“How should I describe it? Heroes come out from the Youth? Team Leader Li. The surprises you give me are really getting more and more.” After a battle, Li Yalin was called to the office alone by the beautiful colonel Among them, looking at the young man in front of him, the beautiful colonel really had mixed feelings. Without Li Yalin’s appearance, not only would the fourth squad be unable to be rescued, but even the difficult Flying Insects would fight high in the air to avoid the loss of the base. After all, Li Yalin and theirs Air containment played a big role.

” Colonel Bu Laien, you praised, this is what I should do.” Faced with the praise of his beautiful boss, Li Yalin just smiled faintly. This level of battle is for him Not even warming up.

“Anyway, your contribution to this battle is the greatest, so Sergeant Li Yalin, congratulations, now you are a second lieutenant, and all members of the seventeenth Mecha squad are awarded. The rank of sergeant is my maximum authority. As for other rewards, I will report truthfully to the federal government, which will definitely satisfy you.” The beautiful colonel showed a slight smile on his face. Such subordinates are my favorite.

No wonder she asked me to take good care of him. If you look closely, it is indeed very attractive. Such a good man, can I pay more attention to it? And looking at the information, Li Yalin’s life experience is very good, and he can become his key cultivation object.

“Thank you, sir, but Colonel Bu Laien, I have a question I want to ask.”

“Please tell me, as long as I can answer it.” The beautiful colonel smiled nodded.

“There are too few Mechas in the base now, so I want to ship my Mecha. I believe Bu Laien, you also know my identity. If I have a few Mechas, I can still get them together. And we drove these Mechas relatively smoothly. On the battlefield, we can exert the greatest battle strength.” Li Yalin thinks that it is better to drive your own Mecha. Even if you can’t drive a too strong Mecha, you can drive a few M9s. There should be no problem at all.

“Is Team Leader Li’s personal Mecha? In principle, this is not acceptable, but since it is Team Leader Li you proposed, then I will make an exception. What do I need to do?” The colonel thought for a while, and finally agreed to Li Yalin’s suggestion.

“As long as Colonel Bu Laien agrees, my private ship will send a special machine over, and it only takes two days.” The other party agrees and it’s easy to do, just follow Evolved Just call out one of the worst transport ships in Space, so that you can avoid everyone’s eyes and ears.

“Is that so? Okay, just let me know when your ship enters Lanya Star, and I will say hello to those guys in the radar detection department.” Nodded Beauty Colonel nodded , Since the other party has said so, then oneself would not be too much to say hello.

“Then if there is nothing wrong, I will leave.” Seeing that there is nothing wrong, Li Yalin felt it was time to leave, but the beautiful colonel seemed to have something to say, so he stopped Li Yalin who was about to turn around. .

“Wait a moment Team Leader Li, I have one more thing I want to say.” Colonel Belle hesitated for a while, and finally spoke up.

“About the fourth squad, now there are only six people on the fourth squad. Mecha is also completely scrapped, and the losses are all fourth-generation aircraft, so the base simply It’s impossible to make up for the Mecha of the fourth squad, that is, the fourth squad is facing the fate of being abolished.”

“The fourth Mecha squad is about to be abolished? Please forgive me to speak bluntly, In this case, Colonel Bu Laien, aren’t you afraid of the Warriors’ chills? You fought a tough fight, and the result was a waste of the team?” Li Yalin felt bad as soon as he heard it. The beautiful colonel meant Li. Yalin can understand, but can others understand? Abandoning a team is not a trivial matter. Every player has a strong sense of belonging to his squad. Now that only his squad has been abolished, what would Warriors think?

“I understand the meaning of Team Leader Li, but I am really helpless. Now all Mecha squad are under-staffed, especially your 17th Platoon. There are only five people. This will make you Very passive in the battle, and the fourth-generation aircraft at the base can no longer have a squad at the equipment, so…” At this point, the beautiful colonel stopped talking.

“Then Colonel Bu Laien meant to merge the fourth squad with the 17th Platoon?” Li Yalin frowned, he doesn’t really care about this kind of thing, but is the fourth squad really willing?

“No, I just want to transfer Ji Yufeng Captain and the fourth squad’s sniper Sergeant Qingbing to your squad. As for the others, they will break up directly and expand to other squads. “Didn’t expect the beautiful colonel waved his hand, but he didn’t even plan to combine the two squads into one, which was somewhat unexpected by Li Yalin’s.

“I know that the players of the 17th Platoon are all elites, so I will not let ordinary soldiers join your squad. I want to build the 17th Platoon into an elite squad. Only in this way, in the next battle Only in China can we better grasp the initiative!” The beautiful colonel said confidently, seemingly satisfied with his decision.

“So that’s how it is, did Colonel Bu Laien ask Yu Feng Captain what it means?” Li Yalin knew nodded, but then he asked not worryingly.

“Don’t worry about this. Yufeng seems to have a good impression of you. I think if it’s another squad, Yufeng will definitely consider it for a while, but I heard it’s 17th Platoon. But Yu Feng didn’t even think about it, so he agreed directly. It’s really interesting.” The beautiful colonel tilted her head, with a playful expression on her face.

“That…maybe Yu Feng Captain knows the righteousness, goodbye.” Li Yalin laughed in embarrassment, and finally left the beautiful colonel’s office like a fleeing.

Regarding the arrival of Ji Yufeng and the deserted Sergeant Ice, a small welcome party was launched in Li Yalin’s dormitory. Even if it is to welcome new comrades in arms, Li Yalin made a special table. The dishes, this is far better than the dishes made in the army cafeteria, just one bite made Yu Feng and the cold and cold faces show surprise.

Speaking of this deserted ice, I heard that she is just fifteen years old this year. She looks like a genius girl driven by Mecha. She is especially good at sniping Mecha. Regardless of her age, she is already enlisted in the army. A veteran of more than two years, completely out of the category of recruits.

It should be said that she is indeed a sniper. Even the name is very suitable for her character. The most common thing for Li Yalin is her expressionless face, no matter when she is speaking, It is exactly the same when eating or training. Unless necessary, she rarely shows other expressions. For this reason, she also got the nickname of “Qingfeng Lengjian”.

The welcome meeting was very successful. Yu Feng and Qing Bing also quickly integrated into Li Yalin’s life. As the seventeenth Mecha squad Vice-Captain, Yu Feng is like everyone’s big sister. , Always taking care of everyone. As for Sanwu Lori Qingbing on the surface, it seems very indifferent, but after a period of time, everyone found that this little loli is actually very easy to get along with. As long as you treat her well, she can have no reservations about you, although The way of expression is slightly different from the ordinary person.

“It’s finally here!” Two days after Yu Feng and Qingbing joined the 17th Platoon, the transport ship secretly sent by Li Yalin finally arrived at Lanya planet, and the boxes loaded with Mecha were quickly transported from the transport ship. After he came out, he was directly sent to the special hangar of the 17th Platoon. The other squad members were very curious about this. Private Mecha? Will it be stronger than the military Mecha?

After the transport box arrived in the hangar, the logistics staff all started to unpack and put in the warehouse. At this time, the vicinity of the hangar was filled with curious people, everyone wanted I know, what exactly is the Mecha shipped by Li Yalin.

“No way? The personification of Mecha is too high, right? Will this speed be faster? What about fighting ability? And is it too handsome?” The new Mecha appeared, the hangar There was an uproar in the process. A model that has never been seen before, and there is no record in the Mecha Encyclopedia. Is it a new product? The price of this Mecha will not be cheap, right? It really deserves to be of noble origin.

The body that Li Yalin shipped this time is not particularly unusual. It is just four M9s and three Zy-98 Phantoms, and this is just produced by Li Yalin in order to attract people’s eyes. AS’s. The operating system has also been adjusted, and even the language has become the federal lingua franca. After all, in addition to the maintenance of these ASs, their squad members also have two authentic federal natives.

However, compared with the old machines of Lanyaxing, the M9 and Zy-98 Phantoms are more eye-catching. These older fourth-generation and third-generation machines are all designed to be equipped with war stations. Specially produced, so there is no special decoration on the outside, so the AS of Li Yalin’s will definitely look gorgeous.

“Is this our new machine? Is it a new fourth-generation machine?” Looking at the AS that was placed in the hangar, Yu Feng was very excited to pull Li Yalin’s arm and not loosen It’s open, although the disbandment of the fourth squad is a pity, but if you can drive this Mecha, it is also very exciting, it is so handsome.

“Actually, these Mechas already have part of the capabilities of the fifth-generation aircraft, and if additional equipment is added, they can also perform short-term aerial combat, but the overall performance is not very perfect, so it can only Counted in the category of the fourth-generation machine.” Li Yalin explained with a smile, which is also intentional by Li Yalin. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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