At this moment, a scene that surprised Ji Yufeng happened. I saw that the longbow driven by Li Yalin pulled out his long-handled alloy dagger, like tiger among a flock of sheep, like tiger among a flock of sheep. In the slaughter all sides, these Low-Rank insects simply couldn’t get close to Li Yalin’s side. The longbow’s mechanical arms flew up and down, swiping under one’s feet could sweep down a piece, and soon cleared an open area around Warhawk I.

“Ji Captain, hurry up and enter the co-pilot of the fighter plane, I will cover!” While waving his alloy dagger, Li Yalin opened the communicator and shouted at Ji Yufeng, who was driving the boxer.

“Team Leader Li, come on, I still have ammunition left.” Looking at his ammunition remaining, Ji Yufeng bit his lip slightly, and there were only less than one hundred ammunition left for the machine gun. There are fewer bullets for shotguns and rifles. With such a large number of insects, it takes less than half a minute to burn all of these ammunition.

“Stop talking nonsense! Hurry up, I have a limited time to persist!” As he said, Li Yalin went deeper into the insect swarm, although the height of these insects was only about April 03 meters, deal with The Mecha with a gundam of more than ten meters driven by Li Yalin is very disproportionate, but the number of insects is really too much, and the huge pliers and flexible actions in their hands will always bring unexpected damage to Mecha. .

Especially the strength of the Mecha shell of the fourth-generation machine is not very high, even if it can prevent one or two attacks, but in the face of more and more attacks, there will eventually be times when it can’t stand it. The longbow driven by Li Yalin is very flexible. Insects rarely attack Li Yalin, but the attack is not wearing the shell of Mecha. Although the time has only passed by less than one minute, look at the short handle of the longbow. The alloy dagger has basically become scrap iron.

Seeing that Ji Yufeng didn’t say much anymore, he jumped off his boxer and quickly climbed into the co-pilot compartment of Warhawk I. But just as Ji Yufeng just sat down and decided When the seat belt was fastened, she was surprised to find that the Warhawk I had started to lift off. I don’t know when, Li Yalin was already sitting in the cockpit.

“Bye bye, BABY!” Li Yalin blew a whistle, and the machine gun on the wing was fully fired. After smashing hundreds of insects, Warhawk I hovered for a while at low altitude and returned. In his own squad.

“This is the seventeenth Mecha squad, please reply when the headquarters heard it!” After all the remaining fourth squad was rescued, Li Yalin started contacting the headquarters. It is estimated that everyone has already started to leave at this time. I don’t know if I will have time to make a report.

“This is the headquarters, Team Leader Li, what’s the situation on your side?” Soon, the anxious voice of the beautiful colonel came from the communicator. Hasn’t he set off yet? It is no wonder that since Li Yalin set off to rescue everyone, only more than 20 minutes have passed. All Mecha squads have just been prepared, waiting for an order from the beautiful colonel.

“Except for the two killed in action, all members of the fourth Mecha squad were rescued and are now on their way back to the base.” After hearing Li Yalin’s report, the beauty major finally put out a long breath, although he was killed in action. It has saved two people, but it is also a great achievement to rescue the other six people. This has avoided a lot of losses in the base.

“Very well, please return immediately. We will be waiting for everyone at the base!”

“Understood! Everyone has heard it, return to the base as soon as possible!” Li Yalin pressed the acceleration button in the fighter plane, and all the war eagles quickly moved towards the base direction and returned quickly like an arrow from the string.

“At this speed, we can go home in ten minutes. This season, Captain, you are shocked.” On Warhawk I, Li Yalin smiled and comforted him and remained silent. The fourth squad Captain of Captain, it seems that the two subordinates who died in the battle gave her a big blow, and she just got out of danger, I believe she will definitely lose strength, after all, she has experienced a series of high-intensity battles before.

“Thank you, if it weren’t for Team Leader Li for your timely rescue, our fourth Mecha squad would probably be wiped out.” For the timely arrival of Li Yalin and the others, Ji Yufeng is very Thanks for thinking about the consequences of his squad without Li Yalin’s coming, Ji Yufeng almost shuddered.

“It’s okay. Everyone is a comrade in the trenches. It’s too much to say thank you…” Li Yalin also intends to be polite, but he hasn’t finished his words, the warning on the radar Suddenly it rang.

“Worry Yalin, a large swarm of insects suddenly appeared on the upper right of the advancing target, at least more than a thousand from the radar detection, but the ammunition on our body is seriously insufficient, and it is impossible to conduct aerial combat at all!” Xia Lu’s report came. Xia Lu’s war eagle Iequipment has implemented the BAP detection system, which greatly strengthens the body’s detection capabilities. Therefore, Xia Lu also serves as the Quest of the early warning aircraft.

“I see, don’t bother about these insects for now. Return to the base is the primary Quest! Call the headquarters, a large number of Flying Insect groups will appear, please prepare for air defense!” After Li Yalin gave the order, he immediately The emergence of the swarm was reported to the base headquarters.

“Received from the headquarters, please return as soon as possible!” This time I replied that Li Yalin’s is no longer a beautiful colonel. It should be a female operator. The beautiful colonel will not stay in front of the communicator all the time. .

“In addition, inform the Logistics Department to prepare air-to-air missiles for us. We must equip immediately after returning to the base!”

“It seems that our return journey will not be lonely anymore.”Close After the communicator, Li Yalin’s half-cracking a joke’s moved towards Ji Yufeng sitting in the co-pilot’s compartment said that at the current speed, the fighter will soon collide with the insects in the sky. Can you get rid of the entanglement of the insects? It depends on the ability of the drivers.

Time passed very quickly, only two minutes, four fighters met the insect swarm, Flying Insect of Sixth Rank, Li Yalin scanned it with Divine Consciousness, it was about 1,300 or so. Fortunately, there are no more and stronger insects. Otherwise, the base headquarters may not be able to keep it.

“The other party can launch energy beams! Everyone pay attention to dodge!” Before Xia Lu’s words fell, hundreds of pink energy beams were launched from the opposite insect swarm, the target was Li Yalin entire group of fighters.

“This kind of thing should be explained in advance!” Himari complained and pulled the joystick. The volume of the Warhawk Q is much larger than that of the Warhawk I, so the action ability is naturally not as good as ordinary fighters, in terms of avoidance. Also somewhat passive.

I saw that the fuselage of the Warhawk Q driven by Himari suddenly raised upwards and rushed into the sky in a spiral. It was not until all the beams of this wave were shot that Warhawk Q returned to its normal course. on.

“All the air-to-air missiles are launched! Don’t leave one! We’ll flash people soon!” Li Yalin’s air-to-air missiles have already been shot out, so we can only rely on Saber and Xia Lu.

There are four Saber’s air-to-air missiles left, and Xia Lu left two. Although the number is small, the missiles are launched into the swarm, which still causes a certain degree of damage to the insects. Although it only killed almost less than ten insects, it formed a certain restraint effect, at least leaving enough space for Warhawk Q to leave the battlefield.

“This time we are really running out of ammunition and food.” Although Li Yalin’s hit rate is amazing, it is clear that the ammunition of Warhawk I is seriously insufficient, but it is only used as a cover to continue to contain it. In two minutes, all the ammunition left on the fighter plane was fired by Li Yalin.

“I’m sorry, I’m hurting you.” Looking at the Flying Insect in the sky like a locust, Ji Yufeng’s face showed a wry smile. After all, he didn’t get away with it, but It’s a pity that I have to catch such an outstanding man.

Although I have not been with Li Yalin for a long time, and have not even seen Li Yalin’s real face, Ji Yufeng understands very well in his heart that this Li Yalin Captain is definitely a good man of a lifetime. , Courageous, decisive, calm, gentle and funny, Ji Yufeng thinks he has a very eye-catching vision, but it is the first time she has seen such an outstanding man as Li Yalin, and she can’t help but be shocked.

“Well, let’s say that we are not at the last step.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, although it is about to be surrounded by insects, but it is not without any vitality, without Li Yalin’s own action With the strength of this machine alone, Li Yalin can easily escape alive.

Turn on all the spray devices, the Warhawk I has full power, and moved towards the small gap between the insect swarms. Li Yalin easily escaped from the insect swarms, although there are countless beams behind it moved towards Li Yalin’s body shot, but Warhawk I flashed and rolled in the air, miraculously avoiding all attacks.

At this time, Ji Yufeng, who was sitting in the co-cockpit, was extremely nervous. She had never been in contact with the driving of a fighter plane. It was the first time that countless attacks came from all directions. It was really exciting to encounter, especially the back and forth rotation of the fighter plane made Ji Yufeng dizzy. For the first time in his life, Ji Yufeng felt that joining the army was indeed the most correct choice.

“We have arrived at the base, Yalin, what’s the situation on your side?” Xia Lu came from the communicator with a slightly anxious voice. Just now, when Li Yalin said that she was alone, everyone There is no special worry yet, but now everyone has returned to the base, but Li Yalin’s hasn’t been seen yet, so it’s a bit reassuring.

Although I know that Li Yalin will definitely be fine, but girls are more delicate by nature and have a lot of thoughts, especially when it comes to their sweethearts, how can girls not think more. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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