“so that’s how it is, I’m just out for a stroll, and don’t leave you alone, don’t always be so panicked.” Li Yalin suddenly realized nodded, and then pampered. The little loli in her arms is really a clingy little girl.

“so that’s how it is, although it looks like an ordinary person on the outside, it is actually a super lolicon. Now it seems that I should not worry about the elder sister, but for myself Worry, weird uncle like this is very dangerous.” While learning Li Yalin’s tone, Shetty shrank her neck while each minding their own business. Li Yalin didn’t know whether to cry. or laugh, what is in the mind of this little loli?

“Shetty, please give me enough!” Ming Meng once again moved loudly towards Shetty shouted, and at the same time, she explained to Li Yalin sorry: “Sorry Yalin, this child always talks to a group of five big and three rough Men are together, and there is a big gap between men and ordinary girls in terms of thinking. Although I have taught her all night last night, the effect does not seem to be very good, but I will continue to work hard.”

Li Yalin is completely speechless, but it is no wonder that there are indeed not many girls in the freedom front, and the one who shines is also the little loli of Shetty. Those weird uncles who have bad intentions will naturally not instill anything into this little loli. Good thinking, even if there is no maliciousness, there will always be pranks, but it seems that these weird uncles have recently tasted the bitter fruit they planted, and a good loli has even appeared black belly attribute.

Forget it, don’t care about this black belly loli, let’s see how much of these parts are still available, Li Yalin shrugged, and then came to the pile of parts and started It has made its own assembly business.

Fortunately, there is also a set of professional maintenance facilities. Although some tools are missing, it is harmless. In the surprised eyes of a few girls, the first assembly machine quickly appeared in front of everyone. .

“Um…this is the only way to do it. The lack of armor manufacturing equipment makes it seem a bit too rough.” Looking at the assembly machine in front of him, Li Yalin expressed his dissatisfaction. , Although not a special perfectionist, for Li Yalin, this assembly machine is really too crude and shoddy. Sure enough, it should be better to quietly contribute some effort?

“This is still rough? So what is meticulous?” Ming Meng no longer knows what to say. Compared with this Mecha just assembled by Li Yalin, the hangar stops on the other side The two mad cats are more like garbage. After all, they have gone through a lot of wars. The outer armor of the mad cat is already patched with patches, just like a beggar.

Looking at the assembled machine of Li Yalin’s, the fiery-red body just sprayed on, and the streamlined body is like the legendary Red Lotus warrior. If you take this Mecha out, even No one would question whether it was a military aircraft of the Federal Army.

“Didn’t expect, it’s really an Expert.” Shetty Loli was also a bit speechless at this time, but a gleam of light flashed in her eyes. Although she looked ordinary, but in a certain way But it’s very eye-catching and prominent, Interesting.

“It can only be regarded as general.” After all, Li Yalin started the assembly of the second machine body. Since the required parts have already been selected, the time for the second assembly machine to appear is even longer. Quickly, there is the third one, but by the time the fourth one, the parts of the body are not enough. After all, these parts are the Mecha wrecks picked up on the battlefield, which can be assembled into three Mecha. Lucky enough.

“It’s really good, thank you Yalin, if it weren’t for you, we might not have such a powerful organism forever.” Ming Meng looked at Li Yalin with admiration, passing by After Li Yalin’s transformation, these three assembled machines have reached the level of fourth-generation machines. You must know that even in the entire free front, the number of fourth-generation machines can be counted on one’s fingers. In such a small city, The existence of three fourth-generation machines is simply incredible.

“No effort at all, if you are really grateful to me, please invite me to have breakfast.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, assembling these three Mechas didn’t even work for an hour, just a little As soon as he showed his skill, he was worshipped so much, but it was very sorry.

“No problem, I will invite you to a big meal today.” With that, Mingmeng took Lori and Li Yalin and moved towards the hotel restaurant, but she was going to order the kitchen to add a few more dishes. Of course, this is the limit that Ming Meng can do.

“snort! It’s amazing to make Mecha! Really, ignore me, right? I don’t care about you too much!” Li Yalin and Ming Meng leave to let Shetty Loli stand in place Getting upset, little loli stomped and ran away panting with rage in the opposite direction.

Although Mingmeng’s hotel doesn’t look distinctive on the outside, the things made in the kitchen are really good, at least much better than the synthetic food made in the EFF cafeteria. , And there is a warm taste of home. Li Yalin can be regarded as food that can be eaten here. Of course, in the eyes of Li Yalin, these foods are only edible.

“Oh, our hero is here!” After dinner, I arrived at the bar on the first floor of the hotel. At this time, all the members of the Free Front sitting in the bar cheered loudly. Li Yalin’s exists, and his own talents can survive.

“Stop booing, Yalin just made three new Mechas for us. Go and visit by yourself!” Ming Meng stepped forward and cast a blank glance at the crowd, and then sent everyone away with a single sentence. Well, if you let these guys keep making trouble, you won’t have to do anything else this whole day.

Mingmeng’s words, these free front members immediately dispersed, all went to the hangar to see what they were doing. With the new Mecha, they have the capital to survive. Moreover, a few Mecha Warriors on the front line are the most excited, but they can’t show their strength without a single one. Now that there is a new Mecha, can I get one?

“In terms of the battlefront, the main problem is the lack of weapons and equipment. I have seen the ammunition in the hangar just now. Mecha’s weapons are not enough to fight a small battle. What if the ammunition is gone? Do? You are always impossible to let the pilot drive Mecha into the swarm with bare hands, right?” At this time, Li Yalin discussed with Ming Meng about the issue of weapons on the front. Without weapons, everything is a fantasy.

“This…I will contact the fronts of other cities for supplies. Although there are not many, it should be able to solve the urgent need.” Ming Meng said after hesitating, but when he said this, She didn’t even have a bottom in her own heart.

“I have a question to ask, why do you not want to join the EFF or Nebula Army on the Free Front? If you join these two forces, I think you will feel a lot easier?” Li Yalin asked There was a problem that he wanted to know a long time ago, and it was also a problem he had always wondered about.

“Yalin, you just came to Kanaja, so you don’t know the situation here. As a constitutional monarchy, the Nebula Kingdom’s interests are above all else, even though it’s the age of the universe. , But for ordinary civilians like us, the Royal Family and the nobles are all reporting discrimination. On the battlefield, we are only used as cannon fodder, so instead of being used as cannon fodder, that Not equal to me. We are guarding our homes on our own! We are guarding the Kanaja planet, not the nobles!” At this point, Ming Meng’s eyes flashed with indignation. It seems that there is something else in it. The story.

“We have also cooperated with the Nebula Army before, but those cooperation cost us a lot. They simply don’t treat us as human beings! How can we accept this?” At this point, Ming Meng has stood up excitedly.

“Okay, Mingmeng, you are a little too excited. Although what you said is true, things are not as bad as you thought. You should have heard that now. Planet’s Nebula Army is being commanded by the Seven Her Majesty the Princess. Seven Princess is famous for loving the people and treating the commoners and nobles equally. Even so, don’t you want to try it? There are also new ones for the Federation Army. Commander, if this continues, there will be no way out for the free front.” Li Yalin calmed Ming Meng on his seat before embarking on his own plan of persuasion.

“It’s not that I don’t want to, but I don’t dare. I can’t take the lives of my Warriors to gamble!” Shaking his head, Mingmeng still dare not contact the Nebula Army and the EFF after all. This is Are you afraid of well rope after being bitten by a snake for ten years?

“In that case…” Li Yalin felt that it would be better to say something. Seeing Ming Meng’s appearance, she was already a little moved, but she didn’t dare to try it, but here it is. At that moment, a panicked voice suddenly came over.

“Not good, Shetty that girl actually ran out of the city, and was besieged by insect. She just received a distress signal from her!” A member of the front rushed to Ming Meng , In one sentence, the cup in Ming Meng’s hand fell to the ground.

“How is this possible?” Mingmeng stood up in disbelief. Although Shetty is usually naughty, she never ran out of the city. What happened today?

“Let’s take a look!” Li Yalin immediately dispersed herself. Divine Consciousness probed it. Sure enough, less than three kilometers outside the city, Li Yalin found Shetty’s location. At this time, she She was hiding in a mountain col, and her side was almost full of insects. Since Shetty’s hidden place was very hidden, she was not discovered by the insects. It seems that this is a group of insects preparing to attack, just passing by. That’s it. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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