“Don’t fall in love with the fight, do it quickly, and another insect gathered in this direction! After clearing this batch of insects, evacuate immediately and seek long-range fire support after arriving at the predetermined location!” While driving the M9 to fight, Li Yalin also I did not forget to use Divine Sense to scan the surrounding enemy situation. A large number of insects have been gathered in an area three hundred miles away. It is impossible to clear these ASMecha in a short time, so Li Yalin directly issued the order to fight quickly.

“Understood!” After the girls answered in unison, everyone’s AS weapons were fully used. After modification, the limbs of the M9 and Zy-98 Phantoms were equipped with small close-range combat. Guided missiles, these combat missiles are quite powerful. After a series of explosions, the ground is full of charred insect remains.

“Retreat!” After speaking, Li Yalin contacted the headquarters at the same time. At this time, the beautiful colonel was anxiously waiting for Li Yalin’s report. The game was a bit addictive and almost forgot Report to Quest.

“The 17th Platoon called the headquarters, the Quest has been completed, and is now evacuating towards the base. Please pay attention to the long-range artillery cover. The large army of insect has appeared!”

“The headquarters received, Please return to the base as soon as possible, we will take care of you!” The beautiful colonel personally replied, and after receiving the news of the completion of the 17th Platoon Quest, all the Warriors in the base cheered loudly. It means that the victory of this battle is in sight.

After the cheers, everyone was in their place. All Mecha squads entered the Mecha Bunker, which was equipped with a lot of Mecha special weapons, and even super beam sniper rifles with amazing range. The long-range bombing force began to lock the insects. As long as the insects appear within the bombing range allowed by the weapon, the bombing force will immediately let the insects know what blossoming is.

Let’s talk about Li Yalin’s 17th Platoon. At this time, Li Yalin entire group galloped all the way and returned to the base in just over two hours. The return of 17th Platoon made everyone cheer again, but The celebration will not be held for the time being, because the following insect army will arrive at the EFF base headquarters in less than two hours.

“Bombing troops launch indiscriminately! Hit me fiercely! Except for weapons that exceed the warning range, I will launch the rest of the missiles at will!” Just after the insects entered the range target, beauty The colonel was outraged. The satellite radar showed that the number of insects attacking the base headquarters this time exceeded 8 million. This is a pretty staggering number. However, with the base’s heavy armored walls and defensive facilities, he wanted to intercept it. These eight hundred Ten Thousand Insects are still very easy.

To be honest, after detecting the total number of insect race troops, the beautiful colonel took a long sigh. Fortunately, not all the insects were dispatched. If Lan Yaxing’s insects are all dispatched, the beautiful colonel will consider whether to abandon this base, after all, the tide-like insects are not fun to look at.

Bombing, indiscriminate bombing, countless powerful missiles bloomed among the insect swarms, the number of insects is dropping at an astonishing speed, waiting for the insect race troops to reach Mecha’s When within the scope of the sniper, the number of insects is already less than one million, but the number of insects that are less than one million is not so simple and can be underestimated.

“Not good, there are Flame bugs in the swarm! The number is more than 20 visually!” At this moment, the satellite detection radar even detected the existence of Flame bugs. This kind of Flame Insects are one of the most annoying insects of the federal forces. Their bodies are named after the flames that can spit out countless human-eating Flames, and the range of these Flames is quite amazing, the longest range can exceed two kilometers!

Moreover, Flame bugs can spit out more than just flames. It can also spit out deadly sulfuric acid that makes people feel suffocating. This sulfuric acid can even corrode the strong armored walls around the base.

“The sniper forces started shooting! Target Flame worms!” The beautiful colonel immediately issued an attack command, but these Flame worms not only have powerful attack power, but their defensive power is also quite amazing. That thick one The black outer armor is not fun, even the super beam sniper rifle can only leave a shallow mark on this outer armor.

Sure enough, the snipers of the mecha army failed one after another. If you want to kill the Flame bug correctly, you must hit its mouth that is less than one meter in size. Although it is hard to imagine, this Flames with a diameter of more than three meters can be spewed out of the mouth of less than one meter, but the facts are in front of everyone. At a distance of more than 20 kilometers, what about the snipers driving the third and fourth generations of Mecha? It may hit the target accurately.

But at this moment, with a gunshot, a Flame bug crashed to the ground, and everyone was startled. Who opened this spear? Was it blind or… Before everyone started talking, there was another gunshot, and then a Flame bug continued to fall on the ground.

“Well done, it’s time to look at me this time!” It turned out that it was no one else who knocked down the Flame bug, it was Xia Lu driving the M9, and the second shot was Li Yalin. Sniping at this distance is really nothing to Li Yalin, especially the advanced sniper auxiliary system equipped with equipment on top of M9, making this kind of attack is naturally very simple.

“And me, Your Highness, Young Master, don’t forget my existence!” With another shot, Himari also killed a Flame bug. For Li Yalin and their amazing actions, Yu Feng has already It’s not surprising that she can only sigh God’s unfairness. Compared with Li Yalin and others, the so-called Mecha Experts of the Federation are basically three and a half-year-old children, and the Mecha operation skills that she used to be proud of are also Not much at all.

But above the sniper, Qingbing didn’t want to lose to anyone, and turned on the sniper auxiliary system. Qingbing joined the ranks of sniping Flame bugs, but sniping at this distance is indeed difficult. Even though Qingbing’s strength was outstanding, after all the Flame bugs were knocked down, she only had one harvest.

“17th Platoon again?” In the combat command, the beautiful colonel was speechless for a while, should I sigh that I found the treasure? However, with Li Yalin’s strength, this small temple should not be able to accommodate them. The young eagle spreads its wings and will eventually soar in the sky. Even more how Li Yalin is already sharp and sharp, and he might be able to witness him go. The most glorious day.

Soon, the insects entered the range of five kilometers from the federal base, and by this time, the insect race troops have only left less than 300,000 in number. On this road, there are countless Insect’s corpses were scattered all over the ground, purple and green’s blood intertwined to form a weird picture, the wisps of smoke slowly rose into the sky, and countless stumps and broken arms made people wonder at a glance. Fortunately, the distance is relatively long, otherwise the battle strength of these recruits will immediately drop a lot, after all, it has become a landscape from hell.

Continue to move forward. After the insects were within three kilometers of the base, the Infantry fired. This is also the most effective range of the Marine Corps. Although this chaotic firing is not meaningful, but The criss-crossed metal storm can still suppress the forward speed of the insect, and many insects were killed by stray bullets.

The approach of the insects made everyone’s pressure begin to swell. Even if the number of insects is declining, eventually the insects still reach under the armored wall. Gundam’s 20-meter armored wall becomes The first obstacle that the insects need to boast about, but the command’s meaning is clear, that is, to eliminate all the insects under the armored wall, this is not a simple matter.

“If it’s this time…” Looking at the insect swarm just under his feet, Li Yalin decisively dropped the incendiary bomb under the wall. If the insects are stacked, it is still very easy breakthrough this line of defense.

Li Yalin’s action reminded everyone. The beautiful colonel also immediately ordered the soldiers to prepare incendiary bombs, but the smell of burning insect corpses was really unpleasant, and many soldiers leaned over. The ground vomited uncontrollably, even the Mecha squad members sitting in the Mecha cockpit, their stomachs could not help rolling up, it was disgusting.

In this regard, Li Yalin said that it is better to have a fully enclosed cockpit. After closing the Wind Element system, the girls driving the M9 and Zy-98 did not smell this disgusting smell. After hearing everyone’s discussion afterwards, Yu Feng and Qingbing were both very fortunate.

Under the encirclement and suppression of everyone working with a common purpose, the insect race unit was quickly lost, but when everyone was ready to cheer, the mutation happened again, and countless flying insects in the air were working. Moved towards the base direction, the number is at least more than 20, these flying insects are not comparable to these low-level insects on the ground, and the number is a bit too amazing, even if the anti-aircraft weapons are full, beautiful The colonel did not dare to guarantee the safety of the base.

“This number of Flying Insects is really cheating!” Looking at the large number of Flying Insect groups on the radar screen, Li Yalin muttered dissatisfied. If this situation continues, the base is I definitely can’t hold it, and it can be said that maybe one of the comrades I know these days will not survive, which is not acceptable to Li Yalin.

“What about Yalin? Do you want to…” Obviously, Saber didn’t want to watch everyone die, so she thinks she should make a move? After all, there are too many Flying Insects, and these ASs alone cannot play any role. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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