyway, there are a lot of Shirayuki’s body. No Attribute Divine Spark fragments, as long as Li Yalin’s parents fully integrate these Divine Spark fragments, Li Yalin will no longer have any worries.

The closest to the solar system is the Kamiga Empire, and Li Yalin and Betty’s goal is this powerful and established empire. The first to be dropped is Li Yalin, with four Girl, Li Yalin came to Gardner, one of the five strongest planets in the Kamiga Empire. As for the identity issue, it is up to Nymph who is accompanying the team.

Speaking of hacking, Nymph is the strongest among the girls. Soon, Nymph invaded into Gardner’s data system and arranged reasonable identities for Li Yalin and the others. As for Betty and the others, they also need to go to other planets for their own development.

“Be careful, if you have any questions, please contact Betty immediately, and we will come to help immediately!” Before leaving, Chifuyu helped Li Yalin tidy the collar, and whispered softly. Fan.

“I know Sister Chifuyu, the same is true for you. If you are in trouble, don’t stand it by yourself!” Li Yalin nodded, this time Chifuyu and Pokky will infiltrate the Republic of Medici, which is the same as the Kamiga Empire The difference is more than hundreds of millions of light-years, so even if there is complete protection, Li Yalin can’t help but exhort the same.

“Take care of yourself! So everyone, Yalin please give it to you!” Knocked Li Yalin’s head, Chifuyu turned his head and said to Saber and the others, everyone is firmly nodded, everything is done. It goes without saying.

“So now, we are about to become a new student of Gardner’s Sergeant Sergeant. It really didn’t expect. When we came to Alien Ball, we turned out to be students again.” Chifuyu and the others After the battleship he was riding in, Li Yalin turned his head and said to the girls very relaxedly, it seems that the technological power of this Gardner star is not as powerful as imagined! At least the battleship Li Yalin was riding on landed on this planet without causing any alarms. Of course, the invisible system newly developed by Shino no Suke was indeed a bit too bad.

“Really, but I don’t know if this planet is really that interesting.” Xia Lu is cleverly nodded, and curiously observes all around. She is very curious about this planet. Very interested.

It’s not what everyone thinks, these humans in outer space are not wearing bright silver tights, nor are they wearing all kinds of weird clothes, although the style is relatively new , But it does not deviate from human aesthetics. It can even be said that the clothes worn by these people are more beautiful and attractive.

Through Nymph’s invasion, Li Yalin and the others quickly learned about the living habits of humans on this planet, and before leaving, Nymph also helped Li Yalin invade the interstellar bank here, the top secret I bought an astronomical bank card for Li Yalin. With this stuff, Li Yalin simply doesn’t have to worry about spending anymore.

“Then the first thing we want to do now is to get some clothes on this planet.” Obviously, the clothes on this planet are not made of any fabric. It is a composite fiber material. In order to adapt to the environment, Li Yalin quickly took five pieces of clothes. After wearing these clothes, the Li Yalin entire group swaggered to the main street of Gardner Planet. .

Look at your ID card, well, the fallen aristocrats of the Camilla Empire, Saber and the others are Li Yalin’s maid. This time they came to Gardner Planet to maintain the honor of the family. Become a glorious imperial soldier and continue to carry forward the honor of the family.

I really admire Nymph’s method. In such a short period of time, everything is arranged in order. This identity can be described in a seamless way. It is true that I am using my real name. After Nymph’s was modified, everything became real. Even the small planet territory owned by Li Yalin in the data is completely real. I really don’t know how Nymph did this. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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