“Is that so…” Li Yalin pondered for a moment, and this is not impossible. Just like Brittany said, the execution of a special Quest is very dangerous, but the growth rate of military skills is extremely fast. .

“Well, that’s it. If you have Quest, you can notify me at any time.” Finally, Li Yalin agreed to this plan, which is pretty good, and it’s good for everyone. Let’s do it for now. Up.

“very good, by the way, Master, tell me your story at Lan Yaxing, I am curious, every time I contact Yi elder sister, she always mentions you Well, it seems that Elder Sister Yi has a very good impression of you.” Brittany slapped his face, and then looked at Li Yalin expectantly.

“Sure enough, do you know Yi?” Li Yalin has had this feeling for a long time, whether it is from the attitude of the beautiful colonel towards him or some words that the beautiful colonel unintentionally revealed , Especially after meeting Brittany, connecting all this together, Li Yalin quickly came up with this answer.

“Sure enough, the relationship is very close, they started to call their names directly.” Brittany raised his coffee cup a little sourly, although he did not drink it, he stared at Li. Yalin didn’t let go.

“I said little girl, do you care too much about adult affairs.” Li Yalin looked at Brittany quite amusingly. In Li Yalin’s eyes, even Brittany is The commander-in-chief of this fleet is nothing but a child.

“Master hates me the most, Master is a big idiot!” Hearing what Li Yalin said, Brittany immediately slapped the table and yelled at Li Yalin with an angry face, then turned and walked quickly. Running out of the coffee shop, this made Li Yalin stunned for a while. Is it such an exaggeration?

“I said, Brother, you are too strong, right? You even made our commander cry. If this matter spreads, the commander’s guard will not let it go. Yours.” After Brittany ran out of the cafe, a youngster who was also sitting in the cafe walked to Li Yalin’s side with a smile on his face. He was in his early twenties and looked very cheerful.

“Brittany’s Guards?” Li Yalin looked at each other in surprise, isn’t the Guards just formed? And he is still Captain, why did the kung fu spread in this moment?

“Yes, let me tell you quietly, more than 50% of the male soldiers in our fleet have joined the commander’s guard, but then again, you dare to call the commander’s The name is really enviable.” The youngster mysteriously said to Li Yalin, but when it came to the end, the guy started to sigh loudly.

“50% or more male soldiers?” Li Yalin was even more confused, but then he thought of a probability.

“I said, the Guards you mentioned just now, wouldn’t you be your self-styled?” Li Yalin looked at each other with slanting eyes, and it was an informal private The Organization. Now Li Gui hits Is it at Li Kui?

“hehe, now it’s semi-public in the fleet, brother, do you want to join our guard? I, Harley, Ana. Nanus, the honor of the guard, Vice-Captain, if there is If I recommend it, brother, you can have the position of an elite honorary team member as soon as you join!” Good guy, there is still some honorary Vice-Captain, is this guy doing illegal pyramid schemes?

“Although I am very interested, I want to make one point. According to internal news, our commander will soon form a real guard, so your fake relatives The guard seems to be harmonized soon.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, giving out a friendly reminder.

“Impossible! How is this possible! Even if the commander chooses the guards, he must choose among our team! Brother, you must be cracking a joke, right! Definitely cracking a joke, right? !” This Harley Ana Nanus is a little crazy, no wonder, I heard that Brittany is still very popular in this fleet.

“My answer may disappoint you.” Li Yalin said in a pun, but this answer made Harley Ana even more depressed. It seems that it is really a foregone conclusion.

“Thank you, brother, for telling me this kind of internal news in advance, from now on you are my best friend!” Harley Ana wanted to hold Li Yalin’s hands with excitement. , But Li Yalin walked away without a trace. Seeing the twinkling stars in his eyes, Li Yalin couldn’t help taking two steps back.

“I said Lieutenant Nanus…” Li Yalin wanted to say something, but was immediately interrupted by the opponent.

“Please call me Harley or Ana. My friends call me that. Brother, are you transferred from the Army? You already have the rank of captain at a young age. It’s really amazing. “It’s a cheerful, familiar, but this kind of temper doesn’t make Li Yalin hate, at least it can be called a true temperament, although sometimes it is indeed a little frizzy.

“Well then, I’ll just call you Ana.” Harley or something, it’s not a comet, how unkind to call it.

“Then introduce myself well, the former Lanya Star Federation Army’s seventeenth Mecha squad Captain Li Yalin, just joined this fleet, and we will be comrades in the future.” I introduced myself, Li Yalin only Stretched out his right hand.

“Then the Thirteenth Squad Vice-Captain of the 31st Regiment of the Kay Nathan Fleet Expeditionary Mothership is under me, although I don’t know which battleship your team will be assigned to, but in the future We are all going to fight together.” Harley Ana smiled and held Li Yalin’s right hand, with a look of sympathy, and Li Yalin could only put his arm back silently.

“It looks like I was assigned to the mothership…” Li Yalin said hesitantly, but Li Yalin’s words have not been spoken yet, Harley Ana has been mouth opened wide and I don’t know what to say.

“Are you assigned to the mothership? You must know that the teams that can be assigned to the expeditionary mothership are the most elite troops. They will not be dispatched before as a last resort. , By the way, you said you came from Lan Yaxing? That’s the only resource planet that was liberated? I heard that you wiped out all Lan Yaxing’s insects without using super weapons? It’s incredible! Yes! Now, I heard that each of your Lanya Star’s Mecha Warriors is Superman, and one can duel tens of thousands of insects. Is this true?” Can you say that this guy has a big mouth? Li Yalin only said a word, and this guy crackled like a machine gun, and there was almost no room for interruption.

“I did come from Lan Yaxing. As for the superman that you said was 10,000 yuan, it seems that he hasn’t appeared yet.” Of course, he and his teammates are not counted, Li Yalin said nothing. said with curled lips.

“Even this is amazing enough. Didn’t expect to know such a great person. No wonder you are so familiar with the commander-in-chief. Brother, you have to tell me about Lan Yaxing. Things, when the time comes, I can brag about those guys.” Harley Ana looked at Li Yalin gossip, and Li Yalin had to reveal a little bit of inside information.

“This…military secrets are not available to comment.” In one sentence, the other party’s words were completely blocked. Li Yalin regretted knowing this guy. It was really tormenting enough.

After continuing to talk for a while, Li Yalin returned to his lounge. After talking about the results of the negotiation with Brittany, everyone was very satisfied with this method and changed into the air force uniform. , Li Yalin’s squad was officially appointed as the guard squad of the commander-in-chief, and he is fully responsible for all security issues of the commander.

Although it is about to be handed over to the War Zone, there is still plenty of time. During this time, Li Yalin and Saber began to guide Yu Feng and Qingbing’s fighters and cosmic Mecha driving skills. , There are many idle simulation training systems in the mothership, so the training went smoothly.

In addition to the training of the two girls, Brittany also delivered the special Mecha for the guard squad. Seven fighters and seven cosmic Mechas, all of which were painted on the red body It’s a very gorgeous golden coat of arms. It should be a family coat of arms. This is not what Li Yalin knows.

Moreover, these fighters and Mecha belong to the sixth-generation aircraft. It can be seen that Brittany has worked hard for this. The sixth-generation aircraft is easy to operate, and its attacks and defensive power are quite powerful. Except for the absence of a special weapon system, all functions are not inferior to High-Level Mecha at all, and are also the ultimate weapon on the battlefield.

I tried to drive these six-generation machines. Although they were not as good as the ones produced by myself, they were relatively satisfactory enough to satisfy Li Yalin. With this powerful machine, it’s better for Battle Insect. It was indeed able to exert unexpected battle strength at that time.

However, during this period of time, Li Yalin never saw the gossip Harley Ana. After all, Li Yalin was basically not in his mother except for the lounge, simulation training room and bridge. There is activity in the ship. Li Yalin simply won’t go to the bars that soldiers often go to and entertainment venues such as gyms. He is not used to the noisy atmosphere.

Soon, the Kay Nathan fleet entered the War Zone, and after entering the War Zone, the atmosphere in the mothership suddenly became tense. The usual jokes and laughs disappeared, and replaced them. It was the solemn expression on everyone’s face.

The above order was issued very quickly. The JQ121 galaxy is now the main battlefield for the two sides to fight, but if there, a small C fleet will not play any role, so Kaimi The Tun Fleet’s Quest is a small-scale harassment tactic. It would be better if large-scale insect swarms can be eliminated. Anyway, it is not aiming to achieve the best possible result but rather trying to avoid making mistakes. In short, the federal government is not optimistic about this. The fleet is right.

Brittany is quite angry about this. She has complained about this in front of Li Yalin’s more than once. She has come to prepare for a battle with confidence, but now the order above It’s very frustrating. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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