“I’m still far away, but I’m going to trouble you Master this time. I think this will be our toughest battle.” Shaking his head, Brittany looked at the Conference Hall window, beautiful The universe of Li Yalin and Brittany appeared in front of Li Yalin and Brittany, but in this beautiful universe, there are countless dangers. This time it is an insect race, but what about next time? What would it be?

“Don’t worry if you have me,” Li Yalin patted Brittany on the shoulder confidently.

For this support Quest, Li Yalin was assigned to support the Federal Army headquarters stationed at Kanaja. I heard that in the last battle, the Federal Army fought bravely and regained many Insect occupied the stronghold, but correspondingly, the Federal Army suffered heavy losses. Even the commander-in-chief of the Federal Army was seriously injured. It can be said that the Federal Army is now a piece of loose sand, and there must be someone who can hold the ground. That’s all right.

Since Li Yalin used to be an army background, this time the command was naturally in his hands. In addition to the two landing ships dropped by Li Yalin’s private fleet, Brittany also let The command of two battleships was given to Li Yalin, and the ten Mecha squads of Li Yalin 31st Regiment were assigned. The 13th Platoon and the 14th Platoon, the two familiar squads of Li Yalin, were naturally included.

As for the landing ship on Li Yalin’s side, there are also ten squads with a total of 100 people, all maid teams, and the captains of these ten squads are Li Yalin’s ten exclusive maids. The names of the ten squads are also named after the ten maids, which are wind, snow, moon, jade, immortal, bamboo, cloud, ling, ice, and incense.

After the landing of the four battleships, Li Yalin’s was received by Li Yalin’s, the deputy commander of the Federal Army. He informed Li Yalin of all matters concerning the military base. Hearing what he said, the commander-in-chief of the Federal Army has already About to die, a mantis insect’s giant tongs opened the Mecha piloted by the commander-in-chief and almost divided it into two. Now it can live in the world, which is simply a miracle of the gods.

For this brave commander, Li Yalin was very interested. After arranging his subordinates, Li Yalin decided to take a look at the commander, and if possible, save one by himself. It doesn’t hurt to save the other party.

But after arriving at the Federal Army’s hospital, Li Yalin was stunned on the spot, lying in the life support device in front of him, turned out to be the beautiful colonel who had just separated not long ago. Is the commander of the Kannaja Federation Army.

It’s really didn’t expect. It turned out that the beautiful colonel who is valiant and formidable looking can only rely on this kind of maintenance device to extend his life. Li Yalin can hardly bear to keep watching. Must save She, Li Yalin now simply can’t estimate anything to be exposed, and now he has only one idea, that is to save Colonel Belle and save Yi Bu Laien.

“Open this thing, hurry!” Turning his head, Li Yalin ordered the doctor next to him.

“But… if the life support device is turned off, Major General Bu Laien may not survive for more than a quarter of an hour.” The attending doctor on the side said with some horror, who is the new general? Is it the opponent of General Bu Laien? This is simply going to put General Bu Laien to death!

Since the last Lanyastar victory, Yi Bu Laien has officially become a major general of the Federation. Of course, this is also inseparable from her identity. This time, she served as the commander of the Kamiga Federation Army. Officer, there was an arrangement, but this beautiful colonel, oh no, it should be said that the beautiful general is really too strong. He was on the front line in the last battle and commanded the battle, so he was almost heroic.

Speaking of the injuries of the beautiful general, it is really serious enough. The giant tongs of the mantis insect contains a strange virus that will neutralize any physical therapy methods and the body of the poisoned person. They couldn’t heal themselves at all. Even if these doctors tried their best, they were powerless, and they could only watch the beautiful general’s life getting weaker and weaker.

“Don’t talk nonsense to me, I will order you to open this thing now!” Li Yalin’s eyes were cold, and a biting murderous aura poured out, almost causing the attending doctor to collapse on the ground. Now the attending doctor can no longer worry about other things. Holding her own life is the most important thing. She hastily closed the life support device, the life liquid in the device is quickly drained, and the support device is opened.

“Get out!” Li Yalin’s voice was unusually cold. The attending doctor really wanted to use his hands and feet to run out of the intensive care observation room. It was too terrifying. Is this person really a human?

Looking at the beautiful general in front of him, Li Yalin’s eyes showed a trace of gentleness, but lacked the energy of life support devices, and Yi’s face showed a color of pain, although he was still asleep, but Li Yalin can feel that Yi’s life is rapidly losing, so Li Yalin can’t think too much, Healing Carol shows his full strength, the golden rays of light almost makes people unable to open their eyes, just in the rays of light , The beauty general’s body wounds quickly recovered. You must know that this is not an ordinary Healing Carol, but it also contains the universal detoxification skill of Archangel’s Kiss.

“Well…Is this me?” Soon, the beautiful general opened his eyes and looked at the strange ceiling. The beautiful general felt a little dazed. What happened to him? What happened before? By the way, I was directing the battle on the front line. At that time, a mantis insect suddenly appeared, and then I lost consciousness. Was he saved? The beautiful general looked hard at herself, all around, huh? It’s him?

The beauty general has some doubts that he is still asleep, or that he is already dead, he is impossible to appear here! And how do you feel chilly? Looking down, he was lying naked in Li Yalin’s arms. What’s the matter? chilly? Do you still feel it? That means this is no longer a dream! Then my body…

“Ah!!!” A shrill scream sounded, which shocked Li Yalin, but seeing the shy appearance of the beautiful general, Li Yalin slightly smiled , Took off her jacket and wrapped her up, lest the beautiful general end up happy together.

“What’s the matter?” The penetration of the beautiful general’s screams is really strong, and soon alarmed the guards guarding the hospital, but when they rushed in, they suddenly discovered that the newcomer Your Excellency General actually hugged his Commander tightly, and Your Commander was only wearing your General’s shirt, hiding in Your General’s arms with a shy look. Seeing this situation, several guards hurriedly gave a military salute. Immediately moved towards the ceiling, he quickly walked out of the intensive care observation room.

“It’s all a you guy, now I’m ashamed.” After understanding the whole story, the beautiful general finally recovered his calm, but now that I think about it, it is still very shameful, myself His body was completely exposed in front of Li Yalin’s.

“I’m not a first-aid person! But Yi you are really true. As a commander, you must have the consciousness of being a commander. You are so reckless to come to the front line. Was it for nothing?” Li Yalin smiled awkwardly, but at the end of the day, Li Yalin started to preach.

“I couldn’t do anything about it. At that time everyone’s morale was relatively low. If I didn’t improve everyone’s morale, I’m afraid this battle would be difficult to fight.” The beautiful general sighed, she couldn’t be impressed at the time. So, but when I think about it, I was a bit too impulsive.

“Anyway, you made a big mistake this time, so Major General Yi Bu Laien, now I am officially dismissing you as the commander of the Kanaja Star Federation Forces, and I will take over! “With a wave of his hand, Li Yalin directly took the command of the beautiful general.

“What? Yalin you? Yalin, you are already a major general? No way?” The beautiful general was slightly shocked, but then she saw the general uniform she was wearing. The major general rank on it was very eye-catching. Yes, although it has been known that Li Yalin’s is promoted very quickly, but it is also impossible to be equal to himself so quickly, right? It’s not so fast on the Rockets, okay?

be that as it may, but Li Yalin’s words will definitely not be a lie, that is to say, his command has been completely taken over by Li Yalin, thinking of this, the beautiful general can’t help it For a while, he didn’t expect a remark that he said casually actually became a reality, and he really wanted to obey Li Yalin’s order.

“Hehe, I can’t think of it. Not only I came, but Brittany also participated in this rescue operation.” Li Yalin laughed, the relationship between the beautiful general and Brittany is very Well, I should be very happy to hear Brittany’s arrival.

“Really? Brittany is here too? Really, this injury is really a delay, let’s go see her now!” Sure enough, the beautiful general stood very excited. She got up, but Li Yalin’s uniform was not very suitable for her. I saw the plump up and down swings on her chest, and almost broke out of her clothes.

“Hate, go change clothes first!” Seeing Li Yalin staring blankly at his chest, the beautiful general’s face was once again covered with blush, and Li Yalin gave Li Yalin a white look. The general hurried out of the intensive care observation room, but the attending doctor outside the door was stunned. What was going on? Obviously your Commander was almost declared dead, and now he ran out of the room alive? Is God crazy or am I crazy? At this time, the attending doctor felt like he wanted to be crazy.

“Hurry up! What are you thinking about?” After running a few steps, Li Yalin found that Li Yalin hadn’t followed. He urged again, and then the beautiful general entered the dressing room. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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