“It’s better for me to go. It really won’t work if I don’t shoot.” Lightly sighed, I will eventually dispatch the High-Level body. I thought I could keep it, but forget it, just treat it as a good deed. Live without a name.

“Wait Yalin, it’s better that I go with you. The speed of the two will be a little bit faster, and now they are messed up. The disappearance of the two of us is nothing at all.” Just as Li Yalin was preparing to teleport out of his cabin, Flora suddenly opened a private channel to speak to Li Yalin. Flora’s mecha technology has undergone special training, and its strength is not inferior to Li Yalin. With her help, the speed of killing insects will definitely be faster.

“Well, let’s go!” With that, Li Yalin entered the Evolved Space with Flora. At this time, Little Elf Feifei had prepared a new mobile suit for the two of them-Infinite Justice and freedom of assault.

Speaking of these two mobile suits, it is estimated that no one will not know them, but these two mobile suits are slightly different from the ordinary justice and freedom gundam, due to the addition of the deformation system of the deformable MA fighter. GN solar furnace, so there will be a little change in appearance.

“Then let’s set off.” moved towards Flora with a thumbs up, Li Yalin first boarded the assault plane on the left, and Flora naturally drove infinite justice. After the body was activated, The two mobile suits instantly appeared in the midair of the Federation Base. As for what was in front of them, it was the endless Flying Insect group.

“What’s going on? What kind of body is this? Reinforcement?” The beautiful colonel in the combat command room clapped up to the table, a body that I had never seen before, and the body was also very tall. Can this Mecha, which is close to 20 meters visually, really be able to fight?

For the two mobile suits that suddenly appeared in the sky, the soldiers of the base began to discuss spiritedly. Although they were on the battlefield, when they encountered the Flying Insect in the air, the Army Infantry was basically useless. , So everyone is free to talk a few words, but everyone’s eyes are staring at the insect swarm above the sky and the two unknown Mechas.

“Then, you left and me right, let’s be better than the game.” Moved his fingers, Li Yalin immediately entered the fighting state, beam cannon, magnetic rail cannon and two beams in his hand. The rifles fired at the same time, and a brilliant spark suddenly appeared in the sky.

“Okay, I won’t lose to you.” Flora’s mouth has a charming smile. If it is to operate Mecha, Flora is actually better at close combat, but since Li Yalin is already If you fire a large area to clean the insect, then Flora must be unwilling to lag behind.

The shooting of these two MS long-range beam cannons and rail cannons immediately attracted the attention of the Flying Insect group. After all, countless companions fell from in the sky one after another. , The insects will definitely not turn a blind eye, and suddenly, nearly half of the insects moved towards Li Yalin and Flora whizzing.

“At this time, I actually took advantage of it.” After finishing speaking, thirty-two beam assault cannons flew out behind the freedom of assault. In fact, it is an automatic beam floating cannon. The equipment for the attack is gone. Originally, the free gundam only had eight equipment, but the Li Yalin’s body has been specially modified.

“This style of play is really ridiculous, but it doesn’t matter, I am not without a back move.” Regarding Li Yalin’s beam assault gun, Flora did not say much, but directly became a MA Fighter mode, then moved towards the insect swarm and dashed in the past.

“That guy is courting death!” All the soldiers on the ground exclaimed. In their eyes, Flora’s sprint is no different from sending you to death. As long as it is surrounded by a swarm of insects, it counts as that one. No matter how strong the body is, it can’t break free.

But in the next scene, all the soldiers are stared wide-eyed. Is this still something Mecha can do? I saw the pink light glowing on the wings of infinite justice, but all the insects touched by the wings were cut in half directly. Now the justice gundam has become a sickle for harvesting life, as long as the body is located. In places where there will be no insect, it’s really amazing.

What the soldiers are discussing now is whether the two units are the sixth-generation aircraft. Only the beautiful colonel knows. In front of the two unknown Mechas, the sixth-generation aircraft It’s not a big deal at all, at least no one dares to say that using the six-generation machine to fight the War General’s Flying Insect army of nearly 20.

“Also say I’m ridiculous, Flora, your method is more exaggerated, okay?” Li Yalin bitterly laughed, although the beam assault gun is not slow to kill the enemy, but it is the same as Flora’s fast harvest Compared with the method, Li Yalin’s kill speed is obviously not as good as Flora’s.

“hee hee, Yalin, you can do the same.” Flora chuckled softly, but three black lines appeared on Li Yalin’s face. Gundam simply doesn’t have a weapon like equipment, but if If only the effect is the same…

Soon, Li Yalin came up with a good idea, transforming MA mode, GN particle activation, and λ-DRIVERsystem activation. Suddenly, the infinite freedom of MA fighter form is like one. It fired a cannonball and rushed into the swarm instantly. Due to the speed and the dual effects of the λ-DRIVERsystem, numerous sound barriers appeared in the sky, and the huge sound made all the soldiers on the ground fall to the ground.

Because the power of this move is so great, the soldiers on the ground have had blood from their noses and mouths, but the effect is very obvious. Under Li Yalin’s this move, they killed more than Insects with a quantity of more than 3,000 are simply map guns, and the attack range is wide enough.

“I said Yalin, this move can’t be used, look at this.” Soon, Flora teleported the situation on the ground to Li Yalin’s, looking at the stumbling soldiers on the ground, Li Yalin was speechless for a while, forget it, anyway, the number of in the sky insects is running out, so let’s treat it as entertainment.

Counting the insects in the sky, the number can’t even exceed 10,000. It’s just a matter of time to eliminate them. But if this happens, it’s hard for the cleaning staff of the base. From the sky Many of the fallen insects have fallen into the base. It is estimated that it will take a lot of time and effort to clean up the bodies of these insects.

In the next time, there is no suspense in the battle. The two MAs holding the GN beam saber and the beam saber are slaughter all sides among the swarms, simply no insect can be approached By the side of the two machines, all you can see and hear now are the continuous green blood rain and the sound of the insect corpse when it hits the ground.

“Oh? Kill the little ones and bring the old ones? Let me just say, so many Low-Level Flying Insects, how could there not be a High-Level insect commander.” When the killing of Li Yalin was on the rise, a huge light purple beam moved towards Li Yalin came straight, but Li Yalin just opened the GN beam shield of freedom of attack, and completely blocked the beam cannon. Come down.

“Three Saint Rank High-Level Flying Insects, the kind that can survive in the universe, are good at beam cannon shooting, their physical strength is amazing, and they can defend against a considerable amount of physical ammunition, but their weaknesses are also obvious. , Beam weapons can have a damage bonus to them, and in space warfare, they are nothing more than the existence of Xiaoyou, but in this Low-Level battlefield, they turned out to be the small boss Level 1.” Flora soon Then he gave out the information of these three Saint Rank insects.

“Yes, I can’t put on the table, I really think I’m a big guy?” Before the voice fell, all the 32 beam assault cannons on Gundam Liberty fired, and the target was right. It is Saint Rank Flying Insect on the opposite side.

Faced with the firing of these thirty-two beam assault guns, the three Saint Rank Flying Insects instinctively felt the danger, and quickly dispersed, and began to avoid the beam cannons.

“It’s boring, do it quickly. If you delay it, I’m afraid Yu Feng and Qingbing will notice something.” After yawning, he immediately attacked the beam rifle in Liberty’s hand. The fire directly hit a Saint Rank Flying Insect that was fleeing, and then the free gundam instantly disappeared in place. One quickly accelerated, and the beam sword in the other hand directly chopped off the head of the second Saint Rank Flying Insect. .

As for the third Flying Insect, Flora’s beam boomerang has divided it into two before Li Yalin can do it.

The death of the leader caused a lot of riots in the swarm. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Yalin and Flora slaughter all sides, in less than 3 minutes, the insect in the air Killed more than 90%. As for the remaining hundreds of Flying Insects, they should be handed over to the air defense forces to deal with them. Anyway, Li Yalin and Flora don’t need to worry about them.

Just like suddenly appeared, the freedom of assault and the infinite justice disappeared in the air out of thin air, and Li Yalin and Flora also returned to their respective ASs, just like nothing happened. general.

The battle ended soon. The prostration and exhaustion after the war suddenly struck. Many soldiers even ignored the dirty insect blood on the ground, and simply slumped on the ground and couldn’t get up. , But at this time the most in everyone’s hearts is still fortunate that he finally survived this battle.

As Li Yalin expected, the post-war handling work was very difficult. Even if all the personnel on the base and even the Mecha squad were dispatched, the cleaning work continued for two days. With the brand-new base, everyone’s hearts are finally relieved a lot.

During this period of time, the beauty colonel once again held a post-war summary meeting, but the main theme of the meeting was on the two unknown Mechas that suddenly appeared. Regarding the appearance of these two Mechas and Disappearing, everyone has different opinions. In short, they have everything. The most outrageous even said that these two MS are the ghost Mecha. Hearing this, Li Yalin didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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