Time flies quickly. In a blink of an eye, a month has passed. Although every day is the same, at least it is a peaceful day, but now the peaceful day is gone forever. The cause is the war between Primitive Gamma Insect and Universe Fedation. It finally broke out completely.

Because of the Li Yalin’s planet World concealment device, Earth was lucky to escape, but the planet at the federal border did not have such good luck. The first thing that was attacked was the neighboring solar system. On the border planet, there are not too many federal troops stationed here. After all, there are dragons and snakes mingle here. In addition to the noble Lords of the Kamiga Empire, there are also many small countries with constant disputes. Now the insect race has invaded, It has completely become the forefront of the war.

After the outbreak of the war, the Universe Fedation’s conscription order began. Although the Federation has long known about Primitive Gamma Insect’s offensive and has made a series of various preparations, but the number of insect races is really large. Too huge, hundreds of millions of universes Flying Insect hiding the sky and covering the earth swept across, just like locusts in transit, and everything they went to became ruins, starting with the Counter-Attack of Universe Fedation The effect was not very satisfactory, and the troops suffered heavy casualties.

As a member of the Gardner Sergeant Academy, Li Yalin and the others were naturally drawn to the battlefield. This is what Li Yalin has always been looking forward to. Although it is Infantry, as long as he has enough merits, Li Yalin’s status can be rapidly improved.

As Li Yalin’s servants, Saber’s girls have been assigned to Li Yalin’s side, but unfortunately, Brittany is different, and I don’t know which planet she will be assigned to. Perhaps by virtue of her identity, she might simply not have to participate in this war. Although Brittany has never said clearly, Li Yalin can still see a lot of things.

“It’s a pity, maybe we won’t meet again after we parted this time, Brittany, you have to take care of yourself.” Before leaving, Li Yalin patted Brittany. Although the little girl’s shoulders are cumbersome, they are usually everyone’s pistachios. If they suddenly parted, Li Yalin would be a little uncomfortable.

“hee hee, we will meet again one day, but when the time comes Master, don’t be too surprised.” Brittany didn’t feel the sadness before parting, but instead Hee hee said with a smile on his face.

“If there is that day, it would be very good.” Li Yalin smiled nodded.

“Master, take care, and Xia Lu, Himari, Elder Sister Toria, Flora elder sister also take care! I look forward to our next meeting!” Li Yalin and the others said The transport ship on board is about to fly away from the Gardner planet, and the transport ship in Brittany moved towards the lift-off waved goodbye again and again.

“What’s the matter? Reluctant? I said earlier that you had harvested her into a small discipline. Why should it be like this.” Seeing Li Yalin’s reluctant expression, Flora smiled and said jokingly.

“Perhaps, but just like the little girl said, we will have another goodbye.” Shaking his head, Li Yalin looked at the vast and boundless universe outside the window, and didn’t know his mind was drifting. where.

The planet that Li Yalin and the others were assigned to is called Lanya. This is a cyan planet with an ocean area of ​​more than 70%. However, after the invasion of the insect race, half of the area here has become The old nest of the insect, but fortunately, the strength of the insect here is not too strong. The Federal Army stationed here has launched a protracted tug of war with the insect race.

Because he is a non-commissioned officer from Academy and is still a small nobleman, Li Yalin got the rank of sergeant as soon as he joined the army, and Saber and the others also have the rank of sergeant. After all, they are Mecha pilots. The treatment of ordinary recruits is much better. If they are ordinary civilian recruits, then they have to rely on their flesh and blood to fight the insects. Why is the number of Mecha federations limited, and the territories are too scattered. impossible to do everything.

As the master sergeant, Li Yalin can naturally lead a Mecha squad of his own, but now the members of Li Yalin’s Mecha squad count him as only five, and the remaining team members still have to go to the Federation to station in the blue Ya’s military department went to choose.

After four days of cosmic voyage, the Li Yalin entire group arrived at Lanya planet. The officer in charge of receiving Li Yalin’s soon took Li Yalin to the EFF Mecha squad headquarters. I heard that he was assigned to Lanya planet. There are only 23 Mecha squad.

If we calculate according to the organization of ten people per squad, then there are only two hundred and thirty Mecha pilots on this planet, which is as many as thousands of people compared to the number entrenched on this planet. For Wan’s insect, it is a drop in the ocean, but even so, the federal government did its best to extract these people.

“Report! The seventeenth Mecha squad Captain Li Yalin has arrived at the headquarters!” Now that they are all here, it is natural to meet the current superiors. The officer who notified Li Yalin came to the Lanya planet chief with Li Yalin. The commander’s office, looking at the appearance of the other party, seemed to respect the commander-in-chief.

“Come in.” What Li Yalin didn’t expect was that a female voice came out from the office. Is the same commander in command of Lanya planet EFF a beautiful woman?

After pushing the door open and entering, a tall beauty is standing next to the French windows in the office, with long purple black hair curled up high, wearing a decent army uniform, and the rank of colonel. She looks very good Young, no more than twenty-five years old.

If this beauty is a star before the silver screen, Li Yalin still believes it very much, but for such a beautiful colonel officer, Li Yalin really thinks this World is really crazy. Say Kamiga Isn’t the empire a constitutional monarchy? Moreover, the status of women is generally inferior to that of men. Can such a beauty really dominate the entire army?

However, watching the briefing officer with a respectful and fanatical expression, Li Yalin decisively suppressed the doubt in his heart. It seems that this woman is not a simple character.

“Hello Team Leader Li, welcome to Lanya planet. I am Yi Bu Laien, the commander-in-chief here. I am responsible for all military operations of Lanya planet. I am also your immediate superior. Please advise me in the days.” Beauty Colonel Yi Bu Laien smiled and shook hands with Li Yalin. It seems that she is not the kind of superior who takes a strict line.

“Then please advise, Colonel Bu Laien.”

“Since Team Leader Li is here for the first time, let me tell you something about Lanya planet. After all, this is what you need to know in the future.” The beauty colonel seems to be very enthusiastic. After pressing a button, the virtual screen in the office opens, and the entire Lanya planet is shown in front of Li Yalin’s.

“This is our headquarters. Now the entire land of Lanya has been occupied by insect nearly half. The situation is very bad for us. Due to insufficient weapon equipment, we can only launch small Large-scale harassment tactics, but this tactic does not have any effect. Now, apart from passive defense to prevent the opponent from occupying the planet, we only have to wait for federal reinforcements. I’m sorry to tell you this frustration. But this is a fact that you have to understand.” As he said, Colonel Belle frowned, and the situation in front of her was really bad.

“so that’s how it is, but how long will it take for federal reinforcements? How long can more than two hundred Mechas resist each other?” Although the insects do not occupy much land, they can be used These lands accelerate reproduction. If these insects are not dealt with as soon as possible, the number of insects will increase.

“Sorry, now we can’t even make up two hundred Mechas. So many days of fighting have cost us a lot of Mecha pilots. We can’t make up every squad. It’s a pity that I can’t even get your squad from Team Leader Li for you.” The beautiful colonel’s expression is very embarrassing, and also very sad. Not even an ordinary soldier, a qualified Mecha pilot. It’s very difficult to train. It takes a lot of time, energy and money. Every Federal Mecha driver is a valuable asset for the Federation. Now that he has lost so much, the beautiful colonel doesn’t know how to call his superiors to report this matter. Up.

“Can’t get two hundred units together?” Li Yalin was slightly shocked. If this were the case, how could this battle be fought? It’s no wonder that Universe Fedation has failed again and again. It turns out that there is a shortage of combat personnel to such an extent.

“Yes.” The beautiful colonel bit her lip and whispered nodded.

“Forget it, but how many fifth-generation machines are there in our base? If there are fifth-generation machines, it will be easier to fight.” After thinking for a while, Li Yalin asked his own problem.

“This…there is no fifth-generation machine in the base.” The beautiful colonel’s expression is getting more and more embarrassed, and there is a hint of red on his face. Generally speaking, the fifth-generation machine should be equipped on this kind of planet. Yes, even if there are not many, there should be three and five, but there is not one fifth-generation machine on the Lanya planet, which has to make the beautiful colonel very depressed.

“What about the fourth-generation machine? It should be possible to have a fourth-generation machine?”

“Although there are four-generation machines…but the number is not very large, probably only one A small number of drivers can equip the fourth-generation aircraft, and the rest are basically drivers of the third-generation aircraft.” Shaking his head, let alone the fifth-generation aircraft, even the number of fourth-generation aircraft is not large, just these broken, Let the beautiful colonel say it.

“God, I’m really wondering, did I offend who, and I was sent over.” Li Yalin bitterly laughed, is there still a fight in this battle? In the case of the third-generation machine, in the battle against the Battle Insect, it is basically a cannon fodder.

“Can’t say that, at least our base’s defensive ability is good, and besides Mecha, there are four fourth-generation fighters parked in our hangar, but there is no driver. “The beautiful colonel wanted to explain, at least to restore Li Yalin’s impression.

Recommend Chacha’s “State of the Other World Runaway”, it looks very cool~~ (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations, Monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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