
changed clothes, the beautiful and cute little Lori officially debuted. Although she was just wearing ordinary civilian costumes, this Little Brat could still exist, if it was seen by those weird uncles on the first floor of the bar. , What commotion might be caused?

“It’s really cute Little Brat, but you earned it.” Mingmeng moved towards Li Yalin wink, to which Li Yalin can only glance at his lips and regard himself as who?

“Thank you, we will leave now.” at first Li Yalin I haven’t thought about it too much, but this little loli is too eye-catching. This dragons and snakes mingle hotel is definitely not going to stay. No, I didn’t plan to bring this Little Brat back to the military base, but now it seems that I can only take it back first.

“Don’t be so anxious, don’t you have no place to live? Although it looks messy here, but as long as I am here, those bastards will not mess around.” Ming Meng saw Li Yalin’s idea, but she was very interested in Li Yalin, and with such a cute little loli, Ming Meng couldn’t bear to leave her so soon.

Li Yalin hesitated for a while, and finally decided that it would be better to say goodbye first. Besides, he came here only to meet the free front, and did not intend to communicate with these local tyrants in depth, even if the other party is a The same goes for beauties.

“Not good big sister! A small swarm of insects is attacking us, the number exceeds 300.” At this moment, a middle aged big man holding a beam rifle He rushed in and reported to Ming Meng anxiously.

“What! Convene personnel to prepare to fight immediately! Sorry, the insects have attacked the city. It is safer for you to stay here now, don’t run around!” Ming Meng stood up suddenly and turned his head After exhorting Li Yalin, he hurriedly left with the middle aged big man.

insect siege? Li Yalin was intrigued as soon as he heard it. The city is less than two hundred kilometers away from the Federal Army base. Li Yalin drove a suspended vehicle and arrived here in less than an hour, although the Federal Army was not stationed here. Soldiers, but in the case of an insect siege, they will definitely send reinforcements. Now the Federal Army has not heard anything, but Ming Meng even took the initiative to take people to Counter-Attack. What is going on?

In order to clarify the situation, Li Yalin immediately contacted the beautiful general who was at the federal base and spoke out the question.

“It turned out to be this. Before that, we had signed an operation agreement with the leader of the Free Front in private. If it is a small-scale insect race attack, the EFF will not send troops unless Encountered a devastating large stock of insect race siege. This is the requirement of the Free Front. In exchange, our Federal Army must not interfere in the cities defended by the Free Front at all. There are advantages and disadvantages. The free front requires freedom. Conditions They also proposed it themselves, and we have nothing to do about it.” The beautiful general on the virtual screen looked helpless. If he could not get the control of the city, it would be meaningless to send an army.

“so that’s how it is, I know, the past few days I will get in touch with the free front here, maybe I will be back a few days later, contact me immediately when there is an emergency, I will I rushed back right away, but now, the military department is going to trouble you.” Nodded, no wonder it is called the Free Front.

“What? A few days later? You are the commander-in-chief of the Federal Army! What are you not here?” The beautiful general looked at Li Yalin very annoyed, and wanted to pull Li Yalin from the virtual screen. Back to base.

“Isn’t there you a deputy commander! Besides, the guys in the army are very convinced of you, that’s it, bye.” After Li Yalin said nonchalantly, he hung up. Talking, this makes the beautiful general on the other side of the screen jump straight.

“Is the big sister of the free front big? It seems very interesting.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, I have known that this dream is not a simple character, now it seems that she must play in the free front Played a very important role.

“Lolly go, let’s go out and have a look.” moved towards little loli and said hello. Lori followed Li Yalin’s side obediently, but this little loli seemed to be afraid of contacting the outside world. Therefore, he has been pulling Li Yalin’s arm tightly and refused to let it go.

Scanning with Divine Sense, Ming Meng is leading nearly 500 members of the Freedom Front, moving towards the city’s Southwest, saying that the weapons of these members of the Freedom Front are really old. Except for the three Mecha third-generation machines, everyone else basically only equips the old beam rifle or anti-Mecha rocket, and drove the old modified levitating car straight to the direction of the insect.

Although this city is not very big, it is also a city after all. It takes a lot of time to reach the destination as soon as possible with just two legs, so Li Yalin went first. Bringing her own floating car back, and carrying Lolly forward slowly and leisurely, it seemed that Lori was riding this kind of floating car for the first time, and she looked left and right along the way, she seemed very curious.

“You guy, why did you bring Lori here? Hurry back, this is a battlefield, not a fun place!” Seeing Li Yalin and Lori coming off the floating car, dreaming The brows have tightened, and this guy is crazy to bring the child to the battlefield!

“Hehe, I heard that insects are coming to siege the city! I will come to see and see.” Li Yalin shrugged, and looked back and forth with interest. At this time, these free front members All of them are like enemies, and simply don’t care about Li Yalin.

“You have seen a fart! Get out of here quickly! Right away! Right away!” Seeing Li Yalin’s careless appearance, Ming Meng couldn’t help but feel angry. He is truly the big sister of the freedom front. It’s big, I don’t have any scruples when talking.

“An Xin, so angry, but it is easy to grow wrinkles, don’t underestimate me, just these small insects, I have not taken seriously.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, not because Ming Meng was swearing and angry. Of course, he understood that this big sister was caring about herself, but this temper was indeed a bit violent.

“Forget it, it’s not worth it to be angry with you. The insects are about to attack. Once the battle starts, I don’t have time to take care of you, so I can take Lolly to find a place to hide!” Ming Meng was rather helpless and sighed. There was nothing he could do with this guy. Let them go. Even though he said so, Ming Meng had already decided secretly that he must be optimistic about this guy and don’t let him run around. .

“Big sister, the insect this time is a bit special!” The scouts of the Free Front have already probed the intelligence of the insect on the opposite side. What is the special insect? Hearing this, Mingmeng was stunned, and quickly picked up the Telescope and looked around.

At this time, Li Yalin doesn’t need Telescope at all, and the insect on the opposite side can be seen clearly by him. Indeed, these are not the kind of Low-Rank insects that often appear on the ground, except for hundreds of In addition to the mantis insects known as Mecha killers, there are also two hundred ground spines wearing hard armor. The bodies of these insects are extremely strong, and they can also spur countless ground thorns from the ground. If you don’t be careful Under the circumstances, even Mecha will be thoroughly penetrated, and its power is quite amazing.

“If your troops only have these people, then I suggest you to evacuate as soon as possible, or you can also seek assistance, otherwise your troops can only be accounted for here.” Although the number of insects on the opposite side is small, the power of the individual is surprisingly amazing. Even the federal Mecha squad of the equipment Elite dare not meet force with force, even more how these equipment are guerrillas with broken copper and iron.

“No! We can’t retreat! The citizens in the city will still be protected by us. We retreat, what about these citizens? Besides, this is our home, how can we retreat as soon as we retreat!” Ming Meng immediately rejected Li Yalin’s suggestion, even if he desperately died to the last person, he could not let these insects pass.

As for the Union Army, Ming Meng knew in her heart that the Union Army had just been hit hard. Even if she asks for help, the other party will not necessarily come to help, and even if the other party comes, he will have to pay. At a considerable price, even this city will be surrendered. This is not what Ming Meng wants to see.

But in the end, Ming Meng gritted her teeth and contacted the Federal Army base. After all, she can’t crack a joke with the lives of citizens in the city. Anyway, she has to give it a try.

Unexpectedly, the commander-in-chief of the Federal Army easily agreed to his request for help, and stated that the aid would arrive within ten minutes, without even saying any conditions. But let Mingmeng seem to be in a dream.

Where did she know that, right behind her, Li Yalin suddenly moved towards the beautiful general on the screen, and the two had already communicated tacitly. With Li Yalin here, what about the beautiful general? Will open up and refuse.

“Have you heard? In ten minutes, the support of the EFF will arrive. We only need to hold on for ten minutes!” Mingmeng’s shout made the members of the Free Front cheer. After all, no one wants to die if they can live. For ten minutes, everyone is working hard for these ten minutes.

“The enemy’s insect race has entered the range of Mecha!”

“Fire at will!” Mingmeng gave the order. Three sets of three generations of Mecha fired at the same time, but a desperate scene appeared. Now, three Mecha’s beam guns fired on the hard armor of the ground thorn insect. Except for a little dent, nothing happened. Mecha’s weapons are like this. Then these individual weapons can play again. What does it do?

“Don’t panic everyone! Don’t forget that our relatives are still in the city behind you. In any case, even if we use our flesh and blood to resist, these insects cannot pass one meter!” Ming Meng’s anger played a big role, and it finally calmed everyone down. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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