“Don’t worry, I have already left the battle. I expect to return in 3 minutes.” After that, Li Yalin drove his Warhawk I intently and returned to the base at the fastest speed.

“Take a good rest, I think there will be another hard fight waiting for us next.” After jumping off Warhawk I, Li Yalin moved towards Ji Yufeng nodded and gestured, although he took Mecha for driving only The helmet made Li Yalin unable to see the full picture of Ji Yufeng, but it can also be vaguely seen that the Captain of the fourth Mecha squad is also a big beauty, and it is also the kind of mature Onee-san-type.

“The same goes for you. Be careful about everything.” As he said, Ji Yufeng took off his helmet, and a long maroon hair was thrown down. As expected by Li Yalin, he was a ten. Thousand li It’s a shame to pick one beautiful woman to open Mecha.

“So formally introduce myself, Ji Yufeng, the fourth Mecha squad Captain, I am glad to meet you.” With that, Ji Yufeng moved towards Li Yalin and extended his right hand.

“The seventeenth Mecha squad Captain Li Yalin, it is also my honor to know Ji Captain.” Li Yalin also extended his right hand.

“Just call me Yufeng, I like my friends call me that.” With two hands tightly clasped together, Ji Yufeng’s face showed a bright smile, and he seemed to know Li Yalin , It really made her happy from the heart.

“That’s good Yufeng, so relative, you can call me Yalin, and my friends call me that.”

“Team Leader Li, you Come back? It’s really hard work for you guys, and Season Captain, you guys have a good rest first, the fourth squad problem, wait until Repel has come to the worms.” At this moment, the beautiful colonel hurriedly ran. I came over and saw the safety of Li Yalin and Yu Feng before it was considered sighed in relief. Now every Mecha driver is very valuable, especially the personal relationship between Yu Feng and Colonel Mei.

To say that there are not many women in Mecha squad, when it comes to beauty resources, there are even fewer resources. Also, as a beautiful woman, Yu Feng and Yi Bu Laien will communicate with each other. After all, they can circulate in these Gaining the respect of others in a military camp with a pure gentleman’s breath is not only feasible with good looks, but strength is the most important thing.

“Colonel Bu Laien, fortunately fulfilling his mission.” Li Yalin moved towards The beautiful colonel is just a military salute. His face of determination is really a kind of passionate military temperament, but I saw Li Yalin look like this , Colonel Belle suddenly smiled.

“We didn’t expect our Li Great Captain to be so interesting. I heard that in the Gardner Sergeant Academy, our Li Great Captain was famously eclectic, absent from class every day, beat up the teacher, and brought With four super beauties roaming the campus. And the most puzzling is that Li Great Captain’s Mecha driving skill Major Perfection, whether it is simulation training or actual combat training, Li Great Captain and the four girls around you are all the best Yes, but I have heard a lot of rumors, but I have never heard that Li Great Captain is still so passionate.” After that, Li Yalin is a bit sorry, is this a idler? The original appearance of firmness has long been taken back by Li Yalin.

“But I’m really lucky, Team Leader Li, you can be assigned to my side. Without you, I am afraid I will lose my comrades and friends again today.” At this point, Colonel Beauty ‘S voice began to soften up.

“these all are what I should do.” Li Yalin touched his nose and was said by the beautiful colonel. Li Yalin really didn’t know what to say. After all, he never knew what to say from start to finish. I haven’t taken it seriously, and being praised so seriously now really makes Li Yalin blush.

“Anyway, I want to thank you. Time is running out. I will make a long story short. Now the Flying Insect group outside is about to approach the base. Although the air defense firepower in the base is sufficient, But I’m not afraid of 10,000, but I’m afraid of it. I still order all Mecha squads to stand by. Moreover, the sniper Mecha Warriors are all integrated. If you can destroy one more insect, you get one more. In this case, Team Leader Li, your squad needs What type of Mecha? Although there are not many Mechas in the warehouse, a new type of Mecha can barely be made.” With a wave of his hand, the beautiful colonel began to talk about the preparations for this battle.

“In my opinion, it is a flying insect after all. It is more advantageous to deal with these guys in the air. Let us prepare two sniper Mechas. For air combat, Warhawk Q is not very advantageous, but there is nothing left. The three battle eagles I dropped were the ultimate weapon against insects.” After a moment of indulgence, Li Yalin said his plan.

“Is it a sniper Mecha? Okay, but Team Leader Li, be careful, I don’t want to send away the friends I have just met for a day.” Lightly nodded, the beautiful colonel said without a trace. , Then turned around and gave the order to go.

“It seems that Yi feels good about you. There is a chance. Yi Ke is the first flower of our Lanya military department. She is a cold rose that no one can pick, but I think Your hope is great.” After the beautiful colonel left, Yu Feng slammed Li Yalin’s shoulder with a narrow face, but the slight jealousy in her words made her very unbelievable.

“Hehe, there is nothing wrong with the horoscope, Yu Feng, don’t mess with the mandarin duck score, take a good rest, I think I will leave soon.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, and did not Take Yu Feng’s words seriously. He doesn’t have the mind to hunt beauty right now. It’s during the war, who still has the mind to talk about love.

“Well, please be careful…you stupid wood.” After Yu Feng screamed, she turned and left likewise, but the moment she turned, she muttered quietly. In a word, this made Li Yalin still unresponsive for a while.

“Yu Feng, what did you just say?” Li Yalin moved towards Yu Feng’s back and asked loudly.

“I didn’t hear it, forget it!” Without turning his head, Yu Feng speeded up his pace and ran out of the airport quickly.

“What’s this?” Li Yalin looked at Yu Feng’s back in wonder, and finally shook the head and turned to his own war eagle I. At this moment, the ammunition has been completed, and he is waiting for Li Yalin let’s go.

“Xia Lu and Toria you two keep up with me, this time we can have fun.” On Warhawk I, Li Yalin smiled and said to Xia Lu and Saber in the communicator, this time The battle depends on their three people. As for Himari and Flora, they will use the sniper Mecha on the ground to conduct defensive battles on the base.

“Don’t be careless, I wonder if there is a stronger insect in the Dao Insect group. If you accidentally expose it, it will be difficult to do it next.” Saber warned softly, although ordinary Flying Insect Don’t care, but once High-Level insects appear, these fighters will not be able to deal with them. No matter how strong your driving skills are, there is no way that the aircraft can’t keep up.

“Understood, then disperse now, everyone fights separately! Let’s compare and see who shoots down more insects.” The three fighters in the air have been flying in the shape of a character, and now they are the leader. Li Yalin was the first to leave the team, because despite the short distance, the fighter plane was flying very fast, that is, in the blink of an eye, the traces of the insect swarm were already shown on the radar.

“Okay, I won’t lose to Yalin this time.” Xia Lu chuckled lightly, moved towards the left and turned her head. If it’s a competition, it’s better to compare the places with dense swarms of insects. It’s easy to get high scores.

“So…it’s the beginning!” Before Li Yalin’s voice fell, the Warhawk I piloted by Li Yalin launched four air-to-air missiles in an instant, and the target was up ahead. The swarm was the densest. Airspace.

The explosion of the air-to-air missile formed a bright firework in midair. The sparks from the insect explosion became a piece. At the same time, Li Yalin also pressed the fire button of the machine gun, and three tongues of fire spewed out. In addition, the large-caliber machine gun bullets basically ignored the shell armor of the insect, and the crackling sound generated after the bullet entered the shell became a symphony from hell.

Li Yalin is happy to play here, Saber and Xia Lu on the side are naturally not to be outdone, anti-aircraft missiles, machine gun bullets and various beams attack like raindrops moved towards the swarms of insects poured out In the past, the number of shot down targets displayed on the driving screen continued to rise, and only three fighters had eliminated a large number of Flying Insects.

Of course, this is also related to the superb skills of the three of Li Yalin. If they were ordinary fighter pilots, they would have been swallowed by the beams emitted by the insects, but Li Yalin dodged them flexibly. Many fighter pilots can’t imagine. It can even be said that the various operations and battles of the Li Yalin three-person battle can be incorporated into the Universe Fedation fighter piloting textbook. There are really amazing driving methods. .

At this moment, the base’s anti-aircraft weapons fired, and countless missiles bloomed among the swarms, but at this moment, the three of Li Yalin had nothing to do, although Mecha is seriously inadequate, but the supply of weapons and ammunition medicine recipe is quite good, at least the ammunition storage in the warehouse is very rich, otherwise, the base is also impossible to launch all kinds of missiles so desperately.

“In this case, isn’t it all right for us.” Li Yalin said with some dissatisfaction. The anti-aircraft missiles and anti-aircraft guns launched in the base are indeed amazing. Let’s talk about more than a thousand Flying Insects. The quantity is indeed not very large. As long as there is a sufficient quantity of ammunition, the insect cannot break through the firepower net above the base.

“It’s almost done, let’s go back.” Xia Lu stopped shooting, because there was no insect in front of her, and the fight was too fast.

“I can only return home. With such a small insect, I will leave some soup for the ground troops.” Li Yalin curled his lips, except for the two or three Flying Insect cats who were still jumping. Besides, there were basically no living things in the air. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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