In fact, although these M9 and Zy-98 Phantoms can be called fifth-generation machines, they are somewhat reluctant. These machines are at the boundary between fifth-generation and fourth-generation machines, so they will be more embarrassing.

Although with Li Yalin’s strength, it is not impossible to come up with a stronger AS, but considering that the appearance of these units is already strong enough, if it continues to attract more people’s attention, then But it’s not fun.

“Really? The fifth generation machine, this is really hard to imagine.” Yu Feng exclaimed, and even Qingbing on the side showed a surprised look. The fifth generation machine, it’s not theirs. Types of aircraft that non-commissioned officers can access.

“This is the special machine you mentioned Team Leader Li? It’s really amazing. The appearance is the most handsome in our base, but I don’t know how the Item body performs.” Such a sensational thing Naturally, Colonel Belle had also heard about it. For the special machine Li Yalin brought, Colonel Belle was quite interested in it. Now that I look at it, it’s really good.

“If Colonel Bu Laien likes it, you can go up and have a try.” Li Yalin made a gesture of inviting you.

“Thank you so much, then.” The beautiful colonel’s expression was very excited. After all, she was also a Mecha driver. She naturally loved these Mechas. Seeing these handsome new models , I always want to go to enjoy it with itchy hands, but I have never been embarrassed to say it. Now Li Yalin has proposed it first, and of course the beautiful colonel will not refuse.

The operating system of AS is slightly different from that of federated Mecha, but they are generally the same. The federation’s Mecha series is absolutely thousands of thousands, and the operating system will definitely have nothing common with each other. Therefore, Li Yalin simply told the operation points of Colonel Belle, and Captain Belle can drive the M9 freely and collect it. Various data of M9.

“This ability… is incredible. It can already be comparable to those low-level fifth-generation machines. You must know that the fifth-generation machines will not be sold to anyone. This is in every country. It’s a secret in secrets. I really don’t know how Team Leader Li got these Mechas. But forget it, if you stabbed this kind of thing, it would be very unfavorable to you. I don’t know about it for the time being. After a series of running and attack tests, Colonel Belle can be considered as jumping off M9.

But at this time, the beautiful colonel’s expression was very serious. The private Mecha of the fifth generation machine appeared. This means that the beautiful colonel is very clear. But now during the war, as a commander, she does not want to lose her subordinates. In terms of personal relationships, she also didn’t want Li Yalin to leave her side, so after careful consideration, the beautiful colonel decided that it would be better to keep this matter down.

“I understand, so let Colonel Bu Laien handle it. I’ll only be in charge of fighting.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, it seems that his beautiful boss is really good. You can treat it as a friend.

“Don’t push me everything, so I will get old soon.” The beautiful colonel complained dissatisfied, but it made Li Yalin a little dumbfounded. It was the first time I saw it. What is the expression of Colonel Belle and the lazy waist just now? Wouldn’t you be afraid of losing your prestige by doing this kind of action in front of your subordinates?

“What’s the matter? I feel surprised? Actually, this is the real me.” Seeing Li Yalin’s dazed appearance, the beautiful colonel suddenly laughed. She feels that Li Yalin is really It’s very interesting.

“I can’t be said to be surprised…just feel like Colonel Bu Laien…”

“Well, it’s private time now, don’t call me Colonel Bu Laien anymore. In the future, in private, you can call me Yi, by the way, I am also polite to call you Yalin.” Before Li Yalin’s words were finished, the beautiful colonel interrupted Li Yalin’s words, a playful moved towards Li Yalin blinked, and it seemed that the beautiful colonel really treated Li Yalin as a friend.

In this way, the relationship between Li Yalin and the beautiful colonel rose a lot. In private, the beautiful colonel often visits the 17th Platoon. This is an explosive news, because the 17th Platoon except Li Yalin The outside is all Great Beauty, and Li Yalin is the Captain of the 17th Platoon, so in the dark, the 17th Platoon has been completely called the harem squad.

For Li Yalin, all the soldiers in the entire base expressed envy, jealousy and hatred. Everyone wanted to replace it. On the surface, everyone still wanted to have a good relationship with Li Yalin, because this is what Li Yalin is the fastest way to get close to a beautiful woman. Li Yalin is a headache. Do these stupid soldiers really think that they can impress themselves by passing them cigarettes and wine and taking out some ergonomic books? I’m not one of those veterans.

Although there are not many Mechas in the entire Lanya base, there are still a lot of Infantry single-player operations, at least about 30,000 troops, all of whom are dispatched by the beautiful colonel, although 30,000 Human strength is equivalent to the number of a small group army, but most of these troops are recruits. Otherwise, it is impossible to be commanded by a colonel.

Commanding these recruits, speaking of which is really a nuisance. Take the battle a few days ago as an example. It was a frontal conflict on a hill. It was obviously the soldiers’ The firepower is very sufficient. Just don’t be afraid and keep firing after finding a suitable bunker. Those insects simply cannot break through the dense fire blockade.

Because of the new recruits, many soldiers did not fire a shot on the battlefield. This caused the fire blockade to be not dense enough, and even let some insects take advantage of this. After the First World War, the Union Army lost three-figure soldiers, which was a very heavy blow to the beautiful colonel.

“Then the current situation is becoming more and more unfavorable to us. Originally, we still occupied half of Lanya Star’s land, but now, there is only one third left, and this number is still increasing. Reduce, I want to listen to the opinions of the audience and see if you can come up with a good plan.” On this day, Colonel Belle convened an urgent joint meeting, except for all Mecha squad’s positive Vice-Captain. In addition, the commanders and brigade commanders of those Infantry divisions have all expired, and the meeting led by the beautiful colonel has officially begun.

Just after the beautiful colonel finished talking about Lan Yaxing’s situation, there was silence in the Conference Hall. Everyone knows that the current situation is becoming more and more unfavorable for the EFF, even in the first two Today, several transport ships will pick up all the civilians staying on this planet, so the fate that Lanya Star will face next is simply conceivable.

“Since everyone is not speaking, then I’ll just say a few words.” Seeing that there was no one speaking after a long silence, Li Yalin was lightly coughed in the end, and he raised his hand and prepared to speak.

“Does Team Leader Li have any good ideas? Please, but it’s okay.” The beautiful colonel’s eyes lit up. At the critical moment, Li Yalin stood up to him. It seems that his original decision was really not wrong.

“In fact, it’s very simple to win. Lan Yaxing’s insect level is not very high. It should be said to be very low. Even ordinary soldiers can easily kill these guys, but This requires a premise.” At this point, everyone in the Conference Hall fixed their eyes on Li Yalin, looking forward to what he wanted to say next.

“The premise is to find and destroy Lanyaxing’s insect nest. As long as the insect nest is destroyed, the insects will break the supply line and kill one and one less, when the time comes With some weapons of mass destruction, it’s very easy to get these insects.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, this plan has been formed in his mind a long time ago, but he can’t say it until now.

“insect nest? Is there really such a thing?” Everyone began to discuss spiritedly. Because it was the Early-Stage of the war, there was not much information on the insects, although I had heard of the insect for a long time. Nest exists, but no one has actually seen this stuff. Listening to what Li Yalin said now, is the reason why Lan Yaxing insert continuously is caused by this insect nest?

“Then how should we find these insect nests?” A Mecha squad Captain raised his own question. Although it is light, no one has seen the insect nest. How can I find it? ?

“In fact, we have found this thing on the 17th Platoon.” Seeing everyone’s expectations, Li Yalin dropped a blockbuster, directly blasting everyone out of the focus and inside, and found the insect nest? Isn’t it cracking a joke? Everyone looked at Li Yalin incredulously, as if they were looking at God.

“Don’t show this expression, everyone. In fact, we only found some traces accidentally during the patrol. After investigation, the target was completely determined, so please watch it now.” Then, Li Yalin Take out a small built-in processor and hand it to the meeting recorder on the side, asking him to help read the content on the processor.

“Now everyone can clearly see that the insect nest is located in a cave 437 kilometers away from the base. It’s funny if you want to come. The other’s insect nest is far from the base. It’s so close, but we don’t even know it. I have to say this is ironic.” Pointing to the information on the screen, Li Yalin said with a hint of self-deprecating.

In fact, all of this was done intentionally by Li Yalin. Whether it was to discover the insect nest with the 17th Platoon, and then to explain the location of the insect nest, it was all carefully planned by Li Yalin’s. , Everyone will know the existence of the insect nest, and only by destroying the insect nest can everyone see the hope of victory.

“Team Leader Li is right. This is the biggest irony for us, but now it’s useless to say anything. You can discuss how to solve this insect nest?” The colonel said first. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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