“This group of bastards! Even though this Young Lady came over confidently, didn’t expect to throw me a mess! It’s really annoying!” Brittany kicked. On the coffee shop table, but this foot is quite strong, Brittany, who does not have the footwork of Felli’s expressionless young girl, is of course a painful jump.

“Well, now even if you complain, the above command will not change. It is easy to fight a war, but how to win a battle is not easy. Have you considered this?” Li Yalin asked with a smile.

“If you say that, Master, do you have a way?” Brittany’s eyes lit up. If you say that, it means that the Master must have his own ideas.

“If we follow the order given above, we can only move in the two galaxies K15 and J3, but don’t underestimate these two galaxies, which are quite mysterious.” Li Yalin said slightly. said mysteriously.

“Mystery? Master, tell me, what is the mystery!” Brittany sat down on Li Yalin’s side excitedly. The little hand pulled Li Yalin’s arm up and didn’t let go.

“There are others watching, don’t be like a little child.” Li Yalin looked helplessly at the hot sight all around. It seems that there are a lot of male soldiers in the cafe today. Is his eyes very bad?

“Okay, okay, Master, please tell me quickly.” Brittany was sitting upright in front of Li Yalin’s like a child, listening intently.

“According to my reliable information, there is a huge insect nest hidden in the J3 galaxy. However, this insect nest is very secretive. I am afraid that none of you can think of where this insect nest is.” Li As soon as Yalin said this, Brittany was stunned.

“Insect nest? This is impossible. We have done a comprehensive scan of both the K15 and J3 galaxies. Except for some scattered Flying Insect groups, simply no insect nest exists.” Lietani quickly retorted.

“Hehe, that’s why you simply couldn’t think of it. This is a dark game played by Primitive Gamma Insect. Although roughly speaking, the two galaxies K15 and J3 are not very important, but you have to Understand that this is the interstellar battlefield, and the war will soon accelerate and extend. If not unexpectedly, these two galaxies will soon become the main battlefield, and at that time, this dark move will be considered a complete success.” Li Yalin smiled and took out a small virtual projection device, radiating a schematic diagram of the entire main battlefield and surrounding galaxies, and pointed out what he called one by one to Brittany.

“Dark chess? If you follow Master, there is a huge insect nest hidden in these two galaxies, and there are countless Flying Insects in the insect nest, waiting for the war to extend here After that, the EFF will soon occupy these two galaxies for a tug-of-war, and when the time comes with Flying Insect hidden in the galaxy, the consequences would be really disastrous!” Brittany was very surprised. Quickly figured out the key.

“That’s good, so as long as you find this insect nest, you can fight a battle, and this battle will not be too small, I’m just afraid your fleet won’t be able to eat this big meal Ah.” Li Yalin said with a smile and patted Brittany’s head.

“snort! I’ll show it to Master. Master, you must know the location of this insect nest. Master, tell me soon.” Brittany panting with rage aside Li Yalin’s hand, but then he smiled close to Li Yalin, and began to act like a baby.

“You this girl, forget it, let me tell you. If you don’t tell you, I’m afraid your radar search force will not be able to find a specific location. This time it’s a special service. “I threw the virtual projection device to Brittany. The specific location of the insect nest was marked on it. After seeing this insect nest, Brittany exclaimed again in unbelievable exclamation.

It turns out that this move of Primitive Gamma Insect is really exquisite. They first completely destroyed an asteroid in the J3 galaxy that had just produced Low-Level life, and then another super huge insect nest. It disguised itself and replaced the original asteroid. In this way, no one would have guessed that this planet gestating life turned out to be a huge insect nest.

“It’s incredible, Master, how did you discover it?” Brittany was surprised that she didn’t know what to say. How did she know that Li Yalin had spent a lot of Divine Sense talent I scanned these two galaxies. Fortunately, for Li Yalin, who is extremely strong in Life Perception, the strangeness of this planet quickly attracted his attention. Otherwise, with Li Yalin’s just Lord God level strength, It is so clear that simply cannot be probed.

“hehe, this is the clever plan of the mountain man, little girl, go and arrange it, you know better than me what to do next.” Li Yalin laughed, I’ll talk about this later All right.

“Okay, Master, but you also have to be prepared, and it will be your turn soon.” Brittany happily responded to Li Yalin wink, and then stepped happily The footsteps left the coffee shop.

“I said, Brother, you make me easy to find, the past few days I have been inquiring about your news, but no one knows it. It really makes me depressed to death, but I really deserve it. My dear friend, last time you let your commander leave with a cry, and this time let your commander leave with a smile, this hand is really admirable.” Originally after Brittany left, Li Yalin was also preparing to leave. Back to the lounge to rest, but before Li Yalin got up, Harley Ana’s familiar voice rang behind Li Yalin’s,

Oh, this soul of a deceased has not yet I haven’t seen him for a while, but Li Yalin has forgotten him. He didn’t expect this guy to show up again.

“Why did I say you were okay to inquire about my news?” Li Yalin didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, and turned around, but when he saw Li Yalin’s uniform, Harley Ana was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately paid a serious military salute.

“Reporting sir, I just heard the wind. Some people talked about your commander-in-chief and someone who appeared in the coffee shop before running over! The report is over!” Harley Ana’s words made Li Yalin stared wide- eyed, what kind of disease is this? However, Li Yalin was relieved when he thought that he had changed into a school-level uniform and had the rank of colonel on his shoulders.

To say that the discipline of the EFF is still very strict, the lower level must salute when they see the superior, that is, Li Yalin, a freak who never sticks to the rules, simply ignores this rule, but Harley Ah Naco dare not do this.

If you are the same school-level or lieutenant-level officers, the gap between the upper and lower ranks will not be that big, but if the level 1 difference is worse, the difference will be much bigger. This is also Harley. The main reason why Na changed his face so quickly.

“I said Ana, you don’t need to be like this. You weren’t like that a few days ago.” Although the gossip and nonsense Harley Ana makes Li Yalin very unaccustomed, but now this one Harley Ana, with a serious face, made Li Yalin even more uncomfortable.

“Yes, sir!” After the resolute answer, Harley Ana immediately piled up a smiling face.

“Let’s just say, Brother Yalin, you won’t ignore me because of your promotion, but brother, you’re promoted too quickly, right? You were just captain when I saw you last time. That’s it, I’m a colonel now? I won’t be a general when I see you next time, right?” Harley Ana posted to Li Yalin’s and said hee hee with a smile on his face.

“It’s just a coincidence, but you haven’t said, the past few days, why are you looking for me?” Now Li Yalin feels that it should be more serious, this guy is really frivolous. It’s a headache.

“Oh, it is like this. Actually, I have found a very secret piece of information. Hasn’t the guards of your commander been officially established? It’s just that the members of the guards have been kept secret. , But just a few days ago, I finally found some information about the other party. It turned out that the members of these Guards were all transferred from the Army. The most annoying thing is that I heard that this is clearly a team that is all made up of A squad made up of beautiful women, but Captain is an unremarkable man! And I heard that he was directly awarded the rank of colonel, so I wanted to ask Brother Yalin about you…”

At first, Harley Ah Na also had a look of excitement, but the more he talked to the end, the smaller his voice, until it was inaudible, he was very familiar with the commander-in-chief, an unremarkable man, the rank of a colonel, and the former army. , All of these are connected together, isn’t it just this one’s own best friend in front of you?

“Ask me what?” Li Yalin asked with a smile on his face. This guy is really interesting, especially when he sees his face from red to green, from green to purple. In the end, Li Yalin couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

“No, you are the legendary guard Captain? Idol! You will be my lifelong idol!” This guy responded very quickly. It would be a shame not to be an actor. Up.

“That’s really an honor.” Li Yalin curled his lips, he didn’t bother to be a man’s idol.

“Anyway, I found The Organization this time. With the support of the idol, that guy should step down immediately!” Harley Ana showed a very happy expression.

“That guy? Who is that guy?” Li Yalin asked curiously.

“Of course, it is the Captain of the Guards of the original Commander, and Colonel Sarah Axy, the deputy of the Commander. He is the founder of the Guards.” Harley Ana. It looks like everyone in the universe knows.

“Colonel Akeshi? That uncle?” Li Yalin startled, didn’t expect this guy even came up with this illegal The Organization. It seems that things are getting more and more interesting. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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