It is very pitiful that these passing insects did not move on, but stayed in place. They seemed to be waiting for an opportunity to attack the city where Li Yalin was located. After all, the appearance of these insects is very secretive, only three kilometers away from the city. By the time, the radar detection system did not issue an alarm, not to mention that even the reconnaissance troops did not find any abnormalities.

It can be said that if it were not for Shetty’s sudden danger this time, the city would have been suddenly attacked by insects. When the time comes, when the time comes is completely unprepared, I don’t know that I will pay. What the price is, so Shetty has done a good job this time.

“How could this be?” Seeing Shetty’s appearance at this time, Mingmeng almost fell to the ground. Although the scientific and technological strength of the free front is very poor, ordinary satellite reconnaissance can still be done. Now I see Shetty hiding in the col, shivering on the screen, and near her is the patch of Low-Rank insect. If this goes on, Shetty will be spotted by the insect and torn to pieces sooner or later. .

“Time is tight, and there are too many troops for insect this time. Contact the Federal Army base immediately and let the Federal Army send reinforcements. The special operations Mecha squad and Infantry troops will all be dispatched. The air support must also arrive at the fastest speed, just say it was my Li Yalin’s order! Now I’m going to save Shetty, don’t be careless, do as I say, these insect race troops are just advance soldiers, this time they come to attack The total number of insects in the city will not be less than one million!” After saying everything, Li Yalin rushed out of the room, but instead of going to the hangar to drive those assembly machines, he went directly to an In the human world, summon has produced his own Aegis Gundam from the Evolved Space.

Your own fleet has appeared, and MS is no longer a secret. Anyway, now Li Yalin only needs to concentrate on assisting Brittany in the upper ranks, plus Chifuyu and Pokky who have penetrated into the Midic Republic. Controlling the entire Universe Fedation is just a matter of time.

It quickly became the MA mode. In less than a few seconds of acceleration, Li Yalin reached the intended destination. There are not many insects on the ground, but there are only three to five hundred. Only, wanting to clean up these insects is simply with no difficulty, and it is not a special insect body. Li Yalin just released the floating cannon behind him, so he doesn’t need to bother about these insects anymore.

The body quickly descended, and fell directly to Shetty’s place. Turning on the external speakers, Li Yalin’s teasing voice sounded.

“I said little girl, is it fun here?”

“It’s you?” Shetty lifts the head in surprise, looking at the pink body in front of her, with hope in her eyes Although the black belly is terrific, Shetty is just a little girl. Even though she has seen a lot of insect attacks, it’s the first time she is surrounded by so many insects. Fortunately, Shetty is strong enough. Otherwise, he must have had a nervous breakdown long ago.

“Come on now, little girl who likes to mess up.” With that, Li Yalin sent the robotic arm to Shetty, and at the same time opened the cockpit door to send Shetty in.

“Do you know how anxious Mingmeng is? If it weren’t for me, your little girl would have been dead.” Although it is a single cockpit, it is still with no difficulty to put it in a little loli , Flicking Shetty’s small forehead, Li Yalin flew into the air with the Aegis Gundam.

“Just… even if you don’t come, I also don’t have a problem, these insects can’t find me!” After being rescued, the little loli immediately became a tsundere attribute, although the voice was spoken There was still a trace of tremor in it, but he still raised his head, pretending to be disdainful.

“so that’s how it is, then I’d better put you back.” Li Yalin looked at Shetty narrowly, she was still brave at this time, she really deserves to be a black belly tsundere loli what.

“Do you dare…Okay, you are lying to me! I let the elder sister ignore you after I look back!” Shetty yelled tremblingly, but she soon saw Li Yalin’s narrow gaze made Shetty instantly threw her original fear to beyond the topmost clouds.

Li Yalin Haha smiled, and then he drove the Aegis Gundam back home. Although with the power of the Aegis, it is only a matter of time to destroy the Ten Thousand Insect army that is about to attack the city in the distance. The insect race offense is a very good opportunity for Li Yalin. Li Yalin should take this opportunity to reach a consensus with the free front, and it would be better to be able to earn him under his command.

“Yalin who the hell are you?” After returning successfully, the members of the front line cheered loudly, but the Mecha pilots stood in front of Aegis Gundam and couldn’t move. , This kind of body is simply unheard of before. Compared with that, the Mecha that he is driving is hardly even broken and iron.

Looking at Li Yalin in front of her, Mingmeng’s eyes flashed with complicated emotions. She had already contacted the EFF base just now. After the other party heard that it was Li Yalin’s order, she immediately agreed. The rescue plan was dispatched and executed immediately, which shows that Li Yalin’s identity is definitely not as simple as it seems. Who is he? What is the purpose of coming here?

“Don’t look at me like this. I have never been malicious against the freedom front, okay, okay, I’ll just say it. My identity is actually very simple. It’s just the Union soldiers who came to support Kanaja.” Li Yalin waved his hand and made an innocent look.

“Impossible! Your identity is simple? If your identity is simple, the Federal Army base will obey your orders? If your identity is ordinary, you can drive this unit that no one has seen before? This is the newest of the Federation. Sixth-generation machine, right? I have seen the fifth-generation machine. That thing is incomparable to this machine!” Ming Meng yelled hysterically. To be honest, she really feels deceived. I feel sad for the identity gap between the two sides. Ming Meng originally had a good impression of Li Yalin, but now, maybe the two will not be able to intersect in the future forever.

“I said Mingmeng, don’t be so excited. I am indeed a soldier of the Federation. It’s just that the official position is slightly higher than that of ordinary soldiers. Okay, let’s talk about it alone. The number of insects in the army is very small, but there are millions of troops following the insects, and they will arrive in this city soon. Everyone will go to the defense first! We will be there soon!” Li Yalin’s words surprised everyone. , Hundred Ten Thousand Insect tribe army? If this is the case, these insects can level the city in an instant. With these people, is it really possible to resist these insect races?

“Hurry up! What are you thinking about? The reinforcements of the EFF will arrive soon, so that you are only prepared to assist in the EFF’s counterattack!” A group of stunned front members, Li Yalin frowns said, so that everyone is sighed in relief, and they start to get busy.

“Come with me.” As he said, Li Yalin took Mingmeng to the bar on the first floor. At this time everyone had already rushed to the front line. It seemed empty, except Apart from Li Yalin and Mingmeng, there are only two little loli, Loli and Shetty.

“Then let’s say it frankly, I am Li Yalin, the current commander-in-chief of the Federal Forces stationed in Kanaga Star, the Kanaga planet who arrived two days ago. The purpose of my coming this time is very simple. I just want to unite all the anti-worm forces on the Kanaga planet. Only when we work together can we destroy these insect race armies. If we fight separately, I think in a short while, the Kanaga planet will be like those already. Like the fallen planet, it will become a dead place.” With a soft breath, Li Yalin said all of his identity and purpose.

“What? You unremarkable-looking guy is the commander-in-chief of the Federation Army? I don’t believe it!” Before Ming Meng could speak, Shetty was the first to stand up with a pat on the table. Yes, she does not want to believe it, but the reality is undoubtedly cruel.

“Shetty, be quiet!” Mingmeng frowns loudly said, but then she turned her head again, bit her silver teeth, and shook the head with difficulty.

“I have already told you about the freedom front. We don’t trust the EFF and the Nebula Army. We just want to fight for ourselves, and it’s just the Chief-In- of this city. Charge only, has no right to influence the fate of the free front.”

“Well, since Mingmeng said that, then I have nothing to say, I am sorry about this.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, but since they don’t agree, Li Yalin can’t force them. Forget it, anyway, Li Yalin is just a try, and he never thought that he must let the freedom front join him. With the Federal Army and himself For the army, it is very simple to easily annihilate the insect race on this planet.

“The insect race troops are about to arrive near the city. Let’s go to the front line and have a look.” Without Rong Mingmeng, Li Yalin stood up and took Lori to leave the first floor. The bar, anyway, there will be no intersection in the future, this time it can be regarded as the last favor on the free front.

Bringing Lori into the Aegis Gundam, Li Yalin immediately drove the body to the peripheral zone of the city. At a glance, it was a sea of ​​insects, a High-Level hidden in the insect race army. There are a lot of insects, even the rare Thunder Insect and Rock Ice Insect have appeared, and the giant High-Level insect races of Saint Rank and Supreme dominate. This battle seems to be a bit more difficult.

“How long will the rescue team be able to reach the target location?” With so many insects, it still needs more helpers to quickly eliminate them, and Li Yalin doesn’t want to be too eye-catching.

“It is expected to arrive within 3 minutes, the VF troops have been ejected, and the attack range is within 30 seconds!” Little Feng’s voice came from the communicator, as Li Yalin’s private force, led by Little Feng These ten maid squad have independent combat command rights, and only Li Yalin can order them, so after receiving the news, this force was the first to set off. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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