Li Yalin’s was driving so fast that Brittany was slightly shocked, so he dared to rush towards him? The grenade launcher on my shoulder is not to be trifled with! But now that the opponent has rushed over, Brittany will naturally not let go of such a good opportunity to lock the target-launch!

“My God, what kind of skill is this?” The Iron Soldier 4R on the big screen suddenly made an incredible sudden acceleration, and the accurately calculated howitzer suddenly fell through. The students in the training area Everyone was stunned. Does the Iron Soldier still have this ability? Can anyone really use this kind of theoretical acceleration?

Don’t look at simulation training, but this is the most realistic training device for the entire Universe Fedation. That is to say, as long as the action method can be used in the simulation training device, it is also on top of the real Mecha. It can be used completely, so with just this hand, Li Yalin is enough to take pride in the entire Federation.

For Li Yalin’s sudden acceleration, Brittany didn’t know what to do for a while, but there was a mistake in his carefully calculated attack? This made Brittany who self-proclaimed Mecha a genius very incomprehensible, but at this dazed time, Li Yalin had already rushed to her.

At this time, the Iron Soldier 4R has already thrown away the beam combat rifle in his hand, and with both hands he picked up the battle shield that was originally fixed on the left hand, and slammed it on the right arm of the RX-5W. , Not only smashed the tracking missile launcher, but also destroyed the sensor on the right side of the fuselage. The screen in the Breton cockpit suddenly cost half.

The body was damaged, and the red alarm sounded in the cockpit. Brittany wanted Counter-Attack very much at this time, but Li Yalin did not give her any chance at all, and drew another short. The beam knife directly hit the cockpit of the RX-5W.

The dazzling word of failure made Brittany unbelievable. He clearly had a great advantage, but why did he lose so quickly and miserably? This is impossible! I will never lose!

Brittany did not believe in evil and launched a challenge again. It was the collision between the fifth-generation machine and the fourth-generation machine. Li Yalin doesn’t matter. Just treat it as entertainment. It’s not what I just played anyway. Very enjoyable.

After the battle started again, Brittany learned the lesson of the last time and flew directly into the air. The long-range firepower poured out all at once. Her only goal was to blow up Li directly. Yalin, let him not have any chance to get close to his body.

Countless bombs exploded and the battlefield was filled with billowing dust and smoke. Brittany was full of confidence and believed that he would definitely kill his opponent this time, but at this moment, a black figure whizzed. Breaking through the dust and smoke, it instantly hit the RX-5W auxiliary Flight System. Although Brittany could not see clearly, the students who looked at the big screen could see clearly that it was Li Yalin’s battle shield!

“Shields are not just for defense.” Li Yalin in the cockpit slightly smiled, the body accelerated to the crash site in Brittany, really embarrassed, from several hundred meters Falling from a high altitude, even if the fifth-generation aircraft can withstand it, the driver in the cabin cannot withstand such a huge instantaneous impact.

I inserted the beam knife into the cockpit of the RX-5W again with a short-handled beam knife. Brittany has no intention of challenging it again. Why? I’ve been doing various professional Mecha training since I was a child, but it’s the first time I saw an opponent who was so like a heavenly steed, soaring across the skies in battle. He actually shot himself down with a battle shield, and how did he hide just now. Missiles fired by yourself? these all are Brittany cannot understand.

“There is a new challenger!” At this moment, a new battle scene appeared on the big screen again, but this time challenging Li Yalin’s is not someone else, but just familiar with the Mecha operation. Xia Lu.

“The Mecha here is really interesting. Let’s try it and let you see my progress.” Xia Lu’s sweet voice came from the communicator, didn’t expect this soft The girl would take the initiative to challenge herself.

“Okay, to be honest, there is no sense of accomplishment in bullying the novice, let’s warm up.” Li Yalin’s words reached Brittany’s ears verbatim. This made her face a fever, newbie? When did you become a novice? However, the skill shown by Li Yalin is indeed qualified to say such a thing, and Brittany can’t speak even if he really wants to refute it.

Xia Lu’s model is exactly the same as Li Yalin. They are all four-generation iron soldiers, except that Xia Lu’s fuselage has abandoned the double-shoulder cannons. Instead, the equipment has a larger load capacity. Although the attack power of the howitzer has increased, the weight of the body has increased a lot, and the action will be slower than Li Yalin.

“A close-range attack?” Li Yalin slightly smiled, fighting at first. He distanced himself from Xia Lu first. The howitzer will only exert its maximum attack power in close-range combat. If it is far away, it is not easy to aim accurately.

Of course, this is also relatively speaking. For Li Yalin and Xia Lu, as long as they are within the effective range of the shells, they can make precise attacks. Li Yalin’s distance is nothing but In order to facilitate rapid defense, the distance is far, and Li Yalin will have more time to dodge, especially the howitzer’s rate of fire is not very fast.

Of course, Xia Lu understands this very well, but she did not speed up to keep up, but after looking for a bunker, she began to sniper Li Yalin from a distance, although the sniper ability of the beam combat rifle was not Especially strong, but still a lot stronger than live ammunition combat rifles, so sniper warfare is a good choice for Xia Lu.

The power of the beam combat rifle is limited. Li Yalin can completely block the opponent’s attack with a shield, but Li Yalin did not do so. I saw the Iron Soldier 4R lifted the beam rifle in his hand, and it was also moved. Towards Xia Lu pulled the trigger.

A surprising scene appeared. Li Yalin’s beam hit Xia Lu’s beam directly. Two red beams of the same power were intertwined, entangled for a while, and then dissipated. In midair.

“What’s the matter?” Everyone looked at the scene in front of them dumbfounded, and beam weapons could also intercept it? How powerful is this sniper ability? Just now I saw Li Yalin kill Brittany at close range like clouds and flowing water. Everyone thought that Li Yalin was only capable of close combat, but now it seems that Li Yalin’s long-range sniper ability is even Major Perfection.

“This Low-Level machine is really not easy to use.” At this time, Li Yalin in the cockpit was dissatisfied with whispered. He originally wanted to use his instant burst skill to fire two shots in a row. , But the ability of the iron soldier is limited, and the fingers of the robotic arm cannot quickly and continuously buckle the class.

“This is still not easy to use?” The students in the training area looked at each other in blank dismay. If it works, what attack can you make? It’s really shocking!

“hee hee, Yalin, don’t complain. Low-level units also have the advantages of low-level units. At least you can practice your skills. Always use that many good systems. It’s true. There is no challenge.” Xia Lu said with a chuckle, but Li Yalin and Xia Lu were both first-time simulated driving in the Federation, and they didn’t know that their words had been heard by people outside the training ground.

The fourth-generation machine is still a Low-Level machine. Which generations of machines are considered advanced? Five generations or six generations? Who are the two people sitting in the simulated cockpit? There were waves of doubts in Brittany’s mind. It was obvious that he would not be waiting to buy Hurricane Supreme. However, after investigation, Brittany found nothing unusual. The other party was just a little nobleman in the Star Domain on the border. That’s it.

“That’s right, forget it, just treat it as playing a game.” With that, Li Yalin began to pull the trigger quickly. Although he couldn’t make bursts of fire instantly, he still fired quickly. It can be done.

On the other side, Xia Lu also started her own Counter-Attack. The two sides launched a series of long-range bombings, but what is surprising is that the attacks of both sides actually collided with each other with light beams. And it is over.

“Oh my God, is this still something humans can do?” The students outside the training area opened wide one by one, all with expressions of looking at God.

“It seems boring to go on like this. Let’s try the melee capability of this thing.” After a while, Li Yalin has fully understood the long-range attack ability of the iron soldiers. This pair of Li Yalin is a game and a test. The purpose is to better understand the Mecha of Universe Fedation. After all, the fourth-generation machine is the mainstream Mecha used in the federal army.

“Well, but in close combat, I seem to be quite at a loss.” Xia Lu said with a chuckle.

“This is no problem at all.” After speaking, Li Yalin directly threw away the beam combat rifle and combat shield in his hand, and by the way, took off the machine gun from his shoulder, and only drew out his short. Handle beam knife.

“Then, let’s get started.” Xia Lu also threw away the rifle and howitzer, the two fuselages accelerated at the same time, and finally slammed together, and the two short-handled beam knives violently collided. At the same time, bursts of light blue beam energy were scattered.

As the beam knives collided with each other, Li Yalin’s Iron Soldier 4R instantly kicked out. He wanted to take this opportunity to give Xia Lu’s body a whip kick, but Xia Lu’s reaction was very quick. Before Li Yalin’s whip kick arrived, he suddenly retracted his knife and retreated. As Li Yalin’s whip kick swept through, Xia Lu’s turnaround kick instantly shot.

The power of turning back and kicking is extremely powerful. If you are kicked, the body will definitely have a period of delay, and in this short period of time, Xia Lu will be enough to kill Li Yalin’s body. So Li Yalin immediately borrowed the power of the whip leg, and his other foot instantly took off and turned into a spinning top. He turned a few times in midair and escaped Xia Lu’s blow.

“Good job, very interesting.” Li Yalin stood still, admiring Xia Lu’s blow.

Recommend Little Wu MM’s “Meng Cat Ranch”, but I prefer to call her watermelon~ In short, it is very cute and cute~ Everyone is going to join us~~ (To be continued. If you like For this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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