“It’s very imposing manner, but at this time, imposing manner alone doesn’t have any effect.” Li Yalin shook the head, this battle has nothing to do with morale, even if the morale of the freedom front is strong and old Their weapon equipment can’t be turned into the latest weapons, only death awaits them.

“Forget it, let me help you. How long can this old machine last?” While muttering to himself, Li Yalin sent Lori to Ming Meng’s arms.

“Show me the child.” After all, Li Yalin jumped onto one of the third-generation aircraft that was firing, opened Mecha’s cockpit from the outside, and moved the inside by the way. The driver threw it out.

“What do you want to do?” Ming Meng Da startled, so simple that he was robbed of a valuable third-generation machine on the front? And what does this guy want to do? No way? He took the initiative to rush in the direction of the swarm!

This move of Li Yalin’s made all the members of the free front sluggish on the spot. Some people even forgot to pull the trigger. Who is he? So he rushed up so desperately? Are you crazy?

But the shocking scene has just begun. After Alone rushed into the swarm, Li Yalin immediately drew out the tactical dagger suspended on the third-generation aircraft. This is also the only thing on this third-generation aircraft except for the beam rifle. The only weapon.

At this moment, a praying mantis rushed towards Li Yalin’s body. The huge pliers were like Death God’s sickles. The speed was quite fast. Change to be an ordinary driver, definitely Can not make effective defenses.

But this blow was simply nothing to Li Yalin. Mecha’s body was slightly tilted, and he easily avoided this seemingly fatal attack, and Li Yalin operated a three-generation backhand. He inserted the tactical dagger into the head of the mantis insect, and twisted it easily, and the head of the mantis insect was cut off.

“This guy is who? Is my crazy cat so flexible?” The driver who was just thrown out by Li Yalin couldn’t believe his eyes, this speed, this flexible technique, Can your own Mecha really make it?

“This time…looks like I found a treasure.” Looking at Li Yalin, who was fighting closely with the insect race, Ming Meng said in a silly way, if this kind of Expert can join the free front. If you are in, you don’t have to worry about the attack of the insect day and night.

I will not mention the surprise of the freedom front for the time being. It is said that Li Yalin has already driven a mad cat against a ground thorn worm. Didn’t expect the IQ of these insects is really not low. He would use flexible tactics to attack. Just when Li Yalin was defending a ground stab and rushed into midair, the other two mantis insects swarmed forward and moved towards Li Yalin in two directions. If it weren’t for Li Yalin’s The response is extremely fast. If you use the gravity acceleration device to sink the fuselage in an emergency, I am afraid that this crazy cat has already been all split up and in pieces by the giant tongs.

“The old machine is really bad.” Li Yalin sighed helplessly in the cockpit. Even though his reaction speed can keep up, the machine greatly limits Li Yalin’s actions, and there is no one to take advantage of it. It is really difficult to wipe out these insects.

“You are okay!” Seeing Li Yalin almost got the trick, Ming Meng, who was watching the battle in the trenches, immediately picked up the communicator and shouted loudly. If Li Yalin is an accident, then these people might really be Can’t keep it.

“No problem, you just watch a good show.” As he said, the crazy cat turned over immediately when it fell to the ground, avoiding another ground thorn insect’s ground thorn, followed by Li Yalin instantly threw the tactical dagger in his hand, hitting the forehead of the ground worm, and directly divided the head of the ground worm into two.

Although the body is extremely hard, the ground thorn insect has the only weakness, that is its head. Compared with the height of nearly seven meters and the body length of ten meters, the small head is still It is really unremarkable. If you want to accurately hit the head of the thornworm, you must shoot very accurately to do it, and the power is not enough to completely kill the opponent.

After throwing the tactical dagger, Li Yalin immediately took down the beam rifle behind the mad cat, and fired two consecutive shots, which instantly exploded the heads of two ground spurs, but the mantis can It’s not so easy to deal with. It takes at least three to four shots to kill a mantis insect.

“I can’t it! I have known that you are short of ammunition, but you are not short of it, right?” After lighting up the beam energy of a magazine, Li Yalin was surprised to find that the body The number of ammunition in the back was zero, and it was cheated at a critical moment.

Li Yalin’s one sentence made the members of the Free Front blush. There is no way. Who told Li Yalin to say that this is a fact. Fortunately for ordinary ammunition, Mecha’s weapon equipment is really too good. It’s hard to get it.

“My magazine for you!” The pilots of the other two Mecha couldn’t help it. One of the guys removed his energy magazine and came back towards Li Yalin, but this guy Never thought that the battlefield where Li Yalin is located is at least two kilometers away from the trenches where they are located. Under this distance, even if the magazine can still come over, wouldn’t there be any accidents during this period?

Sure enough, as soon as the magazine was thrown to its normal state, it was pierced by the ground that suddenly sprang from the ground. Of course, Li Yalin simply never thought that this magazine could reach its goal safely. The ground, therefore, can only be lightly sighed. At this time, we still have to choose hand-to-hand combat. Now we can only see how long this unit can last.

At this time, it was only 3 minutes before the reinforcements arrived. During these 3 minutes, Li Yalin’s battle was not unbelievable. After the reinforcements arrived, Li Yalin even killed seven insects with his bare hands. The mechanical arm was completely chopped off by the insect, the left foot was pierced by the ground, and even the cockpit door was chopped open. From the outside, you can directly see Li Yalin in the cockpit. This shows that Li Yalin has experienced What a fierce battle.

In the next time, it was the Federal Army’s performance show. The dropping from the sky fighter planes, after several missiles hit the insect swarm, in everyone’s incredible eyes, these fighter planes deformed. It has become a Mecha form, an insect that clearly exists as invincible. It is like a newborn in this powerful artillery fire, and it is so weak that people can’t believe it.

It turns out that this time the support is taken by the bamboo squad and the cloud squad led by Xiaozhu and Xiaoyun. In order to support the work at the fastest speed, the two squads are driving VF-25 fighters. , Finally arrived at a critical juncture.

“Do I say that your Mecha never knows about maintenance? What do your mechanics and logistics staff do for food? The joints are aging to such a degree. Wouldn’t it be for driving these Mechas on the battlefield? Did you die?” After the battle, when Ming Meng hurried to the battlefield, Li Yalin, who jumped out of Mecha, turned out to be a grumble first.

The battle between the bamboo squad and the cloud squad lasted less than two minutes in total. After the battle, they would evacuate immediately. This is Li Yalin’s idea. It’s better not to reveal your identity for the time being. It’s unnecessary. Let’s forget about the contact.

“This…” Ming Meng looked embarrassed, mechanic repairer? Is there such a Class? The so-called maintenance of Mecha in the peacetime front is nothing more than cleaning Mecha or lubricating parts.

“Well, I’m convinced. It’s really lucky for me to survive this time. Come on Lori, let’s go.” Li Yalin shook his head again and again. Li Yalin said with dissatisfaction and greeted this. Little loli on the side.

“That… please wait a minute, although it is very sorry, but I have something to discuss with you, can you give me some time temporarily?” As Li Yalin expected, the dream is here After hesitating for a while, she stopped Li Yalin. She really didn’t want to lose such a big Expert as Li Yalin. It would be a shame to just let him go.

“Is something to discuss? Just talk straight.” Li Yalin pretended to be taken aback, turned his head and stretched out his hands, as if he had something to say.

“This is not a place to talk, let’s go back to the hotel and talk about it. Anyway, you haven’t found a place to live, just live with me now.” Ming Meng patted Li quite boldly. Yalin’s shoulder, although the Federal Army’s support seemed very unfathomable mystery, but finally won the battle, no personnel were killed, it is worth celebrating.

“so that’s how it is, do you mean you want me to join your freedom front?” Li Yalin is smiling at the headquarters base of the freedom front, which is the hotel of Mingmeng Looking at the slightly embarrassing Mingmeng in front of him, the freedom front is very weak from top to bottom. This Mingmeng knows it. Wanting to win over such an Expert is simply a foolish dream, but Mingmeng still can’t help it. Want to try it.

“This is indeed the case. I solemnly invite you to join us. I hope you can think about it. Although the conditions of the free front are not very good, we really fight for the people.” Ming Meng wondered how she should persuade Li Yalin, what should she use to throw an olive branch? National justice? Don’t crack a joke, Li Yalin simply is not a member of Nebula Kingdom.

High-ranking officials are generous? It would be better to go to the Federation Army or the Nebula Army. This type of Expert is very much needed by every force. Money beauty? The money is gone, but beauty… can I really do it? It is said that although I grew up in a pile of men, but I have been defending myself until now, simply won’t let those stinky men take advantage, now I want to take advantage of this guy?

Thinking about it, Ming Meng didn’t have a good idea, but what made her didn’t expect is that at this moment, Li Yalin actually agreed. It’s almost like Dreaming like a child. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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