“That…Teacher Orfina…” As Little Demoness, Sally shivered when facing Orfina’s, and said with a shiver, “Actually…I…I’m just…”

< p>“Um, actually we just plan to go to Elder Sister Rose’s after class, and now we will find a seat to listen to the class!” Li Yalin saw that the problem was not good, immediately took Sally back to her seat, and then ran to I found an empty seat in the last row and sat down.

“hmph, let you go this time.” Orfina gave them a helpless look, and then started her course.

Today Orfina will mainly focus on the preliminary control of Magic Power and Spiritual Power, as well as the Low-Level theory of Water Element Magic. However, Li Yalin had already read these in the book yesterday, so Li Yalin breathed out boringly.

“Then, let’s ask Teacher Li Yalin to elaborate on his point of view, and now everyone invites Teacher Li Yalin.” While Li Yalin was wandering around, Orfina suddenly said something like this .

„Ah? ”Li Yalin was awakened by the applause of the crowd, a little dazed not knowing what was going on.

“Teacher Li Yalin, now you can come up.” Orfina on the stage urged.

“Oh.” Li Yalin went to the podium ignorantly, but he was still a little confused, so he leaned over Orfina’s ear and asked: “Teacher Orfina, what should I say?”< /p>

“Tell me about your understanding of Water Element Magic and your own experience.” Since Li Yalin’s lips are only an inch away from Orfina’s ears, Orfina’s face is also red at this moment.

“Oh, then I know.” When I heard this, Li Yalin thought for a while, and thought of what he was going to say.

“In fact, I haven’t been in contact with Water Element Magic for a long time, but I can share my experience with you, as everyone knows, Ice Element Magic is a branch of Water Element Magic, but everyone One thing I don’t know. In fact, there are three states of water. The three states of water are solid state, gas state and liquid state. Now everyone has only mastered the liquid state and solid state of water, but everyone has not mastered the gas state. “

Actually, Li Yalin discovered this issue only after reading the Water Element Magic Book in the library yesterday, so Li Yalin also considered this issue last night. After trying, Li Yalin Yalin successfully displayed the mist. Although not much, it was considered a success.

But at this time, all the students present, including Teacher Orfina, were shocked by Li Yalin’s words, because they had never heard that Water Element can have three branches. If this is true, then Magic There will be a big shock in the world. So everyone listened carefully to what Li Yalin would say next.

“I have only researched a small part of the Magic of this water and air system. Of course, I have not researched the Magic spell and gestures, but I can show it to everyone on the spot. Let everyone feel the effect of this Magic.” Seeing that the students under the podium listened to their lectures carefully, Li Yalin was also very happy, so others went crazy and directly used his own water mist technique.

I saw Li Yalin’s right hand lifted up and slightly, and a large amount of mist sprayed out from Li Yalin’s hand. Soon, the mist filled the entire classroom, and the classroom was already white at this time. The item is only two meters away from the line of sight.

Waiting for Li Yalin to see that the mist was filling up too quickly, after retracting Magic, nothing was seen in the classroom, so Li Yalin hurried to the window, opened the window, and then used the small The Wind Element Magic-Tornado Spell, blows away the fog in the classroom.

“Of course, this is only the lowest-level Mist Element Magic, but I only researched this kind of water mist technique. The high-level Magic still needs me to continue to study.” Back to the podium Li Yalin above continued, but the students under the podium seemed to be a little stunned, which made Li Yalin shook his head, a group of foolish children who had never seen the market.

“That’s good, I’ll explain so much to you today. After all, it’s Teacher Orfina’s class today. Now that I have said so much, it’s a little overstepped, so I have time to study together in the future. “After speaking these words, Li Yalin moved towards Orfina a nod and then returned to his seat.

“Well, today, everyone also saw Teacher Li Yalin’s demonstration.” I was a little surprised at Li Yalin’s Magic, but seeing that Li Yalin is still not salty, Orfina is really angry. It’s a fight, so she simply didn’t let Li Yalin’s plan go.

“It can be said that Teacher Li Yalin has created a historical precedent. Today everyone will be a moment to witness history. The Magic that Teacher Li Yalin displayed for us can be said to open the door to a new era for us , I believe everyone also understands the saying that Magic has unlimited probability, but have you heard enough of Teacher Li Yalin’s lectures?” I saw Orfina throwing Li Yalin’s praise on the sky, and then he even took the lead in making a fuss.

“I haven’t heard enough!” All the students here shouted in unison.

“Teacher Li Yalin, have you heard? This is the voice of the classmates, so today you will tell you about your experience, the experience of Water Element Magic.” Orfina smiled and said Said Li Yalin, who was already sitting in his seat.

“This…” Li Yalin looked at Orfina with a wry smile, and he understood why Sally was so afraid of Orfina. The feelings of Sally’s Little Demoness were all learned from Orfina.

So Li Yalin only got on stage again. Facing the still immature faces under the podium, Li Yalin really felt a little bit. He was about the same age as the students under the podium, even better than them. Some people are even younger, but they have become their teachers, which is really incredible.

“Since this is the case, then I’ll talk about it.” Looking at the opposite Sally, she was listening to her lecture with a serious face, and Li Yalin couldn’t help shook the head again.

“Actually, I think that Teacher Orfina has already told you about the basic issues of Water Element Magic, so I won’t repeat it here. Now I’ll talk about Beginner Magic and how Instant Magic Okay.” Then Li Yalin had another explosive question.

In fact, as for the instant magic of Magic, as long as the Magister reaches the Fourth Rank, the Low-Level Magic can be instantaneously, and if you want Instant Intermediate Magic, you must reach the Magister of the Sixth Rank. As for Advanced Magic, The legendary Mage of Saint Rank can only be cast instantly. So, Li Yalin now talked about the question of how Beginner Magic is Instant Magic. I have to say that this made all the Mage present in the room shocked, even Orfina on the sidelines was no exception.

“Everyone knows that Magic needs to use spells and gestures to communicate with Magic Elements, and then mobilize the whole body of Magic Power and Spiritual Power before it can be used. It can only be used directly after the rank is raised to Fourth Rank. Magic Power and Spiritual Power communicate Magic Elements, but have you ever wondered why this is?” Li Yalin did not directly explain how Instant Magic is, but raised a question.

But the students under the podium all looked at me and I looked at you, but none of them raised their hands to answer. In this way, the ideas of these students are all traditional, immutable, they have their limitations, and they don’t have any innovative ideas.

“Is it because after the strength reaches Fourth Rank, powerful Magic Power and Spiritual Power can already directly control Magic Elements, instead of communication?” Orfina, whose strength has reached Fifth Rank, can of course be Instant Magic, so she also expressed some of her feelings and opinions.

“Something close, but not quite right.” Li Yalin glanced at Orfina with admiration, and then went on to preach: “In fact, Magic Elements are all alive, but this kind of life is similar to a single Cellular creatures, they don’t have consciousness, they only attach to powerful Magic Power, so Low-Level Mages must use spells and gestures to improve Magic Elements’s dependence on their Magic Power because Magic Power is not strong enough, so that it can Use Magic. But everyone knows that Magic’s level has ups and downs, and the higher the Magic is, the higher the Magic Power is required, so the Fourth Rank’s Mage can instantly cast Low-Level Magic, while the Sixth Rank’s This is the reason that Mage can instantly Intermediate Magic.”

“So honestly, how can we improve our Magic Power? If the Magic Power is not enough, then we can’t Instant Magic!” Very serious Sally who listened to the lecture raised a question at the moment, but this is also the voice of the students who are doing it.

“This question is a good question. Now I will tell you how to improve your Magic Power. In fact, everyone knows that the improvement of Magic Power is related to your spiritual power. Use spiritual meditation. After that, you can improve your Magic Power. Although the method I teach you now can’t improve your Magic Power quickly, it should be more than enough to quickly launch Low-Level Magic.” Regarding Sally’s problem, Li Yalin made this Answer.

“In fact, when you run Magic Power, Magic Power runs your whole body, but in this case, Magic Power is too scattered, so there are not many Magic Elements that can be gathered, which leads to failure. Use higher-level Magic or Instant Magic, but you can try to condense your own Magic Power and gather it at one point. It is best to use the part where you plan to use Magic. At this time, try to communicate with Magic Elements.” , Li Yalin asked everyone to try it.

So, all the students present here, including Orfina, are trying to condense Magic Power at one point, but this can’t be achieved in one or two days, so none of the students present have tried successfully .

Nevertheless, you can also find that in the process of condensing Magic Power, the surrounding Magic Elements are very active. Although there is still a very long distance from Instant Magic, these strengths are only Second Rank. High-Level students have a very good hope.

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