But anyway, the appearance of freedom and justice saved the base headquarters. Although I don’t know where the two units belonged, it’s clear that they came to rescue the base, at least not right. The base is hostile.

The meeting lasted for a long time. Apart from talking about the two unknown units, all that was left was a summary of the battle. After the post-war statistics, there were not many casualties. In addition to the fact that the appearance of the Flying Insect made the soldiers lose some, the casualty rate was basically zero when dealing with Low-Level insects.

However, in addition to the casualties, the remaining is the loss of weapons and ammunition. This battle directly consumed nearly half of the base’s inventory. You must know that Lanya Star is not an important strategic planet. , Even if there is a related household like Colonel Beauty, the ammunition supply is impossible to supply so diligently. Although the results of this time are good, the remaining ammunition is far from the loss of the following war.

This alone is enough to make the beautiful colonel a headache. During the war against Primitive Gamma Insect, weapons and ammunition are the most precious things. Don’t think about normal supplies. For this beauty The colonel thought of smuggling ammunition, but at this time, who would dare to smuggle ammunition to the forefront of war like Lan Yaxing? Now there is really no money to spend.

After learning about the troubles of the beautiful colonel, everyone in the Conference Hall bowed their heads and said nothing. There is no way. This is the fact. If the war reaches this point, use a super weapon that can destroy the planet environment. It is also a last resort.

“That…my family can provide some ammunition, but how much do you need Colonel Bu Laien?” Just as everyone sighed, Li Yalin raised his hand hesitantly. A word instantly diverted everyone’s attention.

Can provide ammunition? Is this really something that the little noble family can do? We must know that all kinds of weapon equipment are controlled in the hands of various big countries or big nobles and Lords. If the little nobles simply cannot produce weapon equipment, especially those present know that the most lacking of the base is missile weapons. Now, can Li Yalin provide weapons in this area?

“Team Leader Li, you…Let’s have a separate conversation for a while, now we will end!” Colonel Belle hesitated, and then decisively announced the end of the meeting. This kind of confidential matter is better than a separate conversation. Okay, now the beautiful colonel wants to know Li Yalin’s identity more and more. How can a little nobleman in the border galaxy get out the ammunition that she can’t even get?

“Then Yalin, can you explain to me now? What is your identity?” After everyone left, the beautiful colonel immediately looked at Li Yalin with interest, as if to See Li Yalin thoroughly.

“I said Yi, you don’t have to do this, right? I feel very uncomfortable.” Li Yalin smiled bitterly. Why did he want to provide ammunition on a whim just now? But since I said it, I wouldn’t regret it, after all, Li Yalin was willing to do so in his heart.

“Really? Well, let’s talk about business now. Since you can provide ammunition, what kind of weapons and ammunition can you provide? If it’s just ordinary bullets and energy bombs, Then I’m really disappointed.” The beautiful colonel looked at Li Yalin with a smile, his expression showing a hint of playfulness.

“This will never let you down. No matter what equipment you need, I can provide it, but you must keep it confidential for me. After all, the federal government is quite strict on these things. If I If you take it out in large quantities, it will probably become a target.” Li Yalin’s expression is unusually relaxed. Although he said so, he did not show any fear that the beautiful colonel would leak secrets.

“Of course, I’m really lucky to be able to keep you by my side.” Nodded, the beautiful colonel was a little confused unconsciously, completely didn’t expect how ambiguous what he said , She only knew that as long as this man was by her side, all troubles would disappear without a trace, and she even began to rely on this man.

“That…cough cough, it’s too early, I will leave first, so you should also pay attention to rest.” A little awkwardly coughed, Li Yalin turned and exited the Conference Hall. It wasn’t until this time that the beautiful colonel realized that the pretty face of the beautiful colonel was blushing all over, and almost all the water vapor could come out.

Soon, under Li Yalin’s secret turnover, a large number of weapons equipment was transported to the base headquarters, which even included a dozen brand new four-generation top Mechas, although the soldiers came to the base Said that the number of these weapons equipment is really amazing, but to Li Yalin, this is not even his own one hair from nine oxen, and taking these things out is just waste use.

It turns out that these weapons equipment and Mecha were all refitted from the previously produced Low-Level Mecha weapons. It didn’t take half a day for these equipment to be neatly placed in front of Li Yalin’s.

Seeing these equipment, the beautiful colonel’s eyes started to light up. It’s really cool. The long-range missiles that I have been short of have more than 100 long-range missiles. With these missiles, even the insect race unit Don’t be afraid of an invasion again. You have to know that the original inventory of this kind of missiles is only forty.

There are more than a dozen fourth-generation aircraft. This is really provide timely help. There is never a lack of pilots in the base. Mecha is the only one missing, but the cost of the fourth-generation aircraft is very high. It’s expensive, how could the Federal Army give Mecha to itself this small marginal battlefield.

Furthermore, there are still many internal divisions in the Federation, the corruption of the Midic Republic, the dictatorship of the Kamiga Empire, and countless small countries seeking survival in this crack, I am afraid that even Is it possible to approve a part of Mecha equipment to oneself, and under this layer of deduction, there is only some leftover leftovers that can reach one’s hands.

“So now I announce that the Lanya Star Federation Forces have officially entered the Counter-Attack state! We have begun a full range of encirclement and suppression of the insect race troops on Lanya Star! The combat time is one month, and we are going to Eliminate all insects in this month!” After the weapons and equipment were delivered, the beautiful colonel announced that the Counter-Attack war had officially begun. Numerous wormholes had been found or cleared, and small insect swarms basically had army Infantry. Come in charge, Mecha squad is responsible for cleaning the larger insect swarm, as for more than 10,000 insect swarms, it needs the cooperation of long-range firepower strikes.

In this counterattack against the Swarm, all Warriors in the base showed extraordinary enthusiasm. After all, I have not heard of any unit that has achieved such a huge result. After the war began , I didn’t hear a few good news. The destroyed planet often appeared on the news screen. Originally, everyone didn’t report much hope for this war, but now it seems that there is still a possibility of victory.

At this time, the Li Yalin entire group’s military service is as the tide rises, the boat floats, the last Quest plus the countless insects killed by Quest, now Li Yalin has officially owned it The rank of Captain, Saber and the others have also become second only to Li Yalin’s lieutenant, which makes Yu Feng have been sighing, obviously he has been in the army for a long time, and he is not as good as a few recruits who have just joined the army, if not for the 17th Platoon If so, I’m afraid I’m still just a master sergeant now.

Just as the beautiful colonel said, in this month, the Counter-Attack battle went very smoothly, especially with the support of Li Yalin’s weapons, the soldiers no longer have any scruples, although After one month passed, not all the insects were eliminated as expected by Colonel Beauty, but more than 90% of the original lost ground has been recovered, and the number of remaining insects will not exceed 10,000.

“Thank you so much. During this period of time, all the results of the 17th Platoon have been sorted out. It is really amazing. Only a squad eliminated Lanya Star One. I am afraid that only long-range bombing missiles can match your results.” On this day, the beautiful colonel Li Yalin found his office alone, not so much for official duties, as for small talk. At this time Li Yalin was sitting on the sofa in the office, drinking coffee while listening to the admiration of the beautiful colonel.

“This is nothing, it’s just a Low-Level insect. If it is a higher-level insect, I am afraid that even we will not be so easy.” shook the head, this 1st Step myself. It wasn’t a smooth journey. It was really fast for the Air Force to get promoted. I heard that Betty has become the captain of a small cruiser and has the rank of colonel. This speed is really not normal.

“Don’t say this, the upper level of the federal government is very optimistic about your performance. I think you will be promoted again soon. When the time comes, I will congratulate you again.” Colonel Beauty He took a sip of coffee, and his face was full of smiles. The result of this battle was really beyond his expectations, but then the beautiful colonel suddenly became darkened, and Lan Yaxing’s war was about to end. Next, I don’t know where I will be assigned. Besides, if there is that person, I shouldn’t be and continue to work with the man in front of me.

“What’s the matter? Are you worried?” Li Yalin soon discovered that the beautiful colonel’s face was not very good, and asked with concern.

“Nothing, I really hope I can work with you, but maybe I won’t have the chance.” Although a little sad, the beautiful colonel still insists on smiling, hoping to save his most beautiful side In Li Yalin’s eyes. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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