I won’t talk about all kinds of advanced weapons and equipment for the time being. What surprised Brittany the most was that he didn’t even see a man other than Li Yalin on this mothership!

“I said Master, this won’t be your harem fleet, right? Why is there no man besides you?” Li Yalin asked with a sentence from Brittany, embarrassed, but this way Brittany also understands why Li Yalin prevented the two fleets from having in-depth exchanges. Li Yalin’s fleet is all women. This is the second thing, mainly because these cat ears, dog ears and Angel women are really not suitable. Appeared in front of the public.

In addition to the women on the fleet, Brittany is most concerned about the weapon system on the mothership and the various Mechas in the hangar. Although not a scientific researcher, Brittany is He is a genius-level battleship commander and Mecha pilot. He can be regarded as an expert in this respect. Looking at the rows of mobile suits parked in the hangar, Brittany’s eyes are lost. The appearance of these MSs is not comparable to the Mecha of the Federation.

“Master, you are so bad, there are so many powerful Mechas that don’t tell me.” Brittany looked at Li Yalin with resentment, and she wanted to drive Mecha right now. Enjoyable.

“Silly girl, you can’t drive these MSs, unless you know the characters of my hometown and speak the language of my hometown, but don’t worry, I will produce a batch of new models soon , When the time comes, it will definitely make you enjoyable.” Li Yalin Haha smiled, this girl forever is so cute, these MS are equipped with Chinese Department system, how can this girl understand.

After visiting the mothership, Li Yalin sent Brittany back to the expeditionary aircraft carrier. After all, he was about to arrive in the Nebula Kingdom. As the commander of the fleet and the No. An Imperial Princess, Brittany needs a series of political contacts with the king of the Nebula Kingdom to set aside a guarantee for future battles.

Of course, these are not what Li Yalin needs to worry about. At this time, his responsibility is to protect Brittany from entering the Nebula Kingdom safely. This is the role of the Guards, but this action can be It is not Li Yalin that a guard squad can do the job. In addition to the guards, Brittany’s lieutenant Akhi Uncle also led two other squads. Coincidentally, Harley Ana was one of them. Thirteen squad.

“I said Brother Yalin, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, I miss you!” As soon as we met, Harley Ana screamed moved towards Li Yalin. He came over, but before he got close to Li Yalin’s side, the beam energy gun was aimed at his forehead on May 4th.

“Misunderstanding! It’s all a misunderstanding, don’t take it too seriously!” Looking at the angry girls in front of him, Harley Ana raised his hands bachelor, but looked at the girls’ eyes. But it was full of all kinds of heat, which made the girls very uncomfortable.

“Brittany, I think it’s better to change the accompanying team members.” Saber said seriously to Brittany next to her. She didn’t like this frivolous guy who was carrying a slapstick.

“I think so too.” Brittany was lost in thought. It was obvious that she was studying which squad would be better to replace.

At this moment, a slender captain who was about 30 years old, with a sharp face and an unusually cold expression came over, and the simple ordinary punch hit Harley Ana’s head. .

“Sorry, Commander, I will be responsible for teaching this guy.” The captain’s this fist does not seem light, Harley Ana is already lying on the ground and starting to roll.

“Since you said so, Captain, then I won’t say anything more. I hope this lieutenant can remember his identity and don’t shame our Kay Nathan fleet!” Bretta Nicoldly said, it seems that she knows the cold-faced Captain, and even gave him a face.

“Boss Knife!” Harley Ana called out pitifully, but he didn’t get anyone’s sympathy.

“Go back!” In a word, Harley Ana immediately stopped and ran back to his team dingy, but even so, he quietly moved towards Li Yalin and hinted, that means Yes, I will look for you after the wind has passed.

Li Yalin is really angry and funny about this. What is this guy’s head thinking? What can I find for myself? Reminiscent of the other’s passionate pounce just now, Li Yalin almost shuddered. In the future, he will stay away from this kind of guy. Idiots can be contagious.

“Thirteen squad, knife.” Looking at Li Yalin in front of him, the captain only said a few words, which counts as a self-introduction. It seems that he is really a guy with cherish words like gold, taciturn Can’t do this, too?

“Guardian squad, Li Yalin.” Staring at the other person for a while, Li Yalin turned into cherish words like gold. Li Yalin knew the kind of knife very well, and extra greetings were for him. It is of no use, he just needs to be fast and efficient.

“I am Captain Xiao Yu from the 14th Platoon. I will also ask Team Leader Li for your care in the future.” Another Small Captain is quite enthusiastic. Li Yalin also smiled and said hello .

Now everyone is riding on a small battleship, which landed directly on planet Ziyunxing, the capital of the Nebula Kingdom. As soon as the spaceship landed, Brittany immediately went alone with the King of the Nebula Kingdom. The meeting, after all, Brittany’s identity is very confidential, except for the Li Yalin entire group, that is, the adjutant Aksi Uncle knows the details.

The meeting time with King Nebula is very brief. In less than half an hour, all agreements have been reached. In fact, Brittany is only a formality, the most important At this time, the Nebula Kingdom is already in a state of exhaustion, and the extra nonsense is simply unnecessary.

“End of the talk?” Seeing Brittany walking out of the Conference Hall with a relaxed look, Li Yalin couldn’t help but jokingly said.

“Well, there is nothing to say anyway. It’s just a bunch of commonly used diplomatic nonsense. In the end, it depends on the strength. This time we really have a tough battle to fight.” gently nodded , And then Brittany was sighed again.

“Don’t be so listless, it’s not like you, don’t forget that I will support you at the back.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, the current situation in the Nebula Kingdom is very dangerous, but the Federal Army is an idiot The same did not mobilize large-scale troops for support, only one B-Rank fleet and three C-Rank fleets were sent, and Brittany’s fleet is also included. It is just that these fleets add up, simply It’s not enough for the opponent to stuff his teeth, and wanting to Repel the enemy is just a foolish dream.

“Yes, I can only rely on the Master now.” Brittany smiled reluctantly. Even with Li Yalin, the situation is not optimistic. Primitive Gamma Insect has dispatched three Legions. I heard that there are giant battleships of the Insect Emperor class among them. This is a giant battleship of more than 10,000 meters in length, which is comparable to some small planets.

Under this pressure, it is difficult for anyone to cheer up, so now I can only look forward to Li Yalin’s fleet. The last battle of the fleet gave Brittany a great shock. I really hope that this time Li Yalin can still pull strongly against a crazy tide and save the Nebula Kingdom.

“Then our Quest now supports the Kanaja planet, which is a very important planet of strategic significance. Therefore, on this planet, the enemy and us have launched a fierce tug of war, whether it is We are still Primitive Gamma Insect, and we don’t want to give up this planet, because in addition to its strategic significance, this planet is also rich in crystal nucleus energy, which is very rare in the entire Universe Fedation. So everyone needs to be prepared for this battle.” In the Conference Hall of the long-range mothership, all officers above the colonel level were present. Whether it was the captain or the Captain of the Mecha Army, they were all listening carefully. Lietany’s words.

The so-called crystal nucleus energy, which is similar to the Demon Core on the Heavenly Wind Continent, is a crystal nucleus that contains a kind of energy. After long-term scientific research and development, Universe Fedation has been successfully used. This kind of crystal nucleus energy, but the amount of this crystal nucleus energy is not very large, so there are really not many people who know the crystal nucleus energy.

Since Universe Fedation can use this thing, Primitive Gamma Insect can also be used naturally. The insects cultivated by the use of crystal core energy are quite powerful. Almost every God Rank insect has swallowed this Seed nucleus energy, so Primitive Gamma Insect pays more attention to this thing than Universe Fedation. This is one of the main reasons why the F11 galaxy has become the main battlefield.

“On the Kanaga planet, in addition to our EFF and Nebula forces, many civil organizations have also joined the resistance to insects. For these civil organizations, we must provide the greatest Limited help. Don’t discriminate or bully the opponent just because you are a regular army. If I find out, don’t blame me. The situation on the Kanaga planet is very complicated, and Brittany’s worries are not. There is no reason.

These Air Forces are very proud. It is common to look down on the Army. Even more how this kind of miscellaneous army. Brittany does not want to conflict with these The Organization groups, if possible. , Brittany even wants to unite everyone together to fight against the invasion of insects, although this probability is almost zero.

“Now everyone is disbanded, waiting for the next order, all personnel on the ship are ready for battle, don’t be careless, we are the best in space, and don’t lose my face on land. !”

“There is an imposing manner, you little girl did a good job.” With the strong announcement of Brittany, all the officers returned to their jobs and prepared to enter the fighting state. As for Li Yalin, he had already prepared everything and was waiting to set off, so he had time to compliment Brittany. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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