“Using long-range missiles to completely destroy this area!” Everyone expressed their opinions, but many people are more in favor of using long-range weapons to attack.

“No! The rocks in this area are very strong, unless you use super weapons, otherwise, it is impossible to effectively attack the insect nest hidden in the underground for hundreds of meters! But once it is used Super weapon, then the entire Lanya star will suffer considerable damage, which runs counter to our original insistence!” Those who are in favor will naturally have objections. The entire insect nest is hidden in the deepest part of the cave, although it can be faintly through the radar. Detected, but ordinary powerful weapons cannot pose an effective threat to it.

“Team Leader Li, do you mean?” No matter how you argue, the general plan is divided into two parts. One is to use weapons of mass destruction for airdrop bombing, and the other is to dispatch Mecha squad is engaged in encirclement and suppression, but the risk factor of the second plan is too high. I am afraid that no Mecha squad can bear such a heavy burden. Therefore, the beautiful colonel turned his attention to Li Yalin, hoping that he could give a good idea.

“If I said it, I agree to dispatch Mecha squad to execute this Quest. It is best to destroy the insect nest without the insect swarms noticing. Then we can act immediately, in batches Encirclement and suppress the insect swarms in various areas, so that they can slowly encroach on the territory of the insects, not to mention, the safety factor of the battle will further increase a lot.” After a moment of contemplation, Li Yalin said himself Thoughts.

“This is also right, but if Mecha squad is dispatched…” The beautiful colonel looked around all around, which made the positive Vice-Captains of each Mecha squad a little restless, for fear that the beautiful colonel would be like this. The Quest of deaths without life was sent to myself. After all, if you can live, no one wants to die, and this method of death may be extremely miserable.

“Well, since I proposed the plan, let us execute this Quest at 17th Platoon. After all, we have been there before and we are fairly familiar with the nearby terrain.” The colonel sighed, but Li Yalin said in everyone’s surprised eyes that he wanted to execute this Quest. This made everyone look incredible. Does anyone dare to take this kind of dead Quest?

“But…this is too dangerous…” The beautiful colonel’s expression was quite hesitant. In her heart, if someone offered to carry out Quest, that would be great, but now It was Li Yalin who took the initiative, but it made the beautiful colonel entangled.

To my heart, the beautiful colonel did not want Li Yalin to go to this Quest. She knew very well that even if the Quest can be completed to destroy the insect nest, she wants to escape alive from such a deep cave. It’s basically impossible. I finally met a man I admired, so let him go to death in such a simple way? But if Li Yalin does not go, no one can take on this important task. Should I send 17th Platoon…

“Hehe, although it is dangerous, I think after the Quest is completed, my reward will be More? Colonel Bu Laien, you are ready to promote me again, if there are a few more Quests like this, it is estimated that my military rank will soon surpass yours.” Just as the beautiful colonel was struggling, Li Yalin smiled at Haha, and simply didn’t pay attention to this Quest.

“Is it really possible? Don’t try hard.” The beautiful colonel looked at Li Yalin with a serious face and asked.

“Don’t worry, it’s okay. You have to believe me, and just after my Quest is completed, Colonel Bu Laien, you can start preparing for Counter-Attack.” Li Yalin also put away himself After nodded counted as an answer, he said softly.

“I see, be careful, I’m waiting for you in the base to triumph!” The beautiful colonel gave Li Yalin a deep look, as if to remember Li Yalin’s appearance in my heart. , But this made Li Yalin a little bit didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, didn’t he go to die, why did he make such a tragic expression.

Especially those bastards in the Conference Hall. The beautiful colonel doesn’t matter if he thinks of himself this way. Why do other people admire and look at the dead? Why did you move towards me? The small table in Li Yalin’s heart almost came to a twelve consecutive flips, forget it, don’t care about these guys, wait for them to settle the account after returning.

“It seems that you are very confident and full of confidence in this Quest?” On the way to leave the Conference Hall, Yu Feng looked at Li Yalin with a puzzled look and asked. For the Quest that Li Yalin had just taken over, Yu Feng simply didn’t have much confidence, after all, the difficulty was too great.

“Of course, but Yu Feng, your face is not so pretty, don’t you be optimistic about this Quest?” Li Yalin looked at Yu Feng with a narrow face and asked.

“How can I be confident? When we went to investigate, I was shocked, that many insects, how do we get in? We have to go deep underground, so I asked you why Have confidence!” Yu Feng said after giving Li Yalin a white look.

“Then why didn’t you stop me just now?” Li Yalin didn’t answer Yu Feng’s question, but each minding their own business asked rhetorically.

“You are the Captain of the 17th Platoon. Following you, I am considered to be in the wolf den. Forget it, it’s useless to think so much now, I can only follow you to the dark.” Yu Feng’s expression was very helpless, but her words still made Li Yalin very happy. She didn’t make a mistake, and she didn’t abandon her comrades at this time. She was indeed a good woman.

“Hehe, don’t worry, Shanren, I have my own tricks, but I never fight insecure battles.” Li Yalin gave Yu Feng a pat on the shoulder with a smile. Feng is a reassurance pill.

“Do you really have an idea? I know you are not such a reckless person. Hurry up and tell me your battle plan.” Yu Feng’s eyes lit up. If you say so, this time Quest still has hope of success.

“Let’s talk about it when we go back, everyone should know it anyway.” Li Yalin shrugged, and Yu Feng hurried back to the small war room of the 17th Platoon.

“Is it finally going to destroy the insect nest? I have already explored all the terrain and landforms, and I finally came in handy.” In the 17th Platoon War Room, Li Yalin First, I explained the situation of Quest, and then Xia Lu immediately unfolded the data that had been scanned a long time ago, and presented the topography of the insect nest in front of everyone in great detail.

“Now everyone can see that the insect nest is about 113 meters away from the ground. The entire bottom is a huge wormhole. The terrain is criss-crossed, and there are many holes. It leads to the ground, but there are also many ambushes and traps in it, so everyone must be very careful after entering the ground.” Pointing to the maze-like underground scan map, Li Yalin warned everyone very carefully, of course. These are basically what Yu Feng and Qing Bing have heard.

“Underground…not suitable for sniping.” Looking at the scanned image, Qingbing Lori said her opinion for the first time.

“It’s okay, I’ve chosen the most suitable channel to reach the target location directly, and after completing the Quest, we can still go back the same way. If nothing happens, basically There is no need to fight.” Li Yalin explained with a smile, tapping Qingbing Lori’s head.

After a period of contact, Leng Qingbing is like Little Sister at home. Everyone likes to pet her very much. This is also related to her life experience. She was abandoned by her parents since she was a child and passed through the empire. After screening, she discovered her Mecha sniper talent, so she was specially trained to become a Mecha pilot. How could she not feel pity after experiencing so many killings at such a young age.

“I said you… won’t you be going to execute this Quest long ago?” Seeing that Li Yalin and Xia Lu had already completed a series of combat plans, Yu Feng was surprised ‘S mouth almost can’t close, what kind of situation is this? Should it be premeditated?

“This way we can get promoted faster!” Li Yalin gave a thumbs up.

“I think you are going crazy for a promotion, right? I really doubt that my original choice was right.” Yu Feng glanced at Li Yalin helplessly, and sighed lightly.

As for the Quest time for the attack on the insect nest, everyone is scheduled to leave at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning. During this period of time, the beautiful colonel must lead all the officers and soldiers in the base to be ready. If the destruction of the insect nest triggers a swarm riot, protecting the base becomes a top priority.

Time flies quickly. This night Li Yalin and the others slept very soundly, but for the officers and soldiers in the base, it became a sleepless night. Prepare for war and actively prepare for war. The entire base is brightly lit, all weapons and equipment are all ready, the soldiers’ nerves are tense, they all look like an enemy.

In the early morning of 2nd day, Li Yalin entire group got up early and put on the special Mecha combat uniform. Then everyone came to the special hangar of the 17th Platoon. Didn’t expect just arrived at the hangar door. Li Yalin entire group found out that all the Mecha squad members were all present. Li Yalin and the others just showed up, and they all saluted all at once, expressing the highest respect for the 17th Platoon.

Although Yu Feng and Qing Bing didn’t say anything about it, the excitement on their faces couldn’t escape Li Yalin’s eyes, but Li Yalin was quite a headache about it. What’s this? ? Martyrs farewell party? Didn’t I take everyone to die! This kind of tragic atmosphere is what it is! Li Yalin now has an urge to lift the table. It’s too cheating. If you don’t bring it, Li Yalin will not be able to help but become enthusiastic if this continues. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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