Four fighters? No combatants yet? What’s the use of parked in the hangar? Li Yalin was speechless about this. Well, he really took it. Originally, air supremacy was even more important on this insect’s many planets, but now the Federal Army does not even possess air supremacy, so what should this battle be like? hit?

To say that the area of ​​the planet Lanya is not very large, its strategic significance on the interstellar is not very important, and it is not the planet of human life, but a very ordinary resource star. That’s all, so the victory on Lanya planet is simply dispensable for the federal government, so Lanya is just a symbolic troop.

In the hearts of the federal government, it’s best to use military power to destroy the insect on this planet, but if it fails in the end, the Federation will drop a planet destruction bomb and directly destroy this planet. The planet is destroyed, but at that time the billions of lives on the Lanya Star will instantly scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

Even if it is not the planet of human life, there are still a lot of life bred on Lanya Star. In the ocean and on the land, there are all kinds of life. If these life Wouldn’t it be too pity to destroy it? Although Li Yalin knew what the federal government was doing, he didn’t want to see a planet be destroyed so simply.

” Colonel Bu Laien, please forgive me to speak bluntly, what do you think of our Lan Yaxing campaign?” After reading all the data analysis, Li Yalin suddenly looked up and moved towards the beautiful colonel. One sentence.

“Me? From the bottom of my heart, I really don’t want to see Lanya star being destroyed, but now our troops have lost too much. It’s really too much. Ah, and I have to think about it for my subordinates.” The beautiful colonel’s face was full of tangled expressions, and it seemed that her heart was also very contradictory.

“so that’s how it is, I understand, then I will leave first, by the way, I also hope that this planet can be kept intact, so I will do my best to protect it This planet.” Li Yalin nodded, if that is the case, he thinks he already understands how to do it.

“Guardian… What a weird guy.” Seeing Li Yalin’s back, the beautiful colonel whispered.

“So, these are the current situation, it is very serious, if we do not expose our true strength, this will be a test for us. Now the insects are established on the Lanya star I set up an insect nest. Although it is a small insect nest, the production quantity is not very fast, but after a long time, it will still be very troublesome, and we also have to solve all the insects on the Lanya Star as soon as possible.” Back to belong In his Mecha squad office, Li Yalin told everyone about Lan Yaxing’s situation.

“According to the words of a few of us, I am afraid that this time I am going to kill you.” Xia Lu frowns said. These squad simply driving three generations and four generations of Mecha are unreliable. What can you count on them? Everything depends on yourself.

“If you are soft, you must kill. This time I agree with Yalin’s decision. With so many lives, how can you give up and give up?” Saber’s sense of justice suddenly broke out, a sense of responsibility to protect life. Saber was excited all over.

“Calm down Toria, no one said to give up these lives. If it doesn’t work, let’s kill these insects secretly. Let’s take advantage of this when everyone is not paying attention. It can be done easily.” Li Yalin quickly comforted Saber and put her in his arms.

In this month, everyone and Li Yalin have become more and more intimate. Although there is no last level of breakthrough relationship, but just this kind of hug, even Saber is already It’s acceptable. It’s just that if there are others next to him, Saber will still blush. If the two are alone, Saber will even enjoy this tender moment very much.

“This is also good, although some explanations are unclear, and combat achievements will be reduced, but this is indeed the most direct way.” After Flora thought for a while, nodded agreed.

“As long as it is Young Master’s command, it is our blade’s direction!” In this serious occasion, Himari also became serious. In terms of being the guardian blade, Himari and Saber have reached a consensus that they must do their utmost to protect Li Yalin at any time, sometimes as a shield and sometimes as a blade. On this common topic, Himari and Saber cherish each other, and they almost become sisters of the opposite sex. .

“Alarm! Alarm! Please gather all Mecha squad members in Hangar A! Repeat it again, please gather all Mecha squad members in Hangar A!” At this moment, there was a harsh siren. It sounded, and the broadcast calling Mecha squad reverberated throughout the base. What is going on? Wouldn’t it be that the insects started to invade as soon as I came to this planet?

Take a few girls to Hangar A. At this time, hangar A has gathered a lot of men and women. In addition to the Mecha driver, Mecha maintenance personnel and logistics personnel are also present. , It seems that a major event has indeed occurred.

“Everyone is on standby, Mecha squad Captains come with me!” The beautiful colonel’s face was very ugly, and she also showed a deep sadness.

“At this time we are summoning everyone. A very serious matter has happened. You should know that today is the day when the fourth Mecha squad is on duty, but just now, the fourth Mecha squad sent me a message. Help message. They were suddenly attacked by insects in a mountain depression 270 kilometers away from the headquarters. There were a large number of insects, so they could only rely on terrain to passively defend, leaving no time for them. There are too many, we must rush to the scene of the incident as soon as possible, and try our best to rescue them!” The beautiful colonel took a deep breath and ordered everyone with a very serious expression.

“The first to the 16th Platoon are all set off. The 17th Platoon has just arrived at the headquarters today and is temporarily resting. The remaining squads are ready to play at any time! This time I will personally lead the team!”

“wait a moment! Colonel Bu Laien!” Just when everyone was about to turn around and form the team, Li Yalin suddenly called out the beautiful colonel who also wanted to leave. Let yourself rest at this time? Isn’t this cracking a joke?

“What else is Team Leader Li?” After calming his mind, the beautiful colonel asked.

“Although we have just arrived at Lan Yaxing, we are a member of the Federal Army after all. We will do our part in this battle, and we will naturally attack!” Li Yalin said righteously.

“But…” The beautiful colonel is still very hesitant. In her eyes, Li Yalin and the others are just new recruits. If they go to the battlefield so recklessly, I’m afraid they have no chance of surviving. Big.

“By the way, all members of our squad have undergone flight training. Colonel Bu Laien, your four planes are completely useful!” Li Yalin slightly smiled and said something that made beautiful women Words that the colonel could not refuse.

Although the speed of Mecha is dissatisfied, even if all the equipment is discarded, these fourth-generation aircraft can only reach the speed of less than two hundred kilometers per hour, but discard all the equipment. How to fight? Therefore, when these Mecha squad arrived at the scene of the incident, I am afraid that all that was left was to avenge the victims, but now Li Yalin’s words have given the beautiful colonel a new hope.

“Really? Team Leader Li, can you really fly these fighters?” The beautiful colonel grabbed Li Yalin’s hands excitedly. If this is the case, then the fourth Mecha squad is really possible. Survive!

“Of course, Colonel Bu Laien, please order it. Put all the equipment on the fighter jets to the ground attack missiles, the more the better!” Li Yalin nodded, by the way, took his hand back, and the beautiful colonel responded. Come over, blushing, I don’t know what to say.

Soon, under the order of the beautiful colonel, the soldiers in the maintenance team quickly completed the preparations for the fighter. The four fighters, Li Yalin, Xia Lu, and Saber were driving the war eagle. Although the Type I air-to-air fighter is an air-to-air model, it still has a lot of ground attack missiles installed on its body. As for Flora and Himari, they are co-piloting a Warhawk Q ground bomber. The load capacity of the entire fuselage is quite amazing, and the ammunition carried even exceeds the sum of the three Li Yalin fighters.

It’s not too late. Li Yalin and the others set off right away. The distance of more than 200 kilometers is only a few minutes’ journey for the fighter aircraft, even if the payload of the Warhawk Q is too much. As a result, the speed could not be too fast, but after 13 points of departure, the four fighters driven by Li Yalin and the others rushed to the location of the incident.

“Everyone pays attention to Flying Insect in the sky. The hiding place for the fourth squad has been found, and the ground-type’roaring’ missile is ready for launch!” Soon, Li Yalin locked the fourth squad. The hiding place, this is a natural depression in a mountain depression, the fourth squad is hiding in it, stubbornly resisting the waves of turbulent attacks from the insects.

According to the data, the fourth Mecha squad is composed of eight people. It seems that there are still six survivors. Two Mechas are completely silent, and the driver’s life or death is uncertain. After the information is ascertained, Li Yalin began his first attack on the swarm.

After scanning by radar, it is found that the number of these insects is about 300,000, all of which are Low-Rank insects with a height of about four meters. If Li Yalin himself took the shot, these three Ten Thousand Insect is not enough for Li Yalin and a Forbidden Spell, but now that it is a fighter jet, it is of course another matter. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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