At this time, the main force of attacking the insect swarm is naturally the only bomber. Although everyone’s fuselage is equipped with ground-to-surface missiles, if you want to eliminate the insect swarm on the ground on a large scale, it still needs the most powerful force. The destroyer with the widest attack range—RK incendiary missile. This incendiary bomb covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters is simply the most ultimate weapon against Low-Rank insects. As long as the calculation is accurate, it can be used in such densely populated areas. Basically only a few incendiary bombs can make a way for the fourth Mecha squad.

“Himari, you pay attention to the release of incendiary bombs. The Main Quest protects the fourth Mecha squad. The weapons on the fighter aircraft seem to be unable to destroy all the insects. If possible, delay the time and wait for the The troops are coming!” Li Yalin exhorted in the communicator, and then immediately launched two ground-to-surface missiles. After the missiles exploded in the swarm, Li Yalin slammed the joystick, and the fuselage raised upwards. After in midair turned a few laps, he began the next wave of attacks.

“I am the seventeenth Mecha squad Captain Li Yalin! The fourth squad, please tell me!” While operating the fighter plane to attack the insect on the ground, Li Yalin started to contact the fourth Mecha squad, and Li Yalin And the others’ air support, the fourth Mecha squad is obviously a lot easier, I think I can spare time to report the loss.

“The fourth squad received, I am the fourth squad Small Captain Ji Yufeng, thank you Team Leader Li for your support.” Soon, a slightly surprised female voice came from the communicator , Is the Captain of the fourth Mecha squad a beautiful woman? It’s really rare.

“It’s not too late to wait for everyone to be safe. The current situation is more severe, and it will take at least one and a half hours for the support troops to arrive. Therefore, everyone’s current Quest is a delay as much as possible. Waiting for the arrival of the support troops.”

“An hour and a half? I’m afraid our ammunition is not enough for us to survive that long.” The female voice in the communicator was a little frustrated. It seems to resist the attack of the insect. The fourth squad has run out of ammunition and food.

“Well, then please report the casualties of the fourth squad!” Li Yalin pulled down the joystick and dived down, the two wings and the machine guns under the fuselage all fired, and countless Low-Rank insects were killed. The machine gun was smashed, and at the same time, Li Yalin was still talking with Captain of the fourth squad, which was really relaxing.

“Except for the two team members who were killed in action, the remaining six team members are all well, but the energy of the body and the ammunition are seriously insufficient. According to this situation, we can hold on for half an hour. It’s a miracle.”

Six people? Li Yalin thought about it for a moment. According to the current situation, if he doesn’t expose something, it’s really difficult to survive this battle. After all, not only the fourth squad has limited ammunition, but even Li Yalin and the others are loaded on the fighters. The ammunition is the same.

What if you choose a fighter to land forcibly? A lot of space has been vacated in the ammunition storage warehouse of Warhawk Q. If you give up Mecha on the ground, you can easily fit these six people, but the team members of the fourth squad will have to work harder. Landing from the air is extremely dangerous. After all, the insects on the ground are not to be trifled with. After the fourth squad abandons Mecha, the ground will definitely become the world of insects.

In this case, there must be one person left, but this Quest is almost ten deaths without life, so that everyone in the fourth Mecha squad will be the same. No matter who the six people sacrifice, they will Let this support operation lose its meaning, so Li Yalin’s has already made a secret decision in his heart, it is better to carry out this post-interrupted Quest by himself.

Furthermore, if you come to the end, it will be much easier. Not only can you swagger and kill the enemy, but you don’t need to guard against the fourth squad. After all, they are all sent to the ammunition storage. In the warehouse, what else can the fourth squad see?

“Ji Captain, now I have a proposal…” Then, Li Yalin communicated his plan to Captain Ji Yufeng of the fourth squad, but after hearing about the plan, Ji Yu Feng immediately objected.

“No! How can this be done! Please be sure to let me take the post, Team Leader Li, I am very grateful for your kindness, but how could I let you sacrifice in exchange for the survival of our fourth squad What?” The voice in the communicator was very excited. It seemed that she really regarded Li Yalin as sacrificing herself to fulfill everyone’s work.

“Ji Captain, listen to me, my plan was decided after careful consideration. I am not bragging. My mecha technology is definitely stronger than everyone in your fourth squad, which means If I cut off, the chances of surviving will be greatly increased, so this thing is set, please pay attention to cover me, I am going to land!” After speaking, Li Yalin launched his last ground-to-ground missile. Immediately afterwards, he moved towards the location of the fourth squad and landed vertically.

Up to now, with the development of Universe Fedation’s technology, the vertical lift of the fighter is naturally not a big problem. Therefore, after Li Yalin’s Warhawk I hovered in the air for two times, it landed steadily on the ground.

“I won’t say more nonsense. Everyone sort out the weapons on Mecha and leave them to me. My companion’s bombing opportunities will drop immediately. Be fast, and the insects will rush soon. Come here!” Jumping off his fighter, Li Yalin immediately moved towards the fourth squad and shouted loudly.

“Qingbing, immediately take out Mecha’s weapons, you take everyone to prepare to evacuate, and I will cover everyone with Team Leader Li! Perform it now!” Except for a sniper longbow , The Mecha driven by the fourth squad is basically the fourth-generation Mauler (boxer) heavy Mecha. After Ji Yufeng’s order, all the team members immediately gathered together to form a small encirclement. All weapons and ammunition were taken out.

“Captain, let me stay.” At this time, a cold female voice came from the only longbow. The Master listening to the voice is not very old, but why is it so cold? ?

“This is an order! Don’t waste time, I have decided, I will never let Team Leader Li take the risk alone! Hurry up!” This red boxer should be Ji Yu Feng’s body was gone, and she urged loudly while putting the weapon equipment on the ground on her body.

It seems that the prestige of the fourth squad Captain is quite high. When you order it, all the players of the fourth squad jumped out of their bodies. What Li Yalin didn’t expect was, The driver of the longbow sniper Mecha turned out to be a little loli about 1.4 meters tall, with short light azure hair, and a cute little face. Unfortunately, he didn’t have any expressions, and he spoke coldly. Could it be that he was a little loli? Three no loli?

“Fast speed!” Li Yalin didn’t have time to talk nonsense. After jumping on the longbow, he quickly placed various weapon equipment on the fuselage. Although the sniper-type body is fast Fast, high flexibility and good at. After too many weapons, equipment will make the whole body lose the advantage, but Li Yalin now has no time to estimate too much. The heavy boxer is not what Li Yalin likes, but this kind of dexterity. Only with a strong body can Li Yalin exert more battle strength.

At this time, the worm wave began to rush towards the direction of Li Yalin and the others. It seemed that there was a vow that he would not stop without destroying his opponent. Regardless of this, Li Yalin said nothing on his shoulder. The missile launcher was fully fired, and countless missiles were fired out quickly without money. Now is not the time to save ammunition. Himari and their Warhawk Q are already landing. During this time, Li Yalin must resist the insect race army. Offense.

At this point, Ji Yufeng also knows that, now is not the time to save ammunition. If you are a little careless, the entire fourth squad will be wiped out, and it will also hurt Li Yalin’s 17th. Platoon, this is not what Ji Yufeng wants to see.

Although the missiles used by Mecha have strong firepower, they still cannot pose any threat to the army of these insect races. It only blocks the opponent’s footsteps and does not play any role.

At this time, all the long-range missiles have been used up. In addition to a beam sniper rifle, Li Yalin’s hand is left with a long-handled alloy dagger. Ji Yufeng is fine, except for his hands. In addition to the 53mm shotgun and 40mm rifle held above, the howitzer on the shoulder still has a certain amount of stock.

The next period of time was the most difficult. Looking at the fourth squad member who was boarding, Li Yalin began to concentrate on the cockpit screen. The beam sniper rifle was fired continuously. Each shot can take the lives of three to four insects. After all, the power of the sniper rifle is not small, and the density of the insect swarm is too large.

“Yalin! The fourth squad team has finished boarding and we are ready to take off!” At this moment, Flora’s voice came from the communicator. By this time, Li Yalin’s Quest has completed a Most of it, so now there is only Captain left with this fourth squad.

“Asshole!” But Li Yalin just turned his head, only to find that the insect swarm had already approached his war eagle I. If the fighter plane was destroyed, he would really have to evacuate on foot. Li Yalin threw away his beam rifle decisively, drew out the long-handled alloy dagger, and rushed into the swarm next to Warhawk I.

“Team Leader Li!” Ji Yufeng’s exclamation screamed from Mauler. Li Yalin’s action is undoubtedly bring about one’s own destruction. She naturally knows the longbow while driving the Captain. In the situation of his body, the number of ordinary ammunition was zero, and the only beam sniper rifle was also thrown away by Li Yalin, and only a dagger was used for close combat, which was too sloppy.

Ji Yufeng knew in his heart that the power of the beam sniper rifle was too powerful to be used in close combat, because the insect swarms were too close to the fighter planes. Relying on this powerful weapon would definitely make the fighter planes. In case of damage, the sniper Mecha can be used for melee combat. Does this really work? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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