“Then teacher, how do you feel now?” Holding the collar of the muscular man, Li Yalin’s face was full of smiles. At this time, after being beaten by Li Yalin and Himari, the muscular man was already bloody. Nose and swollen face, although everyone carefully controlled their own power so that he was not seriously injured, the scars on the surface were unavoidable.

“You…” The muscular man finally fainted without finishing saying you, but not because of physical injury, but because of mental torture, shame, in front of so many students In our face, we actually used ourselves as a ball and kicked it around. How could this make me get stuck in the Academy in the future? Thinking about the pointing fingers that may appear behind him in the future, it is strange that a muscular man does not faint.

“Dizzy? I haven’t played enough yet.” Li Yalin twitched his lips and threw the muscular man aside. This was just a small sect who spoke badly to him. If Li Yalin is serious If so, this guy would have died long ago.

“Then everyone, because the teacher has something to do, so today’s physical fitness class is over for the time being, everyone can prepare, and then there will be a Mecha simulation training class waiting for us.” moved towards the class After his classmates said these words, Li Yalin took Saber and the others out of the combat training area. The next goal was the battleship Mecha simulation training area.

“I said…this can’t be considered a bit of a problem, right?” Looking at the muscular man who collapsed on the ground, the students in the class looked at each other in blank dismay, what should I do now? That’s all for this class?

“Aiya, the weather is really good today. It’s a good day to train Mecha. I think I should practice my hands first.” At this moment, a boy first looked up at the weather. Then the first one came out of training ground No. 6.

“That’s right, I heard that our school’s Mecha simulation training skill is Peak in the entire federation, and we have to go to see and see.” With a bird in the early stage, a large group will appear immediately. Following the trend, just like this, everyone huffed and left, but the muscular man lying on the ground was ignored by everyone intentionally or unintentionally.

After this incident, Li Yalin and the others became well-known throughout the Gardner Academy. Everyone passed on word of mouth. Several first-year freshmen actually beat up the teachers of the physical training class. Under the teacher’s provocation, it still caused a great response in the school. But what is puzzling is that this incident was completely suppressed. Such a sensational incident, the school did not respond at all, and instead expelled the muscle man.

Li Yalin has no idea about this either. He doesn’t seem to know anyone on this planet. If the senior staff of Gardner Academy are so mentally disabled that they don’t deal with a student who is challenging themselves, it’s not justified. After thinking about it, I couldn’t understand it. It was not until one day that Li Yalin realized it completely.

At this time, Li Yalin just came to the Mecha training area. The students of Gardner Academy can train various Mecha freely here. Because it is only virtual training, many military machine training machines are It can be seen that looking at the detailed introduction of these units, Li Yalin is considered sighed in relief. Fortunately, it is not all a pile of tatters. Otherwise, the attack of Primitive Gamma Insect will definitely destroy the entire Universe Fedation.

Although there is no High-Level Mecha, Li Yalin still sees many models of Middle-Level Mecha. In any case, these units are lower than the junk I saw in the Mecha store. -Level Mecha has to be too much stronger. With the quantity, you won’t suffer too much loss in space warfare.

The Mecha simulation training class is very simple, as long as the training meets the standard, you can pass the level. The theoretical knowledge has been explained in the class, so there will be no teachers to explain specially.

There are a lot of simulation training machines. Li Yalin first selected a fourth-generation machine produced by the Empire. By the way, the Mecha produced by the entire Federation reached the sixth generation, but the sixth-generation Mecha It is completely confidential and cannot be seen by anyone except special characters. The fifth-generation aircraft is also a special Mecha of the military. Although there are a few in the simulation training area, there are not many.

The fourth-generation machine is a universal machine used by the military, and it is also the strongest Low-Level Mecha. Compared with those private machines, the fourth-generation machine is indeed a very high-end product, at least part of the fourth-generation machine. The aircraft has the ability to fly in a short time, but the energy consumption of this type of aircraft is very fast, so the continuous battle strength is not very long.

Because it is a land warfare Mecha, Li Yalin first carried out a series of running training, followed by various obstacle training. The operation system was fairly simple. Li Yalin quickly mastered the various aspects of this machine. Kind of performance.

At this moment, the word challenger suddenly appeared on the virtual screen. Although it is the school’s intranet, the simulation training system still supports the battle between the two sides, but Li Yalin did not expect it. Who would challenge himself at this time.

“You dare to beat the teacher, you have the courage!” A familiar female voice came from the communicator. It turned out to be Brittany, this girl actually came to challenge herself? Is it because you have confidence in your own skills?

“Usually, you are here to challenge me, not just to say this?” On the virtual screen, both parties have entered the competition stage, and Brittany is using the fifth generation of the RX series Not to mention the flight system, all kinds of weapon equipment are also very advanced, at least the fourth-generation machine of the Iron Soldier series driven by Li Yalin is simply not comparable.

On the battlefield, with the same strength of the two drivers, a fifth-generation machine can easily handle more than ten fourth-generation machines. This is the difference in body performance. Now Brittany To challenge Li Yalin with a fifth-generation machine is obviously to abuse Li Yalin.

“Of course not, I think your battle strength is pretty good, unlike those idiotic nobles, but I don’t know your Mecha driving ability, so I want to test it. “Brittany seemed to have a great interest in Li Yalin, as if he wanted to see Li Yalin thoroughly.

“Don’t you think this is a bit unfair? Use your fifth-generation machine to hit my fourth-generation machine?” Li Yalin slightly smiled, still teasing the little girl.

“Are you a man, it is only natural for a man to let a woman go! It’s not like a real man to care about such a small thing, come on, let me see your strength.” Tanny waved his hand nonchalantly, like a point, and didn’t blush because he used the fifth generation machine to bully others.

“Forget it, only the fifth generation machine. As long as I have the strength, even if I drive the first generation machine, I still won’t lose.” The competition officially started. Li Yalin’s Iron Soldier 4R is the standard fourth generation machine, except for one In addition to the beam combat rifle and the combat shield, there are two machine guns on the shoulders and two short-handled beam knives on the waist.

Looking at the other way, Brittany’s RX-5W is armed to the teeth, with a battle-axe destroyer on the back of the ship, holding two heavy assault machine guns in his hand, and equipment on his arm. There are two beam launchers. On the left shoulder is a 130mm grenade launcher, and on the right shoulder is an 80mm eight-burst tracking missile launcher. Even the legs are equipped with a three-burst missile launcher. It can be said to be standing in the original The ground is already a human-shaped fort.

In the first round of the confrontation, Brittany didn’t give face at all. The missile launcher locked Li Yalin on the opposite side. Not to mention, two machine guns fired at the same time, and eight tracking missiles moved towards Li Yalin whistling. Then, the firepower of the heavy machine gun also formed a small firepower cross network, which immediately enveloped Li Yalin.

But for Li Yalin, this is just a trivial matter. Due to the long distance, the opponent’s heavy machine guns can’t pose too much threat to Li Yalin. It’s just a blockade of Li Yalin’s operations. The most threatening to Li Yalin is the eight missiles in the sky. Generally speaking, according to common sense, the first reaction to encountering such missiles is to avoid, but Li Yalin does not.

In Brittany’s heart, as long as Li Yalin starts to dodge, then his own opportunity will come. The grenade launcher has entered the locked state, and the missiles on the legs are also ready. Just hit A time difference, oneself can defeat the opponent in one fell swoop.

Although Brittany’s ideas are good, Li Yalin’s actions were beyond her expectations. He didn’t expect the two machine guns on the 4R shoulders of the Iron Soldier to fire at the same time. The hit rate is not very high, and it can only play a role in suppressing the opponent on the battlefield, but I did not expect that these two cannons would have unexpected effects in the hands of Li Yalin’s. Of the eight missiles, four of them were all. The machine gun was destroyed.

“This impossible!” Brittany almost exclaimed, but what happened next was even more unexpected. After accurately hitting three missiles with the beam combat rifle, he faced the last one. With an assaults the senses missile, Tiebing 4R actually took out a short-handled beam knife from his waist, and one flew until it hit the last missile.

“Damn! Expert! Who is this? The top Expert of the second grade?” At this time, the battle between Li Yalin and Brittany was broadcast on the big screen of the training area. He was in charge of this film. Regional teachers believe that the difference between the fifth-generation machine and the fourth-generation machine is too great. This battle between the two sides can remind everyone. By the way, let everyone see how the fifth-generation machine abuses the fourth-generation machine, but they didn’t expect There was such a fierce collision. The students outside the training area discussed spiritedly. When did such an Expert come out in the Academy?

Destroyed the missile that locked himself, Li Yalin’s action started. The long-range confrontation is really bad for him, so Li Yalin immediately accelerated and moved towards Brittany, as long as he galloped away in the direction of Brittany. Reaching Brittany’s side, the battle was basically over. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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